271 research outputs found

    Is it Easier to Escape from Low Pay in Urban Areas? Evidence from the UK

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    In this paper we compare periods of low pay employment between urban and rural areas in the UK. Using the British Household Panel Survey, we estimate the probability that a period of low pay employment will end allowing for a number of possible outcomes, namely to a ‘high pay’ job, self-employment, unemployment and out of the labour force. The results show that there are statistically significant differences in the dynamics of low pay across urban and rural labour markets, particularly in terms of exits to high pay and out of the labour force. After controlling for different personal and job characteristics across markets, urban low pay durations are somewhat shorter on average, with a higher probability that urban workers will move to high pay. However, the results suggest that any urban-rural differences in the typical low pay experience are particularly concentrated among certain types of individuals, e.g. young workers, women without qualifications.Preprin

    More at-risk-of-poverty despite economic growth : what is going on?

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    The proportion of individuals in material deprivation has almost halved to 8.7% in 2018 when compared to the year the indicator started being collected, 2009. Yet, with a few exceptions, the number of individuals at-risk-of-poverty increased at a yearly rate to reach 16.8% by 2018. At first glance, such divergent trends might appear anomalous, and highlight that poverty dynamics and related indicators warrant a deeper assessment. There is no correct way to define poverty in a society: value judgements play an important role. A long-standing debate is whether poverty is absolute or relative. Some say that the poverty line should reflect the absolute poverty threshold i.e., the cost of purchasing a fixed basket of goods and services that allows people to meet their basic needs; the demarcation between the poor and the non-poor. Others contend that we should instead think of poverty as a relative threshold, i.e., relative to the country’s living standard. Those who view poverty in relative terms would argue that the poorest members of society appear to have lagged behind the others; hence the term ‘at-risk-of-poverty’. In the absence of an absolute poverty indicator, debates on poverty can easily reach an impasse, as a change in relative poverty may not necessarily reflect a change in absolute poverty. The simplest poverty indicator is obtained by calculating the proportion of the total number of people below the poverty line in society. However, relying on the over-simplification argument that an increase in relative poverty is bad would be analogous to saying that an increase in taxes is bad. Such judgments should be complemented by other analysis such as the rate of taxation, whether the individual is in unemployment or in a high-paying job, and the ultimate purpose of taxation to finance government expenditure. For this reason, even if there is agreement about the appropriate poverty line to use when measuring poverty, various indicators of poverty must be considered besides the headcount ratio. Indeed, the same society may have the exact year-on-year poverty incidence, but the total cost of alleviating all the poor up to the poverty line might be very different each year depending on changes in the poverty gap. Furthermore, the extent to which the incomes of the poor are concentrated in particular income ranges might also vary: many poor might be close to the poverty threshold, with only a few individuals being in extreme poverty, or vice-versa. Another aspect to consider in the poverty debate is the relative poverty threshold: today’s living standard is unrecognisable from 2005. In view of a dearth of information on the topic, this study complements existing studies on poverty incidence with other measures relating to poverty intensity and inequality amongst the poor. We also dig deeper in relative poverty headcount rates to identify the factors contributing to such changes over the years. For this purpose, we study poverty dynamics in Malta between 2005 and 2018, with special attention to household characteristics.peer-reviewe

    Risk, responsibilities and rights: reassessing the ‘economic causes of crime’ thesis in a recession

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    This paper explores competing accounts of an apparent inversion of the previously-prevailing relationship between young people's unemployment and the incidence of youth offending at a time of economic recession. It begins by highlighting the faltering association between unemployment and offending, and considers the paradoxical implications for risk-based methodologies in youth justice practice. The paper then assesses explanations for the changing relationship that suggest that youth justice policies have successfully broken the unemployment-offending link; and alternatively that delayed effects of recession have yet to materialise, by reference to the work of four Inter-governmental organisations and to youth protests beyond the UK. In place of ever more intensive risk analyses, the paper then focusses on the adverse effects of unemployment on social cohesion, and proposes a rights-based approach to youth justice that recognises the growing disjuncture between the rights afforded to young people and the responsibilities expected of them

    The health needs and healthcare experiences of young people trafficked into the UK

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    Young people who have been trafficked may have experienced significant trauma and violence but little is known about their health and healthcare needs. This UK study aimed to address that gap. It included a health survey and qualitative interviews with 29 young people aged 16–21 trafficked into the UK from other countries who were recruited through voluntary organisations and children’s social services. These data were supplemented by interviews with relevant professionals. Over half the young people had been trafficked for sex work but sexual violence had also been experienced by those trafficked for domestic servitude and labour exploitation. Physical violence, threats, restrictions of liberty and deprivation were also widespread, as were experiences of physical and sexual violence prior to being trafficked. Five young women had become pregnant whilst trafficked; three were parents when interviewed. Two-thirds screened positive for high levels of psychological distress, including PTSD. Twelve reported suicidal thinking. Whilst some were keen for opportunities to talk to health professionals confidentially and wanted practitioners to treat their accounts as credible, others wanted to forget abusive experiences. Complex gatekeeping systems, language barriers and practitioners who failed to take them seriously limited access to healthcare. Support and advocacy were helpful in assisting these young people to navigate healthcare systems. Health professionals need to recognise and respond appropriately to trafficked young people’s often complex mental health needs and refer them to relevant services, as well as facilitating care at later times when they might need support or be more ready to receive help

