627 research outputs found

    À partir de Georges Mounin : esquisse archĂ©ologique

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    À partir de Georges Mounin : esquisse archĂ©ologique — Georges Mounin est l'un des « pĂšres fondateurs » de la traductologie: c'est donc Ă  partir de cet auteur qu'on pourra entreprendre une archĂ©ologie de la discipline - au double sens oĂč c'est Ă  la fois vouloir le dĂ©passer, « en partir », et oĂč c'est aussi « partir » de ses travaux. Certes, il faut rĂ©cuser la problĂ©matique de robjection prĂ©judicielle, qui nous confronte aux apories de l'« intraduisible », en rĂ©inscrivant dans l'histoire les problĂšmes de la traduction. Encore devra-t-on ne pas se contenter d'une traductologie purement linguistique, voire d'une « traductologie de la langue ». Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, dans la foulĂ©e de l'hĂ©ritage de Mounin, on sera amenĂ© Ă  poser le problĂšme de l'articulation entre traductologie et linguistique; on en viendra Ă  s'interroger sur le statut du discours traductologique, sur la dimension philosophique qui est la sienne et sur la place qui lui revient dans le champ Ă©pistĂ©mologique des sciences humaines.From Georges Mounin and Beyond: an Archeological Draft — Georges Mounin is one of the "founding fathers" of Translation Studies. Therefore, he can be considered the "starting point" of an archeology of the discipline in that there is both the desire to go beyond the author, to "transcend" him, but also a willingness to use his works as a basis. Admittedly, one must challenge the concept of untranslatability, which only leads to the impasse of the "untranslatable," by recasting the problem of translation within the context of history. One should not be content with a purely linguistic approach to Translation Studies, or a "translation approach to the study of language." In more general terms, in keeping with the Mounin tradition, the author raises the issue regarding the relation between Translation Studies and Linguistics. He examines the status of translation discourse, its philosophical dimension and its rightful place within the epistemological confines of the Humanities. (Trans, by Paul Bandia

    Le « salto mortale de la déverbalisation »

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    Le processus de la traduction n’obĂ©it pas au schĂ©ma linĂ©aire d’une sĂ©quence de transformations linguistiques prĂ©supposant qu’existent d’une langue Ă  l’autre des « axes paraphrastiques » – ainsi qu’aimeraient le penser bien des linguistes et comme s’efforce nĂ©cessairement de l’opĂ©rationnaliser la traduction automatique (T.A.). Le plus souvent, au contraire, la traduction se caractĂ©rise par la discontinuité : le passage du texte-source (To) au texte-cible (Tt) implique un saut (saltus). Il se produit donc un processus de dĂ©verbalisation entre le texte original qui n’est « dĂ©jĂ  plus » lĂ  et sa traduction qui n’est « pas encore ». Mais le concept de dĂ©verbalisation fait problĂšme. Il paraĂźt Ă©vident en effet que le sens ne saurait exister sans un support – dont la nature reste Ă  dĂ©finir. Toujours est-il qu’en attendant les acquis scientifiques Ă  venir d’une traductologie inductive, relevant des sciences cognitives, il y aura lieu de penser les processus de la traduction dans les termes d’une traductologie productive.Contrary to what many linguists are led to think, and to what machine translation is bound to assume in its operations, the translation process does not follow a linear sequence of language transformations, presupposing phrasal equivalences from one language into another. The translation is characterized, most of the time, by discontinuity the transfer from the source language into the target language is operated by a rupture (saltus). A procedure of “deverbalization” (un-wording) occurs between the source text which is “no longer there” and the target text which is “not yet here.” But the concept of “deverbalization” remains problematic, because meaning cannot exist without a medium, the nature of which is still to be determined. The prospective developments of cognitive sciences will have to afford the basis of an inductive translatology; meanwhile we have to think out the process of translation in the frame of a productive translatology

    Analogie et littéralité à la lumiÚre de la traduction

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    PolysĂ©miques et "indĂ©finissables", les concepts d'analogie et de traduction peuvent s'Ă©clairer l'un par l'autre. Alors que le littĂ©ralisme Ă©troit des "sourciers" s'en tient Ă  une analogie formelle mimant les signifiants du texte original, la raison "cibliste" travaille Ă  une analogie substantielle entre la plĂ©nitude des effets mis en Ɠuvre par l'original et sa traduction. En rĂšgle gĂ©nĂ©rale, le traducteur est confrontĂ© au thĂ©orĂšme de dichotomie dans la mesure oĂč il devra choisir entre deux (ou plus) solutions approximatives, puisqu'aussi bien il lui faut faire son deuil d'une identitĂ© exacte avec l'original. S'ensuivent quelques applications concrĂštes (et plusieurs principes).The concepts of analogy and translation, which are polysemous and "indefinable", can elucidate one another. While the strict literalism of the sourcerers ("sourciers") limits itself to a formal analogy imitating the signifiers of the original text, the targeteers' ("ciblistes") approach seeks to find a substantial analogy between the fullness of the effects brought into play by the original work and its translation. As a general rule, the translator is confronted to the dichotomy theorem ("thĂ©orĂšme de dichotomie") insofar as he/she will have to choose between two (or more) approximate solutions, since he must also forgo, as in mourning, a perfect replica of the identity of the original work. There follows from this analysis a number of practical applications (and several principles)

