22 research outputs found

    LGBTQ Center Training on Sexual Assault and Dating Violence

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    Keith Labelle faciliated a training to the LGBTQ Center on Sexual Assault and Dating Violence focused on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people. This is the powerpoint used for the training

    Alone in the Trenches: An Evening with Esera Tuaolo event flyer 2011

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    Come hear Esera Tuaolo\u27s searing story of terror and hope on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 7:30 PM in Edwards Hall Auditorium. Tuaolo, a Samoan raised on a Hawaiian banana plantation, had a natural talent, football. He went on to play for five NFL teams: the Green Bay Packers, the Minnesota Vikings, the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Carolina Panthers, and the Atlanta Falcons in the 1999 Super Bowl. But for the nine years he played professional football he lived in terror that when his face flashed upon the TV screen, someone would divulge his darkest secret. Esera Tuaolo is gay. Esera will take you inside the homophobic world of professional football and describe fears that almost drove him to suicide. He will evoke heartbreak--how his older brother, Tua, died of AIDS--and hope when, Esera, a deeply devout Christian fell in love and started a family. There will be a Question & Answer session followed by a book signing immediately after Esera\u27s talk

    Screening for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: an information statement by the scoliosis research society international task force

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    Background: Routine screening of scoliosis is a controversial subject and screening efforts vary greatly around the world. METHODS: Consensus was sought among an international group of experts (seven spine surgeons and one clinical epidemiologist) using a modified Delphi approach. The consensus achieved was based on careful analysis of a recent critical review of the literature on scoliosis screening, performed using a conceptual framework of analysis focusing on five main dimensions: technical, clinical, program, cost and treatment effectiveness. FINDINGS: A consensus was obtained in all five dimensions of analysis, resulting in 10 statements and recommendations. In summary, there is scientific evidence to support the value of scoliosis screening with respect to technical efficacy, clinical, program and treatment effectiveness, but there insufficient evidence to make a statement with respect to cost effectiveness. Scoliosis screening should be aimed at identifying suspected cases of scoliosis that will be referred for diagnostic evaluation and confirmed, or ruled out, with a clinically significant scoliosis. The scoliometer is currently the best tool available for scoliosis screening and there is moderate evidence to recommend referral with values between 5 degrees and 7 degrees. There is moderate evidence that scoliosis screening allows for detection and referral of patients at an earlier stage of the clinical course, and there is low evidence suggesting that scoliosis patients detected by screening are less likely to need surgery than those who did not have screening. There is strong evidence to support treatment by bracing. INTERPRETATION: This information statement by an expert panel supports scoliosis screening in 4 of the 5 domains studied, using a framework of analysis which includes all of the World Health Organisation criteria for a valid screening procedure.IRSC (MOP864910

    Stratospheric Aerosol Composition Observed by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Following the 2019 Raikoke Eruption

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    Infrared aerosol spectra derived from Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment measurements following the June 2019 Raikoke volcanic eruption are used to evaluate the composition of stratospheric aerosols in the Arctic. A blanket of aerosols, spanning an altitude range from the tropopause (8–11 km) to 20 km, persisted in the stratosphere over northern latitudes for many months. The aerosols within this blanket were almost exclusively sulfates. The percentage of sulfuric acid in the aerosols decreased over time, dropping below 50% H2SO4 concentration at some altitudes by March 2020. Contrary to previous reports, the aerosol blanket was not comprised of smoke particles

    A Lunar South Pole Exploring Robot

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    this report we will present a description of a working model of the Lunar South Pole environment followed by a full mission concept and the design for Icebreaker, a mobile robot capable of searching for ice on the south pole of the Moon. 1.3 Mission Objective

    Executive Summary

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    Due to the low angles of sunlight at the lunar poles, craters and other depressions in the polar regions can contain areas which are in permanent darkness and are at cryogenic temperatures. Many scientists have theorized that these cold traps could contain large quantities of frozen volatiles such as water and carbon dioxide which have been deposited over billions of years by comets, meteors and solar wind. Recent bistatic radar data from the Clementine mission has yielded results consistent with water ice at the South Pole of the Moon however Earth based observations from the Arecibo Radar Observatory indicate that ice may not exist. Due to the controversy surrounding orbital and Earth based observations, the only way to definitively answer the question of whether ice exists on the Lunar South Pole is in situ analysis. The discovery of water ice and other volatiles on the Moon has many important benefits. First, this would provide a source of rocket fuel which could be used to power rockets to Earth, Mars or beyond, avoiding the high cost of Earth based launches. Secondly, water and carbon dioxide along with nitrogen from ammonia form the essential elements for life and could be used to help support human colonies on the Moon. Thirdly, since these volatiles have been accumulating for billions of years they can provide valuable information about the history of the Moon and cometary impacts. The discovery of volatiles on the Moon would radically change our outlook on the solar system and our ability to explore it