    Determinants of leptospirosis in Sri Lanka: Study Protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leptospirosis is becoming a major public health threat in Sri Lanka as well as in other countries. We designed a case control study to determine the factors associated with local transmission of leptospirosis in Sri Lanka, in order to identify major modifiable determinants of leptospirosis. The purpose of this paper is to describe the study protocol in detail prior to the publishing of the study results, so that the readership will be able to understand and interpret the study results effectively.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A hospital based partially matched case control design is proposed. The study will be conducted in three selected leptospirosis endemic districts in central Sri Lanka. Case selection will include screening all acute fever patients admitted to selected wards to select probable cases of leptospirosis and case confirmation using an array of standard laboratory criteria. Age and sex matched group of acute fever patients with other confirmed diagnosis will be used as controls. Case to control ratio will be 1:2. A minimum sample of 144 cases is required to detect 20% exposure with 95% two sided confidence level and 80% power. A pre tested interviewer administered structured questionnaire will be used to collect data from participants. Variables included in the proposed study will be evaluated using conceptual hierarch of variables in three levels; Exposure variables as proximal; reservoir and environmental variables as intermediate; socio-demographic variables as distal. This conceptual hierarch hypothesised that the distal and intermediate variables are mediated through the proximal variables but not directly. A logistic regression model will be used to analyse the probable determinants of leptospirosis. This model will evaluate the effect of same level and upper level variables on the outcome leptospirosis, using three blocks.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The present national control programme of leptospirosis is hampered by lack of baseline data on leptospirosis disease transmission. The present study will be able to provide these essential information for formulation of better control strategies.</p

    Registratie, uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters BVE-Monitor 2014

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    De BVE-Monitor is gericht op schoolverlaters van de beroepsopleidende leerweg (BOL) en de beroepsbegeleidende leerweg (BBL). Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) van de Universiteit Maastricht. De financiering ligt thans bij OCW, SZW, LNV en de deelnemende onderwijsinstellingen. Met het onderzoek wordt de overgang van school naar werk dan wel het vervolgtraject in het onderwijs in kaart gebracht. De schoolverlaters worden ongeveer anderhalf jaar na het verlaten van de opleiding ondervraagd door middel van een schriftelijke/internet vragenlijst. Deze vragenlijst bestaat uit een gedeelte dat voor elke onderwijssoort identiek is en uit een variabel gedeelte waarbij de inhoud afhankelijk is van de onderwijssoort en/of de opleidingssector. Bij de BVE-Monitor ligt de nadruk met name op het vervolgonderwijs en de intrede op de arbeidsmarkt. Databestand n.a.v. schoolverlatersenquête onder de gediplomeerde uitstroom van het BVE (meetjaar 2014)

    Registratie, uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters VO-Monitor 2014

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    De VO-Monitor is gericht op schoolverlaters van het algemeen voortgezet onderwijs (HAVO, VWO) en het voorbereidend beroepsonderwijs (VMBO). Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) van de Universiteit Maastricht. Met het onderzoek wordt de overgang van school naar werk dan wel het vervolgtraject in het onderwijs in kaart gebracht. De schoolverlaters worden ongeveer anderhalf jaar na het verlaten van de opleiding ondervraagd door middel van een schriftelijke/internet vragenlijst. Deze vragenlijst bestaat uit een gedeelte dat voor elke onderwijssoort identiek is en uit een variabel gedeelte waarbij de inhoud afhankelijk is van de onderwijssoort en/of de opleidingssector. Voor schoolverlaters van HAVO en VWO ligt het accent op de doorstroom naar vervolgonderwijs, waarbij vooral de aansluiting met het hoger onderwijs aan bod komt. Bij VMBO wordt vooral het bereiken van een startkwalificatie belicht alsmede de doorstroom naar de arbeidsmarkt. Databestand n.a.v. schoolverlatersenquête onder de gediplomeerde uitstroom van het AVO/VMBO (meetjaar 2014)

    Registratie, uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters HBO-Monitor (meetjaar 2018)

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    Onder auspiciën van de Vereniging Hogescholen voert het ROA jaarlijks de HBO-Monitor uit. De HBO-Monitor is een instrument waarmee hogescholen ieder jaar de arbeidsmarktpositie van hun afgestudeerden kunnen vaststellen en waarmee zij kunnen zien in hoeverre hun opleidingen aansluiten op de eisen in de beroepspraktijk. In het afgelopen decennium heeft de HBO-Monitor zich ontwikkeld tot een zeer gezaghebbend instrument dat ook model heeft gestaan voor de ontwikkeling van vergelijkbare instrumenten in andere onderwijssectoren (bijvoorbeeld de WO-Monitor). Uit het feit dat meer dan 85% van de hogescholen op vrijwillige basis participeren, kan worden afgeleid dat het gezien wordt als een instrument van de sector zelf. De HBO-Monitor bestaat uit een enquête via internet, die ter verhoging van de respons wordt aangevuld met een benadering via een schriftelijke vragenlijst. Deze enquête wordt ieder najaar gehouden onder afgestudeerden van het daaraan voorafgaande studiejaar. Dit betekent dat de enquête ongeveer anderhalf jaar na het afstuderen plaatsvindt. Alle opleidingssectoren van het hbo zijn in de monitor vertegenwoordigd. Voor de opleidingssector kunst is een specifiek op deze sector gerichte Kunsten-Monitor ontwikkeld. De informatie uit dit sectorspecifieke deelinstrument is op kernpunten vergelijkbaar met de informatie uit de overige opleidingssectoren van het hbo. De HBO-Monitor levert zowel uitkomsten per hogeschool, als representatieve landelijke resultaten op. Databestand n.a.v. schoolverlatersenquête onder de gediplomeerde uitstroom van het HBO (meetjaar 2018)