26 research outputs found

    Estudi de viabilitat d'un negoci de roba tècnica sostenible

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    En aquest treball de final de grau s’ha realitzat un estudi de viabilitat d’una empresa de roba tècnica sostenible. El principal motiu pel que s’ha escollit aquest tema és per el fet de la gran contaminació que suposa la industria tèxtil a nivell global. Per dur a terme la viabilitat d’aquet projecte s’ha fet un anàlisi i descripció de sector, un pla estratègic, un model de negoci i una viabilitat econòmica. Ja realitzat aquest treball concloem que els dos primers anys hi haurà pèrdues econòmiques però a partir del tercer tindrem benefici que mesura que passen els anys aniran augmentant.In this degree project a feasibility study of sustainable technical clothing company has been carried out. The main reason why this topic has been chosen is because on a global level the textile industry causes a huge impact in the natural environment. To carry out the feasibility of this project, an analysis and description of the sector, a strategic plan, a business model and an economic feasibility have been made. Having completed this thesis, we conclude that in the first two years there will be economic losses, but after the third year we will have profits that will increase

    Heteromorfismo e inestabilidad cromosómica en una población leucémica

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    Fil: Labal, Mabel Lilian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina


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    Our studies reveal previously unidentified electrical properties of chromosomes: (1) chromosomes are amazingly similar in construction and function to electrical transformers; (2) chromosomes possess in their construction and function, components similar to those of electric generators, conductors, condensers, switches, and other components of electrical circuits; (3) chromosomes demonstrate in nano-scale level electromagnetic interactions, resonance, fusion and other phenomena similar to those described by equations in classical physics. These electrical properties and phenomena provide a possible explanation for unclear and poorly understood mechanisms in clinical genetics including: (a) electrically based mechanisms responsible for breaks, translocations, fusions, and other chromosomal abnormalities associated with cancer, intellectual disability, infertility, pregnancy loss, Down syndrome, and other genetic disorders; (b) electrically based mechanisms involved in crossing over, non-disjunction and other events during meiosis and mitosis; (c) mechanisms demonstrating heterochromatin to be electrically active and genetically important

    �ber eine Reaktion der aromatischen Methylen�thergruppe

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    The socio-cultural construction of gender identity

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    RESUMEN: La sociedad occidental tiene que escapar de patrones atravesados por valores heteronormativos. Es decir, debe ampliar las posibilidades de ser y actuar, aceptándolas y asumiéndolas sin juzgarlas. Vivimos engañados pensando que la identidad de género dual, hombre o mujer, es la única opción válida y universal para todo el mundo. Con este trabajo se pretende repensar sobre el valor real de la heteronormatividad, haciendo hincapié en que la identidad de género está vinculada a la construcción social de cada cultura. Asimismo, se muestra la importancia y la necesidad de la implicación por parte de la escuela en cuanto al fomento de actitudes de tolerancia y respeto en los alumnos de Educación Infantil hacia todo tipo de diversidad, al igual que la necesidad de naturalizarla. Para conseguirlo, se ofrece un análisis de la situación real y actual de la cultura occidental, donde prevalece el poder de la heteronormatividad frente a las identidades no-heteronormativas. Del mismo modo, se presentan culturas ajenas a la occidental donde las identidades de género no responden a un sistema binario. Finalmente, la intención de este trabajo es identificar en qué medida la heteronormatividad y la cultura condicionan el desarrollo de la identidad de género, particularmente en la etapa de Educación Infantil.ABSTRACT: Western society has to escape pattern crossed by heteronormative values. I.e., it should expand the possibilities of being and acting, accepting them and taking them without judging them. We live fooled thinking that the identity of dual gender, male or female, is the only valid and universal option for everyone. This work is intended to rethink about the real value of heteronormativity, stressing that gender identity is linked to the social construction of each culture. It also shows the importance and the need for the involvement of the school in terms of fostering attitudes of tolerance and respect in the students of early childhood education to all kinds of diversity, as well as the need to naturalize it. To achieve this, is offered an analysis of the actual and current situation of Western culture, where prevails the power of heteronormativity front no-heteronormativity identities. Similarly, other cultures to the West where gender identities do not respond to a binary system are presented. Finally, the intention of this work is to identify to what extent heteronormativity and culture condition the development of the gender identity, particularly at the stage of early childhood education.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Infanti

    Heteromorfismo e inestabilidad cromosómica en una población leucémica

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    Fil: Labal, Mabel Lilian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina