1,001 research outputs found

    Le japonais

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    International audienceCette série de 5 conférences invitées données à Evian en aout 2012 vise à donner une présentation générale de la langue japonaise. Elle se décompose comme suit: 1. Introduction 1.1 Le japonais parmi les langues du monde 1.2 Repères historiques 1.3 Langue standard et dialectes 1.4 Parenté et origines 1.5 Le système d'écriture 2. Phonologie 2.1 Les voyelles 2.2 Les consonnes 2.3 Les phonèmes mores 2.4 Unités rythmiques et prosodiques 2.5 L'accent 3. Lexique, parties du discours, morphologie 3.1 Les strates lexicales 3.2 Parties du discours: mots variables, mots invariables 3.3 La composition 4. Structure syntaxique 4.1 La phrase simple 4.2Les phrases complexes 4.3 Le jeu de wa et ga 5. La catégorie de la déférence 6. L'expression de la personne et la nature des pronoms Bibliographie (Voir l'article éponyme paru dans la rubrique "publications

    The phonology of Japanese /r/: a panchronic account

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    The aim of this study is to understand how /r/ emerged and developed in Proto-Japanese and how the conditions of its emergence shed light on its present phonological behavior. The paper first offers a review of the phonetic, phonological, and morpho-phonological characteristics of /r/ in Japanese through examination of a large array of empirical evidence. The picture that emerges is that of an unmarked, phonologically empty segment, confirming a number of previous studies, in particular that by Mester and Itoˆ (Language 65:258-293, 1989). I argue that /r/ primarily developed in Japanese as a default epenthetic consonant in the intervocalic position within the morphological domain of a stem and its affixes, through an 'emergence of the unmarked' mechanism before becoming a fully contrastive phoneme later on by virtue of a phonologization process. A formal account of this proposal within the framework of Optimality Theory is offered. It is shown that the phonological content of /r/ is acquired due to the application of well-formedness constraints (ONSET, ALIGN, MAXIO, DEPIO) as well as that of two sets of markedness constraints (FEATURAL AGREEMENT and HARMONY SCALE), which ensure that the null input is mapped to the least marked output in terms of phonological features

    Domain wall structure in magnetic bilayers with perpendicular anisotropy

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    We study the magnetic domain wall structure in magnetic bilayers (two ultrathin ferromagnetic layers separated by a non magnetic spacer) with perpendicular magnetization. Combining magnetic force and ballistic electron emission microscopies, we are able to reveal the details of the magnetic structure of the wall with a high spatial accuracy. In these layers, we show that the classical Bloch wall observed in single layers transforms into superposed N\'eel walls due to the magnetic coupling between the ferromagnetic layers. Quantitative agreement with micromagnetic calculations is achieved.Comment: Author adresses AB, SR, JM and AT: Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris Sud, UMR 8502, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France ML : Laboratoire PMTM, Institut Galil\'ee, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris-13, UPR 9001, 93430 Villetaneuse, Franc

    Low temperature plasma deposition of silicon thin films: From amorphous to crystalline

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    International audienceWe report on the epitaxial growth of crystalline silicon films on (100) oriented crystalline silicon substrates by standard plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition at 175 °C. Such unexpected epitaxial growth is discussed in the context of deposition processes of silicon thin films, based on silicon radicals and nanocrystals. Our results are supported by previous studies on plasma synthesis of silicon nanocrystals and point toward silicon nanocrystals being the most plausible building blocks for such epitaxial growth. The results lay the basis of a new approach for the obtaining of crystalline silicon thin films and open the path for transferring those epitaxial layers from c-Si wafers to low cost foreign substrates

    Thin crystalline silicon solar cells based on epitaxial films grown at 165 °C by RF-PECVD

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    International audienceWe report on heterojunction solar cells whose thin intrinsic crystalline absorber layer has been obtained by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition at 165 °C on highly doped p-type (1 0 0) crystalline silicon substrates. We have studied the effect of the epitaxial intrinsic layer thickness in the range from 1 to 2.5 μm. This absorber is responsible for photo-generated current whereas highly doped wafer behave like electric contact, as confirmed by external quantum efficiency measurements and simulations. A best conversion efficiency of 7% is obtained for a 2.4 μm thick cell with an area of 4 cm2, without any light trapping features. Moreover, the achievement of a fill factor as high as 78.6% is a proof that excellent quality of the epitaxial layers can be produced at such low temperatures

