202 research outputs found

    Cultural Adaptation and Reliability of the Compliance with Standard Precautions Scale (CSPS) for Nurses in Brazil

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    Objetivo: adaptar culturalmente y evaluar la confiabilidad de la Compliance with Standard Precautions Scale (CSPS) para enfermeros en Brasil. Método: el proceso de adaptación abarcó la traducción, consenso entre jueces, retrotraducción, validación semántica y pretest. La confiabilidad fue evaluada mediante la consistencia interna (alfa de Cronbach) y estabilidad (test-retest). El instrumento fue administrado a una muestra de 300 enfermeros actuantes en un gran hospital ubicado en la ciudad de São Paulo/SP, Brasil. Resultados: a través de la validación semántica, los ítems de la escala fueron considerados comprensibles e importantes para la práctica clínica enfermera. La versión en portugués de Brasil de la CSPS (CSPS-PB) reveló excelente posibilidad de interpretación. El alfa de Cronbach correspondió a 0.61 y el coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue 0.85. Conclusión: el estudio inicial mostró que la CSPS-PB es apropiada para evaluar el cumplimiento con las precauciones estándar entre enfermeros en Brasil. La confiabilidad fue considerada aceptable. Son necesarios estudios adicionales para evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas.Objective: this study aimed to carry of the cultural adaptation and to evaluate the reliability of the Compliance with Standard Precautions Scale (CSPS) for nurses in Brazil. Method: the adaptation process entailed translation, consensus among judges, back-translation, semantic validation and pretest. The reliability was evaluated by internal consistency (Cronbach alpha) and stability (test-retest). The instrument was administered to a sample group of 300 nurses who worked in a large hospital located in the city of São Paulo/SP, Brazil. Results: through the semantic validation, the items from the scale were considered understandable and deemed important for the nurse´s clinical practice. The CSPS Brazilian Portuguese version (CSPS-PB) revealed excellent interpretability. The Cronbach`s alpha was 0.61 and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.85. Conclusion: the initial study showed that CSPS-PB is appropriate to assess compliance with standard precautions among nurses in Brazil. The reliability was considered acceptable. Furhter study is necessary to evaluate its comprehensive psychometric properties.Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a adaptação cultural e avaliar a confiabilidade da versão brasileira da Compliance with Standard Precautions (CSPS) entre enfermeiros no Brasil. Método: o processo de adaptação incluiu tradução, consenso entre juízes, retro-tradução, validação semântica e pré-teste. A confiabilidade foi verificada de acordo com a consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach) e a estabilidade usando teste-reteste. A escala foi aplicada em uma amostra de 300 enfermeiros que trabalhavam num hospital de grande porte na cidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Resultados: a validação semântica revelou que os itens da escala eram compreensíveis e foram considerados relevantes para a prática clínica dos enfermeiros. A versão brasileira da escala (CSPS-PB) revelou excelente nível de compreensão. O alfa de Cronbach foi 0,61 e o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse foi 0,85. Conclusão: Este estudo inicial mostrou que a CSPS-PB é apropriada para avaliar adesão às precauções padrão entre enfermeiros brasileiros. A confiabilidade foi considerada aceitável. Mais estudos são necessários para avaliar suas propriedades psicométricas

    Investigating Compliance with Standard Precautions During Residency Physicians in Gynecology and Obstetrics

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    OBJECTIVES: Physician compliance with standard precautions is important in the specialty of gynecology and obstetrics because of the high frequency of invasive procedures. The current study investigated compliance with standard precautions among resident physicians working in gynecology and obstetrics. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted among resident physicians in gynecology and obstetrics in their first (R1), second (R2) and third (R3) years of residency at a teaching hospital in a city in São Paulo. A structured questionnaire that included demographic and professional aspects and the Standard Precautions Adherence Scale were used to collect data. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM® SPSS version 20. Ethical aspects were considered. RESULTS: Fifty-eight resident physicians participated in the study. Of the enrolled participants, 27 (46.6%) were in R1, 12 (20.7%) were in R2 and 19 (32.8%) were in R3. The standard precautions compliance score was 4.1, which was classified as intermediate. There were no significant differences in the compliance scores of the resident physicians across the three years of residency (H=2.34, p=0.310). CONCLUSION: Compliance with standard precautions among resident physicians was intermediate. Preventive measures in clinical practice are not fully adopted in the specialty of gynecology and obstetrics. More important, many professionals claimed lack of sufficient training in standard precautions in the workplace. Such circumstances should draw the attention of hospital management with regard to occupational health risks