    Sur le discours méta-traductif de la traductologie

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    L’auteur rend hommage Ă  l’ampleur et Ă  la diversitĂ© de tout ce qu’a accompli AndrĂ© Clas, en soulignant l’importance qu’y revĂȘt la traduction, et notamment son travail Ă©ditorial Ă  la direction de la revue Meta. Puis il thĂ©matise quatre approches mĂ©thodologiques fondamentales en traductologie : prescriptive ou normative, descriptive, inductive ou scientifique et productive (orientĂ©e vers la pratique). Il critique les contrastivistes, qui ne s’intĂ©ressent Ă  la traduction que dans la perspective d’une comparaison entre les langues, leur opposant les vĂ©ritables traductologues, qui prennent pour objet la rĂ©alitĂ© de la pratique traduisante. Enfin il reprend, sur de nouveaux frais, l’immĂ©moriale question du littĂ©ralisme en traduction, aux termes de laquelle s’opposent sourciers et ciblistes.The author pays tribute to the extent and range of achievements of AndrĂ© Clas, by highlighting the importance he placed on translation, and in particular his editorial work with the journal Meta. He then focuses on four fundamental methodological approaches in translatology: prescriptive or normative, descriptive, inductive or scientific, and productive (directed towards practice). He criticizes the contrastivists, who are interested in translation only from the point of view of comparing the languages, and places them in opposition to the real traductologists, who deal in the reality of translation practice. He ultimately addresses, on new grounds, the immemorial question of literalism in translation, with the target vs. source proponents on opposing flanks

    La traduction, phénomÚne interculturel et psychorelationnel

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    Les questions qui peuvent se poser Ă  propos du concept de localisation amĂšnent Ă  problĂ©matiser l’idĂ©e de traduction. La communication mise en jeu dans le cadre d’une dynamique de groupes bilingues et binationaux (par exemple franco-allemands) prend la forme d’une « traduction » orale qui, au sein du groupe, devient l’enjeu des clivages linguistiques et interculturels, mais aussi de tout un vĂ©cu psychorelationnel. Sans doute le concept de mĂ©diation permet-il, par sa gĂ©nĂ©ralitĂ© et sa polysĂ©mie, d’apprĂ©hender les problĂšmes posĂ©s dans toute leur ampleur. Par en haut : le champ d’études inĂ©dit dont il est traitĂ© ici amĂšne Ă  ne pas Ă©luder l’échĂ©ance d’un questionnement d’ordre Ă©pistĂ©mologique. Par en bas : plusieurs scĂ©narios de communication interculturels seront Ă©voquĂ©s.The issue which may arise about the concept of localization leads us to question the notion of translation. The communication at stake within the dynamics of bilingual and dual-nationality groups (e.g., Franco-German groups) becomes a kind of oral translation which, within said group, will be based on linguistic and intercultural schisms, but also of a whole psycho-relational experience. The notion of mediation makes it possible through its all-encompassing nature and its polysemy to approach this particular field of study in its entirety. On a higher level, the unexplored field of study examined here hitherto leads to an evasion of the ultimate epistemological reflection. On a lower level, several intercultural communication scenarios will be presented

    Pour une théologie de la traduction

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    Dispersion of polymer-grafted magnetic nanoparticles in homopolymers and block copolymers

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    The dispersion of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) in homopolymer poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and block copolymer poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) films is investigated by TEM and AFM. The magnetite (Fe3O4) NPs are grafted with PMMA brushes with molecular weights from M = 2.7 to 35.7 kg/mol. Whereas a uniform dispersion of NPs with the longest brush is obtained in a PMMA matrix (P = 37 and 77 kg/mol), NPs with shorter brushes are found to aggregate. This behavior is attributed to wet and dry brush theory, respectively. Upon mixing NPs with the shortest brush in PS-b-PMMA, as-cast and annealed films show a uniform dispersion at 1 wt%. However, at 10 wt%, PS-b-PMMA remains disordered upon annealing and the NPs aggregate into 22 nm domains, which is greater than the domain size of the PMMA lamellae, 18 nm. For the longest brush length, the NPs aggregate into domains that are much larger than the lamellae and are encapsulated by PS-b-PMMA which form an onion-ring morphology. Using a multi-component Flory–Huggins theory, the concentrations at which the NPs are expected to phase separate in solution are calculated and found to be in good agreement with experimental observations of aggregation
