88 research outputs found

    Nanopartículas estímulorespuesta para la liberación de fármacos

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    La necesidad de aumentar la eficacia terapéutica y de reducir los efectos adversos de fármacos usados en patologías de difícil tratamiento ha llevado a un gran desarrollo de la nanotecnología. Existe una gran variedad de nanopartículas diseñadas para transportar y liberar fármacos en respuesta a un estímulo. Este puede ser interno (pH, concentración de enzimas o de metabolitos y gradiente redox) o externo (temperatura, campo magnético, ultrasonidos y luz). Así, se trata de controlar la liberación del principio activo en el espacio y/o tiempo. Los objetivos de este trabajo son describir estos nanotransportadores, analizar las situaciones patológicas en las que podrían usarse y valorar sus potenciales aplicaciones en la clínica. Profundizando en los avances conseguidos en la última década, se aporta una visión global de las posibilidades que ofrecen las nanopartículas estímulo-respuesta en la liberación de fármacos y cómo los avances en la ciencia de materiales, el desarrollo farmacéutico y la investigación fisiopatológica de las enfermedades son fundamentales para el perfeccionamiento y la llegada al uso clínico de estos nanosistemas

    Importancia de la estacionalidad y del conocimiento de la demanda turística para las empresas familiares españolas

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    There is a lack of studies on family Business in tourism. To fill the gap, this paper focuses on identifying the factors that affect demand. The aim of the present paper is to obtain conclusions on the basis of the historical information of the different tourists observing the similarities, differences and the behavior of the seasonal variation, all this in the environment of the tourist family enterprise. Important research gaps are identified, and future research priorities are suggested. Implications for both family business and tourism theory are discussed.Teniendo en cuesta la falta de estudios relacionados con la empresa familiar turística y considerando el interés que tiene para dicha empresa familiar el conocimiento de las preferencias del turista y saber hacer frente a la alta estacionalidad existente, hemos tratado de mostrar una visión global del estado de la demanda turística en España . El objetivo del presente trabajo es obtener conclusiones en base a los datos históricos de los diferentes turistas observando las similitudes, divergencias y el comportamiento de la estacionalidad, variables cuyo conocimiento es importante para de la empresa familiar turística. Se sugieren líneas futuras de investigación y se destaca la importancia para la empresa familiar turística de hacer frente a la alta estacionalidad existente

    Determinants of the multiple-term structures from interbank rates

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    The classic relationship between deposit rates and interest rate derivatives has been fractured since August 2007. Uncertainty in the interbank money market has increased the risk premia differentials on unsecured deposits rates of different tenors, such as Euribor, leading to a new pricing framework of interest rate derivatives based on multiple curves. This article analyzes the economic determinants of this new multi-curve framework. We employ basis swap (BS) spreads &-floating-to-floating interest rate swaps- as instruments for extracting the interest rate curvedifferentials. Our results show that the multi-curve framework mirrors the standard single-curve setting in terms of level, slope and curvature factors. The level factor captures 90% of the total variation in the curves, and this factor significantly covaries with a proxy for systemic risk. Moreover, the curve residuals are significantly correlated with interbank liquidity. Our empirical findings also show unidirectional causality running from risk (and liquidity) to level (and noise) factors

    Dissecting interbank risk

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    This paper analyses interbank risk using the information content of basis swap (BS) spreads, floating-to-floating interest rate swaps whose payments are associated with euro deposit rates for alternative tenors. We propose an empirical model to decompose BS quotes into expected and unexpected components. To estimate both unobservable constituents of BS spreads, we solve a signal extraction problem using a particle filter. Our empirical findings show that unexpected changes of BS spreads are linked to systemic risk. Shocks to aggregate liquidity are also important to explain regime shifts. Sovereign risk and risk aversion are relevant factors explaining expected fluctuations.J.A. Lafuente and J. Ruiz acknowledge financial support by national research project from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MEC) of Spanish Government [ECO2015-67305-P]; and Bank of Spain. J.A. Lafuente also acknowledges Generalitat Valenciana grant [PROMETEOII/2013/015]. P. Serrano acknowledges financial support from research projects from Junta de Andalucía [P12-SEJ-1733]; MEC [2016/00118/001]; and Fundación Ramón Areces 2016 Social Sciences grant

    Nuevas modalidades de participación ciudadana en ciencia: hibridación, satelización y despatrimonialización

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    I La emergencia de los tecnocidanos 1. Legos, amateurs, nerds y tecnoácratas. 1.1 La construcción social de los públicos de la ciencia 1.2 La demanda social de participación en ciencia 1.3 Tecnoacracia: de los amateurs a los hackers 2. Criptopolíticas: activismo y tecnologías de despliegue 2.1 La ciencia como gestión de datos 2.2 La GPL como motor de Internet 2.3 Bien común y open access II La movilización de los tecnocidanos 3. Movilización de híbridos: nuevos actores y nuevos consensos 3.1 La irrupción de los híbridos 3.2 La política de los casos: tablas y comentarios 4. Satelización de e-sujetos: cálculo distribuido y popular power 4.1. Grid computing y wifi networks: la próxima revolución 4.2 La política de los casos: tablas y comentarios 5. Despatrimonialización de prácticas: open source y open access 5.1 La cultura hacker y el procomún 5.2 La política de los casos: tablas y comentarios III La promesa de los tecnocidanos 6. Las nuevas encrucijadas de la tecnociencia: ciudadanía y participación 6.1 Resumen 6.2 Recomendaciones 6.3 Bibliografía (resumen)La participación ciudadana en ciencia conoce en nuestra época una verdadera edad dorada. Hace apenas unas décadas era inimaginable la creciente influencia que la ciudadanía iba a tener en la marcha de la ciencia. Y, aunque algunos movimientos de activistas contra las nucleares lograron en los 80 situar en la agenda política de muchos gobiernos la resistencia popular al desarrollo de esta fuente de energía, lo cierto es que la presencia hoy de las ONG en la toma de decisiones comienza a ser algo habitual y, en algunos casos, alcanza la condición de estructural. Las sociedades modernas han necesitado explorar formas muy innovadoras de organización social que les permitan afrontar las nuevas encrucijadas a las que nos aboca la llamada sociedad del riesgo. Nadie discute que estamos hablando de asuntos de extrema gravedad, como lo manifiesta la experiencia adquirida durante las anteriores crisis del SIDA, de los alimentos y cultivos transgénicos y de las vacas locas. En su conjunto, los tres casos señalados (entre los muchos que podríamos mencionar) comparten algunos aspectos que aquí queremos subrayar. Quienes desde responsabilidades de gobierno o empresariales lamentaron el desbordamiento del tradicional sistema de expertos por los movimientos de agitación ciudadana, aprendieron que la gestión de estos conflictos tiene que ser menos vertical y más dialogante. Descubrieron también que no es fácil hacer frente a organizaciones que saben aprovechar muy bien las múltiples oportunidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC).Fundación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología, FECYT (2004

    El proceso de intervención desde el trabajo social dentro del programa de acogida e integración de personas solicitantes de protección internacional en la Cruz Roja Zaragoza

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    El cambio de los movimientos migratorios a finales del siglo pasado y las crisis recientes del siglo actual, han puesto en evidencia un marco europeo ausente de una gestión y política migratoria adecuada. Las políticas consecuentes a las crisis humanitarias intentaron dar respuesta a la ola de personas buscando asilo en Europa, creando respuestas de aplicación como el Programa de acogida e integración de personas solicitantes de protección internacional. A pesar de crearse por dicho motivo, este programa abarca a todas las personas solicitantes de protección internacional, es decir, cualquier persona cuya vida corra peligro en su país de origen.El presente trabajo se centra por lo siguiente en conocer cómo se desarrolla dicha respuesta a través del trabajo social. Concretamente, en una de las entidades que lleva el Programa: Cruz Roja Zaragoza, dentro del Centro de Acogida.<br /

    Experience and results after the implementation of a radiology day unit in a reference hospital

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    Hospitals; Radiology (Interventional); Surveys and questionariesHospitals; Radiologia (intervencionista); Enquestes i preguntesHospitales; Radiología (Intervencionista); Encuestas y cuestionariosBackground Interventional radiological procedures have significantly increased in recent years. Most of them are minimally invasive and require a short hospitalization, mainly done in other non-radiological units nowadays. Limited bed availability and high occupancy rates in these units create longer waiting lists and cancellations. The aim of this retrospective study is to assess the creation and functioning of a Radiology Day Unit (RDU) and evaluating its outcomes. For this purpose, data about interventional procedures and its complications, incidents, patient safety, quality and satisfaction rates were collected from May 2018 to December 2020, and posteriorly analyzed to evaluate its implementation. Results During the assessed period, 3841 patients were admitted into the RDU, with a net increase of 13% and 26% in the second and third year, respectively. Procedures performed by the Abdominal Radiology section were the most frequent (76–85%) followed by Interventional Vascular Radiology and Thoracic Radiology. Complication rates were low (1.5%) and most of them were self-limited and managed in the own department. Waiting lists were significantly reduced, from 2 months to 1 week in case of procedures performed by the Abdominal Radiology section. Patient satisfaction was higher than 80% in all the items evaluated with a global satisfaction of 93%. Conclusion The RDU in our hospital has become a vital section for the management and post-procedure caring of patients undergoing interventional procedures in the Radiology Service with low complication rates and overall high levels of quality and patient safety, allowing the reduction of waiting lists and occupancy rates

    Fabrication of a nanoparticle-containing 3D porous bone scaffold with proangiogenic and antibacterial properties.