    Cumprimento das medidas de precauções-padrão por profissionais de saúde: comparação entre dois hospitais

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    Objective: To assess compliance with standard precautions by health professionals in two hospitals.Method: This is a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, conducted in two hospitals in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The sample is composed of health professionals who work in health care. Study developed in the period between February 2019 and February 2020. In order to collect data, the we used: 1- Individual and professional information form; 2- Brazilian Portuguese version of the Compliance with Standard Precautions Scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and hypothesis tests.Results: The study was attended by 366 (100.0%) health professionals. The overall score of compliance with standard precautions was 13.4 (66.8%), ranging from 4 to 20. As for the average of the scores between the institutions, the professionals from hospital 1 had an average of 12.6 and those from hospital 2 showed a compliance of 13.6.Conclusions: Compliance with standard precautions among health professionals did not happen in its entiretyObjetivo: Evaluar el cumplimiento de las precauciones estándar por parte de los profesionales de la salud en dos hospitales.Método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, con abordaje cuantitativo, realizado en dos hospitales del Estado de Rio de Janeiro. La muestra está compuesta por profesionales de la salud que trabajan en la asistencia. Estudio desarrollado en el período comprendido entre febrero de 2019 y febrero de 2020. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó lo siguiente: 1- Formulario de información individual y profesional; 2- Versión en portugués brasileño de la Escala de Cumplimiento de Precauciones Estándar. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva y pruebas de hipótesis.Resultados: El estudio incluyó a 366 (100,0%) profesionales de la salud. La puntuación global de cumplimiento de las precauciones estándar fue de 13,4 (66,8%), con un rango de 4 a 20. En cuanto a la media de las puntuaciones entre las instituciones, los profesionales del hospital 1 tuvieron una media de 12,6 y el hospital 2 mostró un cumplimiento de 13,6.Conclusiones: El cumplimiento de las precauciones estándar entre los profesionales de la salud no se produjo en su totalidad.Objetivo: Avaliar o cumprimento às precauções-padrão por profissionais de saúde de dois hospitais. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em dois hospitais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A amostra é composta por profissionais de saúde que atuam na assistência. Estudo desenvolvido no período entre fevereiro de 2019 até fevereiro de 2020. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados: 1- Formulário de informações individuais e profissionais; 2- Versão para o Português do Brasil da Compliance with Standard Precautions Scale. Os dados foram analisados utilizando estatística descritiva e testes de hipótese. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 366 (100,0%) profissionais de saúde. O escore geral de cumprimento das precauções-padrão foi de 13,4 (66,8%) variando entre 4 e 20. Quanto a média dos escores entre as instituições, os profissionais do hospital 1 obtiveram uma média de 12,6 e o hospital 2 apresentou 13,6 de cumprimento.Conclusões: O cumprimento às precauções-padrão entre profissionais de saúde não aconteceu em sua totalidade

    Global Imperative of Suicidal Ideation in 10 Countries Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a detrimental impact on individuals' psychological well-being; however, a multi-country comparison on the prevalence of suicidal ideation due to the virus is still lacking.Objectives: To examine the prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation among the general population across 10 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study which used convenience sampling and collected data by conducting an online survey. Participants were sourced from 10 Eastern and Western countries. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) was used to measure the outcome variable of suicidal ideation. Ordinal regression analysis was used to identify significant predictors associated with suicidal ideation.Results: A total of 25,053 participants (22.7% male) were recruited. Results from the analysis showed that the UK and Brazil had the lowest odds of suicidal ideation compared to Macau (p p Conclusions: The findings highlight the need for joint international collaboration to formulate effective suicide prevention strategies in a timely manner and the need to implement online mental health promotion platforms. In doing so, the potential global rising death rates by suicide during the pandemic can be reduced.</p

