29 research outputs found

    Long-term treatment for emotional distress in women with breast cancer

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    Purpose: Breast cancer patients have many needs, including strategies to cope with the associated distress, during and after cancer treatment. Establishing and implementing adequate social and emotional support for these women, to reduce the detrimental effects of stress resulting from their treatment and disease, is the need of the hour. This study aims to assess how women, diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, combat emotional stress using mechanisms of coping and control and emotional defense, as well as to identify potential groups among them, with different long-term patterns and needs. Methods: 98 patients belonging to a local breast cancer support association (ALMOM), were enrolled in this study. A questionnaire specifically designed for them was administered, and its internal consistency and reliability assessed. A hierarchical clustering was employed to classify the women. The questionnaire focused on four sections, including personal feelings, coping strategies, environmental influences and maladaptive coping. Results: An adequate internal reliability was obtained with Cronbach's α near or greater than 0.60. Personal feelings were significant and clearly correlated with coping strategies and maladaptive coping. Three groups of women with different patterns of emotional characteristics and needs were identified: positivist, unsafe, and hopeless women, with different long-term emotional needs to be satisfied. Conclusions: Psychological therapeutic interventions should be maintained in many breast cancer patients over time, even after treatment completion, in order to consolidate adaptive and sustainable responses

    Gestural praxis in young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities

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    [EN] Background: Praxis functioning in the population with intellectual disabilities (ID) has been poorly studied. The goal of this research was to look for a starting point to study the praxic functioning in young adults with mild to moderate ID. Method: Thirty young adults with ID and 30 young adults without ID, between the ages of 18 and 35 years, participated in this study. All participants completed tests that assessed gestural praxis. Results: It was possible to observe similar praxis behaviour in the group with ID in almost all domains studied, albeit showing statistical values lower than those of the group without ID. Discussions: Despite the high number of errors committed, the sample of participants with ID was able to reach the goal of praxic tasks performed; such errors may be associated with a deficit in the development of various brain functions and not only with praxis functioning, mainly related to a lower yield in terms of planning, monitoring and correcting intentional movement

    The effect of cognitive impairment on self-generation in Hispanics with TBI

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to determine the moderating effect of cognitive impairment (CI) on the usefulness of the generation effect to improve learning and memory in Hispanics with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Sixty-one Hispanic individuals with TBI (29 without CI, 22 with mild to moderate CI, and 10 with severe CI) and 44 healthy controls (HC) were required to remember the last word in each of 32 sentences. Target words were presented in a self-generated and provided condition. Recall and recognition were examined immediately, after 30minutes, and at one week. Individuals remembered and recalled significantly more words in the generated condition than the provided condition, regardless of group or time. The self-generation technique equally benefitted all participants regardless of TBI status or degree of CI. Future cognitive rehabilitation programs designed to improve short-term recall and recognition in Hispanic individuals with TBI should include the self-generation technique. Further research into the longer-term effects of the generation effects is warranted

    Neuropsychological Performance in Patients with Asymptomatic HIV-1 Infection

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) lead to neurocognitive disorders; however, there is still much knowledge to be gained regarding HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. The purpose of this study was to assess the cognitive performance, instrumental activities of daily living, depression, and anxiety in patients with asymptomatic HIV-1 infections compared with seronegative participants without neurocognitive impairment. We studied a sample consisted of 60 patients with asymptomatic HIV-1 infections and 60 seronegative participants without neurocognitive impairment from the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, with a mean age of 36.07 years. A protocol of neuropsychological and psychopathological tests was applied to the participants. The group of patients with asymptomatic HIV infections significantly underperformed on tasks that assessed global cognitive screening, attention span, learning, phonemic verbal fluency, auditory-verbal comprehension, information processing speed, cognitive flexibility, and motor skills compared to the group of seronegative participants. No significant differences were found in memory, visual confrontation naming, vocabulary, inhibition, and instrumental activities of daily living. Additionally, the patients with asymptomatic HIV-1 infection had a higher anxiety index than the seronegative participants, but no significant difference was found in depression. A correlation was found between depression and anxiety. In conclusion, the patients with asymptomatic HIV-1 infection had lower cognitive performances than the seronegative participants in the cognitive functions mentioned above and more anxiety but still performed the instrumental activities of daily living

    Estudio anatómico y funcional del Sistema Nervioso

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    Memoria ID 0036. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la Innovación Docente, curso 2008-2009.El objetivo principal del proyecto era diseñar, elaborar e implementar material docente adaptado a las nuevas tecnologías de cara a maximizar las oportunidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Psicología y ciencias afines sobre contenidos relacionadas con el estudio del Sistema Nervioso.Este entorno virtual debía ser útil para el proceso de convergencia europea, facilitando el acceso y el uso de las TIC por parte de los estudiantes, que facilite también el aprendizaje tanto del alumno autóctono como del alumnado de intercambio. Además, el material debía permitir el acceso a personas con problemas sensoriales (auditivos y visuales)