8 research outputs found

    INTEGRAL and Multiwavelength Observations of the Blazar Mrk 421 during an Active Phase

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    A ToO observation of the TeV-emitting blazar Mrk 421 with INTEGRAL was triggered in June 2006 by an increase of the RXTE count rate to more than 30 mCrab. The source was then observed with all INTEGRAL instruments with the exception of the spectrometer SPI for a total exposure of 829 ks. During this time several outbursts were observed by IBIS and JEM-X. Multiwavelength observations were immediately triggered and the source was observed at radio, optical and X-ray wavelengths up to TeV energies. The data obtained during these observations are analysed with respect to spectral evolution and correlated variability. Preliminary results of the analysis are presented in this poster.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures; to appear in the Proc. of the First Int. GLAST Symp. (Stanford, Feb. 5-8, 2007), eds. S.Ritz, P.F.Michelson, and C.Meegan, AIP Conf. Pro

    Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi Observations of X-ray and Gamma-ray Selected Blazars

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    We present simultaneous Planck, Swift, Fermi, and ground-based data for 105 blazars belonging to three samples with flux limits in the soft X-ray, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray bands, with additional 5 GHz flux-density limits to ensure a good probability of a Planck detection. We compare our results to those of a companion paper presenting simultaneous Planck and multi-frequency observations of 104 radio-loud northern active galactic nuclei selected at radio frequencies. While we confirm several previous results, our unique data set allows us to demonstrate that the selection method strongly influences the results, producing biases that cannot be ignored. Almost all the BL Lac objects have been detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), whereas 30% to 40% of the flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) in the radio, soft X-ray, and hard X-ray selected samples are still below the gamma-ray detection limit even after integrating 27 months of Fermi-LAT data. The radio to sub-millimetre spectral slope of blazars is quite flat, with (alpha) approx 0 up to about 70GHz, above which it steepens to (alpha) approx -0.65. The BL Lacs have significantly flatter spectra than FSRQs at higher frequencies. The distribution of the rest-frame synchrotron peak frequency (nu(sup s)(sub peak)) in the spectral energy distribution (SED) of FSRQs is the same in all the blazar samples with (nu(sup s)(sub peak)) = 10(exp 13.1 +/- 0.1) Hz, while the mean inverse Compton peak frequency, (nu(sup IC)(sub peak)), ranges from 10(exp 21) to 10(exp 22) Hz. The distributions of nu(sup s)(sub peak) and nu(sup IC)(sub peak) of BL Lacs are much broader and are shifted to higher energies than those of FSRQs; their shapes strongly depend on the selection method. The Compton dominance of blazars. defined as the ratio of the inverse Compton to synchrotron peak luminosities, ranges from less than 0.2 to nearly 100, with only FSRQs reaching values larger than about 3. Its distribution is broad and depends strongly on the selection method, with gamma-ray selected blazars peaking at approx 7 or more, and radio-selected blazars at values close to 1, thus implying that the common assumption that the blazar power budget is largely dominated by high-energy emission is a selection effect. A comparison of our multi-frequency data with theoretical predictions shows that simple homogeneous SSC models cannot explain the simultaneous SEDs of most of the gamma-ray detected blazars in all samples. The SED of the blazars that were not detected by Fermi~LAT may instead be consistent with SSC emission. Our data challenge the correlation between bolometric luminosity and nu(sup s)(sub peak) predicted by the blazar sequence

    Multi-Frequency Observations of Gamma-Ray Blazar 1633 plus 382

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    We perform monthly monitoring of the quasar 1633+382 (4C+38.41) within a sample of gamma-ray blazars with the VLBA at 43 GHz along with optical photometric and polarimetric observations. We construct the gamma-ray light curve of 1633+382 using data obtained by the Fermi LAT. We find that a high gamma-ray state of the quasar starting in 2009 September is simultaneous with an increase of the flux in the mm-wave VLBI core. We resolve a superluminal feature on the VLBA images that appears to be responsible for the mm-wave flux increase. We find a strong correlation between optical and gamma-ray light curves with a delay of gamma-ray variations of 5+/-3 days, as well as a strong correlation between optical flux and degree of polarization during the high gamma-ray state. Comparison between the optical polarization position angle and that in the VLBI core supports the idea that in the quasar 1633+382 a high gamma-ray state is connected with processes originating near the mm-VLBI core

