51 research outputs found

    La critique de la chrétienté chez la revue catholique de gauche Maintenant (1962-1974)

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    Maintenant est une revue catholique québécoise fondée par les Dominicains et publiée de 1962 à 1974. Ses animateurs et animatrices sont des catholiques qui adhèrent à la philosophie du personnalisme. D'après celle-ci, la vraie foi catholique est vécue dans l'engagement au sein de la société : chaque croyant et chaque croyante est invité.e à transformer le monde profane selon les critères évangéliques. Les auteurs et autrices du mensuel voient dans les nombreuses institutions catholiques du Québec - la chrétienté - un obstacle à la réalisation de cet idéal et mènent par conséquent une charge à fond de train contre cette « politique » du clergé canadien-français. Pour appuyer leur critique, ils développent une analyse complexe et cohérente du paysage religieux québécois qui lie la chrétienté au conformisme et à l'ignorance religieuse, elle-même facteur décisif dans le décrochage religieux observé à leur époque. À partir du milieu des années 1960, la chrétienté n'existe plus - notamment en raison de l'entrée en vigueur du « Bill 60 » du gouvernement de Jean Lesage - et les auteurs portent progressivement leur attention du côté de la sécularisation des mentalités : ils proposent des réformes pastorales, liturgiques et ecclésiologiques pour adapter le catholicisme à la « mentalité séculière ». Le tout se déroule sur la toile de fond des travaux de Vatican II (1962-1965) qui s'inspirent de la philosophie personnaliste chère à Maintenant. Or, la revue s'avère très critique et déçue des réformes romaines qu'elle juge peu ambitieuses et mal appliquées.Maintenant is a French Canadian catholic paper created by the Dominican Order and published from 1962 to 1974. Its authors are proponents of Emmanuel Mounier’s personalism. According to this philosophy, the true catholic faith calls for believers to positively transform profane society following evangelical lines. Maintenant’s writers postulate that Québec’s numerous catholic institutions are an obstacle to this ideal : rather than encourage believers to reshape their environment, these institutions seek to isolate them from society in order to shield them from nefarious beliefs and temptations. This « system », la chrétienté, is relentlessly criticized and painted as the main cause behind the observed religious decline. Indeed, the monthly publication argues that these institutions are indissociable from an authoritarian stance that breeds conformism and religious ignorance. From 1965 onward, secularism in Québec dramatically reduces the Catholic Church’s institutional presence. The Liberals’ « Bill 60 », for example, makes the government the primary actor in matters of public education. In turn, the intellectuals of Maintenant gradually shift their focus from la chrétienté to secularism’s impact on religious belief and practice. Convinced that Catholicism and the rising secular mentality can coexist, they put forward ideas of pastoral, liturgical and ecclesiological reform aimed at reconciling the two. These propositions are deeply influenced by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) during which a majority of the clergy is won over by personalist ideals. The paper’s authors are nonetheless disappointed by the reforms emanating from the works of the Council as they are deemed unambitious and badly implemented

    Deep germanium etching using time multiplexed plasma etching

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    Abstract : There is a growing need for patterning germanium for photonic and photovoltaics applications. In this paper, the authors use a time multiplexed plasma etch process (Bosch process) to deep etch a germanium substrate. They show that germanium etching presents a strong aspect ratio dependent etching and that patterns present scallops mostly on the upper part (aspect ratio below 0.8). Passivation layers are formed during the passivation step by neutrals’ deposition and are reinforced during the etching step by the redeposition of sputtered fluorocarbon species from the etch front. When the sidewalls are passivated, reactive neutrals diffuse through Knudsen-like diffusion down to the bottom of the pattern to etch the germanium. The Knudsen-like diffusion is responsible for the aspect ratio dependent etching and makes difficult the etching of holes with aspect ratios above 10 while trenches with aspect ratio of 17 are still etched faster than 2 lm/min

    Par-delà humain et non-humain : de la nécessité d’une approche matérialiste du vivant en sciences sociales