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    3D porous scaffolds based on agarose and nanocrystalline apatite, two structural components that act as a temporary mineralized extracellular matrix, were prepared by the GELPOR3D method. This shaping technology allows the introduction of thermally-labile molecules within the scaffolds during the fabrication procedure. An angiogenic protein, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, and an antibiotic, cephalexin, loaded in mesoporous silica nanoparticles, were included to design multifunctional scaffolds for bone reconstruction. The dual release of both molecules showed a marked increase in the number of blood vessels on embryonic day 14 in chicken embryos grown ex ovo, while, at the same time providing an antibiotic local concentration capable of inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus bacterial growth. In this sense, different release patterns, monitored by UV-spectroscopy, could be tailored as a function of the cephalexin loading strategy, either releasing all the loaded cephalexin in the first 4 h or less than 50 % after 24 h. The scaffold surface was characterized by a high hydrophilicity, with contact angles between 50 and 63°, which enabled the adhesion and proliferation of preosteoblastic cells

    Traumatic stifle injury in 72 cats:a multicentre retrospective study

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    Objectives The aim of the study was to describe traumatic stifle injury in cats and report complications and long-term outcome. Methods The medical records from seven veterinary hospitals of cats treated for traumatic stifle injury were reviewed. Long-term follow-up data were collected from referring veterinarians and using the Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index, collected from owners. Results Seventy-two cats were included in the study. The most common combination of ligament injury involved both cruciate ligaments and the lateral collateral ligament (25.4%). Medial meniscal injury was more common (66.2%) than lateral meniscal injury (59.4%). A temporary transarticular pin was used intraoperatively to aid reduction in 23/73 (31.5%) surgeries. Postoperative immobilisation was applied in 41/72 (56.9%) cats with a mean duration of 4.8 weeks. Short-term complications occurred in 40/64 (62.5%) cats. Long-term complications occurred in seven (17.5%) cats. Overall outcome was excellent in 25/61 (41%) cats, good in 13/61 (21.3%) cats, fair in 11/61 (18%) cats and poor in 12/61 (19.7%) cats. Mean length of follow-up was 29.6 months (range 0.5–204). A significantly poorer outcome was observed in cats with medial meniscal injury and those undergoing revision surgery. Use of a transarticular pin when left in situ for postoperative immobilisation was associated with a poorer outcome (P = 0.043) and a higher risk of complications (P = 0.018). Postoperative immobilisation was not related to outcome. Conclusions and relevance Traumatic stifle injury in cats can lead to rupture of multiple ligaments causing significant instability of the joint. Surgical treatment is associated with a high rate of short-term complications, although long-term outcome may still be good to excellent in the majority of cats (62.3%). In cats where follow-up was available, postoperative immobilisation had no positive effect on outcome and may not be required. Leaving a transarticular pin for postoperative immobilisation is not recommended as it was significantly associated with a poorer outcome and a higher complication rate

    Multiligament stifle injury, a multicenter retrospective study in 26 dogs

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    Objectives: To describe multiligament stifle injury in dogs and report complications and long-term outcomes. Methods: Medical records of dogs surgically treated for multiligament stifle injury were reviewed from six veterinary hospitals. Long-term follow-up was collected from referring veterinarians. Results: Twenty-six client-owned dogs and 26 stifles were included. Road traffic accidents and limb entrapment were the most common causes of injury. Cranial cruciate and lateral collateral ligament rupture was the most common combination of injury (10 cases). The caudal cruciate ligament was damaged in 12/23 cases but was surgically addressed in only 2 cases. Cranial cruciate ligament rupture was present in all cases and was managed using TPLO (6 cases), extracapsular suture (15 cases) and TTA (2 cases). Postoperative immobilisation with a transarticular external skeletal fixator was used in 4/26 cases. Intraoperative complications were reported in 2/23 cases, short-term complications in 17/25 cases, of which eight were major, and long-term complications in 7/18, of which two were major. Patella luxation was seen in one case and is a previously unreported complication. The overall outcome was excellent in 9/24 cases, good in 5/24 cases, fair in 7/24 cases and poor in 3/24 cases. Follow-up time ranged from 1.5 months to 9 years with the median (IQR) of 9.5 (4.0 to 28.5) months. Conclusions: Multiligament stifle injury in dogs is associated with a high rate of major complications. The overall outcome was good to excellent in just over half of the dogs