700 research outputs found

    Models for a multimode bosonic tunneling junction

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    We discuss the relaxation dynamics for a bosonic tunneling junction with two modes in the central potential well. We use a master equation description for ultracold bosons tunneling in the presence of noise and incoherent coupling processes into the two central modes. Whilst we cannot quantitatively reproduce the experimental data of the setup reported in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 115}, 050601 (2015)], we find a reasonable qualitative agreement of the refilling process of the initially depleted central site. Our results may pave the way for the control of bosonic tunneling junctions by the simultaneous presence of decoherence processes and atom-atom interaction

    Controlling the dynamics of an open many-body quantum system with localized dissipation

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    We experimentally investigate the action of a localized dissipative potential on a macroscopic matter wave, which we implement by shining an electron beam on an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). We measure the losses induced by the dissipative potential as a function of the dissipation strength observing a paradoxical behavior when the strength of the dissipation exceeds a critical limit: for an increase of the dissipation rate the number of atoms lost from the BEC becomes lower. We repeat the experiment for different parameters of the electron beam and we compare our results with a simple theoretical model, finding excellent agreement. By monitoring the dynamics induced by the dissipative defect we identify the mechanisms which are responsible for the observed paradoxical behavior. We finally demonstrate the link between our dissipative dynamics and the measurement of the density distribution of the BEC allowing for a generalized definition of the Zeno effect. Due to the high degree of control on every parameter, our system is a promising candidate for the engineering of fully governable open quantum systems

    Thermodynamics of Strongly Correlated One-Dimensional Bose Gases

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    We investigate the thermodynamics of one-dimensional Bose gases in the strongly correlated regime. To this end, we prepare ensembles of independent 1D Bose gases in a two-dimensional optical lattice and perform high-resolution in situ imaging of the column-integrated density distribution. Using an inverse Abel transformation we derive effective one-dimensional line-density profiles and compare them to exact theoretical models. The high resolution allows for a direct thermometry of the trapped ensembles. The knowledge about the temperature enables us to extract thermodynamic equations of state such as the phase-space density, the entropy per particle and the local pair correlation function.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Willingness and alternatives to drunk driving among young people from São Paulo city, Brazil

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    The new Brazilian Traffic Code considers drinking and driving as a traffic crime. A health behavior model suggests that much of the young people's risky behavior is not planned and that questions measuring the willingness to drink and drive are useful. In face of the importance of drinking and driving as a national health problem, the objective of the present study was to analyze the behavior willingness among youngsters about to receive their driver's licenses. METHODS: The study was carried out at the São Paulo Department of Traffic (DETRAN-SP) in 1998. Data were obtained from a sample of 2,166 youths, 18 to 25 years old, who took the written drivers' license examination. Data about, among other things, alcohol consumption, willingness and alternatives to drinking and driving in the following year was examined. RESULTS: In general, individuals displayed willingness to both the risky behavior (drunk driving) and to the safe behavior (alternatives as taking a cab or getting a ride). Regression analyzes were done by dividing the sample in three groups. Several significant differences were found between the groups, suggesting that the attitudes and behaviors went on a direction from safer to riskier from groups 1 to 3. CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that prevention efforts preseting a spectrum of alternatives to drunk driving and the enforcement of drink and driving laws would be two useful addenda to the more severe laws created in the 1998 Traffic Code.No novo código de trânsito brasileiro, a infração de dirigir sob efeito do álcool passou a ser considerada um crime de trânsito. Um modelo do comportamento de saúde dos jovens sugere que muito do seu comportamento arriscado não é planejado e que questões que examinam a disposição de dirigir alcoolizado são úteis em pesquisas sobre o assunto. Pela importância da questão do dirigir alcoolizado como assunto na saúde pública nacional, esse estudo utilizou-se do modelo de protótipo/disposição para analisar esse comportamento em jovens prestes a obter carteiras de habilitação em São Paulo. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no DETRAN-SP (Departamento de Trânsito de São Paulo), em 1998, entre 2.166 jovens de 18 a 25 anos de idade. Examinou-se desde medidas de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas a disposição e alternativas ao dirigir alcoolizado no ano seguinte. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos sujeitos admitia disposição tanto para o comportamento de risco (dirigir alcoolizado) quanto para o comportamento seguro (alternativas como pegar taxi e pedir carona). Foram efetuadas análises de regressão linear com a divisão da amostra em três grupos. De maneira geral, as várias diferenças com significado estatístico encontradas sugeriam que as atitudes e comportamentos seguem uma trajetória crescente de mais seguros a mais arriscados do grupo 1 ao grupo 3. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sugerem, entre outras coisas, que campanhas de prevenção apresentando uma variedade de alternativas ao dirigir alcoolizado e o aumento da fiscalização desse comportamento seriam dois adendos básicos para a eficácia das leis mais severas do código de trânsito de 1998.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsiquiatriaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Unidade de Pesquisa em Álcool e DrogasRutgers University Center of Alcohol StudiesUNIFESP, Depto. de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, Unidade de Pesquisa em Álcool e DrogasSciEL