    Jet kinematics in the transversely stratified jet of 3C 84 A two-decade overview

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    3C 84 (NGC 1275) is one of the brightest radio sources in the millimetre radio bands, which led to a plethora of very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at numerous frequencies over the years. They reveal a two-sided jet structure, with an expanding but not well-collimated parsec-scale jet, pointing southward. High-resolution millimetre-VLBI observations allow the study and imaging of the jet base on a sub-parsec scale. This could facilitate the investigation of the nature of the jet origin, also in view of the previously detected two-railed jet structure and east-west oriented core region seen with RadioAstron at 22 GHz. We produced VLBI images of this core and inner jet region, observed over the past twenty years at 15, 43, and 86 GHz. We determined the kinematics of the inner jet and ejected features at 43 and 86 GHz and compared their ejection times with radio and y-ray variability. For the moving jet features, we find an average velocity of beta(avg)(app) = 0.055 - 0.22c (mu(avg) = 0.04 - 0.18 mas yr(-1)). From the time-averaged VLBI images at the three frequencies, we measured the transverse jet width along the bulk flow. On thePeer reviewe

    On the Location of the gamma-Ray Outburst Emission in the BL Lacertae Object AO 0235 + 164 Through Observations Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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    We present observations of a major outburst at centimeter, millimeter, optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths of the BL Lacertae object AO 0235+164. We analyze the timing of multi-waveband variations in the flux and linear polarization, as well as changes in Very Long Baseline Array images at A = 7 mm with approx.0.15 milliarcsec resolution. The association of the events at different wavebands is confirmed at high statistical significance by probability arguments and Monte Carlo simulations. A series of sharp peaks in optical linear polarization, as well as a pronounced maximum in the 7 mm polarization of a superluminal jet knot, indicate rapid fluctuations in the degree of ordering of the magnetic field. These results lead us to conclude that the outburst occurred in the jet both in the quasi-stationary "core" and in the superluminal knot, both parsecs downstream of the supermassive black hole. We interpret the outburst as a consequence of the propagation of a disturbance, elongated along the line of sight by light-travel time delays, that passes through a standing recollimation shock in the core and propagates down the jet to create the superluminal knot. The multi-wavelength light curves vary together on long timescales (months/ years), but the correspondence is poorer on shorter timescales. This, as well as the variability of the polarization and the dual location of the outburst, agrees with the expectations of a multi-zone emission model in which turbulence plays a major role in modulating the synchrotron and inverse Compton fluxes

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: Anomalous microwave emission in Galactic clouds (Planck+, 2014)

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    Anomalous microwave emission (AME) is believed to be due to electric dipole radiation from small spinning dust grains. The aim of this paper is a statistical study of the basic properties of AME regions and the environment in which they emit. We used WMAP and Planck maps, combined with ancillary radio and IR data, to construct a sample of 98 candidate AME sources, assembling SEDs for each source using aperture photometry on 1°-smoothed maps from 0.408GHz up to 3000GHz. Each spectrum is fitted with a simple model of free-free, synchrotron (where necessary), cosmic microwave background (CMB), thermal dust, and spinning dust components. We find that 42 of the 98 sources have significant (>5σ) excess emission at frequencies between 20 and 60GHz. An analysis of the potential contribution of optically thick free-free emission from ultra-compact HII regions, using IR colour criteria, reduces the significant AME sample to 27 regions. The spectrum of the AME is consistent with model spectra of spinning dust. Peak frequencies are in the range 20-35GHz except for the California nebula (NGC1499), which appears to have a high spinning dust peak frequency of (50+/-17)GHz. The AME regions tend to be more spatially extended than regions with little or no AME. The AME intensity is strongly correlated with the sub-millimetre/IR flux densities and comparable to previous AME detections in the literature. AME emissivity, defined as the ratio of AME to dust optical depth, varies by an order of magnitude for the AME regions. The AME regions tend to be associated with cooler dust in the range 14-20K and an average emissivity index, βd, of +1.8, while the non-AME regions are typically warmer, at 20-27K. In agreement with previous studies, the AME emissivity appears to decrease with increasing column density. This supports the idea of AME originating from small grains that are known to be depleted in dense regions, probably due to coagulation onto larger grains. We also find a correlation between the AME emissivity (and to a lesser degree the spinning dust peak frequency) and the intensity of the interstellar radiation field, G0. Modelling of this trend suggests that both radiative and collisional excitation are important for the spinning dust emission. The most significant AME regions tend to have relatively less ionized gas (free-free emission), although this could be a selection effect. The infrared excess, a measure of the heating of dust associated with HII regions, is typically >4 for AME sources, indicating that the dust is not primarily heated by hot OB stars. The AME regions are associated with known dark nebulae and have higher 12μm/25μm ratios. The emerging picture is that the bulk of the AME is coming from the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and small dust grains from the colder neutral interstellar medium phase. (1 data file)