24 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in formal educational spaces under a social inclusion approach, based on the ideas of Burbules (2008), Brunner (2008), Coll and Martí (2001), Hepp (2008), and Martín (2008), among others. It has Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto been developed under the methodology of documentary analysis framed in the interpretative paradigm with a qualitative approach. Thus, it is possible to say that a documentary analysis has been carried out by reviewing scientific documents to identify and analyze these aspects. After this methodological process, it has been concluded that the configuration of a social inclusion approach guarantees an effective incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in formal educational spaces. Ths, a broad and deep reflection is required that leads to arethinking of teaching and learning methods and their classical structures, implying a transformation of thinking leading to the deployment of actions that go far beyond the simple incorporation of computer equipment in the classroom.El presente artículo tiene como propósito analizar la incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en espacios educativos formales bajo un enfoque de inclusión social, sustentados en las ideas de Burbules (2008),Brunner (2008), Coll y Martí (2001), Hepp (2008), y Martín (2008), entre otros. Se ha desarrollado bajo la metodología de análisis documental enmarcada en el paradigma interpretativo con enfoque cualitativo. Así, es posible decir que se ha realizado unanálisis documental revisando documentos científicos para identificar y analizar estos aspectos. Luego de este proceso metodológico se ha concluido que la configuración de un enfoque de inclusión social garantiza una efectiva incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en espacios educativos formales. De modo que se requiere de una reflexión amplia y profunda que conduzca a un replanteamiento de los métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y sus estructuras clásicas, implicando una transformación del pensamiento conducente al despliegue de acciones que van mucho más allá de la simple incorporación de equipos informáticos en el aula. Palabras clave: TIC, educación, inclusión

    Degraded States of Engagement in Air Traffic Control

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    Safety studies have identified attention as a recurring cause of incidents and accidents in air traffic control. However, little is known of the precise attentional states that lead to degraded ATC performance. Therefore, we surveyed 150 French en route air traffic controllers on the causes of and impacts on perceived cooperation, safety, and performance of seven degraded attentional states from the literature: task-related and task-unrelated mind wandering, mental overload, inattentional deafness and blindness, attentional entropy, and perseveration. Our findings indicated that task- related and task-unrelated mind wandering were the most prevalent but had the least impact on perceived safety. Conversely, inattentional blindness and attentional entropy were less reported but were considered a significant safety concern, while inattentional deafness affected cooperation. Most states were experienced in workload levels consistent with the literature. However, no other factor such as shift work was identified as a cause of these states. Overall, these findings suggest that “attention” is not a specific enough subject for ATC, as attentional issues can occur in various conditions and have different impacts. As far as safety is concerned, inattentional blindness should be the prime target for further research. Neuroergonomics in particular could help develop dynamic countermeasures to mitigate its impact

    Neurofeedback Training of Fronto-medial Theta Oscillations as a Tool to Mitigate Engagement Issues While Flying

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    Flying is a multitasking and complex activity that requires high working memory, mental flexibility and inhibition abilities 1. It is now well admitted that stressors (eg. fatigue, psychological stress) can impair this executive functioning to an extent that pilots fail to face task demands and to adapt to external contingencies 1–[4]. Several solutions ranging from adaptive automation to the design of cognitive countermeasures have been successfully implemented [5]–[7]. A complementary approach is to consider the use of preventive approaches such as the neurofeedback technique. Indeed, neurofeedback allows displaying online cerebral activity using brain imaging techniques (e.g., EEG, fNIRS, fMRI) in order to teach self-regulation of brain functioning [8], [9]. Recent studies have highlighted that neurofeedback training is particularly relevant to improve performance in controlled settings [10], [11], but also in more ecological contexts [12], [13]. In addition, it has been shown that frontal-medial theta [4-8] Hz, which is regarded as the “working language” for neural communication of executive functioning can improve basic executive functions [14] . Consequently, we assume that training pilots in order to increase their theta activity in the fronto-medial cortex will help them perform better in tasks involving executive functions

    Pattern graph rewrite systems

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    String diagrams are a powerful tool for reasoning about physical processes, logic circuits, tensor networks, and many other compositional structures. Dixon, Duncan and Kissinger introduced string graphs, which are a combinatoric representations of string diagrams, amenable to automated reasoning about diagrammatic theories via graph rewrite systems. In this extended abstract, we show how the power of such rewrite systems can be greatly extended by introducing pattern graphs, which provide a means of expressing infinite families of rewrite rules where certain marked subgraphs, called !-boxes ("bang boxes"), on both sides of a rule can be copied any number of times or removed. After reviewing the string graph formalism, we show how string graphs can be extended to pattern graphs and how pattern graphs and pattern rewrite rules can be instantiated to concrete string graphs and rewrite rules. We then provide examples demonstrating the expressive power of pattern graphs and how they can be applied to study interacting algebraic structures that are central to categorical quantum mechanics.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2012, arXiv:1403.757

