1,616 research outputs found

    Portuguese language teachers' perception of creativity in students' written productions

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    Este estudo investigou a percepção de professores de Língua Portuguesa sobre fatores relacionados à criatividade em produções textuais discentes. Foram entrevistados 12 docentes do segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental (seis de escolas públicas e seis de escolas particulares). Os resultados revelaram ser a elaboração de textos pouco trabalhada pelos professores, tendo sido dada como justificativa a falta de tempo gerada pelo número elevado de alunos e carga horária extensa. Um percentual expressivo de docentes considerou pouco criativas as produções textuais discentes, embora a quase totalidade tenha se avaliado como profissionais inventivos e apontado diversas estratégias para facilitar a escrita de textos criativos em sala de aula. Indicaram, como fatores limitadores à expressão da criatividade nas produções textuais, elementos relacionados aos estudantes, professores e escola. Os resultados trazem implicações para a formação de professores de Língua Portuguesa no que diz respeito à criatividade na redação de textos em sala de aula.This study investigated Portuguese language teachers' perceptions of factors associated with creativity in students' written production. Twelve elementary school Portuguese language teachers (six from public schools and six from private schools) were interviewed. The results revealed that written production has not been widely used in school, especially due to teachers' lack of time owing to the high number of students and number of hours of work. A considerable number of teachers considered their students' written production as not very creative although most of them considered themselves as highly creative professionals who make frequent use of several strategies to facilitate creative written production in the classroom. They indicated elements related to the students, teachers, and school as limiting factors to the expression of creativity in written production. The results show impacts on Portuguese language teachers' education and training in terms of creativity in written productions in the classroom

    Scattering phases for meson and baryon resonances on general moving-frame lattices

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    A proposal by L\"uscher enables one to compute the scattering phases of elastic two-body systems from the energy levels of the lattice Hamiltonian in a finite volume. In this work we generalize the formalism to S--, P-- and D--wave meson and baryon resonances, and general total momenta. Employing nonvanishing momenta has several advantages, among them making a wider range of energy levels accessible on a single lattice volume and shifting the level crossing to smaller values of mπLm_\pi L.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figures. References added, minor edits to text. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Glauber Critical Dynamics: Exact Solution of the Kinetic Gaussian Model

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    In this paper, we have exactly solved Glauber critical dynamics of the Gaussian model on three dimensions. Of course, it is much easy to apply to low dimensional case. The key steps are that we generalize the spin change mechanism from Glauber's single-spin flipping to single-spin transition and give a normalized version of the transition probability . We have also investigated the dynamical critical exponent and found surprisingly that the dynamical critical exponent is highly universal which refer to that for one- two- and three-dimensions they have same value independent of spatial dimensionality in contrast to static (equilibrium) critical exponents.Comment: 9 page

    Sinogram bow-tie filtering in FBP PET reconstruction

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    Low-pass filtering of sinograms in the radial direction is the most common practice to limit noise amplification in filtered back projection FBP reconstruction of positron emission tomography studies. Other filtering strategies have been proposed to prevent the loss in resolution due to low-pass radial filters, although results have been diverse. Using the well-known properties of the Fourier transform of a sinogram, the authors defined a binary mask that matches the expected shape of the support region in the Fourier domain of the sinogram “bow tie”. This mask was smoothed by a convolution with a ten-point Gaussian kernel which not only avoids ringing but also introduces a pre-emphasis at low frequencies. A new filtering scheme for FBP is proposed, comprising this smoothed bow-tie filter combined with a standard radial filter and an axial filter. The authors compared the performance of the bow-tie filtering scheme with that of other previously reported methods: Standard radial filtering, angular filtering, and stackgram-domain filtering. All the quantitative data in the comparisons refer to a baseline reconstruction using a ramp filter only. When using the smallest size of the Gaussian kernel in the stackgram domain, the authors achieved a noise reduction of 33% at the cost of degrading radial and tangential resolutions 14.5% and 16%, respectively, for cubic interpolation . To reduce the noise by 30%, the angular filter produced a larger degradation of contrast 3% and tangential resolution 46% at 10 mm from the center of the field of view and showed noticeable artifacts in the form of circular blurring dependent on the distance to the center of the field of view. For a similar noise reduction 33%, the proposed bow-tie filtering scheme yielded optimum results in resolution (gain in radial resolution of 10%) and contrast (1% increase) when compared with any of the other filters alone. Experiments with rodent images showed noticeable image quality enhancement when using the proposed bow-tie filtering schemeThis work was partially funded by projects CD-TEAM CENIT program, Ministerio de Industria, CIBERsam CB07/09/0031 Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, TEC2004-07052-C02 Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, and GR/SAL/024104 Comunidad de MadridPublicad

    Comparação entre a imunidade induzida em bovinos vacinados com bacterinas polivalentes comerciais e uma monovalente experimental.

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    Resumo: O presente estudo avaliou a indução da produção de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp.por dez bacterinas,sendo nove polivalentes e uma monovalente experimental para a sorovariedade Hardjo amostra Norma. A concentração celular foi controlada e utilizou-se adjuvante de emulsão óleo em água. Um ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) indireto foi desenvolvido utilizando-se conjugado anti-IgG total para mensurar os níveis de anticorpos da classe IgG conferido pelas bacterinas utilizando três amostras diferentes: Hardjoprajitino, Norma e Hardjobovis. Paralelamente foi utilizado também o Teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM) para mensurar os níveis de anticorpos contra as mesmas amostras. Encontraram-se títulos variáveis entre as bacterinas de acordo com o teste ELISA. Os títulos no SAM foram de pouca intensidade e de curta duração indicando a necessidade de controle celular para uma posterior padronização destes produtos. Com base nos resultados encontrados no presente estudo, a bacterina monovalente foi a que apresentou melhor desempenho. Abstract: The study evaluated the induction of antibody production against ten bacterins, nine polyvalentand one experimental monovalent to serovar Hardjo strain Norma. An indirect enzyme linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed using anti-IgG conjugate to measure total levelsof IgG class antibodies conferred by bacterins using three different strains: Hardjoprajiitino,Norma and Hardjo-bovis. Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) was also used to measureimmunoglobulin levels of the same strains. Variable ELISA titers were induced by the testedbacterins. The MAT titers found showed lower intensity and shorter duration, indicating theneed to cellular control in further standardization of these vaccines. Based on results of thisstudy, the monovalent bacterin showed best performance

    Positron emission tomography of the airway distribution of intranasal challenge solutions

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    Abstract of: Scientific Sessions: 2007 AAAAI Annual Meeting, February 23-27, San Diego, CAIntranasal administration is one of the main routes of allergen challenge in mouse models of airway disease. Although it is widely used, it is not well established the amount of allergen that reaches the lung or is lost to the gastrointestinal tract. The local distribution of the challenge solution within the airways is also unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the distribution immediately after intranasal delivery using a Positron Emission Tomography scanner (PET)FIS 01/0598 and Foundation SEAICPublicad

    Zero temperature solutions of the Edwards-Anderson model in random Husimi Lattices

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    We solve the Edwards-Anderson model (EA) in different Husimi lattices. We show that, at T=0, the structure of the solution space depends on the parity of the loop sizes. Husimi lattices with odd loop sizes have always a trivial paramagnetic solution stable under 1RSB perturbations while, in Husimi lattices with even loop sizes, this solution is absent. The range of stability under 1RSB perturbations of this and other RS solutions is computed analytically (when possible) or numerically. We compute the free-energy, the complexity and the ground state energy of different Husimi lattices at the level of the 1RSB approximation. We also show, when the fraction of ferromagnetic couplings increases, the existence, first, of a discontinuous transition from a paramagnetic to a spin glass phase and latter of a continuous transition from a spin glass to a ferromagnetic phase.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures (v3: Corrected analysis of transitions. Appendix proof fixed

    Replica Cluster Variational Method: the Replica Symmetric solution for the 2D random bond Ising model

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    We present and solve the Replica Symmetric equations in the context of the Replica Cluster Variational Method for the 2D random bond Ising model (including the 2D Edwards-Anderson spin glass model). First we solve a linearized version of these equations to obtain the phase diagrams of the model on the square and triangular lattices. In both cases the spin-glass transition temperatures and the tricritical point estimations improve largely over the Bethe predictions. Moreover, we show that this phase diagram is consistent with the behavior of inference algorithms on single instances of the problem. Finally, we present a method to consistently find approximate solutions to the equations in the glassy phase. The method is applied to the triangular lattice down to T=0, also in the presence of an external field.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure
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