102 research outputs found

    Conformational and thermal characterization of left ventricle remodeling post-myocardial infarction

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    Adverse cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction (MI) causes impaired ventricular function and heart failure. Histopathological characterization is commonly used to detect the location, size and shape of MI sites. However, the information about chemical composition, physical structure and molecular mobility of peri- and infarct zones post-MI is rather limited. The main objective of this work was to explore the spatiotemporal biochemical and biophysical alterations of key cardiac components post-MI. The FTIR spectra of healthy and remote myocardial tissue shows amides A, I, II and III associated with proteins in freeze-died tissue as major absorptions bands. In infarcted myocardium, the spectrum of these main absorptions was deeply altered. FITR evidenced an increase of the amide A band and the distinct feature of the collagen specific absorption band at 1338cm-1 in the infarct area at 21days post-MI. At 21days post-MI, it also appears an important shift of amide I from 1646cm-1 to 1637cm-1 that suggests the predominance of the triple helical conformation in the proteins. The new spectra bands also indicate an increase in proteoglycans, residues of carbohydrates in proteins and polysaccharides in ischemic areas. Thermal analysis indicates a deep increase of unfreezable water/freezable water in peri- and infarcted tissues. In infarcted tissue is evidenced the impairment of myofibrillar proteins thermal profile and the emergence of a new structure. In conclusion, our results indicate a profound evolution of protein secondary structures in association with collagen deposition and reorganization of water involved in the scar maturation of peri- and infarct zones post-MI

    Thermo-mechanical analysis of dental silicone polymers

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    Soft lining materials are used to replace the inner surface of a conventional complete denture, especially for weak elderly patients, with delicate health who cannot tolerate the hard acrylic denture base. Most of these patients have fragile supporting mucosa, excessive residual ridge resorption, particularly on the mandibular arch. The application of a soft liner to the mandibular denture allows absorbing impact forces during mastication and relieving oral mucosa. Actually, the silicone rubbers constitute the main family of commercialised soft lining materials. This study was conducted to understand the relationships between the mechanical properties and the physical structure of polysiloxanes. For this purpose, a series of polysiloxanes of various chemical compositions have been investigated. The evolution of their physical structure as a function of temperature has been followed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In order to facilitate comparisons, the mechanical modulus has been analysed upon the same heating rate using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). Polysiloxanes actually commercialised as soft denture liners are three-dimensional networks: the flexibility of chains allows a crystalline organisation in an amorphous phase leading to the low value of the shear modulus. The dynamic mechanical analysis shows that they are used in the rubbery state. So, polysiloxanes have steady mechanical properties during physiological utilisation

    Dielectric relaxations in PEEK by combined dynamic dielectric spectroscopy and thermally stimulated current

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    The molecular dynamics of a quenched poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) was studied over a broad frequency range from 10-3 to 106 Hz by combining dynamic dielectric spectroscopy (DDS) and thermo-stimulated current (TSC) analysis. The dielectric relaxation losses e00 KK has been determined from the real part e0 T(x) thanks to Kramers–Kronig transform. In this way, conduction and relaxation processes can be analyzed independently. Two secondary dipolar relaxations, the c and the b modes, corresponding to non-cooperative localized molecular mobility have been pointed out. The main a relaxation appeared close to the glass transition temperature as determined by DSC; it has been attributed to the delocalized cooperative mobility of the free amorphous phase. The relaxation times of dielectric relaxations determined with TSC at low frequency converge with relaxation times extracted from DDS at high frequency. This correlation emphasized continuity of mobility kinetics between vitreous and liquid state. The dielectric spectroscopy exhibits the ac relaxation, near 443 K, which has been associated with the rigid amorphous phase confined by crystallites. This present experiment demonstrates coherence of the dynamics of the PEEK heterogeneous amorphous phase between glassy and liquid state and significantly improve the knowledge of molecular/dynamic structure relationships

    Viscoelastic behaviour of polymethyl methacrylate networks with different crosslinking degrees

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    The influence of the cross-linking degree on the dynamics of the segmental motions close to the glass transition of poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA, networks was investigated by three different mechanical spectroscopy techniques: thermally stimulated recovery (TSR), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and creep. The application of the time-temperature superposition principle to isothermal DMA and creep results permitted to successfully construct master curves for PMMA networks with distinct cross-linking degrees. The former results were fitted to the KWW equation. The obtained variation of âKWW for the distinct networks indicated that the relaxation curves tend to broaden as the cross-linking degree increases. TSR results clearly revealed a significant shift of the R-relaxation to longer times and a broader relaxation as the cross-linking degree increases, what was also observed by DMA and creep. A change from a Vogel to an Arrhenius behavior was detected by the three techniques with the decrease of temperature below Tg. The temperature dependence of the apparent activation energies (Ea) was calculated from DMA, creep, and TSR experiments; above Tg a good agreement was seen between the Ea values for all the techniques. Furthermore, the effect of the cross-linking degree on the fragility of PMMA networks was evaluated. For these materials an increase of fragility with increasing cross-linking degree was observed

    Essential omega-3 fatty acids tune microglial phagocytosis of synaptic elements in the mouse developing brain

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    AbstractOmega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) are essential for the functional maturation of the brain. Westernization of dietary habits in both developed and developing countries is accompanied by a progressive reduction in dietary intake of n-3 PUFAs. Low maternal intake of n-3 PUFAs has been linked to neurodevelopmental diseases in Humans. However, the n-3 PUFAs deficiency-mediated mechanisms affecting the development of the central nervous system are poorly understood. Active microglial engulfment of synapses regulates brain development. Impaired synaptic pruning is associated with several neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we identify a molecular mechanism for detrimental effects of low maternal n-3 PUFA intake on hippocampal development in mice. Our results show that maternal dietary n-3 PUFA deficiency increases microglia-mediated phagocytosis of synaptic elements in the rodent developing hippocampus, partly through the activation of 12/15-lipoxygenase (LOX)/12-HETE signaling, altering neuronal morphology and affecting cognitive performance of the offspring. These findings provide a mechanistic insight into neurodevelopmental defects caused by maternal n-3 PUFAs dietary deficiency.Infrastructure de Recherche Translationnelle pour les Biothérapies en NeurosciencesProgram Initiative d’Excellenc
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