75 research outputs found

    Social mobilization or street crimes

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    This article deals with processes of marginalization and patterns of segregation in contemporary Sweden, which have transformed the former welfare state towards increased segregation and inequality between different social groups. Two ethnographic studies on young men living in stigmatized metropolitan areas are used in discussion and analysis. During the 1990s we could see the birth and growth of new forms of poverty in multi-ethnic suburbs of the metropolitan districts of Sweden. During the last two decades, youth subcultures oriented towards Reggae and Hip hop have grown and attracted many young people in these metropolitan areas. This article focuses on how two youth collectives in two metropolitan areas developed different strategies to cope with discrimination, second class citizenship and territorial stigmatization. In both these collectives it is possible so see how informal learning processes, embedded in cultural praxis of the youth groups and empowered by a connection to African-American music cultures, enable these groups and individuals to express themselves. The youth collective in one suburbs articulates a social and political criticism that could be compared to the cultural aspirations of the labour movement in the early part of the last century. The youth from the other neighbourhood have a strong fascination with criminal out-law culture and do not articulate themselves in the same way as members of the other group. Still their cultural expressions must be understood as ways to deal with their positions as marginalized, immigrant youth


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    Penelitian ini ditandai oleh adanya kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa di sekolah yang kurang optimal sehingga belum terciptanya keoptimalan membaca pemahaman siswa mengenai suatu teks yang dibacanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh yang signifikan antara kemampuan siswa dalam membaca pemahaman teks berita kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan metode SQ4R dan kelas pembanding menggunakan metode ceramah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen kuasi dengan desain Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 4 Bandung tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dipilih secara Purposive Sampling. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel berdasarkan pada nilai Bahasa Indonesia yang dimiliki kedua kelas tersebut yang memiliki nilai rata-rata yang hampir sama. Kelas yang digunakan adalah kelas VIII-A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII-B sebagai kelas pembanding. Jumlah sampel setiap kelas adalah 35 orang siswa di kelas eksperimen dan pembanding. Pada desain ini dilakukan tes awal dan tes akhir di kelas eksperimen dan pembanding. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji reliabilitas antarpenimbang, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan hipotesis. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa hasil tes kemampuan membaca pemahaman teks berita siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pembelajaran membaca pemahaman teks berita dengan menggunakan metode SQ4R. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis, diperoleh bahwa Y ̂hitung sebesar 7,68 dan Y ̂tabel dengan menggunakan derajat kebebasan 68 dan taraf kepercayaan 95% diketahui( Y) ̂tabel yaitu 1,99. Oleh karena itu, dapat diketahui bahwa Y ̂hitung > Y ̂tabel atau 7,68 > 1,99. Dengan demikian, metode SQ4R berpengaruh dalam pembelajaran membaca pemahaman teks berita.;--- This research is marked by the existence of unoptimal student ability to read the comprehension in the school so the student reading comprehension has not been created. The purpose of this research is to find out the signifficant effect between student comprehension of reading the news experiment using the SQ4R Method and student comprehension of reading the news using advise method. The research method was quasi experiment with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The Population of this research is the 8th grade student of SMP Negeri 4 Bandung Year 2015/2016. The Sample is choosen in Purposive Sampling. The sample of this research based on the bahasa indonesia score of those two class that has the near same score summary. The VIII-A Class as the experiment and the VIII-B as the comparison. The total of the sample is 35 student from the both class. There’s the first test and the last test for both class in this design. The data processing is done by doing reability between comparison test, normality test, homogenity test, and hypothesis. The form of the data sample is reading comprehension on student news. The result of the test indicates that there are significant difference in reading the news text using the SQ4R Method. Based on the hypothesis, obtained that Y ̂at 7,68 and Y ̂table using 68 degress off freedom and a level 0f 95% is know Y ̂table is 1,99. Therefore be see that Y ̂at is bigger Y ̂table or 7,68 larger 1,99 with influential SQ4R methods used in teaching reading comprehension news texts

    Observationer och etnografi

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    Kapitlet handlar om etnografiska metoder i samhÀllsvetenskaplig forskning

    Mellan makt och motstÄnd

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    Kapitlet diskuterar tvÄ fall dÀr makt och motstÄnd utgör centrala aspekter. Det första fallet handlar om en forsknings- och projektorganisation i Norge med syftet att behandla forskare, praktiker i den sociala sektorn, universitetsstudenter och anvÀndare av offentliga tjÀnster som likvÀrdiga parter i produktion av kunskaper som kan anvÀndas för att förbÀttra sociala tjÀnster. Lalander arbetade dÀr i ett Är och utförde dÄ deltagande observationer och intervjuer med kollegorna. Organisationen innehÄller mÄnga positiva aspekter som skapar kÀnslor av likvÀrdighet, men ocksÄ aspekter av makt inbÀddat och ofta dolt i vardagliga rutiner och vardagligt tal. "Brukarna" (av sociala tjÀnster) förvÀntas stÄ fram med sin bakgrund, som kan handla om privata saker och tillkortakommanden, sÄsom droganvÀndande eller psykiska problem. Mot detta utövar man motstÄnd pÄ ett subtilt sÀtt, med ironi eller genom att helt enkelt inte stÄ fram med sin bakgrund. Det andra fallet handlar om den moderna organisationen LARO, en offentlig och medicinsk behandling för opiatanvÀndare. Kontrollsystemet Àr mer eller mindre totalt och med hjÀlp av urinprover och ett för givet taget tÀnkande dÀr man litar mer pÄ vetenskap och medicin Àn pÄ vad patienterna sÀger segmenteras maktpositionerna. Detta kontrollsystem bÄde förstÀrker och Àr en konsekvens av en stigmatiseringsprocess genom vilken heroinister ses som underlÀgsna, som inte riktigt mÀnskliga, Àven om detta döljs genom en retorik om organisationen som human och i patientens bÀsta intresse.The chapter discusses two cases in which power and resistance are central aspects. The first case is about a research and project organization in Norway with the aim of treating researchers, practitioners in the social service, university students and users of public service as equal partners in the production of knowledge to be used in social service. Lalander worked there for a year which involved participant observation and interviews with colleagues. There are many positive aspects creating feelings of equality within this type of organization, but also elements of power which are embedded in daily routines and mundane talk. The users are often expected to be overt with private issues, such as earlier drug abuse or psychiatric problems. The users, however, exert resistance towards this, through irony or through not presenting oneself as a user. The other case is about the modern institution LARO, a public medially assisted treatment facility for opiate users. The control system is described as more or less total and with the aid of urine tests and a sense of trusting more on medical and scientific knowledge, embedded in different taken for granted rituals and in mundane talk, power is distributed. This control system can be seen as a consequence and a reinforcement of a stigmatization process in which heroin users are seen as inferior, as not quite human, even though this is hidden with a rhetoric about the organization as human and in the best interest of the patients

    Hela vÀrlden Àr din : En bok om unga heroinister

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    Staging “Chileanness” : Ethnicity, illegal drug

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    Aim: Following a group of young men with Chilean background living in a Swedish territorially stigmatised area, the author analyses how the actors create, recreate and use ethnicity and on what structural grounds such creation is carried out. This analysis is done to provide a complex and socially constructed view of ethnicity. Method: Between 2003 and 2015, the author followed a group of 16 young men, born in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The fieldwork included interviews and participant observations in places that were important to the young men; the residential area where they lived in Sweden and the area in Chile that some of them visited during the time of the research and where they have their roots. Findings and conclusion: During childhood and adolescence, ethnic identification became a means to group identification. However, ethnic identity practiced in the street culture and the illegal economy cannot be seen as essential, but rather as something that is performed and staged in different situations, creating a sense of ‘‘Chileanness’’. Producing Chileanness helps combating emotions related to sorrow, to being poor and not feeling welcomed in the Swedish society. This ethnicity is fragile and intertwined with social class and gender

    Hela vÀrlden Àr din : En bok om unga heroinister

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    Pundare, jonkare och Bengt : Med kÀnslan som följeslagare

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    ”Pundare, jonkare och Bengt: med kĂ€nslan som följeslagare” Ă€r rubriken pĂ„ Philip Lalanders kapitel. Philip skriver om sitt första möte med Bengt och diskuterar betydelsen av nyckelinformanter i etnografisk forskning. Genom en nĂ€rlĂ€sning av Pundare, jonkare och andra, Bengt klassiska avhandling, reflekterar han över relationen mellan Bengt och hans nyckelinformant, Harry. Vilken betydelse har kĂ€nslor i deras relation, undrar Philip. Är Bengt och Harry vĂ€nner
