61 research outputs found

    Las novelas en verso de Cristóbal de Tamariz, ecos medievales y folclóricos

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    En el artículo se presenta un estado de la cuestión en torno a las Novelas en verso de Cristóbal de Tamariz, un corpus todavía discutido, tanto por el número de textos como por sus fuentes. Se rastrean los modelos medievales de los relatos 4, 7 y 5, para detenerse en la novela 15 («El torneo»). Al hipotexto principal (novella iii, 4 de Le piacevoli notti de Giovan Francesco Straparola) se le superpone el recuerdo de la tradición folclórica, lo que explica algunos cambios. Cet article présente un état de la question sur les Novelas en verso de Cristóbal de Tamariz, un corpus qui pose encore question, tant pour le nombre de textes que pour leurs sources. Les modèles médiévaux des histoires 4, 7 et 5 sont identifiés, et l’on s'arrête sur la novella 15 (Le Tournoi). À l'hypotexte principal (novella iii, 4 de Le piacevoli notti de Giovan Francesco Straparola) se superpose le souvenir de la tradition folklorique, ce qui explique certains changements. This article presents a state of the art on the Novelas en verso by Cristóbal de Tamariz, a corpus that is still under discussion, both in terms of the number of its texts and its sources. The medieval models of stories 4, 7 and 5 are traced, before stopping at novella 15 (The Tournament). The main hypotext (novella iii, 4 of Le piacevoli notti by Giovan Francesco Straparola) is superimposed by the memory of the folkloric tradition, which explains some of the changes

    Utilización del gen Alt a 1 para la detección de Alternaria spp. en productos hortofrutícolas mediante una técnica de PCR

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    Se ha desarrollado una técnica de PCR para la detección de Alternaria spp. En productos hortofrutícolas, empleando cebadores que amplifican un fragmento de 195 pb del gen Alt a 1. El límite de detección de la técnica desarrollada fue de 102 ufc/ml, tanto en medio de cultivo como en pulpa de tomate.A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, based on oligonucleotide primers targeting the Alt a 1 gene, has been developed for the specific identification of Alternaria spp. In vegetables. The limit of detection of the method was 102 cfu/ml either in culture or tomato paste

    Información (1949)

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    12 páginas.- Contiene: Homenaje de la Real Sociedad Vascongada de Amigos del País al Exmo. Sr.D. Julio de Urquijo e Ibarra, por J. M. LACARRA.- Primer Congreso Internacional de Pireneistas del Instituto de Estudios Pirenaicos.Peer reviewe

    EGNOS performance along finnish coast

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    The purpose of this article is on one side to inform Maritime community about the ongoing activities adopted for the provision of EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) L1 maritime service and IEC standardisation process to produce a new IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standard for SBAS maritime receivers and on the other side, to demonstrate the benefits of the SBAS system in Europe, EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) in high latitudes to Maritime community

    Información (1949)

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    35 páginas.- Contiene: Necrología, por J. M. CASAS-TORRES. - El Museo Pirenaico de Lourdes, por G. BALENCIE. - Crónica histórica del Pirineo, por J. M. LACARRA.Peer reviewe

    EDAS (Egnos Data Access Service) differential GNSS corrections: a reliable free-of-charge alternative for precision farming in Europe

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    EDAS (EGNOS Data Access Service) is the EGNOS internet broadcast service, which provides free of charge access to the data collected and generated by the EGNOS infrastructure. EDAS disseminates over the Internet, both in real time and via an FTP archive, the raw data of the GPS, GLONASS (no commitment on GLONASS data is provided (1)) and EGNOS GEO satellites collected by the receivers located at the EGNOS reference stations, which are mainly distributed over Europe and North Africa. The EDAS services offer several types of GNSS data in various protocols and formats, such as DGNSS corrections. This paper reports on the results of some in-field tests conducted by ESSP and Topcon Agriculture to confirm the suitability of EDAS DGNSS corrections for precision farming in Europe. The European Commission (EC) is the owner of EGNOS system (including EDAS) and has delegated the exploitation of EGNOS to the European GNSS Agency (GSA). EDAS service provision is performed by ESSP, as EGNOS Services Provider, under contract with the GSA, the EGNOS program manager. In the ENC 2018 article “EDAS (EGNOS Data Access Service): Differential GPS corrections performance test with state-of-the-art precision agriculture system”, ESSP and Topcon Agriculture presented the results of the first in-field test conducted in a dynamic and real-life environment in the summer of 2017. The test results indicated that the EDAS DGNSS corrections could enable a reliable pass-to-pass accuracy performance for a wide range of precision agriculture applications and become an attractive solution for cereal farms, when the farm is located in the vicinity of an EGNOS reference station. In particular, Topcon Agriculture acknowledged that the observed performance was sufficient to support the following precision agriculture applications: spraying and spreading of any crop type, tilling and harvesting of cereal. Then, ESSP and Topcon Agriculture engaged in additional testing activities to further characterise the EDAS DGPS performance in different scenarios (i.e. at various European locations and with a variety of distances between the designated farm and the target EGNOS reference station). In each test, multiple runs with the rover tractors have been performed over the reference patterns predefined in the Topcon guidance systems. Data recorded during the tests has been analysed in detail, looking at the key performance indicators (e.g. cross track error and pass-to-pass performance) that characterize the EDAS DGPS performance for precision agriculture applications. Different techniques for the computation of the pass-to-pass accuracy performance have been used, including a procedure to measure live in the field and a post-processing alternative. The diversity of scenarios available allows drawing conclusions on the applicability of EDAS DGPS corrections (in terms of maximum distance from the target EGNOS station) for precision agriculture and also understanding the impact of operationally relevant aspects such as the quality of the mobile internet coverage (highly variable across Europe). The EDAS system and its architecture, the main types of data disseminated through EDAS services and the online information available to the EDAS users are introduced in this paper. In particular, the EDAS Ntrip service is described in detail, since it provides the differential corrections to the GPS and GLONASS satellites at the EGNOS reference stations in RTCM format, which are the basis for the present study. The article also reports on the results of the latest tests, which have been performed using Topcon receivers, vehicles and auto-steering systems. In all cases, two different Topcon guidance systems on board tractors were running simultaneously to assess the EDAS DGPS positioning performance with respect to a the reference provided by a top-performing RTK-based Topcon solution. The objective of this paper is to draw conclusions on the use of EDAS DGPS corrections as a reliable free-of-charge alternative for precision farming in Europe (especially for cereal farms), based on the available performance results from the testing campaign and the feedback from the involved precision agriculture experts

    Determinación de la Calidad Forrajera en un Pastizal Natural de la Región Del Delta Bonaerense Argentino

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    The aim of the present research was to determine the forage quality of grassland in a silvopastoral system of the Delta of the Paraná river, Argentina. For this research, there was conducted a census that showed the dominance of the species Carex riparia , Cyperus spp., Scirpus giganteus , Scirpus californicus y Polygonum spp. Other species were present in lower proportion, Panicum pernambucensis , Panicum elephantipes , Paspalum urvillei ; Lolium multiflorum , Phalaris angusta , Glyceria multiflora , Leersia hexandra , Echinochloa sp. y Alternanthera filoxeroides . Cuts and determination of nutritional value of the samples were made. The results showed the following values: for dry matter 36.6%, crude protein 9.24%, neutral detergent fiber 67.9%, and acid detergent fiber (ADF) 40.6%. Digestibility estimated based on the ADF resulted in an average of 57.3%. Values of total polyphenols were relatively low, ranging between 2.77 and 0.83%, being the average 1.99%.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la calidad forrajera de un pastizal natural en un sistema silvopastoril del Delta del Paraná, Argentina. Para este trabajo se realizaron en primer lugar censos de vegetación que demostraron la dominancia de las especies Carex riparia , Cyperus spp., Scirpus giganteus , Scirpus californicus y Polygonum spp. Otras especies presentes en menor proporción fueron Panicum pernambucensis , Panicum elephantipes , Paspalum urvillei , Lolium multiflorum , Phalaris angusta , Glyceria multiflora , Leersia hexandra , Echinochloa sp. y Alternanthera filoxeroides . Posteriormente, se realizaron cortes y análisis de valor nutritivo de las muestras. Los resultados mostraron los siguientes valores para materia seca 36,6%, proteína bruta 9,24%, fibra de detergente neutro 67,9% y fibra de detergente ácido (FDA) 40,6%. La digestibilidad estimada en base al FDA resultó en un promedio de 57,3%. Los valores de polifenoles totales fueron relativamente bajos, oscilando entre 2,77 y 0,83%, siendo el promedio 1,99%