64 research outputs found

    Immunolocalisation of P2Y receptors in the rat eye

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    Nucleotides present an important role in ocular physiology which has been demonstrated by recent works that indicate their involvement in many ocular processes. P2Y are important among P2 receptors since they can control tear production, corneal wound healing, aqueous humour dynamics and retinal physiology. Commercial antibodies have allowed us to investigate the distribution of P2Y receptors in the cornea, anterior and posterior chamber of the eye and retina. The P2Y1 receptor was present mainly in cornea, ciliary processes, and trabecular meshwork. The P2Y2 receptors were present in cornea, ciliary processes and retinal pigmented epithelium. P2Y4 was present in cornea, ciliary processes, photoreceptors, outer plexiform layer and ganglion cell layer. The P2Y6 presented almost an identical distribution as the P2Y4 receptor. The P2Y11 was also detectable in the retinal pigmented epithelium. The detailed distribution of the receptors clearly supports the recent findings indicating the relevant role of nucleotides in the ocular function

    Guanosine stimulates neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells via activation of heme oxygenase and cyclic GMP

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    Undifferentiated rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells extend neurites when cultured in the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF). Extracellular guanosine synergistically enhances NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth. We investigated the mechanism by which guanosine enhances NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth. Guanosine administration to PC12 cells significantly increased guanosine 3-5-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) within the first 24 h whereas addition of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) inhibitors abolished guanosine-induced enhancement of NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth. sGC may be activated either by nitric oxide (NO) or by carbon monoxide (CO). \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} NωN^{\omega } \end{document}-Nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME), a non-isozyme selective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), had no effect on neurite outgrowth induced by guanosine. Neither nNOS (the constitutive isoform), nor iNOS (the inducible isoform) were expressed in undifferentiated PC12 cells, or under these treatment conditions. These data imply that NO does not mediate the neuritogenic effect of guanosine. Zinc protoporphyrin-IX, an inhibitor of heme oxygenase (HO), reduced guanosine-dependent neurite outgrowth but did not attenuate the effect of NGF. The addition of guanosine plus NGF significantly increased the expression of HO-1, the inducible isozyme of HO, after 12 h. These data demonstrate that guanosine enhances NGF-dependent neurite outgrowth by first activating the constitutive isozyme HO-2, and then by inducing the expression of HO-1, the enzymes responsible for CO synthesis, thus stimulating sGC and increasing intracellular cGMP

    Lüsosoomide paigutus kana blastodermis

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    Deflationary Truth and Truth-Biology

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    Four in one

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    Bakalaureuse töö käigus valmis projekt, mis arvestab 2013/2014 aastal läbitud aine „Linnaruumi kujundamine“ kujundusprojekti lahendusega. Lähtuda tuli kolmest erinevast funktsioonist, milleks olid äri, elamine ning rekreatsioon. Sealne lahendus tuli osaliselt üle kanda uude täiesti teistsugusesse situatsiooni. Projektala paikneb piki kasutusest välja jäänud raudteekoridori Ropka ja Karlova linnaosade vahel. Lõplikus projektkujunduses on jõeäärsele alale loodud kolm elamurajooni: kortermajad, mis asuvad kergliiklustee ääres, nendest ühel kolmandikul toimub äritegevus esimestel korrustel. Kortermajad, mis asuvad kergliiklusteest eemal ja mis on vaid elamiseks mõeldud ning eramajad. Kuna tegu on täiesti uute elamurajoonidega, on plaanis luua jõeäärsele alale ka täiesti uus teedevõrgustik. Samuti on üheks oluliseks kujundusaspektiks rööbaste asemele rajatud kõnnitee ning selle ümber kergliiklustee. Plaanis on uuendada ka Ropka parki, eemaldades sealt olemasolev haljastus ning lisades sinna segapark, mis laieneks edasi ka rajatud elamurajoonide vahele, moodustades nii ühtse roheala. Töö käigus valmisid kujundusplaan, tegevusplaan, vertikaalplaan, haljastusplaanid, analüüsiskeemid, lõiked, vaated, ning detailjoonised.In the course of writing this bachelor's thesis, the project was completed, which considers the design project solution developed within the frames of the subject Designing City Space, completed in 2013/2014. The author was proceeding from three different functions, which were business, dwelling, and leisure. That solution had to be partly transferred to a completely new context. The project space is located along the railway corridor, which is abandoned at the moment, between the districts of Ropka and Karlova. In the final project design, three residential areas are created near the river: the blocks of flats that are located near the light traffic road, one third of which accommodate business operations on the first floors. The blocks of flats that are located further from the light traffic road and which are only meant for living, and also private residences. Since we are dealing with the completely new residential areas, it has been planned to build a completely new road network near the river. Besides, one of the most important aspect of design is the construction of the pavement instead of the rails and of the light traffic road around it. It has also been planned to renovate the Ropka park, removing the existing green zone and adding the mixed park, which would expand further between residential areas, turning the district into a single green area. In the course of working on the project, the author completed the design plan, the action plan, the vertical plan, the green zone plan, the analysis layouts, cuts, views, and detailed drawings

    Deflationary Truth and Truth-Biology

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    Many or almost all writers about truth seem to agree that the entailment by a more or less formal account of truth of all the instances of the so-called disquotational schema - (DQ) <p> is true if and only if p - is at least a necessary condition for this account to count as an adequate account of truth. My first task in this paper is to show that the correctness of the observation (DQ) does not by itself imply that truth lacks substance. My second task is to establish the instances of (DQ) as not only necessary but also sufficient for a characterisation of truth. Such a minimal theory of truth would seem to rob truth of all substance but going in for a more eloquent alternative as I shall attempt to show could result in an unwanted epistemisation of truth

    Paper chromatographic identification of catecholamines

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