    Human and mouse essentiality screens as a resource for disease gene discovery

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    The identification of causal variants in sequencing studies remains a considerable challenge that can be partially addressed by new gene-specific knowledge. Here, we integrate measures of how essential a gene is to supporting life, as inferred from viability and phenotyping screens performed on knockout mice by the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium and essentiality screens carried out on human cell lines. We propose a cross-species gene classification across the Full Spectrum of Intolerance to Loss-of-function (FUSIL) and demonstrate that genes in five mutually exclusive FUSIL categories have differing biological properties. Most notably, Mendelian disease genes, particularly those associated with developmental disorders, are highly overrepresented among genes non-essential for cell survival but required for organism development. After screening developmental disorder cases from three independent disease sequencing consortia, we identify potentially pathogenic variants in genes not previously associated with rare diseases. We therefore propose FUSIL as an efficient approach for disease gene discovery. Discovery of causal variants for monogenic disorders has been facilitated by whole exome and genome sequencing, but does not provide a diagnosis for all patients. Here, the authors propose a Full Spectrum of Intolerance to Loss-of-Function (FUSIL) categorization that integrates gene essentiality information to aid disease gene discovery

    Effect of road safety messages on cyclist detection by motorists in dynamic environments : involvement of attentional and emotional processes

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    Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre comment un message de prévention peut moduler les capacités de détection d'usagers vulnérables chez un automobiliste. Un message de prévention délivre à la fois une information sur la vulnérabilité de certains usagers mais peut également générer des émotions chez la personne qui y est exposée. Cette thèse s'intéresse donc d'une part à comment l' émotion seule, mais également l'information sur la vulnérabilité de certains usagers de la route, peuvent impacter les capacités de détection des usagers vulnérables. Nous porterons une attention particulière aux cyclistes, population pour laquelle, à notre connaissance, peu de travaux existent à ce sujet. Par ailleurs, étant donné le focus porté sur les émotions dans le cadre de cette thèse, l'un des objectifs secondaire de cette thèse sera de s'intéresser à des signatures physiologiques particulières de certaines émotionsThe aim of the present project is to provide a better understanding of how safety messages can control drivers' vulnerable road user detection abilities. Safety messages provide both vulnerability information and elicit emotion with persons that are exposed to it. This thesis deals with how vulnerability information and emotions respectively affect vulnerable road user detection performances. A special focus was placed on cyclists because of the lack of studies that address cyclist detetcion issues. The project also focused on physiology, especially emotion identification through physiological patterns

    Effet des messages de sécurité routière sur la détection des cyclistes par les automobilistes dans un environnement dynamique : implication des processus attentionnels et émotionnels

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    The aim of the present project is to provide a better understanding of how safety messages can control drivers' vulnerable road user detection abilities. Safety messages provide both vulnerability information and elicit emotion with persons that are exposed to it. This thesis deals with how vulnerability information and emotions respectively affect vulnerable road user detection performances. A special focus was placed on cyclists because of the lack of studies that address cyclist detetcion issues. The project also focused on physiology, especially emotion identification through physiological patterns.Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre comment un message de prévention peut moduler les capacités de détection d'usagers vulnérables chez un automobiliste. Un message de prévention délivre à la fois une information sur la vulnérabilité de certains usagers mais peut également générer des émotions chez la personne qui y est exposée. Cette thèse s'intéresse donc d'une part à comment l' émotion seule, mais également l'information sur la vulnérabilité de certains usagers de la route, peuvent impacter les capacités de détection des usagers vulnérables. Nous porterons une attention particulière aux cyclistes, population pour laquelle, à notre connaissance, peu de travaux existent à ce sujet. Par ailleurs, étant donné le focus porté sur les émotions dans le cadre de cette thèse, l'un des objectifs secondaire de cette thèse sera de s'intéresser à des signatures physiologiques particulières de certaines émotion

    Your Eyes Do Not Lie! Dissecting Humor Effects in Health Messages Using Eye Tracker Technology