    Construir memoria

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    Al cumplirse 41 años del golpe militar origen de la dictadura genocida, la Asamblea por los Derechos Humanos y la Comisión “MEMORIA COLECTIVA” de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue invitaron a la comunidad universitaria, a alumnos y docentes de las Escuelas de Enseñanza media e Institutos terciarios y al público en general a visitar la Muestra “JUICIO Y CASTIGO. IMÁGENES PARA NO OLVIDAR” permaneció expuesta durante dos meses en la sede Neuquén de la UNCo

    SPOT4 Management Centre

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    In the context of the CNES SPOT4 program CISI is particularly responsible for the development of the SPOT4 Management Centre, part of the SPOT4 ground control system located at CNES Toulouse (France) designed to provide simultaneous control over two satellites. The main operational activities are timed to synchronize with satellite visibilities (ten usable passes per day). The automatic capability of this system is achieved through agenda services (sequence of operations as defined and planned by operator). Therefore, the SPOT4 Management Centre offers limited, efficient and secure human interventions for supervision and decision making. This paper emphasizes the main system characteristics as degree of automation, level of dependability and system parameterization

    Peut-on parler d’un  « désir d’école » en Casamance ? (1860-1930)

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    Dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, la création des premières écoles par les missionnaires et l’État colonial en Casamance (sud du Sénégal) suscita des réactions diverses de la population, allant du rejet à l’acceptation en passant par l’indifférence. Dans un premier temps, les populations casamançaises ont exprimé, avant l’implantation effective de l’administration coloniale, un désir d’école qui s’est notamment développé dans un contexte de transformations sociales profondes – initiatives missionnaires et étatiques, insertion dans l’économie de marché – associées à des données plus conjoncturelles, telles que l’action d’un individu, d’un groupe socio-économique ou socio-culturel, d’une communauté. La multitude des configurations observables à l’échelle des villages montre la variété des facteurs qui entrent en jeu dans l’attitude des populations colonisées à l’égard de l’école.In the second half of the 19th century, the creation of the first schools by missionaries and the colonial state of Casamance (in southern Senegal) provoked varied reactions in the population – rejection, acceptance and indifference. At first, before the actual implementation by the colonial administration, the local populations expressed a desire for schools, a desire which had particularly developed in the context of profound social transformations – missionary and state initiatives, the insertion into a market economy – associated with more immediate elements such as the action of an individual, a socio-economic or socio-cultural group or community. The multiplicity of observable configurations at the village level illustrates the variety of factors which influenced the attitudes of the colonial populations to schools.In der Casamance (Südsenegal) löste die Gründung der ersten Schulen sowohl durch die Missionare als durch den Kolonialstaat während der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts verschiedene Reaktionen in der Bevölkerung aus, von Abstoßung und Gleichgültigkeit bis zur Annahme. In einer ersten Phase vor der realen Einführung der Kolonialverwaltung, in einem Kontext von tiefgreifenden sozialen Umwandlungen (missionarische und staatliche Gründungen, Eingliederung in die Marktwirtschaft), hat sich in der Bevölkerung der Casamance eine Lust auf Schule entwickelt die auch an konjunkturelle Faktoren gebunden war sowie die Initiative Einzelner, soziowirtschaftliche und soziokulturelle Gruppen, oder Volksgemeinschaften. Die Vielfalt der in Betracht zu nehmende Konfigurationen auf dörflicher Ebene deckt die Mannigfaltigkeit der Faktoren auf, die in dem Verhalten der kolonisierten Bevölkerung zur Schule zum Ausdruck kommen.En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, la creación de las primeras escuelas por los misioneros y el Estado colonial en Casamanza (Sur de Senegal) suscitó reacciones diversas de la población, que partieron del rechazo hasta llegar a la aceptación, pasando por la indiferencia. En un primer tiempo, las poblaciones de Casamanza expresaron, antes de la implantación efectiva de la administración colonial, un deseo de escuela que se desarrolló notamente en un contexto de transformaciones sociales profundas–iniciativas misionarias y estatales, inserción en la economía de mercado–relacionadas con datos más coyunturales, así como la acción de un individuo, de un grupo socioeconómico o sociocultural, de una comunidad. La multitud de configuraciones que se observan a escala de los pueblos muestra la variedad de los factores que entran en juego en la actitud de las poblaciones colonizadas respecto a la escuela