511 research outputs found

    Baking quality prediction of spelt wheat based on rheological and mixolab parameters

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    The aim of this work was to test the potential of Mixolab II in the baking quality prediction of five Triticum spelta L. cultivars grown during growing periods with different climate conditions. Spelt cultivars varied in flour and dough properties examined by indirect baking qualm- indicators (wet gluten content. Falling number. Zelenv sedimentation, farinograph rheological properties, Mixolab parameters) and direct baking test, strong effect of climatic conditions was determined. Results showed significant differences in protein and starch – amylase part of Mixolab II curve, indicating the genotype and climatic effect. Spelt cultivars were characterised by high protein weakening (C2=0.32 Nm), speed of protein network weakening at the level of α= −0.07 Nm min−1, starch gelatinisation (C3=1.61 Nm), amylolytic activity (C4=1.35 Nm), and starch retrogradation (C5=1.98 Nm). Significant correlations between indirect baking properties, farinograph and Mixolab II parameters, and direct baking test were found. Slope a of Mixolab curve was a promising parameter in estimation of direct baking parameter – specific bread volume, together with indirect indicator – Zeleny sedimentation

    Cash transfers and the mental health of young people: evidence from South Africa's child support grant

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    This study examines the longitudinal impact of the South African Child Support Grant (CSG) on risk for depression and life satisfaction among young people (15–19 years). We analysed data from the last three waves of the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS), a nationally representative panel survey that took place every two years from 2008 to 2017. We used an instrumental variable (IV) approach that exploits multiple changes in age eligibility from 1998 to 2012. Depressive symptoms were assessed using an 8-item version of the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; participants who scored above 8 were considered at risk for depression. Life satisfaction was rated on a scale of 1 (‘very dissatisfied’) to 10 (‘very satisfied’); participants who scored 8 or above were classified as satisfied. We also examined impacts on educational deficit (≥2 years behind) and not being in education, employment or training (NEET) as secondary outcomes, as these are also important for mental health. Age eligibility strongly predicted CSG receipt at Wave 3. In instrumental variable models, CSG receipt did not influence the risk for depression (β = 0.10, SE = 0.10, p = 0.316), nor life satisfaction (β = −0.07, SE = 0.09, p = 0.420) at Wave 3, nor at Waves 4 or 5. Some improvements in educational deficit were observed at Wave 3 among CSG beneficiaries compared to non-beneficiaries. These results were robust to multiple specifications. CSG receipt did not improve the psychological wellbeing of adolescents and young adults, nor did it improve their education or employment outcomes. Our findings highlight the need to identify alternative social policies that address the root causes of youth social disadvantage, in conjunction with targeted approaches to improve the mental health of young South Africans living in poverty

    The downside of tobacco control? Smoking and self-stigma: a systematic review

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    Objective Little is known about the consequences of tobacco smoking stigma on smokers and how smokers may internalize smoking-related stigma. This review summarizes existing literature on tobacco smoking self-stigma, investigating to what extent smokers are aware of negative stereotypes, agree with them and apply them to themselves. Methods We carried out a systematic search of Pubmed/Web of Science/PsycInfo databases for articles related to smoking self-stigma through June 2013. Reference lists and citations of included studies were also checked and experts were contacted. After screening articles for inclusion/exclusion criteria we performed a quality assessment and summarized findings according to the stages of self-stigma as conceptualized in Corrigan's progressive model of self-stigma (aware, agree, apply and harm). Initial searches yielded 570 articles. Results Thirty of these articles (18 qualitative and 12 quantitative studies) met criteria for our review. Awareness of smoking stigma was virtually universal across studies. Coping strategies for smoking stigma and the degree to which individuals who smoke internalized this stigma varied both within and across studies. There was considerable variation in positive, negative, and non-significant consequences associated with smoking self-stigma. Limited evidence was found for subgroup differences in smoking-related stigma. Conclusion While there is some evidence that smoking self-stigma leads to reductions in smoking, this review also identified significant negative consequences of smoking self-stigma. Future research should assess the factors related to differences in how individuals respond to smoking stigma. Public health strategies which limit the stigmatization of smokers may be warranted


