44 research outputs found

    Tamaño relativo del cerebro en murciélagos cubanos

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    Se estudia el tamaño relativo del cerebro en 22 especies de murciélagos cubanos, incluidos en seis familias: Phyllostomidae (siete), Mormoopidae (cuatro), Natalidae (una), Noctilionidae (cuatro), Vespertilionidae (cuatro) y Molossidae (cinco). Se incluyeron todos los géneros (19) presentes en el Archipiélago cubano con la excepción de Anthrozous. El exponente alométrico que describe la relación entre el volumen endocraneal y la masa corporal es considerablemente más alto que el hallado en estudios anteriores sobre el orden Chiroptera. Los filostómidos presentaron cerebros más grandes que otras especies de murciélagos insectívoros. Al examinar la relación del coeficiente de cefalización con diferentes estrategias en el uso del hábitat, se encontró la mayor relación cuando los murciélagos se agruparon de acuerdo al uso de los diferentes espacios alimentarios. El desarrollo endocraneal observado en la fauna de murciélagos de Cuba muestra la misma tendencia que en estudios previos: la utilización de hábitats y conductas más complejas determinan mayores volúmenes cerebrales.The relative brain size is described for 22 Cuban bats, seven species from the Phyllostomidae, Mormoopidae (four species), Natalidae (one species), Vespertilionidae (four species), Noctilionidae (one species) and Molossidae (five species). This study included all genera (19) recorded in Cuba, with the exception of Anthrozous. The allometric exponent describing the functional trend between the endocranial volume (brain size) and body mass, is considerably highest than the exponent value found in previous studies in Chiroptera. The phyllostomids had significantly larger brains that insectivorous species. When examining the relationship of the encephalization quotients with different strategies in the use of the habitat, it was the highest when the bats were grouped according to their foraging strategies. The endocraneal development observed in the cuban bats shows the same tendency that in previous studies of the order Chiroptera: the use of complex foraging strategy is associated with increased relative brain size

    Application of the SCIANTIX fission gas behaviour module to the integral pin performance in sodium fast reactor irradiation conditions

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    The sodium-cooled fast reactor is among the innovative nuclear technologies selected in the framework of the development of Generation IV concepts, allowing the irradiation of uranium-plutonium mixed oxide fuels (MOX). A fundamental step for the safety assessment of MOX-fuelled pins for fast reactor applications is the evaluation, by means of fuel performance codes, of the integral thermal-mechanical behaviour under irradiation, involving the fission gas behaviour and release in the fuel-cladding gap. This work is dedicated to the performance analysis of an inner-core fuel pin representative of the ASTRID sodium-cooled concept design, selected as case study for the benchmark between the GERMINAL and TRANSURANUS fuel performance codes. The focus is on fission gas-related mechanisms and integral outcomes as predicted by means of the SCIANTIX module (allowing the physics-based treatment of inert gas behaviour and release) coupled to both fuel performance codes. The benchmark activity involves the application of both GERMINAL and TRANSURANUS in their “pre-INSPYRE” versions, i.e., adopting the state-of-the-art recommended correlations available in the codes, compared with the “post-INSPYRE” code results, obtained by implementing novel models for MOX fuel properties and phenomena (SCIANTIX included) developed in the framework of the INSPYRE H2020 Project. The SCIANTIX modelling includes the consideration of burst releases of the fission gas stored at the grain boundaries occurring during power transients of shutdown and start-up, whose effect on a fast reactor fuel concept is analysed. A clear need to further extend and validate the SCIANTIX module for application to fast reactor MOX emerges from this work; nevertheless, the GERMINAL-TRANSURANUS benchmark on the ASTRID case study highlights the achieved code capabilities for fast reactor conditions and paves the way towards the proper application of fuel performance codes to safety evaluations on Generation IV reactor concepts

    Description of new meso-scale models and their implementation in fuel performance codes

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    This deliverable illustrates the new (2.0) version of the SCIANTIX meso-scale code, developed within Task 5.2 of the PATRICIA Project, highlighting first the code structure and its numerical features. Then, the SCIANTIX models for various physics involved in the inert gas behaviour are described in detail along with their corresponding separate-effect validation database and validation results. The coupling of SCIANTIX with integral, pin-level fuel performance codes is also introduced, presenting the different strategy and interface details for the coupling with the TRANSURANUS and GERMINAL fuel performance codes. Finally, conclusions and future perspectives are provided, mentioning several envisaged developments targeted in the framework of multiple research initiatives at a European and international level, and outlining the strategy foreseen for further developments of the code (in both its stand-alone and coupled fashion)

    Indicators for smart cities: tax illicit analysis through data mining

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    The anomalies in the data coexist in the databases and in the non-traditional data that can be accessed and produced by a tax administration, whether these data are of internal or external origin. The analysis of certain anomalies in the data could lead to the discovery of patterns that respond to different causes, being able to evidence these causes certain illicit by taxpayers or acts of corruption when there is the connivance of the taxpayer with the public employee or public official. The purpose of this research is the theoretical development of the causal analysis of certain anomalies of tax data, demonstrating that the data mining methodology contributes to evidence of illicit and corrupt acts, through the application of certain algorithms

    Fuel performance simulations of ESNII prototypes: Results on the MYRRHA case study

