53 research outputs found

    Hungarian Grand Entrepreneurs in the System of National Cooperation

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    A non-conventional change of government occurred in Hungary in 2010. The winner of the election, party-alliance FIDESZ-KDNP, which controlled more than two-thirds of the seats in the Hungarian Parliament, transformed the Hungarian constitutional system radically and with unprecedented rapidity. The so-called invisible constitution of 1989 was replaced by a new Basic Law. The new holders of power changed the structure and management of state administration. There were also fundamental shifts in the system of public education and in the financing of the health care system. We witnessed the introduction of new and until-now never-applied approaches and tools for regulating the economy and the taxation system. Moreover, the new government introduced systemic changes in terms of how the poor and the unemployed were supported and modified the legal and financial status of local governments. Since 2010, the share of the state sector has increased in the Hungarian economy. How did the grand entrepreneurs behave, and what strategies did they use in this radically modified socio-economic environment

    Körkérdés az állam gazdasági szerepéről : ÁLLAM ÉS FORRADALOM

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    A trafikpiac átalakulása és átalakítása (esettanulmány)

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    A termék és szolgáltatás piacok átalakulása 1989 után = Evolution of product and service markets in Hungary after 1989

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    A kutatás első, 2008 januárjában befejezett szakaszában olyan piacok leírására, elemzésére került sor, ahol már a rendszerváltás előtt forgalmazott áru- árucsoport, vagy szolgáltatás piacán a vállalatok új, módosult együttese kínálja termékeit. Négy piacról készült esettanulmány. Ezekben a piackutatásban szokásos helyzetleírás mellett áttekintettük a kiválasztott termék vagy szolgáltatás piacának 1989 utáni átalakulását, történetét. A tárgyalást a termék bemutatásával kezdtük, ezt követte a termelés és fergalmazás időbeli változásainak, a piac méret módosulásainak a leírása. Ezután a piac szereplőit, végül az állami és az önkéntes piac szabályozás intézményeit mutattuk be. Az ásványvíz, a cipő, az idegennyelv-oktatás és a nyomdaipari termékek piacáról publikáltunk esettanulmányokat. Interjúk készültek a tankönyv, a bor, a gyógy túrizmus és a laksáshitel piac szereplőivel. Az esettanulmányok fő információs forrásai a piacok meghatározó vállalatainak vezetőivel, a szakmai szövetségek, kormányhivatalok illetékeseivel készült interjúk. (mintegy 160 darab)Az így szerzett tudásunkat kiegészítették a statisztikai kiadványokból, internet forrásokból, szakcikkekből nyert információk. A 2008 második felében elkészülő összefoglaló tanulmányban meghatározzuk a hazai piacfejlődés és piacszerkezet föbb tipusait, segítve ezzel a hatákony versenyszabályozást. | We analysed markets where companies supplied goods or services which were produced and traded in Hungary after and before the collapse of the socialist system. The main sources of information are case studies which contain the reconstruction of the market development, the strategies of companies which entered these markets. The state intervention and the voluntary market regulation are presented as well. The studies were based on in-dept interviews with managers and owners of companies and with represeantatives of business associations and of governmental bodies. In the period of 2005-2007 four casestudies (minearal water, shoes, foreign language teching services and printing industry) established the conclusive study which will be published in the second part of 2008. We made intervies on the market of school books, of wine, of health tourism and morgate and residentioal loans. Our research contributed to the better understanding of market development. Deregulation, abolishment of administrative distibution, radical cut of subsidies were accopainments of the transition (1987-1997) In these years privatization influenced the market development. The supply chains have also changed radically. After transition consumer behaviour and technical development became the determinants of market evolution and of the company strategies

    Restructuring and re-regulation of the Hungarian tobacco market

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    This case study deals with the conditions and impacts of the implementation of Law CXXIV (2012) which has radically changed the regulation that applies to the Hungarian market for tobacco products. The new regulation promised to provide significant political benefits for the ruling coalition because the majority of the population support the proposition that smoking by the young generation should be prevented. This is the reason why the Hungarian government and the national assembly played a significant role in the remarkable modification of the regulation of this market. Another important factor in this development was that one of the decisive market players – by mobilizing its political influence and connections – was involved in the legislative process from its very beginning. The efforts of candidates close to power (who wanted to enter this market) were not coordinated, but these players expected to receive good support from decision makers. But the new regulation was subject to a number of flaws and demonstrations. As a result of the new legislation there remained 1500 settlements without a shop for tobacco sales. This unexpected development and the high and growing number of loss-making tobacco shops forced the government (and the state company responsible for the tobacco market) to modify permanently the regulation after only a short period of time. The main reason for the disturbances in the market was the administrative restructuring of the market for tobacco products

    Evolution on the market of foreign language teaching services in Hungary = Az idegennyelv-oktatási piac fejlődése Magyarországon

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    Ten years after : hungarian grand entrepreneurs in the European Union

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