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    V priebehu rokov 1996-1999 sa na pozemkoch experimentálnej bázy AF SPU v Nitre realizoval pokus, cieľom ktorého bolo overiť možnosti pestovania viacerých odrôd pšenice špaldovej (Triticum spelta L.) v daných pôdnych a klimatických podmienkach pri ekologickom systéme hospodárenia. Hlavné úrodotvorné prvky i výška samotnej úrody sa zisťovali pri troch odrodách pšenice špaldovej: Bauländer spelz, Schwabenkorn a Roquin. Získané údaje boli porovnané so pšenicou letnou, odroda Samanta i s výsledkami iných autorov uvádzaných v literatúre. Výsledky poukazujú na najlepšiu vhodnosť podmienok uvedeného stanovišťa pre nemeckú odrodu Bauländer spelz, ktorá v sledovanom období dosiahla najvyššiu úrodu (6,06 t.ha-1), ktorou sa najviac priblížila k úrode pšenice letnej (na 92,2%). Táto odroda pšenice špaldovej formuje úrodu vysokou produktivitou klasu hlavného stebla, vysokou hodnotou HTZ (49,29 g), dlhým klasom (112,45 mm), vysokým počtom plodných kláskov v klase (14,32) a vysokou hmotnosťou zrna z klasu (1,33 g). Dosahuje tiež najkratšiu dĺžku stebla (0,89 m), čo je vhodné z hľadiska odolnosti voči poliehaniu. Všetky odrody pšenice špaldovej však počas vegetácie disponovali nižšou hustotou porastu (501,3-518,7.m-2) ako kontrolná odroda pšenice letnej (605,3.m-2).During 1996-1999 a field experiment with different varieties of spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) was carried out on brown loamy arable soil within an ecological system in Nitra region. The yield formation characters and the crop yield itself were investigated in three spelt wheat cultivars (Bauländer Spelz, Schwabenkorn, Roquin) and compared with common wheat, cultivar Samanta. The achieved results revealed that the agroecological conditions of Nitra region where most suitable for the Bauländer Spelz cultivar of German origin, with the highest crop yield of 6.06 t.ha-1, i. e. 92.2% of common wheat yield. This cultivar reached the lowest percentage of glumes (26.13%), the highest TGW (49.29 g), the longest spike (112.45 mm), the highest number of fertile spikelets (14.32) and the highest weight of grains per spike (1.33 g). All of the spelt wheat cultivars had lower productive density of stand (501.3 to 518.7 productive stems per square meter) than common wheat (605.3 productive stems per square meter)

    The Effect of Mortgage Broker Compensation Disclosures on Consumers and Competition: A Controlled Experiment

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    Predmetom práce bolo sledovať vplyv ekologickej a konvenčnej sústavy hospodárenia na vývoj potenciálnej a aktuálnej zaburinenosti porastov pšenice letnej, f. ozimnej na vybraných poľnohospodárskych podnikoch Sebechleby, Plavé Vozokany a Dačov Lom. Preukazný rozdiel medzi sústavami bol zistený iba v poľnohospodárskom podniku Sebechleby, kde bola vyššia potenciálna zaburinenosť v ekologickej sústave. V ekologickej sústave v Plavých Vozokanoch a v Dačovom Lome bol zistený vyšší počet druhov burín v pôdnej zásobe semien. Dominantnými druhmi v oboch sústavách boli Chenopodium album L. a Amaranthus retroflexus L.. Vyššia aktuálna zaburinenosť bola zaznamenaná v ekologickej sústave hospodárenia. Charakteristikou oboch sústav bol výskyt trváceho druhu Cirsium arvense a nezaznamenanie druhu Amaranthus retroflexus L., ktorý mal však veľmi vysokú zásobu semien v pôde.The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of ecological and conventional farming systems on weed seedbank and actual weed infestation of winter wheat at agricultural farms Sebechleby, Plavé Vozokany and Dačov Lom. Significant differences between systems were determined only at the co-operative Sebechleby where the higher weed seedbank was in ecological system. Higher number of determined weed species in weed seedstock was in ecological system at Plavé Vozokany and Sebechleby. Dominant weed species in both systems were Chenopodium album L. and Amaranthus retroflexus L.. Higher degree of actual weed infestation was determined in ecological system. Characteristics of systems was the occurrence of perennial species Cirsium arvense and non detection of Amaranthus retroflexus L., weed that had very high weed seedbank in soil

