67 research outputs found

    Nepaklusniosios emocijos: fenomenologinis požiūris

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    In this paper, I sketch an account of emotion that is based on a close analogy with a Husserlian account of perception. I also make use of the approach that I have limned, viz., to articulate a view of the kind of “conflict without contradiction” (CWC) which may obtain between a recalcitrant emotion and a judgment. My main contention is that CWC can be accounted for by appeal to the rationality of perception and emotion, conceived as responsiveness to experiential evidence. The conflicts in question can be regarded as obtaining between different strands of evidence, and our perceptual and emotional experiences can be thus conflicted even among themselves, not only in the special case of a conflict with a judgment.Straipsnyje apibrėžiamas požiūris į emocijas, pagrįstas artima analogija su Husserlio požiūriu į suvokimą. Išreikštoji prieiga taip pat pasitelkiama ir tyrime, t. y. siekiant išreikšti tam tikrą „konfliktą be prieštaravimo“, kuris gali susidaryti tarp nepaklusnios emocijos ir sprendimo. Esminis straipsnio teiginys – konfliktas be prieštaravimo gali būti paaiškintas apeliuojant į suvokimo ir emocijos racionalumą, suprantamą kaip atsakas į patirties duomenis. Aptariami konfliktai gali būti siejami su tuo, kad esama skirtingų patirties duomenų gijų, tad žmogaus suvokimo ir emociniai potyriai gali prieštarauti net tarpusavyje, ne tik tais atvejais, kai jie konfliktuoja su sprendimu

    Rahvastiku tervisepoliitika – investeering tervisesse

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    Tervis on olulisim individuaalne ja rahvuslik ressurss ning eelduste tagamine võimalikult hea terviseseisundi saavutamiseks kuulub iga inimese põhiõiguste hulka. Tervis on igapäevase elu loomulik eeltingimus ja majanduslik ressurss, mida on võimalik sihikindlalt ja planeeritult arendada. Igal Eestimaa inimesel peab olema võimalus elada tervist toetavas keskkonnas ja teha tervislikke valikuid, mis on eeltingimuseks nii terve isiksuse kujunemiseks kui ka ühiskonna edukaks sotsiaalseks ja majanduslikuks arenguks. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (11): 809–81

    Consciousness and Intentionality: The Face of the Phenomena

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    In his book The Significance of Consciousness, Charles Siewert argues that some of our phenomenal features are intentional features, because we are assessable for accuracy in virtue of having these phenomenal features. In this paper, I will, first, show that this argument stands in need of disambiguation, and will emerge as problematic on both available readings. Second, I will use Thomas Szanto’s recent ideas to develop a deeper understanding of the difficulties with Siewert’s argument. Szanto emphatically contrasts the Husserlian, constitutive conception of intentionality with the mainstream, representational conception. If we interpret Siewert’s ideas in representational terms, it will be possible to add to my critical objections. However, I will suggest that it is also possible to interpret, or perhaps to modify, Siewert’s views in Husserlian constitutive terms, thereby addressing the objections raised in the present paper

    Raha jagamisel on alati probleeme

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    Eesti Arst 2017; 96(2):5

    Transcending ‘Cold Intimacies’ in Veiko Õunpuu’s Works

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    This article examines five films by Veiko Õunpuu, Estonian’s most renowned contemporary director – Empty (Tühirand, Estonia, 2006), Autumn Ball (Sügisball, Estonia, 2007), Temptations of St Tony (Püha Tõnu kiusamine, Estonia/Finland/Sweden, 2009), Free Range: Ballad on Approving of the World (Free Range: ballaad maailma heakskiitmisest, Estonia, 2013) and Roukli (Estonia, 2015), focusing on his representations of neoliberalism and especially its effect on emotional and intimate lives of the characters. We argue that the characters of his films typically reject the conventional romantic life promoted by neoliberal discourses, including Hollywood cinema, yet this does not make them happy, but disoriented and restless. The repudiation of ‘emotional capitalism’ pertains also to the way Õunpuu’s films are conceived and executed. Most importantlyhe resists the conventions of Hollywood cinema, including a classical script and happy ending, as well as setting and shooting them in peripheral places. Our main theoretical framework is the concept of ‘emotional capitalism’ as elaborated by Eva Illouz

    Eesti vanasõnade süntaktiline analüüs

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    Phenomenology and Perceptual Content

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    Perceptual confidence: A Husserlian take

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    Õppemetoodiline skeemide kogumik Nõukogude tsiviilõigusest. 2 osa

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