29 research outputs found

    Bahasa Indonesia di ruang publik: penggunaannya dalam debat publik menjelang pilpres 2019

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    Makalah ini membahas bahasa Indonesia di ruang publik yang berupa debat publik. Pembahasan bertujuan memberikan pemahaman kepada pembaca tentang penggunaannya dalam acara debat umum menjelang Pilpres 2019 yang telah meresahkan masyarakat


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    Dewasa ini, berita bohong (hoax) dan hujatan (blasphemy), terutama karena pengaruh politik, telah menjadi konsumsi publik. Berita bohong dan hujatan tersebut tergolong dalam pelanggaran norma kesantunan berbahasa dan dapat dikatakan sebagai “kejahatan siber” (cyber crime). Kemudahan yang didapat lewat media on line membuka peluang bagi siapa pun yang bermaksud melakukan kejahatan siber itu. Makalah ini bertujuan melihat hubungan etika berbahasa seseorang dalam bahasa daerahnya dengan perilaku berbahasanya dalam bahasa Indeonesia (mungkin juga bahasa asing). Pemikiran yang dituangkan dalam tulisan ini berkaitan dengan asumsi bahwa selama penutur memanfaatkan etika dalam bahasa daerahnya, perilaku berbahasanya tidak akan melanggar norma. Sehubungan dengan itu, kesantunan yang dikenal dalam bahasa Jawa dan Bali digunakan sebagai model mengenai perilaku berbahasa yang beretika. Data diperoleh dari studi pustaka dan komunikasi personal dengan penutur kedua bahasa tersebut. Undak usuk, dalam hal ini, yang menjadi tolok ukur etika berbahasa itu tidak bisa dipisahkan dari budaya kedua masyarakat pendukung bahasa daerah tersebut. Dengan demikian, kajian yang dilakukan bersifat interdisipilner yang dikenal sebagai bidang linguistik antropologi/antropologi linguistik


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    Purpose of the study: Language is a productive communication tool for teachers to interact with learners. The use of non-verbal Language in speaking becomes strong support when the speech event takes place. This study aims to determine the elements of kinesics and politeness of the Language of the instructor in learning. Methodology: The method used in this study uses descriptive methods. The subjects involved in the research were one lecturer in Indonesian language courses andMahasaraswati university students who were taking Indonesian language courses. The study was conducted in 6 different classes for three meetings. Main Findings: The results showed that non-verbal Language is inherent and contributes to the application of the instructor’s politeness principle in learning. Utilization of kinesics in the politeness of Language perfects a speech that is based on the politeness of Language so that the care of speech harmony can be sustained and to the success in maintaining the face of the speech partner especially emotional closeness between learners and instructors. Application of this study: Learning includes embedded values ​​and imprinted into a role model for learners. The attitude that is no less important and inherent in the instructor’s self is the kinesic attraction that causes the learner’s pleasure and comfort when learning takes place. Novelty/Originality of this study: Research in Indonesian has not yet led to politeness in Language. The utilization of non-verbal Language in speaking becomes strong support when the speech event takes place, this is because Language is the main communication tool for interaction in learning

    Fungsi, Kategori, dan Peran Sintaksis dalam Talk Show One “Indonesia Lawyers Club” di TV One

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    This study aims to understand the syntactic function of the function, category, and tree diagram in the talk show one “Indonesia Lawyer Club” on TV ONE. This study uses the theory of RRG (Role and Reference Grammar) proposed by Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. and Randy J. LaPolla (1997). This research data is in the form of sentences in Indonesian language. The data was collected using refer method and note technic. The main method that was used to analyze data was distributional method, while the application of this method was assisted with based technique, direct element distributional technique. The result is presented using formal and informal method with inductive and deduktive technique. The result are the syntactic functions contain subject, predicate (core) or nucleus, and objects, the category of subject and object is a noun, while the predicate (nucleus) is a verb and an adjective, and the subject\u27s role is as an actor, the object as a patient, and the predicate (nucleus) describes the activities or circumstances. Nucleus or the core of the sentence is on the right. Besides, it was also found the result in the form of tree structure or tree diagram in its category

    Pemaliq Words of Human Death within the Society of Sasak-Indonesia: A Linguistic Anthropology Study

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    This study aimed to describe the world’s view and cultural values conceptualized by the community of Sasak on pemaliq words of human death. Non-participatory observation and in-depth interview methods were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. It applied Miles and Huberman analysis model consisting of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study showed that pemaliq words of human death used by the Sasak community in Sigar Penjalin Village, North Lombok Regency, Indonesia, reflected the perspective of the ancestors in understanding the nature of death. It means those who experience death are the physical matters, while the human spirits keep on living and they are in a holy place, namely in alam alus (subtle world). The Sasak community of Sigar Penjalin Village forbid the use of matѐ ‘died’ as a word for human death, not only it is considered impolite, but it is believed in bringing tulah manuh ‘misfortune’ to those who are using that particular word. Therefore, the ancestors of the Sasak community in Sigar Penjalin Village is in practice of using certain words as a way of avoidance, namely the word adѐq ‘nonexistence’, ngѐnangang ‘leaving’, and ulѐq ‘returning home’ (euphemistic words), in which all are used to represent the word matѐ ‘died’. Cultural values reflected in the use of those words, namely the values of religiosity, consciousness, and politeness

    Kamus Melayu Bali-Indonesia

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    Living Tongue: The Proposal Speech in West Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    This article discusses about the marriage proposal speech through the linguistic anthropology perspective. Specifically, it elaborates the characteristics of the marriage proposal speech of Pakkado community in West Sulawesi especially on the aspects of parallelism and metaphor. The rationality of this study is to provide a better understanding of marriage proposal speech which is in line with the cultural aspect of the speakers.This research used participant observation method. The techniques used were recording and field note taking. The result of this study contributes in two factors: ethnography and academic. Ethnographically, the marriage proposal speeches which are dialectically produced by the community are very heterogeneous. Theoretically, the speech is not only referential, but also indexically non-referential. The result showed that the proposal speech displayed varieties of metaphor and parallelism, Keywords: Pakkado proposal speech, metaphor, parallelism DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-6-04 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Transitivity in the text of Indonesian presidential candidates debate

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    The presidential debate is a fundamental part of a sort of presidential election events worldwide. A number of developing countries with a presidential system of government always carry out hearing, listening and tracking the vision and mission of the nation and country. This activity is conducted to introduce the presidential candidates and vice presidents to the citizens. For example, the presidential debate in Indonesia raises a variety of social phenomena of language. There are three main factors behind selecting this phenomenon of language at the 2014 presidential debate, namely: empirical, practical, and theoretical as the topic of a study. In order to answer these three phenomena, the researcher focuses on the linguistic exposure system on the Candidate Debate Text (CDT) for the presidential election. This study aims at describing deeply the various aspects of the exposure system of the linguistic experiences of the two presidential candidates of Indonesia in the debate. Moreover, this study intends to describe the scheme and the range or reach of the discussion conducted by two candidates through debate. The theory used as the basic reference of this study is Systematic Functional Linguistics (SFL) articulated by Halliday (1985,1991, 2004, 2014)

    Revealing ideology of political speech

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    In this paper, we reflect on the ideology of political language delivered in political speech. We believe that language in political speech is a tool to spread hidden ideology. The impact of ideology can be positive, or it can also be negative for a nation. Our reflection deals with the revelation of ideology in the political speech text of the Indonesian politician, as well as Indonesian first president, Soekarno. Be based on grounded theory, we examined an important text of political speech that was delivered by Soekarno. The examination applied three main procedures to reveal ideology in text of political speech. The procedures are 1) by analyzing the main rhetorical devices that are used by the politician, 2) by analyzing the construction of the whole text, and 3) by reviewing the context of the situation and the background of the politician. As the results of applying the procedures, it was found that the ideologies of Soekarno’s political speech were ‘unity as the most important value for Indonesia’, revolution as the soul of Indonesia’ and, ‘imperialism as the main enemy of Indonesia’

    Struktur Bahasa Sikka

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