25 research outputs found

    Unravelling the genetics of non-random fertilization associated with gametic incompatibility

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    In the dairy industry, mate allocation is dependent on the producer’s breeding goals and the parents’ breeding values. The probability of pregnancy differs among sire-dam combinations, and the compatibility of a pair may vary due to the combination of gametic haplotypes. Under the hypothesis that incomplete incompatibility would reduce the odds of fertilization, and complete incompatibility would lead to a non-fertilizing or lethal combination, deviation from Mendelian inheritance expectations would be observed for incompatible pairs. By adding an interaction to a transmission ratio distortion (TRD) model, which detects departure from the Mendelian expectations, genomic regions linked to gametic incompatibility can be identified. This study aimed to determine the genetic background of gametic incompatibility in Holstein cattle. A total of 283,817 genotyped Holstein trios were used in a TRD analysis, resulting in 422 significant regions, which contained 2075 positional genes further investigated for network, overrepresentation, and guilt-by-association analyses. The identified biological pathways were associated with immunology and cellular communication and a total of 16 functional candidate genes were identified. Further investigation of gametic incompatibility will provide opportunities to improve mate allocation for the dairy cattle industry

    Combining multi-OMICs information to identify key-regulator genes for pleiotropic effect on fertility and production traits in beef cattle

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    [EN] The identification of biological processes related to the regulation of complex traits is a difficult task. Commonly, complex traits are regulated through a multitude of genes contributing each to a small part of the total genetic variance. Additionally, some loci can simultaneously regulate several complex traits, a phenomenon defined as pleiotropy. The lack of understanding on the biological processes responsible for the regulation of these traits results in the decrease of selection efficiency and the selection of undesirable hitchhiking effects. The identification of pleiotropic key-regulator genes can assist in developing important tools for investigating biological processes underlying complex traits. A multi-breed and multi-OMICs approach was applied to study the pleiotropic effects of key-regulator genes using three independent beef cattle populations evaluated for fertility traits. A pleiotropic map for 32 traits related to growth, feed efficiency, carcass and meat quality, and reproduction was used to identify genes shared among the different populations and breeds in pleiotropic regions. Furthermore, data-mining analyses were performed using the Cattle QTL database (CattleQTLdb) to identify the QTL category annotated in the regions around the genes shared among breeds. This approach allowed the identification of a main gene network (composed of 38 genes) shared among breeds. This gene network was significantly associated with thyroid activity, among other biological processes, and displayed a high regulatory potential. In addition, it was possible to identify genes with pleiotropic effects related to crucial biological processes that regulate economically relevant traits associated with fertility, production and health, such as MYC, PPARG, GSK3B, TG and IYD genes. These genes will be further investigated to better understand the biological processes involved in the expression of complex traits and assist in the identification of functional variants associated with undesirable phenotypes, such as decreased fertility, poor feed efficiency and negative energetic balance.SIThis research was supported by the Beef Farmers of Ontario, OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs), Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC), NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE). MRSC is supported by a fellowship from the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq 312068/2015-8) and grants from the Fundac¸ão de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG, APQ APQ-01377-17 and APQ-01377-17). PASF is supported by a fellowship from the Brazilian National Research Council. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    A worldline approach to colored particles

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    Relativistic particle actions are a useful tool to describe quantum field theory effective actions using a string-inspired first-quantized approach. Here we describe how to employ suitable particle actions in the computation of the scalar contribution to the one-loop gluon effective action. We use the well-known method of introducing auxiliary variables that create the color degrees of freedom. In a path integral they implement automatically the path ordering needed to ensure gauge invariance. It is known that the color degrees of freedom introduced this way form a reducible representation of the gauge group. We describe a method of projecting onto the fundamental representation (or any other chosen irrep, if desired) of the gauge group. Previously, we have discussed the case of anticommuting auxiliary variables. Choosing them to be in the fundamental representation allows to obtain, without any extra effort, also the situation in which the color is given by any antisymmetric tensor product of the fundamental. Here, we describe the novel case of bosonic auxiliary variables. They can be used equivalently for creating the color charges in the fundamental representation. In addition one gets, as a byproduct, the cases where the particle can have the color sitting in any symmetric tensor product of the fundamental. This is obtained by tuning to a different value a Chern Simons coupling, present in the model, which controls how the projection is achieved

    Discovering lethal alleles across the turkey genome using a transmission ratio distortion approach

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    Deviation from Mendelian inheritance expectations (transmission ratio distortion, TRD) has been observed in several species, including the mouse and humans. In this study, TRD was characterized in the turkey genome using both allelic (specific- and unspecific-parent TRD) and genotypic (additive- and dominance-TRD) parameterizations within a Bayesian framework. In this study, we evaluated TRD for 23\ua0243 genotyped Turkeys across 56\ua0393 autosomal SNPs. The analyses included 500 sires, 2013 dams and 11\ua0047 offspring (trios). Three different haplotype sliding windows of 4, 10 and 20 SNPs were used across the autosomal chromosomes. Based on the genotypic parameterizations, 14 haplotypes showed additive and dominance TRD effects highlighting regions with a recessive TRD pattern. In contrast, the allelic model uncovered 12 haplotype alleles with the allelic TRD pattern which showed an underrepresentation of heterozygous offspring in addition to the absence of homozygous animals. For regions with the allelic pattern, only one particular region showed a parent-specific TRD where the penetrance was high via the dam, but low via the sire. The gene set analysis uncovered several gene ontology functional terms, Reactome pathways and several Medical Subject Headings that showed significant enrichment of genes associated with TRD. Many of these gene ontology functional terms (e.g. mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint, DRM complex and Aneuploidy), Reactome pathways (e.g. Mismatch repair) and Medical Subject Headings (e.g. Adenosine monophosphate) are known to be related to fertility, embryo development and lethality. The results of this study revealed potential novel candidate lethal haplotypes, functional terms and pathways that may enhance breeding programs in Turkeys through reducing mortality and improving reproduction rate