51 research outputs found

    Placemaking and (Digital) Storytelling

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    Placemaking is not only connected to a physical space; it can also be virtual. In this session we looked at how stories, digital or otherwise, are connecting people and enhancing their wellbeing. The examples presented showed how storytelling could create a sense of belonging and how the digital world adds value to that experience. Placemaking is about people, about living together, about a sense of belonging and carving spaces together, about co-creation and sharing stories. And it is crucial for society, especially now as it enters a new dimension in times of a global pandemic that affects us all. What will placemaking look like after COVID-19? What did we learn and what can we take with us to the future? How will we socialise, move from one place to another, (inter)act with and in public spaces after the pandemic? These questions guided a series of four online sessions which were held between the 7th and 30th of April (2020), connecting placemaking with the future of cities, tourism, the arts, urban design and digital storytelling. Experts and other interested persons were brought together across borders to discuss possible ways forward by learning from good practices. The response was overwhelming, both from the speakers that were contacted to take part, and from the diverse participants eager to share and exchange ideas. The concepts behind placemaking are not new and date back to the 60s when writers and urbanists like Jane Jacobs , William Whyte and Kevin A. Lynch offered new ideas on urban design catering for residents

    Functional outcomes and complications after salvage total laryngectomy for residual, recurrent, and second primary squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx : a multicenter retrospective cohort study

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    Background/Purpose: We analyzed complications and functional outcomes and aimed at identifying prognostic factors for functional outcomes and complications in patients who underwent salvage total laryngectomy (STL) for residual, recurrent, and second primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the larynx and hypopharynx after initial (chemo)radiation. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of patients who underwent STL in four major Belgian reference hospitals between 2002 and 2018. Prognostic factors for functional outcomes and complications were identified with uni- and multivariable analysis. Results: A total of 405 patients were included in the final analysis. STL was performed for residual tumor (40.2%), local recurrence (40.5%), or second primary laryngeal or hypopharyngeal SCC (19.4%). Early postoperative complications were experienced by 34.2% of patients: postoperative hemorrhage occurred in 5.4%, wound infection in 16.2%, and clinical pharyngocutaneous fistula (PCF) in 25.5% of patients. Early readmission proved necessary in 15.1% of cases, most often due to late PCF development (72.2%). Patients achieved total peroral intake in 94.2% of cases. However, subjective dysphagia was reported by 31.3% of patients during follow-up. Functional speech, defined as functional communication by speech without additional aids, was reported in 86.7% of cases and was most often achieved by tracheo-esophageal puncture (TEP) (94.1%). In a multivariable model, lower preoperative hemoglobin (<12.5 g/dl) was identified as an independent prognostic factor for higher overall complication rate. No risk factors were found significant for clinical fistula formation. Vascularized tissue augmentation did not significantly prevent clinical PCF. Patients with positive section margins, patients initially treated with surgery combined with adjuvant RT (vs. radiotherapy alone), and those developing PCF after STL were less likely to achieve total peroral intake. Postoperative dysphagia proved more likely in patients who developed a PCF postoperatively, and less likely in patients who underwent STL without partial pharyngectomy and in patients with myocutaneous pectoralis major (PM) flap reconstruction, compared to muscle onlay PM flap. Achieving postoperative functional speech proved most likely in patients with smaller tumors (lower pT classification) and free section margins. Conclusion: Substantial complication rates and favorable functional outcomes are reported after STL

    Wat drijft innovatie?

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    Tegen 2020 wil Vlaanderen als kenniseconomie aansluiting vinden bij de innovatieve topregio’s in Europa. De regering zette daarvoor het plan Vlaanderen in actie (Via) op. Beleidsmatig wordt duidelijk een tandje bijgestoken in de ondersteuning van de ontwikkelingen binnen de creatieve industrie. Ann Laenen reflecteert op het artikel van Ranaivosonen collega’s in Pioneering minds worldwide.status: publishe

    Onderzoek naar de opleidingsnoden van erfgoedbibliotheken inzake preservatie, conservatie en restauratie: de opleidingen Informatie- en Bibliotheekwetenschap (UA) en Conservatie en Restauratie – optie Papier (HA) als wegbereiders voor een coherente aanpak

