233 research outputs found

    MiniTREC: un modelo de aprendizaje basado en proyectos para la asignatura de Recuperación de Información

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    La asignatura de Recuperación de información es una asignatura de nueva impartición dentro de la mención de Computación del Grado en Ingeniería Informática en la Universidad de Zaragoza. La complejidad e interrelación de los contenidos de esta asignatura dificulta la realización de prácticas en las que los alumnos prueben los modelos y algoritmos descritos en teoría. Para facilitar la asimilación de los conceptos teóricos se ha decidido utilizar una metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos. Este artículo describe la experiencia de aplicación de dicha metodología, los resultados obtenidos, problemas encontrados y áreas de mejora.SUMMARY -- Information Retrieval is a new course of the Computer Science Degree Program in Computing Engineering Studies at the University of Zaragoza. The complexity and interrelation of this course’s contents makes difficult the definition of practices that allow students to test the models and algorithms described in theory classes. To facilitate the understanding of concepts, it was decided to use a project based learning methodology. This paper describes the application experience of this methodology, the results obtained, problems found and areas of improvement

    An automatic method for reporting the quality of thesauri

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    Thesauri are knowledge models commonly used for information classification and retrieval whose structure is defined by standards such as the ISO 25964. However, when creators do not correctly follow the specifications, they construct models with inadequate concepts or relations that provide a limited usability. This paper describes a process that automatically analyzes the thesaurus properties and relations with respect to ISO 25964 specification, and suggests the correction of potential problems. It performs a lexical and syntactic analysis of the concept labels, and a structural and semantic analyses of the relations. The process has been tested with Urbamet and Gemet thesauri and the results have been analyzed to determine how well the proposed process works

    Quality of metadata in open data portals

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    During the last decade, numerous governmental, educational or cultural institutions have launched Open Data initiatives that have facilitated the access to large volumes of datasets on the web. The main way to disseminate this availability of data has been the deployment of Open Data catalogs exposing metadata of these datasets, which are easily indexed by web search engines. Open Source platforms have facilitated enormously the labor of institutions involved in Open Data initiatives, making the setup of Open Data portals almost a trivial task. However, few approaches have analyzed how precisely metadata describes the associated datasets. Taking into account the existing approaches for analyzing the quality of metadata in the Open Data context and other related domains, this work contributes to the state of the art by extending an ISO 19157 based method for checking the quality of geographic metadata to the context of Open Data metadata. Focusing on metadata models compliant with the Data Catalog Vocabulary proposed by W3C, the proposed extended method has been applied for the evaluation of the Open Data catalog of the Spanish Government. The results have been also compared with those obtained by the Metadata Quality Assessment methodology proposed at the European Data Portal

    Tracing the origins of incunabula through the automatic identification of fonts in digitised documents

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    Incunabula are the texts printed mainly during the second half of 15th century that are a key cultural element in a revolutionary period of the history and evolution of the book and the printing. In these books, the identification of their origin largely affects its academic, cultural, patrimonial, and economical value. This paper proposes a process to automate the identification of the origin of a digitised incunable document using the Proctor/Haebler method, a commonly established procedure in the field. This process has been validated with a selected dataset obtained from the incunabula collection at the digital repository of the University of Zaragoza

    Discrete Global Grid Systems with quadrangular cells as reference frameworks for the current generation of Earth observation data cubes

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    Discrete Global Grid Systems are spatial reference frameworks that associate information to multi-resolution grids of uniquely identified cells; they are proposed as mechanisms to facilitate the efficient integration of heterogeneous spatial data. They could provide an excellent reference system for Earth observation data cubes, technological infrastructures that provide analysis-ready access to Earth Observation big data, as long as they can be made compatible with them. In this paper, we demonstrate that this is currently feasible without requiring new technological developments. We show how a Discrete Global Grid System with quadrangular cells, rHEALPix, and an existing data cube platform, Open Data Cube, can be integrated without loosing the advantages of having all the data in a Discrete Global Grid System, while keeping a straightforward access to all of the analysis tools provided by an Earth Observation Data Cube

    Aggregation-based information retrieval system for geospatial data catalogs

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    Geospatial data catalogs enable users to discover and access geographical information. Prevailing solutions are document oriented and fragment the spatial continuum of the geospatial data into independent and disconnected resources described through metadata. Due to this, the complete answer for a query may be scattered across multiple resources, making its discovery and access more difficult. This paper proposes an improved information retrieval process for geospatial data catalogs that aggregates the search results by identifying the implicit spatial/thematic relations between the metadata records of the resources. These aggregations are constructed in such a way that they match better the user query than each resource individually

    MiniTREC: un modelo de aprendizaje basado en proyectos para la asignatura de Recuperación de Información

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    La asignatura de Recuperación de información es una asignatura de nueva impartición dentro de la mención de Computación del Grado en Ingeniería Informática en la Universidad de Zaragoza. La complejidad e interrelación de los contenidos de esta asignatura dificulta la realización de prácticas en las que los alumnos prueben los modelos y algoritmos descritos en teoría. Para facilitar la asimilación de los conceptos teóricos se ha decidido utilizar una metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos. Este artículo describe la experiencia de aplicación de dicha metodología, los resultados obtenidos, problemas encontrados y áreas de mejora.Information Retrieval is a new course of the Computer Science Degree Program in Computing Engineering Studies at the University of Zaragoza. The complexity and interrelation of this course’s contents makes difficult the definition of practices that allow students to test the models and algorithms described in theory classes. To facilitate the understanding of concepts, it was decided to use a project based learning methodology. This paper describes the application experience of this methodology, the results obtained, problems found and areas of improvement.Este trabajo ha sido realizado como parte del proyecto PIIDUZ_13_171 de la Universidad de Zaragoza y financiado por el Gobierno de España a través del proyecto TIN2012-37826-C02-01

    The problem of reference rot in spatial metadata catalogues

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    The content at the end of any hyperlink is subject to two phenomena: the link may break (Link Rot) or the content at the end of the link may no longer be the same as it was when it was created (Content Drift). Reference Rot denotes the combination of both effects. Spatial metadata records rely on hyperlinks for indicating the location of the resources they describe. Therefore, they are also subject to Reference Rot. This paper evaluates the presence of Reference Rot and its impact on the 22,738 distribution URIs of 18,054 metadata records from 26 European INSPIRE spatial data catalogues. Our Link Rot checking method detects broken links while considering the specific requirements of spatial data services. Our Content Drift checking method uses the data format as an indicator. It compares the data formats declared in the metadata with the actual data types returned by the hyperlinks. Findings show that 10.41% of the distribution URIs suffer from Link Rot and at least 6.21% of records suffer from Content Drift (do not declare its distribution types correctly). Additionally, 14.94% of metadata records only contain intermediate HTML web pages as distribution URIs and 31.37% contain at least one HTML web page; thus, they cannot be accessed or checked directly

    El «Policraticus» de Juan de Salisbury y el mundo antiguo.

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    Agricultural recommendation system for crop protection

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    Pests in crops produce important economic loses all around the world. To deal with them without damaging people or the environment, governments have established strict legislation and norms describing the products and procedures of use. However, since these norms frequently change to reflect scientific and technological advances, it is needed to perform a frequent review of affected norms in order to update pest related information systems. This is not an easy task because they are usually human-oriented, so intensive manual labour is required. To facilitate the use of this information, this work proposes the construction of a recommendation system that facilitates the identification of pests and the selection of suitable treatments. The core of this system is an ontology that models the interactions between crops, pests and treatments