3,978 research outputs found
Ultracold, radiative charge transfer in hybrid Yb ion - Rb atom traps
Ultracold hybrid ion-atom traps offer the possibility of microscopic
manipulation of quantum coherences in the gas using the ion as a probe.
However, inelastic processes, particularly charge transfer can be a significant
process of ion loss and has been measured experimentally for the Yb ion
immersed in a Rb vapour. We use first-principles quantum chemistry codes to
obtain the potential energy curves and dipole moments for the lowest-lying
energy states of this complex. Calculations for the radiative decay processes
cross sections and rate coefficients are presented for the total decay
processes. Comparing the semi-classical Langevin approximation with the quantum
approach, we find it provides a very good estimate of the background at higher
energies. The results demonstrate that radiative decay mechanisms are important
over the energy and temperature region considered. In fact, the Langevin
process of ion-atom collisions dominates cold ion-atom collisions. For spin
dependent processes \cite{kohl13} the anisotropic magnetic dipole-dipole
interaction and the second-order spin-orbit coupling can play important roles,
inducing couplingbetween the spin and the orbital motion. They measured the
spin-relaxing collision rate to be approximately 5 orders of magnitude higher
than the charge-exchange collision rate \cite{kohl13}. Regarding the measured
radiative charge transfer collision rate, we find that our calculation is in
very good agreement with experiment and with previous calculations.
Nonetheless, we find no broad resonances features that might underly a strong
isotope effect. In conclusion, we find, in agreement with previous theory that
the isotope anomaly observed in experiment remains an open question.Comment: 7 figures, 1 table accepted for publication in J. Phys. B: At. Mol.
Opt. Phys. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1107.114
From attosecond to zeptosecond coherent control of free-electron wave functions using semi-infinite light fields
Light-electron interaction in empty space is the seminal ingredient for
free-electron lasers and also for controlling electron beams to dynamically
investigate materials and molecules. Pushing the coherent control of free
electrons by light to unexplored timescales, below the attosecond, would enable
unprecedented applications in light-assisted electron quantum circuits and
diagnostics at extremely small timescales, such as those governing
intramolecular electronic motion and nuclear phenomena. We experimentally
demonstrate attosecond coherent manipulation of the electron wave function in a
transmission electron microscope, and show that it can be pushed down to the
zeptosecond regime with existing technology. We make a relativistic pulsed
electron beam interact in free space with an appropriately synthesized
semi-infinite light field generated by two femtosecond laser pulses reflected
at the surface of a mirror and delayed by fractions of the optical cycle. The
amplitude and phase of the resulting coherent oscillations of the electron
states in energymomentum space are mapped via momentum-resolved ultrafast
electron energy-loss spectroscopy. The experimental results are in full
agreement with our theoretical framework for light-electron interaction, which
predicts access to the zeptosecond timescale by combining semi-infinite X-ray
fields with free electrons.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure
Progressive Star Bursts and High Velocities in the Infrared Luminous, Colliding Galaxy Arp 118
In this paper we demonstrate for the first time the connection between the
spatial and temporal progression of star formation and the changing locations
of the very dense regions in the gas of a massive disk galaxy (NGC 1144) in the
aftermath of its collision with a massive elliptical (NGC 1143). These two
galaxies form the combined object Arp 118, a collisional ring galaxy system.
The results of 3D, time-dependent, numerical simulations of the behavior of the
gas, stars, and dark matter of a disk galaxy and the stars and dark matter in
an elliptical during a collision are compared with multiwavelength observations
of Arp 118. The collision that took place approximately 22 Myr ago generated a
strong, non-linear density wave in the stars and gas in the disk of NGC 1144,
causing the gas to became clumped on a large scale. This wave produced a series
of superstarclusters along arcs and rings that emanate from the central point
of impact in the disk. The locations of these star forming regions match those
of the regions of increased gas density predicted the time sequence of models.
The models also predict the large velocity gradients observed across the disk
of NGC 1144. These are due to the rapid radial outflow of gas coupled to large
azimuthal velocities in the expanding ring, caused by the impact of the massive
intruder.Comment: 12 pages in document, and 8 figures (figures are separate from the
document's file); Submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter
The effect of follicular fluid hormones on oocyte recovery after ovarian stimulation: FSH level predicts oocyte recovery.
