13 research outputs found


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    Virtual reality technology currently tends to develop and apply strongly in all areas of social life. Therefore, the application of virtual reality technology in education and training is becoming more and more urgent. If we know how to effectively exploit and apply virtual reality technology to the design of the education and training process, the teaching of teachers and the acquisition of learners' knowledge will become easy, born dynamic. However, in order to achieve high efficiency, it is necessary to have a creative, flexible and appropriate application based on the actual conditions of each field, each school, the learning ability of learners, the ability to use using modern teaching facilities of teachers, specific subject

    Spondylolysis-induced Multilevel Lumbar Spondylolisthesis; Challenges in Lumbar Spine Surgery

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    Lumbar spondylolysis and multilevel lumbar spondylolysis account for 4.4-5.8% and 0.3% of the general population, and multilevel lumbar spondylolysis resulting in spondylolisthesis is even rarer. Herein, we report two cases of three-level lumbar spondylolisthesis because of spondylolysis: A 49-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for dull lower back pain over the past 8 months, with exacerbating symptoms when standing and walking. Spasticity at lumbar region and radiculopathy at S1 nerve root was found on examination and a 63-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of numbness and perianal sensory disturbances with difficulty urinating 2 weeks ago, the symptoms gradually increased to the time of examination. Both patients were diagnosed with multilevel lumbar spondylolisthesis because of spondylolysis and were indicated for posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF). After surgery, both patients recovered well without any significant complications. The improved treatment results suggest the application of PLIF technique to treat spondylolysis-induced multilevel lumbar spondylolisthesis

    A Giant Frontal Meningioma with Psychiatric Symptoms in a Young Woman: A Case Report

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    Background:Frontal meningioma is often asymptomatic but patients might experience psychiatric symptoms. Since symptoms are atypical in giant meningioma, to the best of our knowledge, we present a rare clinical scenario. Case Presentation: A 24-year old female patient with no medical history presented with two months of depressive symptoms, personality changes such as easy irritability, and feelings of frustration and mental depression, as well as forgetfulness and blurred vision. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a well-defined markedly enhancing lesion in the left frontal region measuring 65 x 70 x 70 mm with mass effects to the adjacent brain tissue and associated surrounding edema which was pressed to the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle. The patient underwent frontal unilateral craniotomy and excision of the tumor. After surgery, the quality of life was improved. Conclusion: Meningioma with psychiatric symptoms is quite rare. This clinical case helps clinicians avoid missing symptoms and use appropriate management strategies for patients with giant meningiomas

    Hemorrhagic Meningioma With Symptom of Convulsion: A Rare Presentation of Parietal Meningioma

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    Meningioma is the most common, extra-axial, non-glial intracranial tumor with an incidence of 2.3-5.5/100 000, accounting for 20%-30% of all primary brain tumor diagnoses in adults. Meningiomas associated with intratumoral hemorrhage are very rare occurring in 0.5%-2.4%. of individuals. Herein, we report a rare case of hemorrhagic meningioma with the symptom of convulsion. The case was a 68-year-old woman admitted to the hospital with severe headache and convulsions. Computed tomography revealed an increase in heterogeneous lesion measuring 4 × 3 × 2.5 cm at the right parietal lobe. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a grossly stable homogeneously enhancing extra-axial mass measuring 43 × 33 × 28 mm, small calcified peripheral, intratumoral hemorrhage. Histopathology showed a multi-celled meningioma with bleeding areas (WHO grade I)

    Pharmacists’ Perspectives on the Use of Telepharmacy in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Introduction: Telepharmacy, the application of information and communication technologies in healthcare services, has been adopted in many countries to provide patients with pharmaceutical care. However, it has yet to be widely used in Vietnam. This study was conducted to assess the current status of use and the factors associated with the willingness to use telepharmacy of pharmacists in Vietnam. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from February to July 2021; 414 pharmacists were recruited to fill in an online survey. Results: Overall, 86.7% of participants have used telepharmacy application and 87.2% of them were willing to apply telepharmacy in pharmacy practice. According to our multivariate analysis, the level of readiness was associated with positive attitude (odds ratio [OR] = 4.67; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.26-9.66), and a good behavior (OR = 11.34; 95% CI: 3.84-33.45). Discussion: Developing a telepharmacy system with appropriate features is essential to meet the requirements of pharmacy practice amid the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Lag (2007:592) om kassaregister m.m. En studie om effekterna avlagen för revisorer inom Skatteverket och utvalda frisörer.

