292 research outputs found

    Brazilian cross-cultural adaptation of “Return-to-work self-efficacy” questionnaire

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    OBJECTIVE To describe the translation and early stages of cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire Verwachtingen over werken (or “Return-to-work self-efficacy”) for workers in sick leave due to mental disorders, from the original in Dutch to the Brazilian Portuguese language. METHODS A panel gathering experts was formed to determine the questionnaire conceptual and item equivalence. For semantic equivalence, the Dutch-Portuguese Brazilian translations were consolidated and consensus meetings were held to structure versions of the instrument. Each version was back-translated from Brazilian Portuguese to Dutch and evaluated by one of the authors of the original version. The final version was submitted to two pre-tests for operational equivalence. RESULTS The original questionnaire in Dutch was translated twice to Brazilian Portuguese. During the process, four consensus meetings of the experts’ panel were performed to create the versions. Each version was back-translated to Dutch. One of the authors of the original questionnaire performed an evaluation on the first three versions until the definition of the final one, which was titled Expectativas sobre o trabalho (Expectations about work). Pre-tests’ participants did not reported problems to fill the questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS Results indicate that the Brazilian Portuguese cross-culturally adapted version maintains the original meaning of the questionnaire, while including characteristics peculiar to the Brazilian reality. Measurement and functional equivalence of this version must still be evaluated before its application can be recommended for workers who have been absent from work due to mental disorders

    Cruiserapport scheepstellingen van zeevogels op het Friese Front, 2018

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    Het Friese Front en de Bruine Bank zijn twee nieuwe Vogelrichtlijngebieden in de Noordzee. Het Friese Front is aangewezen voor de Zeekoet. De Bruine Bank wordt waarschijnlijk aangewezen voor Zeekoet en Alk. Om te bepalen of de instandhoudingsdoelstellingen voor deze soorten worden gehaald, moeten de aantallen van deze soorten gemonitord worden. Monitoring van zeevogels in het Nederlandse deel van de Noordzee vindt plaats met behulp van MWTL-vliegtuigtellingen. Alken en Zeekoeten kunnen vanuit de lucht echter lastig van elkaar te onderscheiden zijn. Vanaf schepen is de herkenning eenvoudiger. Het onderhavige BO-project 'scheepstellingen zeevogels' dat in 2016-2019 loopt, heeft tot doel inzicht te geven in de aantallen van Alken en Zeekoeten in beide gebieden enerzijds, en anderzijds in de veranderingen in aantalsverhouding tussen beide soorten gedurende het jaar om de MWTL-vliegtuigtellingen te kunnen calibreren. In 2018 zijn twee scheepssurveys op het Friese Front uitgevoerd (24-28 jul, 25-28 nov). De julisurvey was succesvol, terwijl de novembersurvey door slechte weersomstandigheden afgebroken moest worden. Tijdens de julisurvey werden 13650 individuen verdeeld over 25 verschillende vogelsoorten op het Friese Front geteld. Zeekoet (n = 6127), Kleine Mantelmeeuw (n = 2680), Drieteenmeeuw (n = 1544), Noordse Stern/Visdief (n = 1176) en Jan-van-Gent (n = 1175) domineerden de telling. Daarnaast werden 143 individuen verdeeld over drie soorten zeezoogdieren (Dwergvinvis, Bruinvis en Grijze Zeehond) geregistreerd. In november werden op het Friese Front 1864 individuen verdeeld over 15 verschillende vogelsoorten geteld. Zeekoet (n = 717), Alk (n = 697) en Drieteenmeeuw (n = 190) waren de dominante soorten. Daarnaast werden vijf Bruinvissen gezien. Tijdens beide surveys was Zeekoet de talrijkste soort. In juli werden de hoogste aantallen Zeekoeten op het Friese Front geteld, terwijl Alken hier ontbraken. In november waren de aantallen Zeekoeten lager, maar waren Alken talrijker. De verhouding Alk:Zeekoet was in november 1:1. Behalve van alkachtigen werden aanvullende gegevens verzameld over de aantallen van potentieel kwalificerende N2000-soorten Grote Mantelmeeuw (met name nov) en Kleine Mantelmeeuw (met name jul). De aantallen van de potentieel kwalificerende N2000-soort Grote Jager waren tijdens alle 2018-surveys laag. De resultaten van de surveys in 2016 en 2017 zijn gepubliceerd in Geelhoed & Leopold (2017) en Geelhoed et al (2018). Dit rapport geeft een beknopt overzicht van de resultaten van de surveys in 2018. Eind 2019 worden de resultaten van alle surveys nader uitgewerkt en gepresenteerd in een eindrapportage

    Bat 1: Estimate of bat populations at the southern North Sea : Supporting note to ZDV report no. 2016.031 Migration bats at the southern North Sea

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    To close the knowledge gap described above, or better said in order to make a start to overcome this crucial lack of insight into (sub)population sizes, RWS commissioned the Bats_1 study as part of the Wind op Zee Ecological Programma (Wozep; in English: Wind at Sea Ecological Programme), a multi-annual research programme initiated in view of the realisation of new offshore wind farms under the SER agreement (2013). Aim of the Bat_1 desk study is to estimate the extent to which (sub)populations of Nathusius’ Pipistrelle and possibly other relevant bat species, expressed in terms of numbers of individuals, use migration routes across the southern North Sea (SNS)1. This information is of great importance to be able to make better estimates of what the Potential Biological Removal (PBR) values are of Nathusius’ Pipistrelle and possibly other bat species, knowing that these values depend on the size of the (sub)populations to be considered

    The Role of Pathology in Small Renal Mass Laparoscopic Cryoablation

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    Objective. We evaluated histological outcome of intraoperative biopsies at laparoscopic renal mass cryoablation (LCA), prevalence of peritumoral fat tissue invasion, and risk of tract seeding. Methods. Patients were biopsied 3–5 times (16-gauge). Histology was analyzed by general pathologists and reviewed. Peritumoral fat was histologically examined. The trocar used for biopsy-guidance was examined by cytology. Records were studied for reporting tract metastasis. Results. 77 biopsied renal masses with mean ± SD diameter 30 ± 7.4 mm were histologically classified by primary and review pathology revealing 64 and 62 malignancies, 13 and 15 benign lesions, respectively. In 30/34, the fat covered a carcinoma but revealed no malignancy. Cytology showed no malignant cells but was inconclusive in 1 case. No tract metastasis occurred. Conclusions. The use of an intraoperative biopsy protocol provides histological diagnosis of all renal masses. No existence of peritumoral fat tissue invasion or tract seeding was found

    Laparoscopic versus percutaneous cryotherapy for renal tumours: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Cryoablation has emerged as an alternative to the more invasive partial nephrectomy for small renal masses. The approach can be carried out by two techniques, either laparoscopic cryoablation (LCA) or percutaneous cryoablation, (PCA) with CT guidance. We aimed to compare between the two procedures. Materials and Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted, including studies comparing the two techniques. Outcomes included incomplete ablation, late local recurrence, cancer-specific survival, procedure time, transfusion rates, hospital stay, and complications. Results: A total of 1475 patients were included, 788 patients in the laparoscopic group and 687 patients in the percutaneous group. There was statistical difference favoring the laparoscopic group with regard to having less incomplete ablation (p = 0.0008) and higher cancer-specific survival patients (p = 0.04). However, there was longer hospital stays in the LCA group (p < 0.00001) and was found to be more costly than the PCA group. There was significantly more Clavien-I complications in the PCA group (p = 0.001) and more Clavien-III complications in the LCA group (p = 0.001). Otherwise, there were no differences in any other outcome parameter. Conclusion: LCA was found to have less incomplete tumor ablation rates and higher cancer-specific survival rates, however, higher hospitalization time, more major complications (Clavien III), and was costlier compared with PCA

    Marine mammal surveys in Dutch waters in 2014

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    In July 2014 aerial surveys to estimate the abundance of Harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena on the Dutch Continental Shelf were conducted. In total, 229 sightings of 273 individual Harbour Porpoises were collected. Porpoise densities varied between 0.37-3.08 animals/km² in the (four) different areas. The overall density on the entire Dutch Continental Shelf was 1.29 animals/km²