488 research outputs found

    Reactive arthritis developing after pneumococcal conjunctivitis: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: S. pneumoniae is a known cause of bacterial conjunctivitis and can be transmitted through contact with infected carriers. CASE PRESENTATION: A 38-year-old ophthalmologist developing reactive arthritis following clinic-acquired pneumococcal conjunctivitis. CONCLUSION: (1) Despite the frequency and largely self-limiting nature of infective conjunctivitis, it should be appropriately assessed and managed, as the natural history can occasionally be associated with significant morbidity. (2) Hygienic measures are required to be implemented by both patients and ophthalmic staff to reduce the likelihood of transmission

    Exploring the enablers of organizational and marketing innovations in SMEs: findings from South-Western Nigeria

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    Previous research studies on innovation tend to focus on process and product innovations. Recent theoretical opinions reveal that Organizational and Marketing Innovations (OMIs) could be the necessary prerequisites to optimally utilize and deploy such process and product innovations. It is important to note that there is a dearth of information on the enablers of OMIs capabilities among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Despite their closeness to their customers, many SMEs are finding it difficult to achieve successful and effective innovations; these are innovations that have a positive impact on the business growth and returns. This study presents findings from exploratory qualitative research conducted in SouthWestern Nigeria. Drawing upon information-rich evidence from 13 in-depth interviews with the owners and the managers of SMEs, this study identifies some enablers that can promote SMEs' OMIs capabilities, effective innovations, and organizational survival. © The Author(s) 2015

    Medical Students Educate Teens About Skin Cancer: What Have We Learned?

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    Skin cancer is a serious societal problem, and public awareness outreach, including to youth, is crucial. Medical students have joined forces to educate adolescents about skin cancer with significant impacts; even one 50-min interactive outreach session led to sustained changes in knowledge and behavior in a cohort of 1,200 adolescents surveyed. Medical students can act as a tremendous asset to health awareness public outreach efforts: enthusiastic volunteerism keeps education cost-effective, results in exponential spread of information, reinforces knowledge and communication skills of future physicians, and can result in tangible, life-saving benefits such as early detection of melanoma

    Interprofessional education through shadowing experiences in multi-disciplinary clinical settings

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    The World Health Organization has recently added Interprofessional Education (IPE) to its global health agenda recognizing it as a necessary component of all health professionals' education. We suggest mandatory interprofessional shadowing experiences as a mechanism to be used by chiropractic institutions to address this agenda. IPE initiatives of other professions (pharmacy and medicine) are described along with chiropractic. This relative comparison of professions local to our jurisdiction in Ontario, Canada is made so that the chiropractic profession may take note that they are behind other health care providers in implementing IPE

    Arsenic-related DNA copy-number alterations in lung squamous cell carcinomas

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    BACKGROUND: Lung squamous cell carcinomas (SqCCs) occur at higher rates following arsenic exposure. Somatic DNA copy-number alterations (CNAs) are understood to be critical drivers in several tumour types. We have assembled a rare panel of lung tumours from a population with chronic arsenic exposure, including SqCC tumours from patients with no smoking history. METHODS: Fifty-two lung SqCCs were analysed by whole-genome tiling-set array comparative genomic hybridisation. Twenty-two were derived from arsenic-exposed patients from Northern Chile (10 never smokers and 12 smokers). Thirty additional cases were obtained for comparison from North American smokers without arsenic exposure. Twenty-two blood samples from healthy individuals from Northern Chile were examined to identify germline DNA copy-number variations (CNVs) that could be excluded from analysis. RESULTS: We identified multiple CNAs associated with arsenic exposure. These alterations were not attributable to either smoking status or CNVs. DNA losses at chromosomes 1q21.1, 7p22.3, 9q12, and 19q13.31 represented the most recurrent events. An arsenic-associated gain at 19q13.33 contains genes previously identified as oncogene candidates. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide a comprehensive approach to molecular characteristics of the arsenic-exposed lung cancer genome and the non-smoking lung SqCC genome. The distinct and recurrent arsenic-related alterations suggest that this group of tumours may be considered as a separate disease subclass