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    Opzet van dit project was het inzetten van de mogelijkheden en de expertise van de bibliotheek- en conservatieopleidingen van de Antwerpse Associatie in een onderzoek naar de precieze opleidingsnoden van erfgoedbibliotheken; verder besturdeerde het enkele ‘best practices’ in het buitenland -om deze met elkaar te vergelijken. De onderzoeksresultaten worden gebruikt om de respectievelijke curricula van ‘Informatie- en Bibliotheekwetenschap’ (UA) en ‘Conservatie en Restauratie’ (HA) te versterken. Tijdens het onderzoek werd duidelijk dat er zich momenteel een aantal verschuivingen voordoen binnen de erfgoedsector en op onderwijsvlak die een impact zullen hebben op de opleiding. Het erfgoedlandschap is volop in beweging. Het nieuwe culturele erfgoeddecreet (zie 5.1.2 van dit rapport) is daar zeker niet vreemd aan. De nadruk komt meer te liggen op conservatie en ontsluiting van cultureel erfgoed. Hierdoor zijn de noden betreffende de bewaring en ontsluiting van archieven en fondsen gewijzigd. Denk maar aan de depotvorming, de digitalisering en ontsluiting van archieven en fondsen. In dit onderzoek zal er worden nagegaan welke noden er vandaag binnen de sector (hiermee worden naast de erfgoedbibliotheken ook archieven en musea bedoeld) leven en in hoeverre de opleiding conservatie/restauratie (C/R Papier) op deze noden beantwoordt/inspeelt. Maar niet alleen de erfgoedsector is in beweging, ook de onderwijswereld is in volle evolutie zowel op lokaal als op Europees niveau wordt het hoger onderwijs momenteel door het Bologna proces beheerst. - Lokaal is er de invoering van het bachelor/master systeem in het hele hoger onderwijs, daarmee verbonden het academiseren van dit hoger onderwijs en er wordt gekeken hoe hogeschool opleidingen en universitaire opleidingen die nauw met elkaar verwant zijn, beter op elkaar kunnen aansluiten. En ook hierbij sluit dit bijzonder onderzoeksproject aan. Vanuit de opleiding C/R papier bekijkt het onderzoek hoe deze opleiding en informatie – en bibliotheekwetenschappen elkaar kunnen versterken en verruimen. - Europees wordt er momenteel druk gediscussieerd over de competenties die gekoppeld worden aan de opleiding C/R om op termijn een grotere transparantie tussen de opleidingen te creëren en om een betere mobiliteit van studenten en docenten tussen soortgelijke opleidingen in Europa mogelijk te maken. In plaats van een vergelijking te maken tussen Good Practices, zoals omschreven in de aanvraag, bleek het interessanter om binnen de scope van dit onderzoek bij de Europese discussie stil te staan, en de twee visies die binnen Europa leven hier naast elkaar te plaatsen. Er zal worden nagegaan welke competenties opleidingen C/R Papier in het buitenland hanteren en hoe deze verhouden met onze opleiding C-R papier. Het onderzoeksrapport belicht in hoofdstuk 3 de onderzoeksvragen en de toegepaste onderzoeksmethode (hoofdstuk 4). Nadien gaat de nodige aandacht naar de resultaten. Deze worden onmiddellijk teruggekoppeld naar de onderzoeksvragen (hoofdstuk 5). Eerste conclusies en aanbevelingen besluiten dit onderzoeksdeel (hoofdstuk 6).nrpages: 10status: publishe

    Impactstudie Paola246 – virtueel theater

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    De impactstudie focust op het virtueel theaterproject Paola246 dat in 2007 in HETPALEIS gelopen heeft. Het rapport staat stil bij de nieuwe theatervorm. Wat betekent het voor de producent, het publiek, de regisseur, de online expert.status: publishe

    Regionale televisie in Vlaanderen

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    Widening the audience: cultural institutions and the use of virtual communities: two Belgian cases