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    International audienceIn the past decade, humor in scientific research has become more and more popular providing an increase of data identifying the context in which humor is a promising communication strategy in preventive health messages. To avoid the limits of declarative responses usually recorded in past studies, eye tracker technology offers the possibility to assess and dissect the effects of humor on visual attention. In this brief report, we first attempt to extend the results of previous studies by recording eye movements while participants were exposed to humorous and nonhumorous print health ads dealing with tobacco and alcohol consumption. A secondary purpose is specifically to test the visual attention French women devoted to humorous tobacco preventive ads, the worrying results of recent studies urging to find a way to improve tobacco preventive campaigns. Based on three complementary eye-tracking measures (i.e., total dwell time, fixation count, and revisits), the results showed that humorous health messages were scanned longer and more frequently and revisited more often compared to nonhumorous ones. In addition, humor appeared to reduce smokers' avoidance of preventive tobacco messages. The different pattern of visual exploration confirms that humor is a good strategy to grab attention even of individuals who are involved in the health topic addressed. In short, this paper argues for introducing lightness into a very serious subject, health communication, based on the analysis of eye movement evidence

    The Acoustic Garage: objectives and operation

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    International audienceFor an automotive supplier, it is essential to be able to communicate on the different aspects that characterize its parts. In the case of Autoneum, a good communication on the type of trims, the technologies and their key values can only be beneficial, not only for the business but also for the global influence of the company. Moreover, particularly in the automotive world where there is fierce competition, it is necessary to be innovative and creative. One can no longer remain ?classic?, one must be enterprising whether in the innovations creation or in the way one sells them. On top of that, OEMs sometimes have a hard time getting to know potential suppliers and the products they propose. This is particularly the case in Silicon Valley where the emerging car companies often have little or even no department dedicated to NVH. It?s in this context that the Autoneum Acoustic Garage was developed. The purpose of this website is to inform and educate users about certain aspects of NVH for cars. In this poster, one will develop the educational aspects of this website and will show the benefits of a tool that is both marketing and technical

    Driver's emotional state and vulnerable road user detection

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    DDI 2017 - 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, PARIS, FRANCE, 20-/03/2017 - 22/03/2017In 2014, slightly over 3380 deaths occurred on metropolitan French roads (Observatoire National Interministériel de Sécurité Routière [ONISR], 2015). For pedestrians and cyclists the percentage of fatal accidents increased by around 4, and 7% respectively since 2010. In addition, accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists are mostly caused by other road users as motorists, truck or bus drivers making pedestrians and cyclists vulnerable road users [VRU]. Previous investigations showed that VRU visibility for road users (drivers) was a crucial main issue. To address this issue, first of all, attention management to VRU while driving must be investigated. For example, Hole, Tyrrell, and Langham (1996) show that expectations and knowledge about a stimulus would modulate attention to it. However, recent research in the field indicated that driving is also influenced by emotion. Several studies highlighted a specific harmful impact of negative emotions on several processes involved during driving activity (Ellis, and Moore, 1999; Lemercier, and Cellier, 2008), especially for anger (Stephens, and Groeger, 2009; Stephens, Trawley, Madigan and Groeger, 2013) Further, Rogé, El Zufari, Vienne, and Ndiaye (2015) found that a short film which delivered information to car divers about pedestrian, cyclist and motorcyclist vulnerability modified the intensity of negative emotions felt by motorists. In addition, among all emotions experienced during the film viewing, only anger intensity was positively correlated with a change in the visibility distance of VRU (i.e., road distance between a car driver and a VRU when the motorist claimed he has seen him). The greater is the distance, the more visible the VRU is for the driver (Rogé, Douissembekov, and Vienne, 2012). Therefore, in our study, we only wanted to test the role of different anger intensities on VRU detection abilities. For this reason, we chose to set up a VRU detection task on a car driving simulator (in order to avoid real-life risky situations). Anger-elicitation was carried out using short film clips (see Schaefer, Nils, Sanchez, and Philippot, 2010). These films made no reference on driving or road safety and elicited different anger intensities. Film clips were watched by participants before we asked them to complete driving sessions in which they had to detect pedestrians and cyclists. Furthermore, anger can also be characterized by specific physiological patterns that could be recorded (Kreibig, 2010). For these reasons, particular emphasis was placed in our study on emotional assessment in order to get as much feedbacks as possible on individual emotional state during and after driving. Thus, cardiac and ocular measures were recorded during the driving sessions while emotional self-assessments were carried out after each session to know in what extent all measures matched. By this way we were able to explore the relation between experienced emotional intensity and VRU detection abilities. It was also expected to highlight physiological and behavioural patterns linked with different anger intensities attempting at the same time to provide some answers about an optimum anger intensity likely to be beneficial for driving