    Adaptation and validation of Richmond Compulsive Buying Scale in Chinese population

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    Background and aims Compulsive buying (CB) is a behavioral addiction that is conceptualized as an obsessive–compulsive and impulsive–control disorder. The Richmond Compulsive Buying Scale (RCBS), a six-item self-reporting instrument that has been validated worldwide, was developed based on this theoretical background. This study aimed to adapt RCBS to the Chinese population (RCBS-TC) to guide future national and international prevalence studies. Methods This methodological study was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 involved the forward and backward translation of RCBS, the content and face validation of the RCBS, and the evaluation of its translation adequacy. Phase 2 involved the psychometric testing of RCBS-TC for its internal consistency, stability, and construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results In Phase 1, RCBS-TC obtained satisfactory item-level (I-CVI = 83.3%–100%) and scale-level content validity index (CVI/AVE = 97.2%), comprehensibility (100%), and translation adequacy [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.858]. In Phase 2, based on data collected from 821 adults, RCBS-TC demonstrated a satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = .88; corrected item-total correlation coefficients = 0.61–0.78) 2-week test–retest reliability (ICC = 0.82 based on 61 university students). For construct validation, the CFA results indicated that the corrected first-order two-factor models were acceptable with the same goodness-of-fit indices (χ2/df = 8.56, CFI = 0.99, NFI = 0.98, IFI = 0.99, and RMSEA = 0.09). The 2-week test–retest reliability of RCBS-TC (n = 61) was also satisfactory (ICC = 0.82). Discussion and conclusions This methodological study adopted appropriate and stringent procedures to ensure that the translation and validation of RCBS-TC was of quality. The results indicate that this scale has a satisfactory reliability and validity for the Chinese population

    Comparison of depressive symptoms among healthcare workers in high-risk versus low-risk areas during the first month of the COVID-19 pandemic in China

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    IntroductionThe psychological health of healthcare workers (HCWs) has become a significant concern, particularly during the initial stage of a pandemic. This study compared the depressive symptoms among HCWs in high-risk areas (HRAs) and low-risk areas (LRAs) with matching demographics.MethodsA cross-sectional study was employed to compare the depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire score ≥ 10), workplace environment characteristics, the Health Belief Model (HBM) and socio-demographics of the HCWs working in HRAs and LRAs in several accessible regions (mainly Hubei Province and Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater–Bay–Area) in China. Eight hundred eighty-five HCWs were recruited for unmatched analysis between March 6 and April 2, 2020. After matching with occupation and years of service using a 1:2 ratio, 146 HCWs in HRAs and 290 HCWs in LRAs were selected for matched analysis. Subgroup analyzes were performed using two individual logistic regressions to delineate the associated factors in LRAs and HRAs, respectively.ResultsHCWs in LRAs (Prevalence = 23.7%) had 1.96 times higher odds of depressive symptoms than those in HRAs (Prevalence = 15.1%) after adjusting for occupation and years of service (p &lt; 0.001). Significant differences in workplace environment characteristics (p &lt; 0.001) and the 5-dimension of the HBM of HCWs (p &lt; 0.001 to p = 0.025) were found between HRAs and LRAs.Logistic regression showed that workers with years of service between 10 and 20  years (OR:6.27), ever had contact with COVID-19 patients (OR:14.33) and had higher scores of “perceived barrier” of HBM (OR:4.48) predicted depressive symptoms in HRAs while working in pneumology departments and infectious disease units (OR:0.06), and high “self-efficacy” in the HBM (OR:0.13) was a protective factor against depressive symptoms.Contrarily, in LRAs, those HCWs who worked in ICUs (OR:2.59), had higher scores of “perceived susceptibility toward the COVID-19 outbreak” (OR:1.41), “perceived severity of the pandemic” (OR:1.25), and “perceived barriers of wearing masks” (OR:1.43) in the HBM predicted depressive symptoms. High “cues to action” (OR:0.79), and better “knowledge” (OR:0.79) in the HBM were protective factors against depressive symptoms.ConclusionThe risk of depressive symptoms of HCWS was double in LRAs than in HRAs in the first month of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, salient predictors for depressive symptoms among HCWs in HRAs and LRAs were very different

