89 research outputs found

    Space-Time Coding and Space-Time Channel Modelling for Wireless Communications

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    In this thesis we investigate the effects of the physical constraints such as antenna aperture size, antenna geometry and non-isotropic scattering distribution parameters (angle of arrival/departure and angular spread) on the performance of coherent and non-coherent space-time coded wireless communication systems. First, we derive analytical expressions for the exact pairwise error probability (PEP) and PEP upper-bound of coherent and non-coherent space-time coded systems operating over spatially correlated fading channels using a moment-generating function-based approach. These analytical expressions account for antenna spacing, antenna geometries and scattering distribution models. Using these new PEP expressions, the degree of the effect of antenna spacing, antenna geometry and angular spread is quantified on the diversity advantage (robustness) given by a space-time code. It is shown that the number of antennas that can be employed in a fixed antenna aperture without diminishing the diversity advantage of a space-time code is determined by the size of the antenna aperture, antenna geometry and the richness of the scattering environment. ¶ In realistic channel environments the performance of space-time coded multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) systems is significantly reduced due to non-ideal antenna placement and non-isotropic scattering. In this thesis, by exploiting the spatial dimension of a MIMO channel we introduce the novel use of linear spatial precoding (or power-loading) based on fixed and known parameters of MIMO channels to ameliorate the effects of non-ideal antenna placement on the performance of coherent and non-coherent space-time codes. ..

    Design Guidelines for Training-based MIMO Systems with Feedback

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    In this paper, we study the optimal training and data transmission strategies for block fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with feedback. We consider both the channel gain feedback (CGF) system and the channel covariance feedback (CCF) system. Using an accurate capacity lower bound as a figure of merit, we investigate the optimization problems on the temporal power allocation to training and data transmission as well as the training length. For CGF systems without feedback delay, we prove that the optimal solutions coincide with those for non-feedback systems. Moreover, we show that these solutions stay nearly optimal even in the presence of feedback delay. This finding is important for practical MIMO training design. For CCF systems, the optimal training length can be less than the number of transmit antennas, which is verified through numerical analysis. Taking this fact into account, we propose a simple yet near optimal transmission strategy for CCF systems, and derive the optimal temporal power allocation over pilot and data transmission.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Processin

    Dependence of MIMO System Performance on the Joint Properties of Angular Power

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    In this paper, we use a novel MIMO channel model to characterize the dependence of ergodic capacity and diversity order on the joint statistics of the angular power density. The scattering environment of a MIMO channel is characterized by a double directional angular power distribution, describing the power transferred in each direction from transmitter aperture to receiver aperture. Angular power, which is typically separable Kronecker-modelled, is here generalized to include joint distribution properties using well-known bivariate probability density functions. We show that the joint properties of the power density, namely the shape and the orientation of power distribution contours, have significant impact on capacity and diversity of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channels

    Quadratic Variational Framework for Signal Design on the 2-Sphere

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    This paper introduces a quadratic variational framework for solving a broad class of signal design problems on the 2-sphere. The functional, to be extremized, combines energy concentration measures using a weighting function in the spatial domain, multiplicative weights in the spectral domain, and a total energy constraint. This leads to two formulations of the signal design problem on the 2-sphere, one a Fredholm integral equation in the spatial domain and the other an infinite matrix equation in the spectral domain. The framework is illustrated by deriving the key equations for the two classical spatio-spectral concentration problems on the 2-sphere, and for an isotropic filter design that maximizes the filtered energy. In addition, using the proposed framework, we formulate a joint 3-D beamforming application which achieves optimal directivity and spatial resolution simultaneously

    MIMO Channel Correlation in General Scattering Environments

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    This paper presents an analytical model for the fading channel correlation in general scattering environments. In contrast to the existing correlation models, our new approach treats the scattering environment as non-separable and it is modeled using a bi-angular power distribution. The bi-angular power distribution is parameterized by the mean departure and arrival angles, angular spreads of the univariate angular power distributions at the transmitter and receiver apertures, and a third parameter, the covariance between transmit and receive angles which captures the statistical interdependency between angular power distributions at the transmitter and receiver apertures. When this third parameter is zero, this new model reduces to the well known "Kronecker" model. Using the proposed model, we show that Kronecker model is a good approximation to the actual channel when the scattering channel consists of a single scattering cluster. In the presence of multiple remote scattering clusters we show that Kronecker model over estimates the performance by artificially increasing the number of multipaths in the channel.Comment: Australian Communication Theory Workshop Proceedings 2006, Perth Western Australia. (accepted

    Relaying energy allocation in training-based amplify and forward relay communications

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    We consider relay-assisted communication in a training-based transmission scheme. Each transmission block consists of a training phase and a data transmission phase. The relay node employs the amplify-and-forward protocol during all transmissions. We focus on the relay signaling design and investigate the benefit of allowing for different relaying power during the training phase and the data transmission phase. Specifically, the relaying energy allocation between the two phases is optimized for maximizing the average received signal-to-noise ratio at the destination node. We study this optimization problem for both single-antenna relay and multi-antenna relay and derive a simple closed-form relaying energy allocation strategy that achieves near-optimal performance. This closed-form strategy depends only on the length of the data transmission phase but not on other system parameters such as the relaying energy budget, the number of antennas at the relay, and the distances between the source, relay and destination nodes.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council's Discovery Projects funding scheme (project no. DP0984950, DP110102548) and the Research Council of Norway through the project 197565/V30. The work has been carried out while T. Lamahewa was at the Australian National University

    Exact pairwise error probability analysis of space-time codes in spatially correlated fading channels, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 1

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    In this paper, we derive an analytical expression for the exact pairwise error probability (PEP) of a space-time coded system operating over a spatially correlated slow fading channel using a moment-generating function-based approach. This analytical PEP expression is more realistic than previously published exact-PEP expressions as it fully accounts for antenna spacing, antenna geometries (uniform linear array, uniform grid array, uniform circular array, etc.) and scattering models (uniform, Gaussian, Laplacian, Von-Mises, etc.). Inclusion of spatial information provides valuable insights into the physical factors determining the performance of a space-time code. We demonstrate the strength of our new analytical PEP expression by evaluating the performance of two space-time trellis codes proposed in the literature for different spatial scenarios

    Space-Time MIMO Channel Modelling using Angular Power Distributions

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    In this paper, we develop a MIMO channel model for generating the channel gains between arbitrary arrays of transmitter and receiver antennas, for a general class of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channels. The channel scattering environment is defined by a double directional angular distribution describing the power transferred from transmitter aperture to receiver aperture in each direction. We propose several parametrized bivariate distributions that are consistent with univariate scatterer distributions separately observed at the transmitter and receiver. We derive the second order statistics of the channel gains in terms of the double directional power distribution and characterize a sample system performance as a function of distribution parameters