14 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan Karakter selalu menjadi perhatian utama bagi sebagian besar ahli pendidikan, yang terdiri atas akademisi dan praktisi pendidikan di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia, melalui semboyan Revolusi Mental, juga berperan besar dalam membangun pendidikan karakter di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai karakter berbasis kearifan lokal yang terdapat dalam peribahasa Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Selain itu, karena penelitian dilakukan dengan penelusuran pustaka dan dokumen, maka penelitian ini termasuk kategori studi pustaka atau library research


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    During the pandemic Covid-19, the implementation of teaching and learning are conducted online.Online learning can give positive and negative impacts on the students and also lecturers in HasyimAsy’ari University. This study has described the problems in conducting online learning from thelecturer’s point of view. The subject of the study is the English department students of Hasyim Asy’ariuniversity Tebuireng Jombang. The problems that are faced by the students such as computer literacy,online access, language instruction, participation, and assessment


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    Covid-19 significantly influences teaching and learning activities. Lecturers need to be more creative to optimize the available electronic tools for supporting the teaching and learning process. Many problems faced by both lecturers and students, especially in private university whose its students are from economically low society, when they are disrupted by this condition. Creative teaching and learning process is needed to make the class more effective and attractive. Besides, it also shapes the students’ minds to follow every sophisticated change and condition in the future by seeking the exact and creative problem-solving. This research aims to describe the implementation of the online creative pedagogical learning models in English Education Department students on Extensive Reading course. The research uses a descriptive qualitative method, which is designed as classroom action research. This research conducted in English Education Department of Hasyim Asy’ari University Tebuireng Jombang, with 25 participants. The result of this research shows that online creative pedagogical models can be used for solving students’ problems, such as Google Classroom, Youtube, and Instagram TV for a synchronous meeting, and Google Meet for an asynchronous meeting. The result shows that those media suitable for implementing creative onli also become alternatives for students who have limited access to the internet because they live in remote areas or have low budgets, but those media are practical and effective


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    Hambatan belajar timbul karena adanya masalah dalam diri siswa. Berdasarkan teori Humanistik permasalahan tersebut terjadi karena ada kebutuhan dasar siswa yang belum terpenuhi sehingga mereka tidak dapat mengaktualisasikan dirinya dalam pembelajaran. Sedangkan, banyak guru yang menganggap siswa yang memiliki masalah adalah anak yang bodoh atau nakal. Hal ini terjadi karena guru tidak mengetahui adanya teori Humanistik dalam pembelajaran. Untuk itu perlu adanya pemberian penyuluhan/sosialisasi tentang teori Humanistik dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru di SDN Jabon 2, Jombang, Jawa Timur tentang pembelajaran dengan pendekatan Humanistik supaya guru di sekolah tersebut bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi pada siswa dari segi psikologis. Guru yang baik tidak hanya mementingkan aspek kognitif tapi juga harus memperhatikan aspek psikis siswa karena kondisi psikologis siswa juga menentukan prestasi akademik. Metode pelakasanaan PKM ini dilaksanakan melalui presentasi, ceramah, praktek, tanya jawab, dan diskusi. Setelah diberikan pemahaman tentang teori belajar Humanistik dapat dilihat bahwa guru dapat menerapkan teori tersebut di sekolah. Siswa sekolah dasar adalah siswa yang belum bisa berpikir secara dewasa. Guru sebagai pengganti orang tua di sekolah seharusnya memberikan bimbingan, panutan, dan kasih sayang. Kata kunci: Masalah pembelajaran, model pembelajaran, teori Humanistik. ABSTRACT Some students may have problems in learning. In Humanistic theory, these problems exist because the students' basic needs have not been fulfilled so that they cannot actualize themselves in learning. Meanwhile, teachers think that students who have these obstacles are stupid or naughty. It happens because the teacher does not know about a Humanistic theory that can be applied in learning. Therefore, it is necessary to give socialization about Humanistic theory in learning.  This community service activity aims to increase teacher knowledge in SDN Jabon 2, Jombang, East Java about learning with a humanistic approach so that teachers at the school can solve problems that exist to students from a psychological perspective. A good teacher is not only concerned with cognitive aspects but also pays attention to the psychological aspects because the students’ psychological condition also determines academic achievement. This activity is carried out through presentations, lectures, practice, questions and answers, and discussions. After being given an understanding of Humanistic learning theory, teachers are expected to apply the theory in schools. Elementary students are students who have not been able to think maturely. Teachers act as substitutes for parents in schools who are supposed to provide guidance, role models, and love. Keywords: Humanistic theory, learning problems, learning models

    The Influence of Duolingo Application to EFL Classroom Students’ Motivation in Learning English

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    The advancement of technology have triggered the development of English language learning application. The massive use of smartphones is one of the factors in the emergence of the ELL application. This study aims to investigate the influence of Duolingo application to EFL students. This research is using quantitative method even though the data that had been collected from questionnaire, which used Likert Scale, were analyzed and interpreted using qualitative style. The results show that most of the students have positive sentiment towards the use of Duolingo as it is shown by the dominant prevalence of "Agree" and "Strongly agree" answers. However, in terms of competitiveness, Duolingo might not that convincing in making students have the desire to compete and get better score than their peers. Overall, students are aware with the motivational value that Duolingo potentially offers

    Phonological and Morphological Features of Afro-American Vernacular English (AAVE) of Malcom X Moviie

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    Afro-American Vernacular English (AAVE) is one of dialects of American English and it has been extensively explored in previous research in sociolinguistic. The aims of this study are to analyze the phonological feature of AAVE based on theory by Thomas (2007) and morphological feature of AAVE based on theory by Green (2002). The movie adaption of Spike Lee entitled Malcolm X was utilized, and to obtain the data the researcher used a descriptive-qualitative approach. The result shows that the researcher found eight aspects of phonological features that include consonant aspects and eight features of morphological feature of AAVE in the movie, they are; the use of demonstrative them, copula absence, subject-verb agreement, completive done, negative forms of ain’t, negative construction, the phrase of y’all, and the phrase of ‘em, which include of three aspects of morphological features of Afro-American Vernacular English (AAVE). The most commonly used features are the deletion of -r or r-lessness such as brother and minister and the use of negator which is ain’t such as in “I ain’t no questions” for “I have no questions”. However, the researchers did not find the vowel aspect of AAVE in Malcolm X movie as described in Thomas's theory


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    Di SDN Kedungrejo, Kecamatan Megaluh, Kabupaten Jombang, diadakan pelatihan yang bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam membuat materi ajar digital dengan H5pro. Ini adalah upaya untuk memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi dan meningkatkan keinginan siswa untuk belajar di kelas. Didasarkan pada masalah yang dihadapi guru, yaitu kesulitan dalam mengolah bahan ajar digital dan mencari bahan ajar digital, jelas bahwa pengabdian ini sangat penting untuk membantu guru mengembangkan bahan ajar digital yang berbasis teknologi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru untuk membuat materi ajar digital dengan menggunakan H5pro sebagai media pembelajaran yang inovatif dan efektif. PKM ini ditujukan kepada guru yang bekerja di SDN Kedungrejo Megaluh Jombang, yang memiliki 12 guru. Kegiatan pengabdian ini melibatkan presentasi, praktek workshop, diskusi interaktif, dan kerja kelompok. Pembicaraan dan diskusi interaktif digunakan untuk memberikan materi. Dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan pengembangan materi ajar digital dengan aplikasi H5pro. Pelatihan ini sangat bermanfaat bagi bapak ibu guru di SDN Kedungrejo, Kecamatan Megaluh, Kabupaten Jombang, karena mereka memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang lebih baik dalam membuat materi ajar digital yang interaktif melalui penggunaan aplikasi H5pr

    Dysphemism used in Green Day’s and Slipknot’s lyrics

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    ABSTRACT Dysphemism is an expression with connotations that are offensive either about the denotatum or the audience. It is used to talk about one’s opponents, things one wishes to show disapproval of, and things one wishes to be seen to downgrade. The topic of dysphemism is rucial to investigate because dysphemism is the infraction of the rules of politeness that deals with the matters of face and face effects. This research is conducted in order to find the types, sources, styles and functions of dysphemism used in Greenday’s and Slipknot’s lyrics. The primary source of data are Green Day’s and Slipknot’s lyrics which was searched in some official sites http://metrolyrics.com, www.greenday.com, and www.slipknot1.com, The secondary data is from interviewing the informants who have more understanding in lyrics interpretation and dysphemism. After the data are collected, they are arranged systematically to answer the problems of study. After the data are discussed and the findings are presented, the researcher makes the tentative conclusion of the study. After consulting it with the experts, the final conclusion and as the finding of the study is presented. Then final suggestions are proposed. From this investigation, the researcher found seven types of dysphemism. First, taboo terms used as insults, epithets, and expletives. Second, profane swearing and profane oaths. Third, comparisons of people with animals that are conventionally ascribed certain behaviour. Fourth, dysphemistic epithets that pick on a real physical characteristic that are treated as though they are abnormalities. Fifth, imprecations and epithets invoking mental subnormality or derangement. Sixth, ist dysphemism used as insult. Seventh, terms of insult or disrespect, which invoke slurs on the target’s character. Furthermore, the researcher also found fourteen sources of dysphemism. Among of them are circumlocution, the usage of technical jargon or learned terms, hyperbole, metonymy, understatement, simile, omission, synecdoche general for specific, irony, the usage of term borrowed from another language, the usage of colloquial or common terms, clipping, synecdoche part for whole, and remodelling. While the style of dysphemism used in the whole Green Day’s and Slipknot’s lyrics are casual style. In addition, the researcher found tenth functions of dysphemism. First, insulting or teasing. Second, cursing. Third, expressing unconcern. Fourth, criticizing. Fifth, accusing or blaming. Sixth, refusing or denying. Seventh, convincing. Eighth, expressing defiance. Ninth, promising. Tenth, questioning