1,149 research outputs found

    International Lifestyle Migration and Social Marginalization on the Tourism Village

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    By conducting qualitative research that supported with quantitative data analysis, it has founded that International lifestyle migration which committed by Middle East citizens (Saudi Arabian and Qatar) at South Tugu Village, Cisarua in East Java Indonesia as the destination for village tourism - have been raising social unequality. International lifestyle migration process on this village had occured along with International refugee resettlement from Asian country (Pakistan, Afganistan, Morocco,Myanmar ) which is inevitable became as a source of social change. It was begin by the growth of livelihood and economic behavior of local community itself that keenly more dependent on the tourism enterprises. The change of house building and settlement patterns were also followed by the transformation of land occupation and ownership. Moreover, it is identified by manner of speech, eating habits and also public order and security. However, apparently those changes are not enganging with the presence of social welfare equality. On the contrary, such development has been precisely marginalizing the poor community on the village

    Holographic s-wave condensate with non-linear electrodynamics: A nontrivial boundary value problem

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    In this paper, considering the probe limit, we analytically study the onset of holographic s-wave condensate in the planar Schwarzschild-AdS background. Inspired by various low energy features of string theory, in the present work we replace the conventional Maxwell action by a (non-linear) Born-Infeld (BI) action which essentially corresponds to the higher derivative corrections of the gauge fields. Based on a variational method, which is commonly known as the Sturm-Liouville (SL) eigenvalue problem and considering a non-trivial asymptotic solution for the scalar field, we compute the critical temperature for the s-wave condensation. The results thus obtained analytically agree well with the numerical findings\cite{hs19}. As a next step, we extend our perturbative technique to compute the order parameter for the condensation. Interestingly our analytic results are found to be of the same order as the numerical values obtained earlier.Comment: Minor revision, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Decision Making on Oil Extraction under Z-information

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    AbstractIn modern conditions, the refining process is complicated and ambiguous, requiring a precise knowledge of all the internal and external factors. However, in many cases, it is impossible to get complete information. Therefore, the process of oil production takes place in conditions of uncertainty accompanying the various situations. A partial absence of beliefs and fuzziness are some of the aspects of uncertainty. In this paper we consider a somewhat different framework for representing our knowledge. Zadeh suggested a Z-number notion, based on a reliability of the given information. In this study we apply Z- information to decision making on oil extraction problem and suggest the framework for decision making on a base of Z-numbers. The method associates with the construction of a non-additive measure as a lower prevision and uses this capacity in Choquet integral for constructing a utility function

    Assessing the effects of symmetry on motif disovery and modeling

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    BACKGROUND: Identifying the DNA binding sites for transcription factors is a key task in modeling the gene regulatory network of a cell. Predicting DNA binding sites computationally suffers from high false positives and false negatives due to various contributing factors, including the inaccurate models for transcription factor specificity. One source of inaccuracy in the specificity models is the assumption of asymmetry for symmetric models. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using simulation studies, so that the correct binding site model is known and various parameters of the process can be systematically controlled, we test different motif finding algorithms on both symmetric and asymmetric binding site data. We show that if the true binding site is asymmetric the results are unambiguous and the asymmetric model is clearly superior to the symmetric model. But if the true binding specificity is symmetric commonly used methods can infer, incorrectly, that the motif is asymmetric. The resulting inaccurate motifs lead to lower sensitivity and specificity than would the correct, symmetric models. We also show how the correct model can be obtained by the use of appropriate measures of statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study demonstrates that the most commonly used motif-finding approaches usually model symmetric motifs incorrectly, which leads to higher than necessary false prediction errors. It also demonstrates how alternative motif-finding methods can correct the problem, providing more accurate motif models and reducing the errors. Furthermore, it provides criteria for determining whether a symmetric or asymmetric model is the most appropriate for any experimental dataset

    Relationhip Between a Type of Leadership Head of Village with the Quality of Village Service