    Implementation of the compulsory universal testing scheme in Hong Kong: Mathematical simulations of a household-based pooling approach

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    This study aims to propose a pooling approach to simulate the compulsory universal RT-PCR test in Hong Kong and explore the feasibility of implementing the pooling method on a household basis. The mathematical model is initially verified, and then the simulation is performed under different prevalence rates and pooled sizes. The simulated population is based in Hong Kong. The simulation included 10,000,000 swab samples, with a representative distribution of populations in Hong Kong. The samples were grouped into a batch size of 20. If the entire batch is positive, then the group is further divided into an identical group size of 10 for re-testing. Different combinations of mini-group sizes were also investigated. The proposed pooling method was extended to a household basis. A representative from each household is required to perform the RT-PCR test. Results of the simulation replications, indicate a significant reduction (p &lt; 0.001) of 83.62, 64.18, and 48.46% in the testing volume for prevalence rate 1, 3, and 5%, respectively. Combined with the household-based pooling approach, the total number of RT-PCR is 437,304, 956,133, and 1,375,795 for prevalence rates 1, 3, and 5%, respectively. The household-based pooling strategy showed efficiency when the prevalence rates in the population were low. This pooling strategy can rapidly screen people in high-risk groups for COVID-19 infections and quarantine those who test positive, even when time and resources for testing are limited

    Albumin-bilirubin grade predicts the outcomes of liver resection versus radiofrequency ablation for very early/early stage of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background and purposeWhether liver resection or ablation should be the first-line treatment for very early/early hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients who are candidates for both remains controversial. The aim of this study was to determine if the newly-developed Albumin-Bilirubin (ALBI) grade might help in treatment selections and to evaluate the survival of patients treated with liver resection and radiofrequency ablation (RFA).MethodsPatients with BCLC stage 0/A HCC who were treated with curative liver resection and RFA from 2003 to 2013 were included. Baseline clinical and laboratory parameters were retrieved and reviewed from the hospital database. Liver function and its impact on survival was assessed by the ALBI score. Overall and disease-free survivals were compared between the two groups.Results488 patients underwent liver resection (n = 318) and RFA (n = 170) for BCLC stage 0/A HCC during the study period. Liver resection offered superior survival to RFA in patients with BCLC stage 0/A HCC in the whole cohort. After propensity score matching, liver resection offered superior overall survival and disease-free survival to RFA in patients with ALBI grade 1 (P = 0.0002 and P ConclusionsLiver resection offered superior survival to RFA in patients with BCLC stage 0/A HCC. The ALBI grade could identify those patients with worse liver function who did not gain any survival advantage from curative liver resection

    Lesiones cutáneas asociadas con el uso de respiradores N95 en profesionales de la salud de Brasil durante 2020

