68 research outputs found

    The influence of vitamin E supplementation on the oxidative status of rat liver

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    We tested to see if the additional intake of vitamin E in the form of α-tocopheryl-succinate would improve liver antioxidative protection. Thus, we studied the tissue oxidative status in rats supplemented by two doses of the antioxidant over a four week period of time. Our results confirmed that the additional intake of vitamin E decreased the liver lipid peroxidation level and SOD activity level and preserved its vitamin C content. However, the hydrogen peroxide content and catalase activity remained unchanged, probably due to the mechanism of vitamin E liver metabolism.

    Analysis of lactoferin gene polymophism and its association to milk quality and mammary gland health in Holstein-Friesian cows

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    Lactoferrin (LTF) is a glycoprotein, a member of transferrin gene family which plays an important role in immune mechanisms in the mammary glands of cows. The amount of lactoferrin increases during inflammatory processes and viral infections. The aim of this investigation was to monitor the distribution of lactoferrin gene genotypes and its connection to milk quality and the occurrence of mammary gland diseases in 46 Holstein-Freisian cows of different age (2-7 years) on a farm near Belgrade. DNA was isolated from blood samples, and the polymorphism of lactoferrin gene was deterimined by PCR-RFLP method using the restriction enzyme Eco RI. We found two alelic forms of this gene in cows included in these experiments (A and B) and two genotypes (AA and AB) in a ratio 71.7% to 28.3%. The genotype BB was not found in this sample. In order to determine the degree of differences between genotypes we used discriminant analysis which has shown that there is a statistically significant difference between genotypes AA and with respect to productive parameters. When analyzed separately, the only parameter which differed significantly (p=0.021) between two genotypes was total milk production. Individuals with observed genotypes are most similar for the amount of milk fat (p=0.271). There is no statistically significant difference in the number of somatic cells in milk samples between the examined genotypes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46002

    Uspostavljanje programa selektivnog uzgoja kalifornijske pastrmke (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum) u Srbiji

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    Zahtev za sve većim količinama hrane za ljudsku upotrebu, efikasnost iskorišćavanja hraniva i prostora za gajenje domaćih životinja, kao i pojava mnogih bolesti doveli su do intenzivnog razvijanja selekcionih programa u svim granama poljoprivrede. Za razliku od ostalih gajenih životinja, programi selekcije u akvakulturi su se razvili nešto kasnije usled nedostatka potrebnih procena heritabilnosti, koeficijenata varijacija i korelacija za ekonomski bitne osobine. Trenutno se u akvakulturi samo 1-2% od ukupne proizvodnje zasniva na genetički unapređenim vrstama riba (Gjedrem, 1997). Korišćenjem selektovanih linija riba postiže se više korisnih stvari. Na prvom mestu, programi selekcije riba predstavljaju jedini način stalnog unapređenja ekonomski bitnih osobina kao sto su prirast, konverzija hrane, otpornost na bolesti, smanjenje masnoće u mesu riba. Ribe iz selektovanih linija efikasnije iskorišćavaju hraniva i na taj način smanjuju pritisak na divlje populacije riba koje se koriste za proizvodnju ribljeg brašna, kao glavnog izvora proteina u smešama za ishranu pastrmki. Ribe koje potiču iz divljine ne napreduju zadovoljavajućim brzinom, što znači da su konstantno pod stresom, za razliku od riba poreklom iz selekcionih programa koje pokazuju manji uticaj stresa usled gajenja u zarobljeništvu. Tako se na ovaj način korišćenjem selektovanih linija riba postiže efikasna i održiva proizvodnja uz vođenje računa o dobrobiti životinja. Drugi dobar razlog za uspostavljanje programa selekcije pastrmke u Srbiji je dobro dokumentovano postojanje interakcije genotip x okolina kod kalifornijske pastrmke, kao što su pokazala istraživanja (McKay et al., 1984; Hanke et al., 1989; Sylven et al., 1991; Winkelman and Peterson, 1994; Kettunen et al., 1999; Kause et al., 2003). Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važna je i kontrola bolesti kod kalifornijske pastrmke i mogućnost stvaranja otpornih linija pastrmki na neke bolesti putem selektivnog uzgoja (Henrion, 2005). Jedno od rešenja za ovaj ozbiljan problem, pored boljeg sistema kontrole pastrmske ikre poreklom iz uvoza, je i stvaranje lokalnih selektovanih matičnih jata sa proverenim poreklom i povećenom otpornošću na bolesti. Obzirom da za kalifornijsku pastrmku postoje pouzdani podaci o varijabilnosti i heritabilnosti proizvodnih osobina ovo pruža mogućnost efikasne selekcije, a samom tim i značajnog unapređenja proizvodnje uz smanjen ukupni mortalitet, putem odgovarajućeg programa selekcije u Srbiji

    New solar axion search in CAST with 4^4He filling

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    The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) searches for aγa\to\gamma conversion in the 9 T magnetic field of a refurbished LHC test magnet that can be directed toward the Sun. Two parallel magnet bores can be filled with helium of adjustable pressure to match the X-ray refractive mass mγm_\gamma to the axion search mass mam_a. After the vacuum phase (2003--2004), which is optimal for ma0.02m_a\lesssim0.02 eV, we used 4^4He in 2005--2007 to cover the mass range of 0.02--0.39 eV and 3^3He in 2009--2011 to scan from 0.39--1.17 eV. After improving the detectors and shielding, we returned to 4^4He in 2012 to investigate a narrow mam_a range around 0.2 eV ("candidate setting" of our earlier search) and 0.39--0.42 eV, the upper axion mass range reachable with 4^4He, to "cross the axion line" for the KSVZ model. We have improved the limit on the axion-photon coupling to gaγ<1.47×1010GeV1g_{a\gamma}< 1.47\times10^{-10} {\rm GeV}^{-1} (95% C.L.), depending on the pressure settings. Since 2013, we have returned to vacuum and aim for a significant increase in sensitivity.Comment: CAST Collaboration 6 pages 3 figure

    Results and perspectives of the solar axion search with the CAST experiment

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    The status of the solar axion search with the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) will be presented. Recent results obtained by the use of 3^3He as a buffer gas has allowed us to extend our sensitivity to higher axion masses than our previous measurements with 4^4He. With about 1 h of data taking at each of 252 different pressure settings we have scanned the axion mass range 0.39 eVma \le m_{a} \le 0.64 eV. From the absence of an excess of x rays when the magnet was pointing to the Sun we set a typical upper limit on the axion-photon coupling of gaγ2.3×1010_{a\gamma} \le 2.3\times 10^{-10} GeV1^{-1} at 95% C.L., the exact value depending on the pressure setting. CAST published results represent the best experimental limit on the photon couplings to axions and other similar exotic particles dubbed WISPs (Weakly Interacting Slim Particles) in the considered mass range and for the first time the limit enters the region favored by QCD axion models. Preliminary sensitivities for axion masses up to 1.16 eV will also be shown reaching mean upper limits on the axion-photon coupling of gaγ3.5×1010_{a\gamma} \le 3.5\times 10^{-10} GeV1^{-1} at 95% C.L. Expected sensibilities for the extension of the CAST program up to 2014 will be presented. Moreover long term options for a new helioscope experiment will be evoked.Comment: 4 pages, 2 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the 24th Rencontres de Blois V2 A few affiliations were not corrected in previous version V3 Author adde

    First results from the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST)

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    Hypothetical axion-like particles with a two-photon interaction would be produced in the Sun by the Primakoff process. In a laboratory magnetic field (``axion helioscope'') they would be transformed into X-rays with energies of a few keV. Using a decommissioned LHC test magnet, CAST has been running for about 6 months during 2003. The first results from the analysis of these data are presented here. No signal above background was observed, implying an upper limit to the axion-photon coupling < 1.16 10^{-10} GeV^-1 at 95% CL for m_a <~0.02 eV. This limit is comparable to the limit from stellar energy-loss arguments and considerably more restrictive than any previous experiment in this axion mass range.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by PRL. Final version after the referees comment

    Search for chameleons with CAST

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    In this work we present a search for (solar) chameleons with the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST). This novel experimental technique, in the field of dark energy research, exploits both the chameleon coupling to matter (βm\beta_{\rm m}) and to photons (βγ\beta_{\gamma}) via the Primakoff effect. By reducing the X-ray detection energy threshold used for axions from 1\,keV to 400\,eV CAST became sensitive to the converted solar chameleon spectrum which peaks around 600\,eV. Even though we have not observed any excess above background, we can provide a 95% C.L. limit for the coupling strength of chameleons to photons of βγ ⁣ ⁣1011\beta_{\gamma}\!\lesssim\!10^{11} for 1<βm<1061<\beta_{\rm m}<10^6.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Recent searches for solar axions and large extra dimensions

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    We analyze the data from two recent experiments designed to search for solar axions within the context of multidimensional theories of the Kaluza-Klein type. In these experiments, axions were supposed to be emitted from the solar core, in M1 transitions between the first excited state and the ground state of 57Fe and 7Li. Because of the high multiplicity of axionic Kaluza-Klein states which couple with the strength of ordinary QCD axions, we obtain much more stringent experimental limits on the four-dimensional Peccei-Quinn breaking scale f_{PQ}, compared with the solar QCD axion limit. Specifically, for the 57Fe experiment, f_{PQ}>1x10^6 GeV in theories with two extra dimensions and a higher-dimensional gravitational scale M_H of order 100 TeV, and f_{PQ}>1x10^6 GeV in theories with three extra dimensions and M_H of order 1 TeV (to be compared with the QCD axion limit, f_{PQ}>8x10^3 GeV). For the 7Li experiment, f_{PQ}>1.4x10^5 GeV and 3.4x10^5 GeV, respectively (to be compared with the QCD axion limit, f_{PQ}>1.9x10^2 GeV). It is an interesting feature of our results that, in most cases, the obtained limit on f_{PQ} cannot be coupled with the mass of the axion, which is essentially set by the (common) radius of the extra dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, revtex 4, minor changes, version accepted by PR

    Search for low Energy solar Axions with CAST

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    We have started the development of a detector system, sensitive to single photons in the eV energy range, to be suitably coupled to one of the CAST magnet ports. This system should open to CAST a window on possible detection of low energy Axion Like Particles emitted by the sun. Preliminary tests have involved a cooled photomultiplier tube coupled to the CAST magnet via a Galileian telescope and a switched 40 m long optical fiber. This system has reached the limit background level of the detector alone in ideal conditions, and two solar tracking runs have been performed with it at CAST. Such a measurement has never been done before with an axion helioscope. We will present results from these runs and briefly discuss future detector developments.Comment: Paper submitted to the proceedings of the "4th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs", DESY, Hamburg Site - Germany, 18-21 June 2008. Author affiliations are reported on the title page of the paper. In version 2: 1 affiliation change, 3 references adde

    Search for nu(mu)-->nu(e) Oscillations in the NOMAD Experiment

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    We present the results of a search for nu(mu)-->nu(e) oscillations in the NOMAD experiment at CERN. The experiment looked for the appearance of nu(e) in a predominantly nu(mu) wide-band neutrino beam at the CERN SPS. No evidence for oscillations was found. The 90% confidence limits obtained are delta m^2 < 0.4 eV^2 for maximal mixing and sin^2(2theta) < 1.4x10^{-3} for large delta m^2. This result excludes the LSND allowed region of oscillation parameters with delta m^2 > 10 eV^2.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Lett.