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    Nominal and transient conditions of the ESNII prototypes were investigated in the INSPYRE Project using the European fuel performance codes GERMINAL, MACROS and TRANSURANUS. This Deliverable presents the results of the simulations of the MYRRHA case study: MYRRHA nominal irradiation conditions and the occurrence of a beam power jump (over‐power) transient at the beginning and end of life of the fuel pin in reactor. Besides the application of the reference (“pre‐INSPYRE”) code versions, the activity involves the evaluation of the impact of the improved models of MOX fuel properties developed in INSPYRE and implemented in the three fuel performance codes. These modelling advances concern the thermal properties (thermal conductivity, melting temperature), mechanical properties (thermal expansion, Young’s modulus) and the mechanistic treatment of fission gas behaviour and release from MOX fuels. The results yielded by the pre‐INSPYRE and post‐INSPYRE versions of the codes involved are presented and assessed in terms of evolution in time, as well as axial and radial profiles of significant quantities, both integral and local. Then, the code results are compared with the design limits set for the MYRRHA fuel pins, in particular the maximal fuel temperature admitted, which prevents fuel melting, and the maximal allowed cladding plasticity that ensures the cladding integrity. The outcome is a complete compliance of the pin behaviour with the design limits, respecting adequate margins even in the case of the hottest fuel pin and in the case of beam power jump transients

    Assessment of INSPYRE-extended fuel performance codes against the SUPERFACT-1 fast reactor irradiation experiment

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    Design and safety assessment of fuel pins for application in innovative Generation IV fast reactors calls for a dedicated nuclear fuel modelling and for the extension of the fuel performance code capabilities to the envisaged materials and irradiation conditions. In the INSPYRE Project, comprehensive and physics- based models for the thermal-mechanical properties of UePu mixed-oxide (MOX) fuels and for fission gas behaviour were developed and implemented in the European fuel performance codes GERMINAL, MACROS and TRANSURANUS. As a follow-up to the assessment of the reference code versions (“pre- INSPYRE”, NET 53 (2021) 3367e3378), this work presents the integral validation and benchmark of the code versions extended in INSPYRE (“post-INSPYRE”) against two pins from the SUPERFACT-1 fast reactor irradiation experiment. The post-INSPYRE simulation results are compared to the available integral and local data from post-irradiation examinations, and benchmarked on the evolution during irradiation of quantities of engineering interest (e.g., fuel central temperature, fission gas release). The comparison with the pre-INSPYRE results is reported to evaluate the impact of the novel models on the predicted pin performance. The outcome represents a step forward towards the description of fuel behaviour in fast reactor irradiation conditions, and allows the identification of the main remaining gaps

    Results of the benchmark between pre- and post-INSPYRE code versions on selected experimental cases

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    This report presents the results of the simulation of the SUPERFACT-1, RAPSODIE-I and NESTOR-3 irradiation experiments using the fuel performance codes TRANSURANUS, MACROS, GERMINAL. The simulations aim at the evaluation of the code improvements made during the INSPYRE project. The comparison of the integral pin performance results with experimental measurements available from the irradiation experiments considered and the comparison between the code results are presented. Both the results obtained using the ‘pre-INSPYRE’ code versions and the improved ‘post-INSPYRE’ ones, in which novel data and models originating from other Work Packages of the INSPYRE Project were implemented, are provided

    Pautas de investigación del programa de Contaduría Pública de la Universidad de la Costa

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    El objetivo del trabajo es identificar las pautas de investigación del programa de Contaduría Pública de la Universidad de la Costa, CUC. Para esto se realizó una revisión documental en revistas de alto impacto especializadas en contabilidad de la base de datos SCOPUS, para identificar las principales líneas de investigación y corrientes teóricas utilizadas en estudios de la disciplina contable. El trabajo se apoyó en tablas de contenidos y perchas de análisis, de donde emergieron categorías en un proceso de codificación abierta, las cuales se fueron afinando en la medida que se avanzaba en el análisis. Como resultados se evidencia una marcada tendencia de la comunidad científica a trabajar con bases de datos, temas referentes a contabilidad de gestión y relevancia valorativa, iluminadas principalmente por la Teoría de la Agencia, del Coste del Propietario, de las Señales, entre otras. Se concluye que la disciplina contable, en la búsqueda del estatus científico consolidado, se orienta hacia trabajos que permitan la contrastación empírica por medio de bases de datos y análisis estadísticos de grandes volúmenes. Con base en estos resultados, se analizó el entorno económico-social y se consideraron los lineamientos institucionales de la Universidad de la Costa, CUC, para definir la línea de investigación para el programa mencionado

    Estado del arte del proyecto

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    El objetivo del trabajo es identificar las líneas de investigación utilizadas en las principales revistas especializadas en contabilidad. Para esto se ubicarán las revistas de la base de datos Scopus que tengan la palabra "Contabilidad" o "Accounting" en su título y se revisarán los resúmenes y marcos teóricos de la muestra de artículos definida. Con los resultados se espera reconstruir el escenario en el que se desarrollan los principales trabajos en contabilidad, sus tendencias y principales corrientes teóricas, lo cual, servirá de lineamiento para orientar y justificar el trabajo de investigación al interior del Programa de Contaduría Pública de la Universidad de la Costa. Se entregará un libro que, considerando otros aspectos como el normativo institucional y del contexto social, condense el estado del arte y explicite las líneas de trabajo disciplinar. Como marco teórico se utilizarán las principales corrientes utilizadas en el paradigma de la utilidad de la información, tales como: Teoría de la Agencia (Berle & Means, 1932); (Coase, 1937); (Jensen & Meckling, 1976), del Costo del Propietario (Verrechia, 1983); (Fishman & Hagerty, 1989); (Darrought & Stoughton, 1990), entre otras. Se utilizará la metodología de revisión documental y análisis de contenidos, con apoyo en las tablas y perchas de análisis, se harán emerger categorías durante la revisión para luego ir cerrándolas a través de sus aspectos comunes en categorías más generales que permitan definir patrones en la información