1,339 research outputs found

    Applying quantitative semantics to higher-order quantum computing

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    Finding a denotational semantics for higher order quantum computation is a long-standing problem in the semantics of quantum programming languages. Most past approaches to this problem fell short in one way or another, either limiting the language to an unusably small finitary fragment, or giving up important features of quantum physics such as entanglement. In this paper, we propose a denotational semantics for a quantum lambda calculus with recursion and an infinite data type, using constructions from quantitative semantics of linear logic

    De l'efficacité de la pasteurisation du lait

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    Lafont J., Névot Armand, Lafont Philippe. De l'efficacité de la pasteurisation du lait. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 112 n°4, 1959. pp. 251-260

    Lower algebraic K-theory of certain reflection groups

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    For a finite volume geodesic polyhedron P in hyperbolic 3-space, with the property that all interior angles between incident faces are integral submultiples of Pi, there is a naturally associated Coxeter group generated by reflections in the faces. Furthermore, this Coxeter group is a lattice inside the isometry group of hyperbolic 3-space, with fundamental domain the original polyhedron P. In this paper, we provide a procedure for computing the lower algebraic K-theory of the integral group ring of such Coxeter lattices in terms of the geometry of the polyhedron P. As an ingredient in the computation, we explicitly calculate some of the lower K-groups of the dihedral groups and the product of dihedral groups with the cyclic group of order two.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figure

    Religious Involvement and the Attitudes Toward Birth Control

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    Religious Involvement and the Attitudes Toward Birth Control Carly Jacobs, Rachel LaFont, Whitney Wright Faculty Advisor: Erin M. Pryor, Ph.D. Key words: religion, birth control, contraceptive, sexual education, pregnancy prevention Historically, religious communities with conservative beliefs about sex and procreation offer limited access to and deter the use of birth control for pregnancy prevention (Cole & Geist, 2021; Piper et al., 2022; Wilde & Danielsen, 2014). Studies show that the higher religiosity involvement someone has, the less likely they are to use any artificial birth control to prevent pregnancy, and the more likely for them to remain abstinent (Piper et al., 2022). Recognizing the disparity in education of and access to birth control is important in continuing the fight for reproductive justice (Price, 2020; Roberts, 2015; Ross & Solinger, 2017). Therefore, our research explores religious involvement, attitudes toward birth control, and how different religions affect access to birth control in different ways. Through Dr. Pryor’s Social Research Methods class, we have synthesized previous research literature and explored different methodologies including: surveying Belmont students in an Introduction to Sociology course, analyzing a secondary data source of a CBS News survey about the Catholic church, analyzing content of sexual education initiatives, and interviewing a Belmont student about their experience. All of these methods were used to further our understanding of the influence of religion on access to and the use of birth control

    Effects of combined sewer overflows on a periurban stream ecosystem: Methodological approach

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    International audienceHere we develop from a long term field experiment an assessment method of interstitial fauna resilience to combined sewer overflows (CSOs) effect. We address the case of small water courses for which the ratio of CSOs to natural flow can be 1 to much more. Biotic material was collected in the benthic and hyporheic layers. Biotic material focussed mainly on oligocheates species whose diversity, species category and abundance are resumed into metrics, called functional traits (FTrs), giving indications on flux dynamics and nutrient bio-assimilation capacity. The biotic resilience is assessed through the analysis of the response time of the biota to CSOs and natural flow characteristics, here called hydrological indices (HIs). In this aim, a series of hydrological indices are defined to reveal varying aspects of the dynamics of CSOs and natural flows. A main result is that CSOs can have both degrading and boosting effects on the biota of a stony stream. Some CSOs characteristics can explain the physical processes supporting these contrasting effects. In particular the geomorphic characteristics of the water course. Management perspectives emerge from the CSOs hydrological indices and resilience of the biota

    Integrating ASCAT surface soil moisture and GEOV1 leaf area index into the SURFEX modelling platform: a land data assimilation application over France

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    The land monitoring service of the European Copernicus programme has developed a set of satellite-based biogeophysical products, including surface soil moisture (SSM) and leaf area index (LAI). This study investigates the impact of joint assimilation of remotely sensed SSM derived from Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) backscatter data and the Copernicus Global Land GEOV1 satellite-based LAI product into the the vegetation growth version of the Interactions between Soil Biosphere Atmosphere (ISBA-A-gs) land surface model within the the externalised surface model (SURFEX) modelling platform of Météo-France. The ASCAT data were bias corrected with respect to the model climatology by using a seasonal-based CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) matching technique. A multivariate multi-scale land data assimilation system (LDAS) based on the extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is used for monitoring the soil moisture, terrestrial vegetation, surface carbon and energy fluxes across the domain of France at a spatial resolution of 8 km. Each model grid box is divided into a number of land covers, each having its own set of prognostic variables. The filter algorithm is designed to provide a distinct analysis for each land cover while using one observation per grid box. The updated values are aggregated by computing a weighted average. <br><br> In this study, it is demonstrated that the assimilation scheme works effectively within the ISBA-A-gs model over a four-year period (2008–2011). The EKF is able to extract useful information from the data signal at the grid scale and distribute the root-zone soil moisture and LAI increments throughout the mosaic structure of the model. The impact of the assimilation on the vegetation phenology and on the water and carbon fluxes varies from one season to another. The spring drought of 2011 is an interesting case study of the potential of the assimilation to improve drought monitoring. A comparison between simulated and in situ soil moisture gathered at the twelve SMOSMANIA (Soil Moisture Observing System–Meteorological Automatic Network Integrated Application) stations shows improved anomaly correlations for eight stations
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