17 research outputs found

    Division of groups.

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    Migraine is one of the most frequent and expensive neurological disease in the world. Non-pharmacological and digitally administered treatment options have long been used in the treatment of chronic pain and mental illness. Digital solutions increase the patients’ possibilities of receiving evidence-based treatment even when conventional treatment options are limited. The main goal of the study is to assess the efficacy of interdisciplinary digital interventions compared to conventional treatment. The maximum number of participants in this multi-centre, open-label, prospective, randomized study is 600, divided into eight treatment groups. The participants will take part in either a conventional or a digital intervention, performing various tests and interdisciplinary tasks. The primary outcome is expected to be a reduction in the number of headache days. We also undertake to measure various other headache-related burdens as a secondary outcome. The sample size, digital interventions not conducted via video calls, the lack of human connection, limited intervention program, and the conducting of studies only in digitally sophisticated countries are all significant limitations. However, we believe that digitally mediated treatment options are at least as effective as traditional treatment options while also allowing for a significantly higher patient throughput. The future of chronic disease treatment is remote monitoring and high-quality digitally mediated interventions.The study is approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu for Human Research (Permission No. 315T-17, 10.08.2020) and is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov: NTC05458817 (14.07.2022).</div

    Interventions by group.

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    Migraine is one of the most frequent and expensive neurological disease in the world. Non-pharmacological and digitally administered treatment options have long been used in the treatment of chronic pain and mental illness. Digital solutions increase the patients’ possibilities of receiving evidence-based treatment even when conventional treatment options are limited. The main goal of the study is to assess the efficacy of interdisciplinary digital interventions compared to conventional treatment. The maximum number of participants in this multi-centre, open-label, prospective, randomized study is 600, divided into eight treatment groups. The participants will take part in either a conventional or a digital intervention, performing various tests and interdisciplinary tasks. The primary outcome is expected to be a reduction in the number of headache days. We also undertake to measure various other headache-related burdens as a secondary outcome. The sample size, digital interventions not conducted via video calls, the lack of human connection, limited intervention program, and the conducting of studies only in digitally sophisticated countries are all significant limitations. However, we believe that digitally mediated treatment options are at least as effective as traditional treatment options while also allowing for a significantly higher patient throughput. The future of chronic disease treatment is remote monitoring and high-quality digitally mediated interventions.The study is approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu for Human Research (Permission No. 315T-17, 10.08.2020) and is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov: NTC05458817 (14.07.2022).</div

    List of abbreviations.

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    Migraine is one of the most frequent and expensive neurological disease in the world. Non-pharmacological and digitally administered treatment options have long been used in the treatment of chronic pain and mental illness. Digital solutions increase the patients’ possibilities of receiving evidence-based treatment even when conventional treatment options are limited. The main goal of the study is to assess the efficacy of interdisciplinary digital interventions compared to conventional treatment. The maximum number of participants in this multi-centre, open-label, prospective, randomized study is 600, divided into eight treatment groups. The participants will take part in either a conventional or a digital intervention, performing various tests and interdisciplinary tasks. The primary outcome is expected to be a reduction in the number of headache days. We also undertake to measure various other headache-related burdens as a secondary outcome. The sample size, digital interventions not conducted via video calls, the lack of human connection, limited intervention program, and the conducting of studies only in digitally sophisticated countries are all significant limitations. However, we believe that digitally mediated treatment options are at least as effective as traditional treatment options while also allowing for a significantly higher patient throughput. The future of chronic disease treatment is remote monitoring and high-quality digitally mediated interventions.The study is approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu for Human Research (Permission No. 315T-17, 10.08.2020) and is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov: NTC05458817 (14.07.2022).</div

    The data collected by testing in all groups.

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    Migraine is one of the most frequent and expensive neurological disease in the world. Non-pharmacological and digitally administered treatment options have long been used in the treatment of chronic pain and mental illness. Digital solutions increase the patients’ possibilities of receiving evidence-based treatment even when conventional treatment options are limited. The main goal of the study is to assess the efficacy of interdisciplinary digital interventions compared to conventional treatment. The maximum number of participants in this multi-centre, open-label, prospective, randomized study is 600, divided into eight treatment groups. The participants will take part in either a conventional or a digital intervention, performing various tests and interdisciplinary tasks. The primary outcome is expected to be a reduction in the number of headache days. We also undertake to measure various other headache-related burdens as a secondary outcome. The sample size, digital interventions not conducted via video calls, the lack of human connection, limited intervention program, and the conducting of studies only in digitally sophisticated countries are all significant limitations. However, we believe that digitally mediated treatment options are at least as effective as traditional treatment options while also allowing for a significantly higher patient throughput. The future of chronic disease treatment is remote monitoring and high-quality digitally mediated interventions.The study is approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu for Human Research (Permission No. 315T-17, 10.08.2020) and is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov: NTC05458817 (14.07.2022).</div

    Methods used in the study.

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    Migraine is one of the most frequent and expensive neurological disease in the world. Non-pharmacological and digitally administered treatment options have long been used in the treatment of chronic pain and mental illness. Digital solutions increase the patients’ possibilities of receiving evidence-based treatment even when conventional treatment options are limited. The main goal of the study is to assess the efficacy of interdisciplinary digital interventions compared to conventional treatment. The maximum number of participants in this multi-centre, open-label, prospective, randomized study is 600, divided into eight treatment groups. The participants will take part in either a conventional or a digital intervention, performing various tests and interdisciplinary tasks. The primary outcome is expected to be a reduction in the number of headache days. We also undertake to measure various other headache-related burdens as a secondary outcome. The sample size, digital interventions not conducted via video calls, the lack of human connection, limited intervention program, and the conducting of studies only in digitally sophisticated countries are all significant limitations. However, we believe that digitally mediated treatment options are at least as effective as traditional treatment options while also allowing for a significantly higher patient throughput. The future of chronic disease treatment is remote monitoring and high-quality digitally mediated interventions.The study is approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu for Human Research (Permission No. 315T-17, 10.08.2020) and is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov: NTC05458817 (14.07.2022).</div

    Boosting the monitoring of phytoplankton in optically complex coastal waters by combining pigment-based chemotaxonomy and in situ radiometry

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    Research about the occurrence and extent of the cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea is critical due to their increased magnitude and frequency. Monitoring of the blooms is complicated due to their spatially and tem- porally heterogeneous nature. For adequate assessment of the water quality, phytoplankton dynamics needs to be tracked in large areas with high monitoring frequency. The main objectives of this study were (1) to describe phytoplankton community composition by pigment-based chemotaxonomy and validate the results with mi- croscopy; (2) to improve the retrieval of information about phytoplankton community by combining remote sensing with laboratory based approaches (3) to develop a region-specific algorithm to calculate cyanobacteria biomass from reflectance spectra; (4) to detect and quantify potentially toxic bloom-forming cyanobacteria with molecular methods. In our study the reflectance-based chlorophyll a (Chl a) values overestimated the High- performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) values although the correlations with HPLC Chl a measurements were very strong (rp ∼ 0.8, p < 0.001). We found that 709 nm/620 nm reflectance ratio correlated strongly (rp = 0.75, p < 0.01) to cyanobacteria wet biomass in CDOM-rich Väinameri even at low cyanobacterial bio- mass levels. Correlations between pigment-based chemotaxonomy and microscopy were significant in case of cyanobacteria (rp = 0.73, p < 0.01), cryptophytes (rp = 0.71, p < 0.05) and dinoflagellates (rp = 0.64, p < 0.05).This work was supported by Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (IUT 21-02), Estonian Science Foundation (ETF9102, ETF8576), Estonian Research Council (PUTJD719), base-financed pro- ject P180023PKKH of Estonian University of Life Sciences and by Estonian Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology. We thank Dr Teele Ligi (University of Tartu) for valuable help, Simon Wright and other developers of CHEMTAX program (Australian Antarctic Division, CSIRO). The authors acknowledge CYANOCOST-COST ES 1105 for networking and sharing knowledge.This work was supported by Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (IUT 21-02), Estonian Science Foundation (ETF9102, ETF8576), Estonian Research Council (PUTJD719), base-financed pro- ject P180023PKKH of Estonian University of Life Sciences and by Estonian Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology. We thank Dr Teele Ligi (University of Tartu) for valuable help, Simon Wright and other developers of CHEMTAX program (Australian Antarctic Division, CSIRO). The authors acknowledge CYANOCOST-COST ES 1105 for networking and sharing knowledge

    Highly Clonal Structure and Abundance of One Haplotype Characterise the Diplodia sapinea Populations in Europe and Western Asia

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    Diplodia sapinea is a cosmopolitan endophyte and opportunistic pathogen having occurred on several conifer species in Europe for at least 200 years. In Europe, disease outbreaks have increased on several Pinus spp. in the last few decades. In this study, the genetic structure of the European and western Asian D. sapinea population were investigated using 13 microsatellite markers. In total, 425 isolates from 15 countries were analysed. A high clonal fraction and low genetic distance between most subpopulations was found. One single haplotype dominates the European population, being represented by 45.3% of all isolates and found in nearly all investigated countries. Three genetically distinct subpopulations were found: Central/North European, Italian and Georgian. The recently detected subpopulations of D. sapinea in northern Europe (Estonia) share several haplotypes with the German subpopulation. The northern European subpopulations (Latvia, Estonia and Finland) show relatively high genetic diversity compared to those in central Europe suggesting either that the fungus has existed in the North in an asymptomatic/endophytic mode for a long time or that it has spread recently by multiple introductions. Considerable genetic diversity was found even among isolates of a single tree as 16 isolates from a single tree resulted in lower clonal fraction index than most subpopulations in Europe, which might reflect cryptic sexual proliferation. According to currently published allelic patterns, D. sapinea most likely originates from North America or from some unsampled population in Asia or central America. In order to enable the detection of endophytic or latent infections of planting stock by D. sapinea, new species-specific PCR primers (DiSapi-F and Diplo-R) were designed. During the search for Diplodia isolates across the world for species specific primer development, we identified D. africana in California, USA, and in the Canary Islands, which are the first records of this species in North America and in Spain.publishedVersio

    Järvede tervendamine. Kogumik

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    KäsiraamatEessõna järvede tervendamise käsiraamatule Kui veel 1950 – 60-ndatel aastatel võis enamiku Eesti järvede seisundit pidada looduslikuks, siis 21. sajandi alguseks on paljude järvede seisund peamiselt tugeva inimmõju tagajärjel märkimisväärselt halvenenud. Hinnanguliselt 10 – 12% meie järvedest on halvas seisundiklassis ja vajaks kindlasti tervendamist. Lisaks on veel palju järvi , mille seisund ei ole küll päris halb, aga vajab siiski parandamist. Euroopa Liidus 2000. aastal rakendunud veepoliitika raamdirektiiv seab eesmärgiks saavutada aastaks 2015 liikmesriikide kõigi vete, sh pinnavee, põhjavee, reovee ja joogivee, hea seisund. Pinnaveekogudes tuleb lisaks vee heale keemilisele seisundile saavutada ka hea ökoloogiline seisund. Kui veekogu seisund pole hinnatud heaks või väga heaks, tuleb kasutusele võtta meetmed vähemalt hea seisundi saavutamiseks. Selleks võib olla piisav veekogu majandamise ümberkorraldamine, kuid enamasti tähendab see vajadust astuda konkreetseid samme valgalalt saabuva reostuskoormuse vähendamiseks ja ka veekogu enese tervendamiseks. Järvede kui suure loodusväärtuse hea seisund on oluline ka inimese tervise seisukohast. Terved ja kaunid järved pakuvad puhkamiseks ja töövõime taastamiseks mitmekülgseid võimalusi, mille hulgas on kalastamine kindlasti üks märkimisväärsemaid. Keskkonnaministeeriumi korraldatud küsitlusel harrastuspüüdjate seas selgus, et enim häirivad hobikalureid veekogudele ligipääsu puudumine ja väike vääriskalavaru, kuid ka veekogude halb olukord ja üldine kala vähesus. Tervendamine võimaldab lisaks järvede olukorra parandamisele tervikuna taastada või tõsta ka nende kalamajanduslikku väärtust. Nagu igal elualal, on ka järvede tervendamise alases sõnavaras kasutusel palju sama või osaliselt kattuva tähendusega mõisteid. Levinuim vaste järvede tervendamisele on olnud „restaureerimine” , mis on eesti keelde tulnud ingliskeelsest mõistest restoration , otsetõlkena on palju kasutatud ka „taastamist”. Võõrsõna ja selle sisult ebatäpsete eestikeelsete vastete asemel on järveteadlased üsna edukalt suutnud juurutada hoopis kodusema kõlaga ja pehmema sisuga mõistet „tervendamine”. Käsiraamatu esimeses peatükis soovitatakse tervendamise terminoloogiat vastavalt sellele, kui põhjalikku sekkumist on järve seisundi parandamiseks vaja. Seal leiab käsitlemist tervendamise kitsam tähendus. Nii selle käsiraamatu pealkirjas kui tekstis kasutame enamasti seda mõistet laiemas tähenduses, mis hõlmab kõiki järvede olukorra parandamisega seotud tegevusi ja viise olenemata sellest, kui põhjalikke muutusi läbi viiakse. Eestis jõudsalt hoogu koguv järvede tervendamine on seni põhinenud üsna lünklikel ja juhuslikel teadmistel, kuna meil on puudunud seda teemat tervikuna ja põhjalikult käsitlev eestikeelne kirjandus. Heal juhul on järvede tervendajad leidnud üles järveteadlased ja lasknud enne järve kallale asumist teha uuringud, saamaks teada, mis on järve seisundi halvenemise tegelikud põhjused. Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse toel Eesti Maaülikoolis valminud artiklite kogum on „Järvede tervendamise käsiraamatu” käsikiri, mis vajab enne päris raamatuks saamist veel toimetamist. Kuna vajadus sellise juhend- ja õppematerjali järele on suur, siis on käsikirjalised artiklid juba avalikult kättesaadavaks tehtud. Esimene peatükk tutvustab järveteaduse ehk limnoloogia aluseid, mis aitavad mõista järvede tervendamise põhimõtteid. Teises peatükis antakse ülevaade Eesti järvede tervendamisvajadusest. Kolmas peatükk käsitleb kogu tervendamisega kaasnevat protsessi, alates idee tekkimisest ja asja kohasest seadusandlusest ning lõpetades järelseirega. Järgnevad peatükid käsitlevad tervendamise meetodeid: biomanipulatsioon (peatükk 4), vee hapnikuga rikastamine (peatükk 5) , veerežiimi muutmine (peatükk 6) , makrofüüdijärvede tervendamine (peatükk 7), vee ja setete keemilise töötlemise meetodid (peatükk 8) ja setete eemaldamine (peatükk 9). Peatükk 10 tutvustab järve veetaseme tõstmise ja sette eemaldamise ehitusprojektidega seonduvat. Peatükis 11 leiavad käsitlemist keskkonnamõjude hindamine ja järvede hooldus. Kuigi näiteid järvede tervendamisest leidub igas konkreetseid meetodeid käsitlevas peatükis, annab viimane, 12. peatükk veel ülevaate veekogude tervendamise senistest kogemustest Eestis ja mujal Euroopas ning kirjeldab põhjalikumalt mõnd huvitavamat tervendamise näidet nii meilt kui mujalt maa ilmast. Käsikirja autorid loodavad, et kirjapandust on abi järvede tervendamisega seotud inimestele ja lõppkokkuvõttes meie paljude järvede tervisele. Kõik täiendused, parandused ja ettepanekud, mis võiksid kaasa aidata sisuka ja kasuliku käsiraamatu valmimisele, on teretulnud aadressile: Lea Tuvikene, Limnoloogiakeskus, Rannu 61117, Tartumaa , või e - posti aadressile [email protected] Kesku

    Highly Clonal Structure and Abundance of One Haplotype Characterise the Diplodia sapinea Populations in Europe and Western Asia

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    Diplodia sapinea is a cosmopolitan endophyte and opportunistic pathogen having occurred on several conifer species in Europe for at least 200 years. In Europe, disease outbreaks have increased on several Pinus spp. in the last few decades. In this study, the genetic structure of the European and western Asian D. sapinea population were investigated using 13 microsatellite markers. In total, 425 isolates from 15 countries were analysed. A high clonal fraction and low genetic distance between most subpopulations was found. One single haplotype dominates the European population, being represented by 45.3% of all isolates and found in nearly all investigated countries. Three genetically distinct subpopulations were found: Central/North European, Italian and Georgian. The recently detected subpopulations of D. sapinea in northern Europe (Estonia) share several haplotypes with the German subpopulation. The northern European subpopulations (Latvia, Estonia and Finland) show relatively high genetic diversity compared to those in central Europe suggesting either that the fungus has existed in the North in an asymptomatic/endophytic mode for a long time or that it has spread recently by multiple introductions. Considerable genetic diversity was found even among isolates of a single tree as 16 isolates from a single tree resulted in lower clonal fraction index than most subpopulations in Europe, which might reflect cryptic sexual proliferation. According to currently published allelic patterns, D. sapinea most likely originates from North America or from some unsampled population in Asia or central America. In order to enable the detection of endophytic or latent infections of planting stock by D. sapinea, new species-specific PCR primers (DiSapi-F and Diplo-R) were designed. During the search for Diplodia isolates across the world for species specific primer development, we identified D. africana in California, USA, and in the Canary Islands, which are the first records of this species in North America and in Spain