1,167 research outputs found

    Kunst, Wissen und Zeugnis

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    In this paper we want to explore different epistemological benefits that we gain by dealing with some artworks, and our focus is on narrative arts. We claim that there is a sense in which narrative arts (e.g. literature, film and possibly even some expressions of visual art) can be similar to testimony, in that they provide information which can be epistemologically valuable for cognitive agents such as we are. We identify at least two broad categories of these epistemological benefits, the first one includes ‘facts stating’ and in that sense is parallel to the paradigmatic case of testimony in which what the testifier says can be a source of knowledge as mere acquisition of facts for his audience (this is the first case when we speak of artworks as ‘tellings’). This, however, is not the most peculiar and distinctive kind of epistemological benefits we can gain from art. The other one has to do with raising awareness, of deepening our understanding about some issues either by a specific, powerful and involving way of providing us facts (this is the second way in which we speak of artworks as ‘tellings’), or by presenting us the stance, the attitude, the opinion of the artist that can be enlightening, or challenging for us (in this case, we speak of ‘sayings’).U ovom radu ĆŸelimo istraĆŸiti različite epistemoloĆĄke koristi koje dobivamo putem nekih umjetničkih djela, pri čemu smo primarno usredotočeni na narativne umjetnosti. Tvrdimo da u određenom smislu, narativne umjetnosti (primjerice knjiĆŸevnost, film a i neka djela vizualne umjetnosti) mogu biti slične svjedočanstvu, utoliko ĆĄto pruĆŸaju informacije koje mogu biti epistemoloĆĄki vrijedne za kognitivne djelatnike kakvi smo mi. Razlikujemo barem dvije ĆĄire kategorije tih epistemoloĆĄkih vrijednosti, od kojih prva uključuje ‘navođenje činjenica’ i u tom je smislu pandan paradigmatskom slučaju svjedočanstva u kojem ono ĆĄto informator govori moĆŸe biti izvor znanja za publiku koja time naprosto dobiva činjenice (ovo je prvi slučaj, kada govorimo o umjetničkim djelima kao o ‘tellings’). Međutim, to nije najsvojstvenija i najznačajnija vrsta epistemoloĆĄkih vrijednosti koje dobijemo iz umjetnosti. Druga kategorija tiče se povećavanja svijesti ili produbljivanja razumijevanja o nekom fenomenu, koji se moĆŸe odvijati na dva načina: ili pruĆŸanjem činjenica na specifično snaĆŸan i proĆŸimalački način (ovo je drugi smisao u kojem o umjetničkom djelu moĆŸemo govoriti kao o ‘tellings’), ili prezentiranjem stajaliĆĄta, stava ili miĆĄljenja umjetnika koji nam moĆŸe biti prosvjetljujući ili pak predstavljati izazov naĆĄem stajaliĆĄtu.Dans cet article, nous souhaitons Ă©tudier les diffĂ©rents avantages Ă©pistĂ©mologiques qu’on tire de certains ouvrages artistiques, en nous focalisant sur les arts narratifs. Nous affirmons que, dans un certain sens, les arts narratifs (ex. lettres, cinĂ©ma, mais aussi certaines formes d’expressions de l’art visuel) peuvent ressembler au tĂ©moignage, dans la mesure oĂč ils fournissent des informations susceptibles d’ĂȘtre Ă©pistĂ©mologiquement prĂ©cieuses aux acteurs cognitifs que nous sommes. Nous distinguons au moins deux catĂ©gories larges de ces avantages Ă©pistĂ©mologiques. La premiĂšre comprend « l’énoncĂ© des faits » et dans ce sens reprĂ©sente le pendant du cas paradigmatique de tĂ©moignage oĂč, ce que le tĂ©moin dit, peut ĂȘtre source de connaissance pour le public qui de cette maniĂšre reçoit simplement les faits (il s’agit du premier cas, celui oĂč nous parlons des ouvrages artistiques comme « tellings »). Cependant, cette sorte d’avantage Ă©pistĂ©mologique n’est pas la plus originale ou la plus pertinente qu’on puisse tirer de l’art. L’autre catĂ©gorie concerne l’accroissement de la conscience ou l’approfondissement de la comprĂ©hension de certains phĂ©nomĂšnes, soit en rapportant les faits d’une façon spĂ©cifique, puissante et engageante (ceci est la deuxiĂšme façon dont nous considĂ©rons les ouvrages d’art comme « tellings »), soit en prĂ©sentant la position, l’attitude ou l’opinion de l’artiste, qui puissent nous ĂȘtre rĂ©vĂ©lateurs ou provocateurs.In diesem Paper möchten wir den unterschiedlichen epistemologischen VorzĂŒgen auf den Grund gehen, die wir in der Arbeit mit einigen Kunstwerken erlangen, wobei unser Schwerpunkt in der narrativen Kunst liegt. Wir behaupten, die narrativen KĂŒnste (z. B. Literatur, Film und möglicherweise ĂŒberdies einzelne AusdrĂŒcke der visuellen Kunst) könnten in gewissem Sinne dem Zeugnis Ă€hneln, insofern sie Informationen besorgten, die epistemologisch wertvoll fĂŒr kognitive Agenten wie uns seien. Wir identifizieren zumindest zwei breite Kategorien dieser epistemologischen VorzĂŒge, die Erste schließt „Tatsachenangaben“ ein und ist in diesem Sinne vergleichbar mit dem paradigmatischen Fall des Zeugnisses, wo die Aussagen des Zeugen als Wissensquelle, als bloße Faktenaneignung fĂŒr sein Publikum zu dienen vermögen (dies reprĂ€sentiert den ersten Fall, welcher von den Kunstwerken als den „Tellings“ handelt). Dies dagegen ist nicht die eigenartigste und distinktivste Art der epistemologischen Werte, die uns die Kunst verschafft. Die andere hat es mit der Bewusstseinssteigerung sowie VerstĂ€ndnisvertiefung bezĂŒglich gewisser Fragestellungen zu tun, entweder durch spezifische, kraftvolle und involvierende Art der Tatsachenvermittlung (dies reprĂ€sentiert den zweiten Fall, wo die Rede von den Kunstwerken als den „Tellings“ ist), oder eben durch die PrĂ€sentierung der Haltung, Einstellung oder Ansicht des KĂŒnstlers, welche sich fĂŒr uns als erhellend oder herausfordernd herausschĂ€len könnten (diesfalls reden wir von den „Sayings“)