BackgroundOvarian stimulation for assisted reproductive technology (ART) overcomes the physiologic process to develop a single dominant follicle. However, following stimulation, egg recovery rates are not 100%. The objective of this study is to determine if the follicular fluid hormonal environment is associated with oocyte recovery.MethodsThis is a prospective study involving patients undergoing ART by standard ovarian stimulation protocols at an urban academic medical center. A total of 143 follicular fluid aspirates were collected from 80 patients. Concentrations of FSH, hCG, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and prolactin were determined. A multivariable regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between the follicular fluid hormones and oocyte recovery.ResultsIntrafollicular FSH was significantly associated with oocyte recovery after adjustment for hCG (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.21, 95%CI 1.03-1.42). The hCG concentration alone, in the range tested, did not impact the odds of oocyte recovery (AOR = 0.99, 95%CI 0.93-1.07). Estradiol was significantly associated with oocyte recovery (AOR = 0.98, 95% CI 0.96-0.99). After adjustment for progesterone, the strength of association between FSH and oocyte recovery increased (AOR = 1.84, 95%CI 1.45-2.34).ConclusionThe relationship between FSH and oocyte recovery is significant and appears to work through mechanisms independent of the sex hormones. FSH may be important for the physiologic event of separation of the cumulus-oocyte complex from the follicle wall, thereby influencing oocyte recovery. Current methods for inducing the final stages of oocyte maturation, with hCG administration alone, may not be optimal. Modifications of treatment protocols utilizing additional FSH may enhance oocyte recovery
The 8.3 and 12.4 micron imaging of the Galactic Center source complex with the Goddard infrared array camera
A 30 x 30 arcsec field at the Galactic Center (1.5 x 1.5 parsec) was mapped at 8.3 microns and 12.41 microns with high spatial resolution and accurate relative astrometry, using the 16 x 16 Si:Bi accumulation mode charge injection device Goddard infrared array camera. The design and performance of the array camera detector electronics system and image data processing techniques are discussed. Color temperature and dust opacity distributions derived from the spatially accurate images indicate that the compact infrared sources and the large scale ridge structure are bounded by warmer, more diffuse material. None of the objects appear to be heated appreciably by internal luminosity sources. These results are consistent with the model proposing that the complex is heated externally by a strong luminosity source at the Galactic Center, which dominates the energetics of the inner few parsecs of the galaxy
Collimated Jet or Expanding Outflow: Possible Origins of GRBs and X-Ray Flashes
We investigate the dynamics of an injected outflow propagating in a
progenitor in the context of the collapsar model for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs)
through two dimensional axisymmetric relativistic hydrodynamic simulations.
Initially, we locally inject an outflow near the center of a progenitor. We
calculate 25 models, in total, by fixing its total input energy to be 10^{51}
ergs s^{-1} and radius of the injected outflow to be cm while
varying its bulk Lorentz factor, , and its specific
internal energy, . The injected outflow propagates
in the progenitor and drives a large-scale outflow or jet. We find a smooth but
dramatic transition from a collimated jet to an expanding outflow among
calculated models. The maximum Lorentz factor is, on the other hand, sensitive
to both of and ; roughly . Our finding will explain a smooth transition between the
GRBs, X-ray rich GRBs (XRRs) and X-ray Flashes (XRFs) by the same model but
with different values.Comment: Comments 51 pages, 21 figures. accepted for publication in ApJ high
resolution version is available at
Observations of GRB 060526 Optical Afterglow with Russian-Turkish 1.5-m Telescope
We present the results of the photometric multicolor observations of GRB
060526 optical afterglow obtained with Russian-Turkish 1.5-m Telescope (RTT150,
Mt. Bakirlitepe, Turkey). The detailed measurements of afterglow light curve,
starting from about 5 hours after the GRB and during 5 consecutive nights were
done. In addition, upper limits on the fast variability of the afterglow during
the first night of observations were obtained and the history of afterglow
color variations was measured in detail. In the time interval from 6 to 16
hours after the burst, there is a gradual flux decay, which can be described
approximately as a power law with an index of -1.14+-0.02. After that the
variability on the time scale \delta t < t is observed and the afterglow
started to decay faster. The color of the afterglow, V-R=~0.5, is approximately
the same during all our observations. The variability is detected on time
scales up to \delta t/t =~ 0.0055 at \Delta F_\nu/F_\nu =~ 0.3, which violates
some constraints on the variability of the observed emission from
ultrarelativistic jet obtained by Ioka et al. (2005). We suggest to explain
this variability by the fact that the motion of the emitting shell is no longer
ultrarelativistic at this time.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Astronomy Letters, 2007, 33, 797, The on-line
data tables and the original text in Russian can be found at
Flame Evolution During Type Ia Supernovae and the Deflagration Phase in the Gravitationally Confined Detonation Scenario
We develop an improved method for tracking the nuclear flame during the
deflagration phase of a Type Ia supernova, and apply it to study the variation
in outcomes expected from the gravitationally confined detonation (GCD)
paradigm. A simplified 3-stage burning model and a non-static ash state are
integrated with an artificially thickened advection-diffusion-reaction (ADR)
flame front in order to provide an accurate but highly efficient representation
of the energy release and electron capture in and after the unresolvable flame.
We demonstrate that both our ADR and energy release methods do not generate
significant acoustic noise, as has been a problem with previous ADR-based
schemes. We proceed to model aspects of the deflagration, particularly the role
of buoyancy of the hot ash, and find that our methods are reasonably
well-behaved with respect to numerical resolution. We show that if a detonation
occurs in material swept up by the material ejected by the first rising bubble
but gravitationally confined to the white dwarf (WD) surface (the GCD
paradigm), the density structure of the WD at detonation is systematically
correlated with the distance of the deflagration ignition point from the center
of the star. Coupled to a suitably stochastic ignition process, this
correlation may provide a plausible explanation for the variety of nickel
masses seen in Type Ia Supernovae.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa
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