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    Recent developments in Information Technology have resulted in changes that affected our way of living. These technological innovations have made the Internet more accessible. It is found that more people use the Net nowadays within their work and home environment. Through the Internet people can meet with friends and relatives who live close by and far away. Online social networks or virtual communities continue to develop. In some cases this results in a very ‘local’ translation of these ‘virtual’ meetings. ‘Socializing’ on- and offline becomes important. Cultural Institutions try to find their way through these new communication trends. Policy makes them look for new ways of interaction with their audience. How make people participate into culture by using the New Technologies as an extra tool for debate and action in such a way that it enlarges and extends the activities of the Institution? Through two concrete cases one Youth Theatre called HETPALEIS and a cultural centre, CULTUURCENTRUM BERCHEM, we want to illustrate how the integration of an online forum within the website broadened the interaction between the cultural institution and her audience as well as between the collaborators of the cultural institution itself.status: publishe

    Why Opera Education? Five case studies of views in a European context

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    Since the 1980s, Opera Houses across Europe have started education programmes; some encouraged by national governments, others on their own initiative, emphasizing that the artform should be accessible to everyone. But although Opera Education is now a widely practised activity in most Opera Companies the field is almost unresearched. Only recently, from the late 1990s onwards, has Opera Education been treated as a separate practice in research on education in arts organisations. Studies, writings and reports started to focus on Opera Education in order to give an overview of 'best practice' within the field and concentrate on concrete educational activities looked at from the students', teachers' or artists' point . , of view. This is the first piece of qualitative research that compares Opera Educationpractitioners' thinking on Opera Education in an in-depth investigation. The study has explored, through a representative sample of Opera Education practitioners in Europe, the complex interaction of personal, social and cultural factors that give rise to their answers to the question Why Opera Education? To reveal views, ideas and beliefs a methodology was developed offering enough space to the participants in the research to express their thoughts as freely as possible within the context of their professional work. The overall question, Why Opera Education?, was explored via four sub-questions focusing on what opera education practitioners in an opera house/company understand opera education to be, why they are engaged in it, how they see it within the opera house/company and the wider cultural setting and what the possible influences are to t,heir perspectives. Through the case study approach, using the narrative as a semi-structured interview technique, it has been possible to address these questions and to set the stories of the practitioners in a comparative framework. The_ results are valuable not only to opera education professionals but also to other arts education professionals, arts marketing professionals, policy makers and people working in opera, because they offer a unique way of exploring the audience - institution relationship in today's society. The in-depth focus offered insight into the complex and rich field of audience-related activities in an opera house/company. The daily challenges the practitioners are confronted with are broader than just opening up the artfonn to a wider audience and are an integral part of the audience-related activities in the opera house or company. .By looking for the reasons behind opera education, lines of thinking that at first sight seemed to be quite predictable, were revealed to be more complex and challenging than if one had only looked at 'what' opera education is/might be. What emerged from the study was that the personal and cultural background of the practitioners is crucial to their thinking. Through the European framework of the research it was . . possible to identify the importance, the richn~ss and the complexity of the diverse cultural contexts that shape the beliefs of the practitioners. The thesis argues that only through a rich contextual excav~tion of beliefs situated within per~onal, social, cultural and professional narratives the diversity of meanings about opera education· in the 21st century can be realised. As such this research raises new questions about the 'role of opera' today, and ';J-bout the impact of opera education and audiencerelated activities on the artfonn. These are questions that hopefully will be explored through further qualitative research in the future.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Co-design revisited: exploring problematic co-design dynamics in kids

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    This paper explores problematic co-design dynamics in children, which are defined as a system of intragroup dynamics occurring within a group of at random or purposefully selected children sharing a common design goal. These dynamics impact children’s development of creative solutions in co-design, but have rarely been addressed in literature. Therefore, we set out a multiple case study with 9- to 10-year olds in three elementary schools. Although not an exhaustive list, our in-depth exploration resulted in the following problematic codesign dynamics: the apart together phenomenon, free riding, status inequality, the laughing out loud phenomenon, the greatest common divisor effect and polarization. In further research, we will investigate how to remediate these dynamics into positive forces.status: publishe
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