    Recent philosophy and the fiction/non-fiction distinction

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of recent philosophical argument concerning the distinction between fiction and non-fiction. Design/methodology/approach - A critical view of the literature. Findings - A consensus that had emerged that defined fiction in terms of the imagination, and imagination in terms of its functional role, has recently been questioned. Research limitations/implications - The overview was written by a contributor to the field, and so may be considered partial. Practical implications - There might be some implications regarding the ways books are classified. Originality/value - The paper is not original, in that it puts forward points made elsewhere, however it is a completely up-to-date review of the field

    Aesthetic, Ethical, and Cognitive Value

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    This paper addresses two recent debates in aesthetics: the ‘moralist debate’, concerning the relationship between the ethical and aesthetic evaluations of artworks, and the ‘cognitivist debate’, concerning the relationship between the cognitive and aesthetic evaluations of artworks. Although the two debates appear to concern quite different issues, I argue that the various positions in each are marked by the same types of confusions and ambiguities. In particular, they demonstrate a persistent and unjustified conflation of aesthetic and artistic value, which in turn is based on a more general failure to explicitly tackle the demarcation of aesthetic value. As such, the claims of each side are rendered ambiguous in respect of the relation that is supposed to hold between all these types of value and artistic value. These issues are discussed in light of a recent argument proposed by Matthew Kieran, to undermine, to some extent, the conceptual distinction between aesthetic, cognitive-ethical, and artistic values in our appraisal of art works. In rejecting his argument, I defend the conceptual distinction and a pluralistic conception of artistic value that allows for cognitive and ethical values to count as artistic, but not aesthetic, values

    The Fear of Aesthetics in Art and Literary Theory

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    Is aesthetics, as has recently been claimed, now able to meet the accusations often levelled against it? This essay examines counters to three of the most common: that aesthetics is based around overly narrow conceptions of "art" and "the aesthetic"; that aesthetics is politically disengaged; and that aesthetics fails to engage with actual art objects and their histories

    Picturing Argentina: Myths, Movies, and the Peronist Vision

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    No individual has had greater impact on Argentine history than Juan Domingo Perón. The years 1943–1945, when he was an influential member in his nation’s governing junta, and 1946–1955, when he was its president, were tumultuous ones that transformed Argentina. Perón was a highly controversial figure, and his memory continues to provoke intense and often acrimonious debate. Moreover, the nature of his legacy resists neat classification. Many of his achievements were positive. He oversaw the passage of progressive social legislation, including women’s suffrage and prison reform, and he implemented programs that aided the nation’s poor and working classes. On the other hand, he tolerated no opposition and, as president, incarcerated even former supporters who questioned his actions, and he ordered the closure of newspapers that he judged inappropriately critical. His regime’s impact on the nation’s cinema is similarly difficult to classify. When Perón came to prominence, Argentina had developed one of the two major film industries in Latin America. His government intervened in this sphere to an unprecedented degree and in contradictory ways. It encouraged production by providing financial credits for filmmakers, and in 1948 Perón and his wife, Evita, a former actress, presided over the inauguration of the nation’s international film festival in Mar del Plata. Conversely, his administration blacklisted a remarkable number of directors and performers, censored and prohibited movies, and required all films made in Argentina to portray his regime’s accomplishments in a favorable manner. Although Perón’s central role in Argentine history and the need for an unbiased assessment of his impact on his nation’s cinema are beyond dispute, the existing scholarship on the subject is limited. In recent decades Argentina has witnessed a revival of serious film study, some of which has focused on the nation’s classical movies and, in one case, on Peronism. None of this work has been translated into English, however. The only recent book in English to study this topic divides its attention between Argentine cinema and radio and dedicates only one chapter to film during the Perón years. Picturing Argentina: Myths, Movies, and the Peronist Vision is the first English-language book that offers an extensive assessment of Argentine cinema during first Peronism. It is also the first study in any language that concentrates systematically on the evolution of social attitudes reflected in Argentine movies throughout those years and that assesses the period’s impact on subsequent filmmaking activity. By analyzing popular Argentine movies from this time through the prism of myth—second-order communication systems that present historically developed customs and attitudes as natural—the book traces the filmic construction of gender, criminality, race, the family, sports, and the military. It identifies in movies the development and evolution of mindsets and attitudes that may be construed as “Peronist.” By framing its consideration of films from the Perón years in the context of earlier and later ones, it demonstrates that this period accelerates—and sometimes registers backward-looking responses to—earlier progressive mythic shifts, and it traces the development in the 1950s of a critical mindset that comes to fruition in the “new cinema” of the 1960s. [From the Publisher]https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/books/1053/thumbnail.jp

    Literary Cognitivism

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    Imagination and Empathy: Coalescence, Transfer and Embodiment

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    Empathy calls for the ability to transform another’s attitudes by a perceptive, cognitive and affective transposition. By its extraordinary capacity of  generating images, of vitalizing performances and of turning them into certainties and beliefs, by its distorting quality (ensuring and enabling both the  selection and joining of images that belong to the subject’s previous experience and the generation of new images that are not matched in actual reality),  the actor’s imagination creates and projects in front of the spectator fictional, fantastic realities, which go beyond the perceptible reality, which provide  alternatives to reality, by defying the borders of verisimilitude and by exploring not only the possible, but also the impossible

    Reconciling Poetry and Philosophy: Evaluating Maximilian De Gaynesford’s Proposal

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    Poetry and philosophy have had a long and convoluted relation, characterized often by mutual antipathy and rarely by mutual acknowledgment and respect. Plato was one infl uential philosopher who trashed poetry’s capacities to trade in the domain of truth and knowledge, but it was J. L. Austin who blew the fi nal whistle by dismissing it as non-serious. And while for many poets that was an invitation to dismiss Austin, for many philosophers that was a confirmation of the overall discomfort they had already felt with respect to poetry. Just how wrong both parties were in this standoff is revealed in the latest book by Maximilian De Gaynesford, The Rift in the Lute: Attuning Poetry and Philosophy, which calls for a dismissal of the separation of the two and for their mutual cooperation. In this paper, we look at De Gaynesford’s proposal, mostly praising its strong points and occasionally raising doubts regarding its success

    Reconciling Poetry and Philosophy: Evaluating Maximilian De Gaynesford’s Proposal

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    Poetry and philosophy have had a long and convoluted relation, characterized often by mutual antipathy and rarely by mutual acknowledgment and respect. Plato was one infl uential philosopher who trashed poetry’s capacities to trade in the domain of truth and knowledge, but it was J. L. Austin who blew the fi nal whistle by dismissing it as non-serious. And while for many poets that was an invitation to dismiss Austin, for many philosophers that was a confirmation of the overall discomfort they had already felt with respect to poetry. Just how wrong both parties were in this standoff is revealed in the latest book by Maximilian De Gaynesford, The Rift in the Lute: Attuning Poetry and Philosophy, which calls for a dismissal of the separation of the two and for their mutual cooperation. In this paper, we look at De Gaynesford’s proposal, mostly praising its strong points and occasionally raising doubts regarding its success