    Supplementary information for: "Dissociative electron attachment and electronic excitation in Fe(CO)(5)"

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    Geometry of Fe(CO)5 (xyz coordinates); Excited states: Spin and dipole allowed transitions; Spin allowed, dipole forbidden transitions; Singlet-triplet transitions.The supplementary information for: Allan, M., Lacko, M., Papp, P., Matejcik, S., Zlatar, M., Fabrikant, I. I., Kocisek, J.,& Fedor, J. (2018). Dissociative electron attachment and electronic excitation in Fe(CO)(5). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Soc Chemistry, Cambridge., 20(17), 11692-11701. [https://doi.org/10.1039/c8cp01387j]The published version of the article: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2312]The peer-reviewed version of the article: [http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2659

    The mechanisms and processes of connection: developing a causal chain model capturing impacts of receiving recorded mental health recovery narratives.

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health recovery narratives are a core component of recovery-oriented interventions such as peer support and anti-stigma campaigns. A substantial number of recorded recovery narratives are now publicly available online in different modalities and in published books. Whilst the benefits of telling one's story have been investigated, much less is known about how recorded narratives of differing modalities impact on recipients. A previous qualitative study identified connection to the narrator and/or to events in the narrative to be a core mechanism of change. The factors that influence how individuals connect with a recorded narrative are unknown. The aim of the current study was to characterise the immediate effects of receiving recovery narratives presented in a range of modalities (text, video and audio), by establishing the mechanisms of connection and the processes by which connection leads to outcomes. METHOD: A study involving 40 mental health service users in England was conducted. Participants were presented with up to 10 randomly-selected recovery narratives and were interviewed on the immediate impact of each narrative. Thematic analysis was used to identify the mechanisms of connection and how connection leads to outcome. RESULTS: Receiving a recovery narrative led participants to reflect upon their own experiences or those of others, which then led to connection through three mechanisms: comparing oneself with the narrative and narrator; learning about other's experiences; and experiencing empathy. These mechanisms led to outcomes through three processes: the identification of change (through attending to narrative structure); the interpretation of change (through attending to narrative content); and the internalisation of interpretations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to identify mechanisms and processes of connection with recorded recovery narratives. The empirically-based causal chain model developed in this study describes the immediate effects on recipients. This model can inform selection of narratives for use in interventions, and be used to support peer support workers in recounting their own recovery narratives in ways which are maximally beneficial to others

    Service user and caregiver involvement in mental health system strengthening in low- and middle-income countries: a cross-country qualitative study

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    The aims of this paper are to: (i) explore the experiences of involvement of mental health service users, their caregivers, mental health centre heads and policy makers in mental health system strengthening in three low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (Ethiopia, Nepal and Nigeria); (ii) analyse the potential benefits and barriers of such involvement; and (iii) identify strategies required to achieve greater service user and caregiver participation. A cross-country qualitative study was conducted, interviewing 83 stakeholders of mental health services. Our analysis showed that service user and caregiver involvement in the health system strengthening process was an alien concept for most participants. They reported very limited access to direct participation. Stigma and poverty were described as the main barriers for involvement. Several strategies were identified by participants to overcome existing hurdles to facilitate service user and caregiver involvement in the mental health system strengthening process, such as support to access treatment, mental health promotion and empowerment of service users. This study suggests that capacity building for service users, and strengthening of user groups would equip them to contribute meaningfully to policy development from informed perspectives. Involvement of service users and their caregivers in mental health decision-making is still in its infancy in LMICs. Effective strategies are required to overcome existing barriers, for example making funding more widely available for Ph.D. studies in participatory research with service users and caregivers to develop, implement and evaluate approaches to involvement that are locally and culturally acceptable in LMICs