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    Objetivo:&nbsp;investigar la prevalencia de lesiones cutáneas y factores asociados con el uso de respiradores N95 en profesionales de la salud de Brasil.&nbsp;Método:&nbsp;estudio transversal realizado con 11.368 profesionales de la salud en el que se empleó un método de muestreo dirigido por encuestados adaptado para entornos en línea. Se ejecutaron análisis univariados y multivariados para investigar la asociación entre la variable “lesiones cutáneas por utilizar respiradores N95” y sexo, categoría profesional, lugar de trabajo, capacitación, diagnóstico de COVID-19 y disponibilidad de suficiente provisión de Equipo de Protección Personal de buena calidad. Resultados:&nbsp;la prevalencia de lesiones cutáneas fue del 61,8%. Las mujeres fueron 1,203 veces (IC 95%: 1,154-1,255) más propensas a desarrollar lesiones que los hombres. La probabilidad de lesiones cutáneas en psicólogos (RP=0,805; IC 95%: 0,678-0,956) y dentistas (RP=0,884; IC 95%: 0,788-0,992) fue menor en comparación con la encontrada en los profesionales de Enfermería. Los profesionales con diagnóstico positivo de COVID-19 y que trabajan en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos son más propensos a sufrir lesiones cutáneas (RP=1,074; IC 95%: 1,042-1,107); (RP=1,203; IC 95%: 1,168-1,241), respectivamente.&nbsp;Conclusión:&nbsp;la prevalencia de lesiones cutáneas causadas por utilizar respiradores N95 fue del 61,8% y estuvo asociada al sexo femenino, a la categoría profesional, al lugar de trabajo, a la capacitación, a diagnóstico de COVID-19 y a la disponibilidad de suficiente provisión de Equipo de Protección Personal de buena calidad.Objective:&nbsp;to investigate the prevalence of skin lesions and factors associated with the use of N95 respirators among health professionals in Brazil.&nbsp;Method:&nbsp;cross-sectional study conducted with 11,368 health professionals using a respondent-driven sampling method adapted for online environments. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to investigate the association between the “skin lesions with the use of N95 respirators” variable and gender, professional category, workplace, training, COVID-19 diagnosis, and availability of sufficient and high-quality Personal Protective Equipment.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;the prevalence of skin lesions was 61.8%. Women were 1.203 times (95% CI: 1.154-1.255) more likely to develop a lesion than men. The chances of skin lesions in psychologists (PR=0.805; 95% CI: 0.678-0.956) and dentists (PR=0.884; 95% CI: 0.788-0.992), were lower when compared to Nursing professionals. Professionals with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis and working in the Intensive Care Unit have an increased chance of presenting skin lesions (PR=1.074; 95% CI: 1.042-1.107); (PR=1.203; 95% CI: 1.168-1.241), respectively.&nbsp;Conclusion:&nbsp;the prevalence of skin lesions caused by the use of N95 respirators was 61.8% and was associated with female gender, professional category, workplace, training, COVID-19 diagnosis, and availability of sufficient and highquality Personal Protective Equipment.Objetivo:&nbsp;investigar a prevalência de lesões de pele e fatores associados ao uso de respiradores N95 entre profissionais de saúde no Brasil.&nbsp;Método:&nbsp;estudo transversal realizado com 11.368 profissionais de saúde por meio de um método de amostragem dirigido por respondentes adaptado para ambientes online. Análises univariadas e multivariadas foram realizadas para investigar a associação entre a variável “lesão de pele com uso de respirador N95” e sexo, categoria profissional, local de trabalho, treinamento, diagnóstico de COVID-19 e disponibilidade suficiente de equipamentos de proteção individual de qualidade.&nbsp;Resultados:&nbsp;a prevalência de lesões cutâneas foi de 61,8%. As mulheres foram 1,203 vezes (IC 95%: 1.154-1.255) mais propensas a desenvolver uma lesão do que os homens. As chances de lesão de pele em psicólogos (RP=0,805; IC 95%: 0,678-0,956) e dentistas (RP=0,884; IC 95%: 0,788-0,992) foram menores quando comparados aos profissionais de Enfermagem. Profissionais com diagnóstico positivo para COVID-19 e que trabalham em Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos têm maior chance de apresentar lesões de pele (RP=1,074; IC 95%: 1,042-1,107); (RP=1,203; IC 95%: 1,168- 1,241), respectivamente. Conclusão:&nbsp;a prevalência de lesões de pele causadas pelo uso do respirador N95 foi de 61,8% e esteve associada ao sexo feminino, categoria profissional, local de trabalho, treinamento, diagnóstico de COVID-19 e disponibilidade suficiente de equipamentos de proteção individual de qualidade

    Fatores associados à utilização e reutilização de máscaras entre brasileiros durante a pandemia da COVID-19

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    Objetivo identificar os fatores associados à utilização e à reutilização de máscaras entre brasileiros durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Método estudo transversal desenvolvido nas cinco regiões brasileiras, entre adultos, via formulário eletrônico por meio de mídias sociais, contendo informações gerais e referentes à utilização de máscaras. Foram utilizadas análises bivariadas e regressões logísticas binárias para identificar fatores associados à utilização e à reutilização. Resultados participaram do estudo 3.981 (100%) pessoas. A utilização de máscaras totalizou 95,5%, (IC 95%: 94,8-96,1), com destaque para as de tecido (72,7%; IC 95%: 71,3-74,1) e as cirúrgicas (27,8%; IC 95%: 26,5-29,2). A porcentagem de reutilização foi de 71,1% (IC 95%: 69,7-72,5). A maioria (55,8%; IC 95%: 51,7-60,0) que usa, exclusivamente, máscara cirúrgica reutiliza-a. O sexo feminino e o contato prévio com pessoas com sintomas respiratórios aumentaram as chances de utilização (p≤0,001). Contudo, o sexo feminino diminuiu a possibilidade de reutilização da máscara cirúrgica (p≤0,001). Conclusão a quase totalidade dos participantes relatou utilizar máscaras, sendo mais recorrente a de tecido. Os achados chamam atenção para uma prática de risco, a reutilização da máscara cirúrgica e de papel. Diretrizes, políticas públicas e estratégias educativas são necessárias para o desenvolvimento de práticas assertivas no controle e prevenção da COVID-19.Objective to identify the factors associated with the use and reuse of masks among Brazilian individuals in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method cross-sectional study conducted in the five Brazilian regions, among adult individuals, via an electronic form disseminated in social media, addressing general information and the use of masks. Bivariate analysis and binary logistic regression were used to identify the factors associated with the use and reuse of masks. Results 3,981 (100%) individuals participated in the study. In total, 95.5% (CI 95%: 94.8-96.1) reported using masks. Fabric masks were more frequently reported (72.7%; CI 95%: 71.3-74.1), followed by surgical masks (27.8%; CI 95%: 26.5-29.2). The percentage of reuse was 71.1% (CI 95%: 69.7-72.5). Most (55.8%; CI 95%: 51.7-60.0) of those exclusively wearing surgical masks reported its reuse. Being a woman and having had contact with individuals presenting respiratory symptoms increased the likelihood of wearing masks (p≤0.001). Additionally, being a woman decreased the likelihood of reusing surgical masks (p≤0.001). Conclusion virtually all the participants reported the use of masks, most frequently fabric masks. The findings draw attention to a risky practice, that of reusing surgical and paper masks. Therefore, guidelines, public policies, and educational strategies are needed to promote the correct use of masks to control and prevent COVID-19.Objetivo identificar los factores asociados con el uso y la reutilización de máscaras entre brasileños durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Método estudio transversal desarrollado en las cinco regiones brasileñas, entre adultos, aplicándose un formulario electrónico a través de las redes sociales, que contiene información general y relativo al uso de máscaras. Se utilizaron análisis bivariados y regresiones logísticas binarias para identificar los factores asociados con el uso y la reutilización. Resultados 3.981 (100%) personas participaron en el estudio. El uso de máscaras totalizó 95.5% (IC 95%: 94.8-96.1), particularmente las de tejido (72.7%; IC 95%: 71.3-74.1) y la quirúrgicas (27.8%; IC 95%: 26.5-29.2). El porcentaje de reutilización fue del 71,1% (IC 95%: 69,7-72,5). La mayoría (55.8%; IC 95%: 51.7-60.0) que usa exclusivamente una máscara quirúrgica la reutiliza. El género femenino y el contacto previo con personas con síntomas respiratorios aumentaron las posibilidades de uso (p≤0.001). Sin embargo, el sexo femenino disminuyó la posibilidad de reutilizar la máscara quirúrgica (p≤0.001). Conclusión casi todos los participantes informaron haber usado máscaras, siendo aquella de tejido más frecuente. Los hallazgos llaman la atención sobre una práctica arriesgada, la reutilización de la máscara quirúrgica y de papel. Las directrices, políticas públicas y estrategias educativas son necesarias para el desarrollo de prácticas asertivas en el control y la prevención del COVID-19