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    Datum: 2011-01-13 Titel: Lag (2007:592) om kassaregister m.m. En studie om effekterna av lagen för revisorer inom Skatteverket och utvalda frisörer. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att beskriva hur tvĂ„ revisorer inom Skatteverket och tvĂ„ frisörsalonger upplever förĂ€ndringarna och konsekvenserna som kassaregisterlagen har medfört. Problemformulering: Hur uppfattar smĂ„företagen i frisörbranschen att införandet avkassaregisterlagen kommer att pĂ„verka deras verksamhet? Hur bedömer revisorer pĂ„ Skatteverket att deras roll har pĂ„verkats av kassaregisterlagen? Metod: Studien har en explorativ ansats. Studien grundas frĂ€mst pĂ„ primĂ€rdata som samlas in via intervjuer med Skatteverkets revisorer och utvalda respondenter inom frisörbranschen. VĂ€sentlig information frĂ„n respondenterna har sedan presenterats och legat till grund för analys. SekundĂ€rdata bestĂ„r av litteratur och tidigare forskning. Resultat: Denna studies resultat visar att revisorerna inom Skatteverket tror att verksamheternas omsĂ€ttning kommer att pĂ„verkas av kassaregisterlagen. Svart ekonomi kommer att minskas i kontantbranschen vilket medför en ökning av ”vita pengar”. Det kommer att bli svĂ„rare att fuska eftersom alla registreringarna i kassaregister sparas i kontrollenheten. SmĂ„företagen tror inte att kassaregisterlagen bidrar till nĂ„gon större förĂ€ndring inom ontanthandelbranschen förutom den ökade omkostnaden. Nyckelord: Kassaregisterlagen, kontantbranschen, revisor, smĂ„företag, frisö

    A Methodology to Design Static NCL Libraries

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    The Null Convention Logic (NCL) based asynchronous design technique has interested researchers because this technique had overcome disadvantages of the synchronous technique, such as noise, glitches, clock skew and power. However, using the NCL-based asynchronous design method is difficult for university students and researchers because of the lack of standard NCL cell libraries. Therefore, in this paper, a novel flow is proposed to design NCL cell libraries. These libraries are used to synthesize NCL-based asynchronous designs. We chose the static NCL cell library to illustrate the proposed design solution because this library is one of the most basic NCL libraries. Static NCL cells in this library are designed based on the Process Design Kit 45nm technology and are implemented by the Virtuoso and the Design Compiler (DC) tool. In addition, the Ocean script and Electronic Design Automation (EDA) environment are used for supporting designs and simulations. A complete library of 27 NCL cells was designed to serve for study and research. We also implemented synthesis for NCL full adders using this library and compared our synthesis results with the results of other authors. The comparison results indicated that our results were a 20% improvement on power consumption

    A Methodology to Design Static NCL Libraries

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    The Null Convention Logic (NCL) based asynchronous design technique has interested researchers because this technique had overcome disadvantages of the synchronous technique, such as noise, glitches, clock skew and power. However, using the NCL-based asynchronous design method is difficult for university students and researchers because of the lack of standard NCL cell libraries. Therefore, in this paper, a novel flow is proposed to design NCL cell libraries. These libraries are used to synthesize NCL-based asynchronous designs. We chose the static NCL cell library to illustrate the proposed design solution because this library is one of the most basic NCL libraries. Static NCL cells in this library are designed based on the Process Design Kit 45nm technology and are implemented by the Virtuoso and the Design Compiler (DC) tool. In addition, the Ocean script and Electronic Design Automation (EDA) environment are used for supporting designs and simulations. A complete library of 27 NCL cells was designed to serve for study and research. We also implemented synthesis for NCL full adders using this library and compared our synthesis results with the results of other authors. The comparison results indicated that our results were a 20% improvement on power consumption

    High-Performance Processing of Continuous Uncertain Data

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    Uncertain data has arisen in a growing number of applications such as sensor networks, RFID systems, weather radar networks, and digital sky surveys. The fact that the raw data in these applications is often incomplete, imprecise and even misleading has two implications: (i) the raw data is not suitable for direct querying, (ii) feeding the uncertain data into existing systems produces results of unknown quality. This thesis presents a system for uncertain data processing that has two key functionalities, (i) capturing and transforming raw noisy data to rich queriable tuples that carry attributes needed for query processing with quantified uncertainty, and (ii) performing query processing on such tuples, which captures changes of uncertainty as data goes through various query operators. The proposed system considers data naturally captured by continuous distributions, which is prevalent in sensing and scientific applications. The first part of the thesis addresses data capture and transformation by proposing a probabilistic modeling and inference approach. Since this task is application-specific and requires domain knowledge, this approach is demonstrated for RFID data from mobile readers. More specifically, the proposed solution involves an inference and cleaning substrate to transform raw RFID data streams to object location tuple streams where locations are inferred from raw noisy data and their uncertain values are captured by probability distributions. The second, also the main part, of this thesis examines query processing for uncertain data modeled by continuous random variables. The proposed system includes new data models and algorithms for relational processing, with a focus on aggregation and conditioning operations. For operations of high complexity, optimizations including approximations with guaranteed error bounds are considered. Then complex queries involving a mix of operations are addressed by query planning, which given a query, finds an efficient plan that meets user-defined accuracy requirements. Besides relational processing, this thesis also provides the support for user-defined functions (UDFs) on uncertain data, which aims to compute the output distribution given uncertain input and a black-box UDF. The proposed solution employs a learning-based approach using Gaussian processes to compute approximate output with error bounds, and a suite of optimizations for high performance in online settings such as data stream processing and interactive data analysis. The techniques proposed in this thesis are thoroughly evaluated using both synthetic data with controlled properties and various real-world datasets from the domains of severe weather monitoring, object tracking using RFID readers, and computational astrophysics. The experimental results show that these techniques can yield high accuracy, meet stream speeds, and outperform existing techniques such as Monte Carlo sampling for many important workloads