117 research outputs found

    Heat capacity of multilayer methane on graphite: Phase transitions in the first four layers

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    We present high-resolution heat-capacity data for methane adsorbed on graphite for nominal coverages of 0.87 to 7 layers, from T = 70 to 120 K. For films thicker than 1.1 layers, we find capillary condensate coexisting with the film. We have performed heat-capacity scans on films formed by both adsorption and desorption. By comparing the locations of the phase transitions in the chemical potential mu vs T plane, we find that there is no significant interaction between the film and the capillary condensate. The heat-capacity signals from the films map out an unexpectedly rich set of phenomena for the second, third, and fourth layers, including a two-dimensional triple point and a liquid-gas coexistence region for each layer. The fourth-layer critical temperature we find is lower than previous values found by vapor-pressure isotherms

    Surface defreezing of glasses

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    A glass surface may still flow below the bulk glass transition temperature, where the underlying bulk is frozen. Assuming the existence at T=T* of a bulk thermodynamical glass transition, we show that the glass-vapor interface is generally wetted by a liquid layer of thickness ~ -ln(T*-T) when T--> T*. Contrary to standard surface melting of crystals however, the integrated value of the diffusivity across the interface remains finite for T-->T*. Difference in shape induced by bulk and by surface flow is discussed as a possible means of experimental detection of surface defreezing.Comment: five pages, three figure

    Antioxidant capacity, fatty acids profile, and descriptive sensory analysis of table olives as affected by deficit irrigation

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    preprintThe influence of three irrigation treatments (T0, no stress; T1, soft stress; and, T2, moderate stress) on the key functional properties [fatty acids, sugar alcohols, organic acids, minerals, total polyphenols content (TPC), and antioxidant activity (AA)], sensory quality, and consumers' acceptance of table olives, cv. ‘Manzanilla’, was evaluated. RESULTS: A soft water stress, T1, led to table olives with the highest oil and dry matter contents, with the highest intensities of key sensory attributes and slightly, although not significant, higher values of consumer satisfaction degree. Besides, RDI in general (T1 and T2) slightly increased green colour, the content of linoleic acid, but decreased the content of phytic acid and some minerals. CONCLUSION: The soft RDI conditions are a good option for the cultivation of olive trees because they are environmentally friendly and simultaneously maintain or even improve the functionality, sensory quality, and consumer acceptance of table olives. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-45922-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-45922-C2-2-

    Organic Compounds in Early Solar System Aqueous Fluids

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    thermally-metamorphosed ordinary chondrite regolith breccias (Monahans 1998, hereafter simply Monahans ( 5) and Zag (H3-6)) contain fluid inclusion-bearing halite (NaCl) crystals dated to be ~4.5 billion years old. Thus, compositional data on fluid inclusions in these halites will reveal unique information regarding the origin and activity of aqueous fluids in the early solar system, and especially their interactions with organic mate- rial. Our initial analyses of solid inclusions in Monahans halite has shown the presence of olivine, high- and low- Ca pyroxene, feldspars, magnetite, sulfides, phyllosilicates, zeolites, metal, phosphates and abundant organics. We age of carbon, carbonates and organics in these residues, and low but significant amino acids concentrations in Monahans and Zag halite

    Close-packed dimers on the line: diffraction versus dynamical spectrum

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    The translation action of \RR^{d} on a translation bounded measure ω\omega leads to an interesting class of dynamical systems, with a rather rich spectral theory. In general, the diffraction spectrum of ω\omega, which is the carrier of the diffraction measure, live on a subset of the dynamical spectrum. It is known that, under some mild assumptions, a pure point diffraction spectrum implies a pure point dynamical spectrum (the opposite implication always being true). For other systems, the diffraction spectrum can be a proper subset of the dynamical spectrum, as was pointed out for the Thue-Morse sequence (with singular continuous diffraction) in \cite{EM}. Here, we construct a random system of close-packed dimers on the line that have some underlying long-range periodic order as well, and display the same type of phenomenon for a system with absolutely continuous spectrum. An interpretation in terms of `atomic' versus `molecular' spectrum suggests a way to come to a more general correspondence between these two types of spectra.Comment: 14 pages, with some additions and improvement

    Impact of the 'Seguro Médico Siglo XXI'medical insurance programme on neonatal and infant mortality in Mexico, 2006-14: an ecological approach to estimation