    Scenario Planning and Nanotechnological Futures

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    Scenario planning may assist us in harnessing the benefits of nanotechnology and managing the associated risks for the good of the society. Scenario planning is a way to describe the present state of the world and develop several hypotheses about the future of the world, thereby enabling discussions about how the world ought to be. Scenario planning thus is not only a tool for learning and foresight, but also for leadership. Informed decision-making by experts and political leaders becomes possible, while simultaneously allaying public's perception of the risks of new and emerging technologies such as nanotechnology. Two scenarios of the societal impact of nanotechnology are the mixed-signals scenario and the confluence scenario. Technoscientists have major roles to play in both scenarios

    The impacts of independent director and CEO duality on performance in the Chinese post-institutional-transition era

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    This paper investigates the influence of corporate governance on performance of modern Chinese firms. Prior studies reveal inconclusive results about the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance. Little research investigates the performance implications of board structure in the post-institutional-transition era in China. Based on agency and resource dependence theories, it examines the impacts of board composition and leadership structure on the performance of Chinese manufacturing firms that went public on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges in 2010. The findings show that separating the posts of CEO and chairman promotes better performance. However, appointing a larger proportion of outside independent directors to the board insignificantly affects performance. This research provides partial support for agency theory and extended insights into corporate governance in emerging economy firms

    A hidden HIV epidemic among women in Vietnam

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The HIV epidemic in Vietnam is still concentrated among high risk populations, including IDU and FSW. The response of the government has focused on the recognized high risk populations, mainly young male drug users. This concentration on one high risk population may leave other populations under-protected or unprepared for the risk and the consequences of HIV infection. In particular, attention to women's risks of exposure and needs for care may not receive sufficient attention as long as the perception persists that the epidemic is predominantly among young males. Without more knowledge of the epidemic among women, policy makers and planners cannot ensure that programs will also serve women's needs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>More than 300 documents appearing in the period 1990 to 2005 were gathered and reviewed to build an understanding of HIV infection and related risk behaviors among women and of the changes over time that may suggest needed policy changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It appears that the risk of HIV transmission among women in Vietnam has been underestimated; the reported data may represent as little as 16% of the real number. Although modeling predicted that there would be 98,500 cases of HIV-infected women in 2005, only 15,633 were accounted for in reports from the health system. That could mean that in 2005, up to 83,000 women infected with HIV have not been detected by the health care system, for a number of possible reasons. For both detection and prevention, these women can be divided into sub-groups with different risk characteristics. They can be infected by sharing needles and syringes with IDU partners, or by having unsafe sex with clients, husbands or lovers. However, most new infections among women can be traced to sexual relations with young male injecting drug users engaged in extramarital sex. Each of these groups may need different interventions to increase the detection rate and thus ensure that the women receive the care they need.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Women in Vietnam are increasingly at risk of HIV transmission but that risk is under-reported and under-recognized. The reasons are that women are not getting tested, are not aware of risks, do not protect themselves and are not being protected by men. Based on this information, policy-makers and planners can develop better prevention and care programs that not only address women's needs but also reduce further spread of the infection among the general population.</p

    Family structure, parent-child conversation time and substance use among Chinese adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The family plays a vital role in shaping adolescent behaviours. The present study investigated the associations between family structure and substance use among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 32,961 Form 1 to 5 (grade 7-12 in the US) Hong Kong students participated in the Youth Smoking Survey in 2003-4. An anonymous questionnaire was used to obtain information about family structure, daily duration of parent-child conversation, smoking, alcohol drinking and drug use. Logistic regression was used to calculate the adjusted odds ratios (OR) for each substance use by family structure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Adjusting for sex, age, type of housing, parental smoking and school, adolescents from non-intact families were significantly more likely to be current smokers (OR = 1.62), weekly drinkers (OR = 1.72) and ever drug users (OR = 1.72), with significant linear increases in ORs from maternal, paternal to no-parent families compared with intact families. Furthermore, current smoking (OR = 1.41) and weekly drinking (OR = 1.46) were significantly more common among adolescents from paternal than maternal families. After adjusting for parent-child conversation time, the ORs for non-intact families remained significant compared with intact families, but the paternal-maternal differences were no longer significant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Non-intact families were associated with substance use among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. The apparently stronger associations with substance use in paternal than maternal families were probably mediated by the poorer communication with the father.</p