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    S’inscrivant dans la continuité de la remise en cause des dualismes modernes sujet/objet et nature/artifice, cet article présente une critique du concept de non-humain généralement utilisé pour désigner les composantes matérielles du monde (physiques, chimiques, biologiques, sociales et techniques). Il propose l’adoption d’un matérialisme émergentiste qui, contre tout réductionnisme excessif, permet de penser le vivant dans ce qu’il a de particulier et de s’éloigner de la logique d’indifférenciation épistémologique portée par le concept de non-humain. S’il importe de réintégrer dans la réflexion en sciences sociales la manière dont les êtres humains entrent en interaction avec les autres êtres constituant le monde, il est cependant essentiel d’effectuer une distinction permettant de rendre compte de cette spécificité du vivant afin de saisir les enjeux profonds liés à l’Anthropocène.In line with the questioning of modern dualisms as subject/object and nature/artifice, this article introduces a critique of the notion of non-human generally used to indicate the material components of the world (physical, chemical, biological, social, and technical). It proposes the adoption of an emergentist materialism which, against any excessive reductionism, allows to consider what it is particular to the living, and to go beyond the epistemological indistinction carried by the notion of non-human. If it is important to reintegrate in social sciences’ thinking how humans interact with other beings who constitute the world, it is essential, however, to make a distinction that indicates the specificity of the living to grasp the major issues related to the Anthropocene.Inscripto en la continuidad del cuestionamiento sobre los dualismos modernos sujeto/objeto y naturaleza/artificial, este artículo presenta una crítica al concepto de lo no-humano, generalmente utilizado para designar a los componentes materiales del mundo (físicos, químicos, biológicos, sociales y técnicos).Se propone la adopción de un materialismo emergentista que, contra todo reduccionismo excesivo, permite pensar lo vivo dentro de su particularidad y de alejarse de la lógica de la in-diferenciación epistemológica construida sobre el concepto de lo no-humano. Si resulta importante re-integrar dentro de la reflexión en Ciencias Sociales la forma como los seres humanos comienzan a interactuar con los otros seres que constituyen el mundo, es esencial efectuar una distinción que permita dar cuenta la especificidad de lo viviente con el fin de comprender los profundos desafíos ligados al Antropoceno

    The nuclear poly(A) polymerase and Exosome cofactor Trf5 is recruited cotranscriptionally to nucleolar surveillance

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    Terminal balls detected at the 5′-end of nascent ribosomal transcripts act as pre-rRNA processing complexes and are detected in all eukaryotes examined, resulting in illustrious Christmas tree images. Terminal balls (also known as SSU-processomes) compaction reflects the various stages of cotranscriptional ribosome assembly. Here, we have followed SSU-processome compaction in vivo by use of a chromatin immunoprecipitation (Ch-IP) approach and shown, in agreement with electron microscopy analysis of Christmas trees, that it progressively condenses to come in close proximity to the 5′-end of the 25S rRNA gene. The SSU-processome is comprised of independent autonomous building blocks that are loaded onto nascent pre-rRNAs and assemble into catalytically active pre-rRNA processing complexes in a stepwise and highly hierarchical process. Failure to assemble SSU-processome subcomplexes with proper kinetics triggers a nucleolar surveillance pathway that targets misassembled pre-rRNAs otherwise destined to mature into small subunit 18S rRNA for polyadenylation, preferentially by TRAMP5, and degradation by the 3′ to 5′ exoribonucleolytic activity of the Exosome. Trf5 colocalized with nascent pre-rRNPs, indicating that this nucleolar surveillance initiates cotranscriptionally

    Optimization of a Mass Trapping Method against the Striped Cucumber Beetle <i>Acalymma vittatum</i> in Organic Cucurbit Fields

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    The striped cucumber beetle (SCB) Acalymma vittatum (F.) (Coleptera: Chrysomelidae) is a prime problem in North American cucurbit crops. While certain chemical pesticides efficiently control SCB in conventional cucurbit fields, alternative solutions are required due to the ever-evolving regulations on pesticides. For organic producers, very few control methods exist. A novel mass trapping method demonstrates the potential of controlling SCBs using floral-based semiochemical baited traps in cucurbit crops. The goals of this study were to (1) determine whether baited traps capture more SCBs than unbaited ones, and (2) optimize the trapping method by comparing different trap types and different commercially available attractants to maximize SCB captures while minimizing non-target species captures. The results of a first experiment showed that baited traps captured significantly more SCBs than unbaited ones. Baited traps also captured significantly more bees and hoverflies than unbaited ones. In a second experiment these unwanted captures were drastically reduced by using traps with ten 4 mm in diameter holes per side. Finally, a third experiment demonstrated that the attractant 40CT313 was the most efficient at capturing SCB compared to other tested lures. Overall, the optimized mass trapping technique demonstrated a potential to effectively control SCB populations in organic cucurbit crops
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