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    The ‘Seguro Medico Siglo XXI’ (SMSXXI), a universal coveragemedical insurance programme for children under 5 years of age, started in 2006 to help avoid catastrophic health expenditures in poor families without social security in Mexico. The study used information from the National Health Information System for the 2006–14 period. An ecological approach was followed with a panel of the 2457 municipalities of Mexico as the units of analysis. The outcome variables were the municipality-level neonatal mortality and infant mortality rates in population without access to social security. The programme variable was the coverage of the SMSXXI programme at the municipality level, expressed as a proportion. Demographic and economic variables defined at the municipality level were included as covariates. Impact was estimated by fitting a fixed-effects negative binomial regression model. Results reveal that the SMSXXI significantly reduced both infant and neonatSal mortality in the target population, although in a non-linear fashion, with minimum mortality levels found around the 70% coverage range. The effect is mostly given by the transition from the first quintile to the fourth quintile of coverage (<13% vs 70.5–93.7% coverage), and it is attenuated significantly at coverage levels very close to or at 100%. The observed risk reduction amounted to an estimated total of 11 358 infant deaths being avoided due to the SMSXXI during the 2006–14 period, of which 48% were neonatal. In conclusion, we found a significant impact of the SMSXXI programme on both infant mortality and neonatal mortality. An attenuation of the effect of the insurance on mortality rates at levels close to 100% coverage may reflect the saturation of health units in detriment of the quality of care

    Bisphenol A exposure in Mexico City and risk of prematurity: a pilot nested case control study

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    Abstract Background Presence of Bisphenol A (BPA) has been documented worldwide in a variety of human biological samples. There is growing evidence that low level BPA exposure may impact placental tissue development and thyroid function in humans. The aim of this present pilot study was to determine urinary concentrations of BPA during the last trimester of pregnancy among a small subset of women in Mexico City, Mexico and relate these concentrations to risk of delivering prematurely. Methods A nested case-control subset of 60 participants in the Early Life Exposure in Mexico to ENvironmental Toxicants (ELEMENT) study in Mexico City, Mexico were selected based on delivering less than or equal to 37 weeks of gestation and greater than 37 weeks of gestation. Third trimester archived spot urine samples were analyzed by online solid phase extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry. Results BPA was detected in 80.0% (N = 48) of the urine samples; total concentrations ranged from &lt; 0.4 &#956;g/L to 6.7 &#956;g/L; uncorrected geometric mean was 1.52 &#956;g/L. The adjusted odds ratio of delivering less than or equal to 37 weeks in relation to specific gravity adjusted third trimester BPA concentration was 1.91 (95%CI 0.93, 3.91, p-value = 0.08). When cases were further restricted to births occurring prior to the 37th week (n = 12), the odds ratio for specific-gravity adjusted BPA was larger and statistically significant (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusions This is the first study to document measurable levels of BPA in the urine of a population of Mexican women. This study also provides preliminary evidence, based on a single spot urine sample collected during the third trimester, that pregnant women who delivered less than or equal to 37 weeks of gestation and prematurely (&lt; 37 weeks) had higher urinary concentrations of BPA compared to women delivering after 37 weeks.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78251/1/1476-069X-9-62.xmlhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78251/2/1476-069X-9-62.pdfPeer Reviewe

    Assessment of table olives' organoleptic defect intensities based on the potentiometric fingerprint recorded by an electronic tongue

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    Table olives are prone to the appearance of sensory defects that decrease their quality and in some cases result in olives unsuitable for consumption. The evaluation of the type and intensity of the sensory negative attributes of table olives is recommended by the International Olive Council, although not being legally required for commercialization. However, the accomplishment of this task requires the training and implementation of sensory panels according to strict directives, turning out in a time-consuming and expensive procedure that involves a degree of subjectivity. In this work, an electronic tongue is proposed as a taste sensor device for evaluating the intensity of sensory defects of table olives. The potentiometric signal profiles gathered allowed establishing multiple linear regression models, based on the most informative subsets of signals (from 24 to 29 recorded during the analysis of olive aqueous pastes and brine solutions) selected using a simulated annealing meta-heuristic algorithm. The models enabled the prediction of the median intensities (R2 ≥ 0.942 and RMSE ≤ 0.356, for leave-one-out or repeated K-fold cross-validation procedures) of butyric, musty, putrid, winey-vinegary, and zapateria negative sensations being, in general, the predicted intensities within the range of intensities perceived by the sensory panel. Indeed, based on the predicted mean intensities of the sensory defects, the electrochemical-chemometric approach developed could correctly classify 86.4% of the table olive samples according to their trade category based on a sensory panel evaluation and following the International Olive Council regulations (i.e., extra, 1st choice, 2nd choice, and olives that may not be sold as table olives). So, the satisfactory overall predictions achieved demonstrate that the electronic tongue could be a complementary tool for assessing table olive defects, reducing the effort of trained panelists and minimizing the risk of subjective evaluations.This work was financially supported by Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984—Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM, by Project UID/QUI/00616/2013 —CQ-VR, and UID/AGR/00690/ 2013—CIMO, all funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through COMPETE2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal. Strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit is also acknowledged. Nuno Rodrigues thanks FCT, POPH-QREN, and FSE for the Ph.D. Grant (SFRH/BD/104038/2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio