165 research outputs found

    Optimization and evaluation of variability in the programming window of a flash cell with molecular metal-oxide storage

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    We report a modeling study of a conceptual nonvolatile memory cell based on inorganic molecular metal-oxide clusters as a storage media embedded in the gate dielectric of a MOSFET. For the purpose of this paper, we developed a multiscale simulation framework that enables the evaluation of variability in the programming window of a flash cell with sub-20-nm gate length. Furthermore, we studied the threshold voltage variability due to random dopant fluctuations and fluctuations in the distribution of the molecular clusters in the cell. The simulation framework and the general conclusions of our work are transferrable to flash cells based on alternative molecules used for a storage media

    La Guasa. Revista de humor

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    [EN] The work that is going to be described later is the personal creation of a humour magazine, whose main techniques are drawing and digital retouching. In the magazine are vignettes that talk about various topics such as: global warming, pollution, corruption and curious events, between January and may, 2015. These vignettes exist from current press reports. Name and title of the magazine “LA GUASA”, refers to the content of this indicating that “joke” is the issue. Often genres of opinion occur in argumentative texts, since the purpose of the author is to convince the public on his way of perceiving reality, exposing their points of view. In this sense, graphic jokes can be tools of opinion, and therefore are based both in the graphical analysis and the discursive basically using tools from the transmission of thoughts, views, and analysis of events. The vignettes provide just information to understand a concept, an idea. Thus achieving a simplified overview.[ES] El trabajo que se va a describir a continuación es la creación personal de una revista de humor, cuyas técnicas principales son el dibujo y el retoque digital. En la revista aparecen viñetas que hablan de temas variados como: calentamiento global, contaminación, corrupción y sucesos curiosos, comprendidas entre enero y mayo de 2015. Estas viñetas existen a partir de noticias de prensa de actualidad. El nombre y título de la revista “LA GUASA”, hace referencia al contenido de ésta indicando que la “broma”, es el tema. Frecuentemente los géneros de opinión acontecen en textos argumentativos, ya que la finalidad del autor es convencer al público sobre su modo de percibir la realidad, exponiendo sus puntos de vista. En este sentido, los chistes gráficos pueden ser herramientas de opinión, y por ello se basan tanto en el análisis gráfico como en el discursivo utilizando básicamente herramientas procedentes de la transmisión de pensamientos, puntos de vista y análisis de los acontecimientos. Las viñetas, proporcionan la información justa y necesaria para entender un concepto, una idea. Así logrando una visión global simplificada.Dasca Vila, L. (2015). La Guasa. Revista de humor. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/58931.TFG

    El despoblat de Peguera (El Berguedà). Una etnoarqueologia de la industrialització

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Arqueologia, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Queralt Solé i BarjauEl poble de Peguera fou abandonat en el si d'un procés de canvi en que el capitalisme es consolidà territorialment absorbint de forma definitiva el sistema socio-econòmic tradicional. Aquest canvi sistèmic arribà de la mà de la industrialització, moment àlgid poblacional del poble, ocasionant una situació social i ideològica complexa. En aquest treball s'estudia, a partir de les restes arqueològiques, les formes d'expressió dels tres grups socials diferenciats en un moment de confluència previ a l'abandonament, a partir de la definició i l'estudi de tres tipus d'habitatge

    El barraquismo en la ciudad de Barcelona durante el franquismo. Primeras aproximaciones a una domesticidad desde los márgenes

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    El presente artculo supone una aproximación arqueológica inicial para la refexión sobre la construcción de la domestcidad desde su dimensión material, social e identtaria en el barraquismo (término local para designar el chabolismo) en el ámbito de la ciudad de Barcelona. El período considerado abarca especialmente el Franquismo, al tratarse de un momento álgido para este tpo de infravivienda. Se presentan así unas primeras refexiones desde el ámbito de la Arqueología hacia la comprensión de la signifcación del espacio doméstco en la artculación social, de género e identtaria de la comunidad. De la misma forma, se pretende revalorizar el interés arqueológico, patrimonial y memorial de las barracas para la comprensión de la vivienda obrera contemporánea en las zonas urbanasThe present paper tries to give an inital archaeological approach to the refecton on the constructon of domestcity, in its material, social and identtarian dimensions, in shantytowns in the area of the city of Barcelona. The considered period covers the Francoism, being a peak moment for this type of substandard housing. We present primary refectons from the archaeological feld towards the comprehension of the signifcance of domestc space in the social, gender and identty artculaton of community. Furthermore, we intend to appraise the archaeological, heritage and memorial interest of shantytowns for the comprehension of the contemporary working class household in urban areas

    Comparison between bulk and FDSOI POM flash cell: a multiscale simulation study

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    In this brief, we present a multiscale simulation study of a fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) nonvolatile memory cell based on polyoxometalates (POMs) inorganic molecular clusters used as a storage media embedded in the gate dielectric of flash cells. In particular, we focus our discussion on the threshold voltage variability introduced by random discrete dopants (random dopant fluctuation) and by fluctuations in the distribution of the POM molecules in the storage media (POM fluctuation). To highlight the advantages of the FDSOI POM flash cell, we provide a comparison with an equivalent cell based on conventional (BULK) transistors. The presented simulation framework and methodology is transferrable to flash cells based on alternative molecules used as a storage media

    Molecular Based Flash Cell for Low Power Flash Application: Optimization and Variability Evaluation

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    The field of molecular electronics continues to spur interest in the quest for miniaturization and reduction of operational power of electron devices. Most of the systems described in the literature are based on organic molecules, such as benzene, ferrocene and fullerenes. However, the use of inorganic molecules known as polyoxometalates (POMs) (see Fig.l and Fig.2) could offer several important advantages over the conventional and organic based devices. Our present work shows that POMs are more compatible with existing CMOS processes than organic molecules and they can replace the polysilicon floating gate in contemporary flash cell devices [2]. The interest in POMs for flash cell applications stems from the fact that POMs are highly redox active molecules and that they can also be doped with electronically active heteroatoms [3]. They can undergo multiple reversible reductions/oxidations, which makes them attractive candidates for multi-bit storage in flash memory cells. The molecular charge storage is localised, thus minimising cross-cell capacitive coupling, which arises from charge redistribution on the sides of a poly-Si floating gate (FG) and is one of the most critical issues with flash memories. Although this benefit is presently realised in floating gates by charge-trapping dielectric or by a metallic nano-cluster array, both technologies exhibit large variability. Charge-trap memories suffer variation in trap-density and trap energy and the size and density of nano-clusters is difficult to control. This precludes their ultimate miniaturization. In fact, the concept of using molecules as storage centers has already been demonstrated for organic redox-active molecules [1]. Here, using full 3D simulations, we evaluate correlation between the device performance (in terms of threshold voltage VT) and statistical variability, arising from the random dopant fluctuations (RDF) and POM fluctuations (POMF)

    Outstanding intraindividual genetic diversity in fissiparous planarians (Dugesia, Platyhelminthes) with facultative sex

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    Background Predicted genetic consequences of asexuality include high intraindividual genetic diversity (i.e., the Meselson effect) and accumulation of deleterious mutations (i.e., Muller's Ratchet), among others. These consequences have been largely studied in parthenogenetic organisms, but studies on fissiparous species are scarce. Differing from parthenogens, fissiparous organisms inherit part of the soma of the progenitor, including somatic mutations. Thus, in the long term, fissiparous reproduction may also result in genetic mosaicism, besides the presence of the Meselson effect and Muller's Ratchet. Dugesiidae planarians show outstanding regeneration capabilities, allowing them to naturally reproduce by fission, either strictly or combined with sex (facultative). Therefore, they are an ideal model to analyze the genetic footprint of fissiparous reproduction, both when it is alternated with sex and when it is the only mode of reproduction