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    Gaya kepemimpinan direktif dan konsultatif diterapkan oleh kepala desa dan disesuaikan untuk permasalahan. Tipe direktif digunakan ketika melimpahkan tugas kepada petugas desa. Tipe konsultatif digunakan dalam mengarahkan pekerja ketika memberikan pelayanan publik. Tujuan penelitianini adalah menganalisis hubungan antara tipe kepemimpinan kepada desa dengan kualitas pelayanan publik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling dengan total responden sebanyak 60 orang. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji korelasi rank-spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan konsultatif dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan masyarakat. Hal ini dibuktikan sebesar 80 persen responden menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gaya kepemimpinan konsultatif dengan kualitas pelayanan publik

    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) in supply chain management: From foundations to practical implementation

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    Since 2015 developments such as Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical production systems on the technology side, and approaches such as flexible and smart manufacturing systems hold great potential. These in turn give rise to special requirements that the production planning, control and monitoring, among others, needing a paradigm shift to exploit the full potential of these methods and techniques. Starting from foundations in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), building upon definitions and findings reported by literature, a practical example of innovative Cyber Physical Supply Chain Planning System (CPS2) is provided. The paper clarifies the advantages of cyber-physical systems in the production planning, controlling and monitoring perspective with respect to manufacturing, logistics and related planning practices. A set of basic features of CPS2 systems are discussed and addressed by contextualizing service orientation architecture and microservices components with respect to supply chain management collaboration and cooperation practices. The identification of specific technologies behind those functions, within the developed research, provides some practical insight if the interesting CPS2 potential

    Strategi Pengembangan Potensi Wisata Bahari Kabupaten Bangka Selatan (Studi Kasus Pulau Kelapan Lepar Pongok)

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    Potensi wisata bahari di Pulau Kelapan belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh pemerintah dan pemangku kepentingan sehingga menimbulkan beberapa kendala terhadap lokasi properti wisata bahari di Pulau Kelapan, seperti keterbatasan infrastruktur, kurangnya promosi, keterbatasan infrastruktur dan fasilitas pendukung, dan akses yang sulit. dan transportasi ke tempat-tempat wisata. Oleh karena itu sektor ini belum mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi pertumbuhan dan pembangunan ekonomi daerah. Dalam hal pengembangan pariwisata jangka panjang, potensi ini perlu dikembangkan. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif, analisis matriks faktor Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) dan External Factor Evaluation (EFE) untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor strategis yang mempengaruhi pengembangan wisata bahari di Pulau Kelapan, serta SWOT. . dan analisis QSPM untuk menentukan prioritas strategis pengembangan potensi wisata bahari Pulau Kelapan Kabupaten Bangka Selatan

    A review of telavancin in the treatment of complicated skin and skin structure infections (cSSSI)

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    Telavancin is a novel antibiotic being investigated for the treatment of serious infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria, including complicated skin and skin structure infections (cSSSI) and pneumonia. This once-daily intravenous lipoglycopeptide exerts rapid bactericidal activity via a dual mechanism of action. It is intended for use to combat infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus and other Gram-positive bacteria, including methicillin-resistant and vancomycin-intermediate strains of S. aureus (MRSA and VISA, respectively). Vancomycin is the current gold standard in treating serious infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria, especially MRSA. In recent clinical trials, telavancin has shown excellent efficacy in phase II and III multinational, randomized, double-blinded studies of cSSSI. In the phase II FAST 2 study, which compared telavancin 10 mg/kg intravenously q 24 h vs standard therapy (an antistaphylococcal penicillin at 2 g IV q 6 h or vancomycin 1 gm IV q 12 h), the clinical success rate in the telavancin-treated group was 96% vs 94% in the standard therapy group. In two identical phase III trials comparing telavancin versus vancomycin at the doses of the FAST 2 study for cSSSI, the clinical cure rates were 88.3% and 87.1%, respectively. Two additional phase III clinical trials investigating telavancin for use in hospital-acquired pneumonia, caused by Gram-positive bacteria are currently ongoing. Telavancin is currently under regulatory review in both the United States and Europe for the indication of treatment of cSSSI
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