4,915 research outputs found

    Studies in Psyllidae (Hemiptera-Homoptera)

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    Calculated Efficiencies of Cylindrical Ge(Li) Detectors

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    Building consumers’ trust in electronic retail platforms in the Sub-Saharan context: an exploratory study on drivers and impact on continuance intention

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    Lack of trust can have a negative influence on consumers’ willingness to use electronic retail (e-tail) platforms especially in countries with weak regulations and poor consumer rights. This paper examined factors that can be employed to build consumer trust and continuance intention to use e-tail platforms in Sub-Saharan Africa. Data were collected from 207 respondents and analyzed using structural equation modelling with the PLS software. The results show that information quality, perceived usefulness, hedonic motivation and perceived risk have a significant influence on consumers’ trust in e-tail platforms. The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge that guides efforts for implementation of actions in weak institutional contexts characterized by institutional voids such as those experienced in Sub-Saharan African countries. Finally, the study provides insights that can help managers of e-tail platforms to effectively foster the development of trust in their communities

    Solution growth of Triglycine Sulfate (TGS) crystals on the International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-1)

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    An experiment was planned for the International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-1) to be launched around Feb. 1991. Crystals of triglycine sulfate (TGS) will be grown by low temperature solution crystal growth technique using a multiuser facility called Fluid Experiment System (FES). A special cooled sting technique of solution crystal growth will be used where heat is extracted from the seed crystal through a semi-insulating sting, thereby creating the desired supersaturation near the growing crystal. Also, a holocamera will be used to provide tomography of the three dimensional flow field and particle image displacement velocimetry to monitor the convective flows

    Bibliography of the Indian Ocean 1931 – 1961 - A supplement to the ‘Partial Bibliography’

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    This Bulletin is a continuation of Bulletin No. 4 issued from this Institute as a Supplement (for the 1900-1930 period) to the ‘Partial Bibliography of the Indian Ocean’ brought out by the U. S. Program in Biology in 1962. In spite of various handicaps my colleagues have managed to bring together as many relevant references as possible for the 1931-1961 period, which did not find a place in the ‘Partial Bibliography’. There are in all 2682 references of which the greater part comes under fishes (827), crustaceans (418) and molluscs (293). The preparation of the Bulletin was undertaken at my suggestion by Messrs. R. S. Lal Mohan, D.B. James and K.K. Appukuttan who completed the same without prejudice to their routine work. It is needless to say that they had sacrificed a great deal of their spare time for this purpose and gives me great pleasure to record my sincere thanks and appreciation for their high sense of responsibility, co-operative spirit and devotion to duty. My thanks are also due to other members of the staff who in various ways helped in the completion of the Bulletin

    Blast Valve Design and Related Studies : A Review

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    The protective structures required for performing critical operations are vulnerable to the blast and shock loads of advanced weapons. A blast valve is an important component of such structures for ventilation during normal conditions and for protection from blast/ shock during explosion. In this paper, various aspects of blast valve design and related studies are briefly reviewed. The concept and effects of blast wave, blast impact, numerical modelling and deformation of circular plate (one of the critical components of blast valve) have been discussed. The merits and demerits of sensing mechanisms viz. remote and direct sensing are discussed. The leakage of blast pressure during finite closing period of the valve (one of the critical problems) and the shock tube as a major experimental facility for testing of blast valves are briefly discussed

    Bibliography of the Indian Ocean 1900-1930 –A Supplement to the ‘Partial Bibliography’

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    The first Bulletin of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute on the “Bibliography of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography of the Indian Ocean 1962-67” was issued in March 1968 to provide the scientific workers in this region with a reasonably comprehensive list of references relating to the area since the issue of “A Partial Bibliography of the Indian Ocean” by the U.S. Programme in Biology in June 1962. It is most gratifying that the Bulletin was very well received. More than anything else this has enabled the outside world to get a correct idea of the extent of work carried out in this country in general and in this Institute in particular in marine fisheries and oceanography during the last few years. The usefulness of the venture has encouraged us to go ahead with the programme of preparation of a supplement to the “Partial Bibliography” as indicated in the Forword of the first Bulletin. However, owing to various practical difficulties it was not possible to cover the period from 1900-1961 in one Supplement as announced earlier and therefore to avoid delay it was considered expedient to issue the present one for 1900-1930. The Supplement for the subsequent period, viz., 1931-1961, will be issued in due course

    Growth and characterization of crystals for IR detectors and second harmonic gereration devices

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    Two types of materials, L-arginine phosphate (LAP) and doped triglycine sulfate (TGS), are examined for their growth characteristics and relevant properties for second harmonic generation and IR detector applications, respectively