    Age-relevance of person characteristics: Persons' beliefs about developmental change across the lifespan

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    The authors investigated normative beliefs about personality development. Young, middle-aged, and older adults indicated the age-relevance of 835 French adjectives by specifying person characteristics as typical for any age decade from 0 to 99 years. With this paradigm, the authors determined age-relevance (How typical is a characteristic for a given age decade?). Most characteristics were ascribed to young adulthood. The pattern differed across the lifespan, however, for positive and negative person characteristics as well as for physical, cognitive, and personal/expressive characteristics. Whereas the total number of ascribed positive characteristics peaked in young adulthood and declined thereafter, the number of ascribed negative person characteristics peaked during adolescence, remained fairly low during middle adulthood, and increased slightly in old age (70+ years). As a consequence, the most positive profile was ascribed to young olds (60 to 69 years), whereas the most negative personality profiles were ascribed to the oldest age groups (70+ years) and to adolescence (10 to 19 years). The negative profiles are primarily due to more negative physical characteristics ascribed to older adults and more negative cognitive characteristics ascribed to adolescence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved). (journal abstract

    Mann vs. Frau

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    Valence, arousal, and imagery ratings for 835 French attributes by young, middle-aged, and older adults: The French Emotional Evaluation List (FEEL)

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    Introduction and objective Attributes are used by young, middle-aged, and older adults to describe persons in everyday life. The current study asks whether attributes are perceived similarly by different age groups: for example, some attributes could be perceived as more positive or more negative in old age than in young adulthood. Method To address this question, we investigated age-related differences in emotional evaluations of French adjectives. Young, middle-aged, and older adults judged 835 French adjectives on valence, arousal, and imagery. Results Age groups agreed highly on the relative rank order but showed mean differences for a substantial number of attributes, especially for arousal and imagery ratings. Associations between dimensions differed as well between age groups: valence and arousal were negatively correlated and this correlation was stronger in older than in younger age groups. Conclusion The present study provided new evidence that the perception of emotionally toned material is affected by age. Several explanations to these age-related differences are discussed


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    Die interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung nahm ihren Ausgang von der Frauenforschung. Das Interesse an einer wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit den Lebenszusammenhängen von Frauen und frauenspezifischen Fragestellungen entstand im Zuge der Neuen Frauenbewegung der 60er und 70er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts, die die Unsichtbarkeit und Unterordnung von Frauen in der Gesellschaft in Frage gestellt hatte. Vor dem Hintergrund der scheinbaren Geschichtslosigkeit und der unerforschten Lebenssituationen von Frauen in Geschichte und Gegenwart etablierten sich in außeruniversitären wie universitären Kreisen zunächst in verschiedensten Fachdisziplinen Forschungskontexte, die es sich je nach Fachrichtung eher zur Aufgabe machten, die Praktiken der Diskriminierung und Chancenungleichheit von Frauen in der Gegenwart aufzuspüren und zu erklären, alternative Formen der Geschlechterverhältnisse und entsprechende Strategien der Veränderung zu entwerfen – hier waren die Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften gefordert –, oder aber die geschichtliche Genese der Ungleichbehandlung der Frauen von der Gegenwart aus zurück zu verfolgen und zu entschlüsseln – dies war Aufgabe der Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften