3,012 research outputs found

    Scattering matrices and expansion coefficients of Martian analogue palagonite particles

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    We present measurements of ratios of elements of the scattering matrix of Martian analogue palagonite particles for scattering angles ranging from 3 to 174 degrees and a wavelength of 632.8 nm. To facilitate the use of these measurements in radiative transfer calculations we have devised a method that enables us to obtain, from these measurements, a normalized synthetic scattering matrix covering the complete scattering angle range from 0 to 180 degrees. Our method is based on employing the coefficients of the expansions of scattering matrix elements into generalized spherical functions. The synthetic scattering matrix elements and/or the expansion coefficients obtained in this way, can be used to include multiple scattering by these irregularly shaped particles in (polarized) radiative transfer calculations, such as calculations of sunlight that is scattered in the dusty Martian atmosphere.Comment: 34 pages 7 figures 1 tabl

    5d-5f Electric-multipole Transitions in Uranium Dioxide Probed by Non-resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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    Non-resonant inelastic x ray scattering (NIXS) experiments have been performed to probe the 5d-5f electronic transitions at the uranium O(4,5) absorption edges in uranium dioxide. For small values of the scattering vector q, the spectra are dominated by dipole-allowed transitions encapsulated within the giant resonance, whereas for higher values of q the multipolar transitions of rank 3 and 5 give rise to strong and well-defined multiplet structure in the pre-edge region. The origin of the observed non-dipole multiplet structures is explained on the basis of many-electron atomic spectral calculations. The results obtained demonstrate the high potential of NIXS as a bulk-sensitive technique for the characterization of the electronic properties of actinide materials.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters on 31 December 200

    How does star formation proceed in the circumnuclear starburst ring of NGC 6951?

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    Gas inflowing along stellar bars is often stalled at the location of circumnuclear rings, that form an effective reservoir for massive star formation and thus shape the central regions of galaxies. However, how exactly star formation is proceeding within these circumnuclear starburst rings is subject of debate. Two main scenarios for this process have been put forward: In the first the onset of star formation is regulated by the total amount of gas present in the ring with star forming starting once a mass threshold has reached in a `random' position within the ring like `popcorn'. In the second star formation preferentially takes place near the locations where the gas enters the ring. This scenario has been dubbed `pearls-on-a-string'. Here we combine new optical IFU data covering the full stellar bar with existing multi-wavelength data to study in detail the 580 pc radius circumnuclear starburst ring in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6951. Using HST archival data together with Sauron and Oasis IFU data, we derive the ages and stellar masses of star clusters as well as the total stellar content of the central region. Adding information on the molecular gas distribution, stellar and gaseous dynamics and extinction, we find that the circumnuclear ring in NGC 6951 is ~1-1.5 Gyr old and has been forming stars for most of that time. We see evidence for preferred sites of star formation within the ring, consistent with the `pearls-on-a-string' scenario, when focusing on the youngest stellar populations. Due to the ring's longevity this signature is washed out when older stellar populations are included in the analysis.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 15 page

    The privacy calculus in the context of novel health technology for diagnosing and tracking infectious diseases:The role of disease severity and technology's evidence base for effectiveness in adoption and voluntary health data-sharing

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    In the past decades, accelerated by the recent COVID pandemic, the field of healthcare has faced technological advancements, such as wearables and mobile applications, that collect personal or health data. However, such tools are ineffective if they are not adopted by a large part of the population or if relevant health data, collected by the application, are not (voluntarily) shared. This study assessed the role of disease severity and evidence base for the effectiveness of the technology in the Privacy Calculus risk-benefit trade-off to contribute or hinder technology acceptance and data sharing. A large-scale 2 × 2 × 2 online vignette experiment (n = 822) was carried out, where participants were presented with a hypothetical scenario describing a novel health technology for diagnosing and tracking of infectious diseases. The results indicated that participants’ privacy concerns negatively affected their intention to use the technology and willingness to share data, and that a high severity of the disease weakened this relationship. None of the other expected effects on intentions to use, willingness to share data or privacy concerns, were significant. These findings highlight the role of privacy as a barrier to technology acceptance, and suggest disease severity plays a role in the Privacy Calculus risk-benefit trade off by weakening the negative effect of privacy concerns on adoption in contexts where disease severity is high.</p

    The privacy calculus in the context of novel health technology for diagnosing and tracking infectious diseases:The role of disease severity and technology's evidence base for effectiveness in adoption and voluntary health data-sharing

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    In the past decades, accelerated by the recent COVID pandemic, the field of healthcare has faced technological advancements, such as wearables and mobile applications, that collect personal or health data. However, such tools are ineffective if they are not adopted by a large part of the population or if relevant health data, collected by the application, are not (voluntarily) shared. This study assessed the role of disease severity and evidence base for the effectiveness of the technology in the Privacy Calculus risk-benefit trade-off to contribute or hinder technology acceptance and data sharing. A large-scale 2 × 2 × 2 online vignette experiment (n = 822) was carried out, where participants were presented with a hypothetical scenario describing a novel health technology for diagnosing and tracking of infectious diseases. The results indicated that participants’ privacy concerns negatively affected their intention to use the technology and willingness to share data, and that a high severity of the disease weakened this relationship. None of the other expected effects on intentions to use, willingness to share data or privacy concerns, were significant. These findings highlight the role of privacy as a barrier to technology acceptance, and suggest disease severity plays a role in the Privacy Calculus risk-benefit trade off by weakening the negative effect of privacy concerns on adoption in contexts where disease severity is high.</p

    Challenges in Estimating the Causal Effect of an Intervention with Pre-Post Data (Part 1): Definition & Identification of the Causal Parameter

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    There is mixed evidence of the effectiveness of interventions operating on a large scale. Although the lack of consistent results is generally attributed to problems of implementation or governance of the program, the failure to find a statistically significant effect (or the success of finding one) may be due to choices made in the evaluation. To demonstrate the potential limitations and pitfalls of the usual analytic methods used for estimating causal effects, we apply the first half of a roadmap for causal inference to a pre-post evaluation of a community-level, national nutrition program. Selection into the program was non-random and strongly associated with the pre-treatment (lagged) outcome. Using structural causal models (SCM), directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) and simulated data, we demonstrate that a post treatment estimand controls for confounding by the lagged outcome but not from possible unmeasured confounders. Two separate difference-in-differences estimands have the potential to adjust for a certain type of unmeasured confounding, but introduce bias if the additional assumptions they require are not met. Our results reveal an important issue of identifiability when estimating the causal effect of a program with pre-post observational data. A careful appraisal of the assumptions underlying the causal model is imperative before committing to a statistical model and progressing to estimation

    The Supernova Remnant CTB104A : Magnetic Field Structure and Interaction with the Environment

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    We present new, high resolution 1420 and 408 MHz continuum images and HI and 12CO (J=1-0) spectral line maps of the diffuse supernova remnant CTB104A (G93.7-0.3). Analysis of the complex continuum emission reveals no significant spectral index variations across the remnant. Three prominences around CTB104A are found to be related to the SNR, while one extension to the east is identified as an HII region associated with a background molecular shell. Small scale polarization and rotation measure (RM) structures are turbulent in nature, but we find a well-ordered RM gradient across the remnant, extending from southeast to northwest. This gradient does not agree with the direction of the global Galactic magnetic field, but does agree with a large-scale RM anomaly inferred from rotation measure data by Cleg et al. (1992). We show that the observed morphology of CTB104A is consistent with expansion in a uniform magnetic field, and this is supported by the observed RM distribution. By modeling the RM gradient with a simple compression model we have determined the magnetic field strength within the remnant as Bo ~ 2.3 micro G. We have identified signatures of the interaction of CTB104A with the surrounding neutral material, and determined its distance, from the kinematics of the HI structure encompassing the radio emission, as 1.5 kpc. We also observed clear breaks in the HI shell that correspond well to the positions of two of the prominences, indicating regions where hot gas is escaping from the interior of the SNR.Comment: 7 pages, Latex with aastex and emulateapj5, 12 figures, ApJ accepte

    The 2009 framework for undergraduate medical education in the Netherlands

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    The 2009 Framework defines the joint Dutch national learning outcomes to be attained by medical students after completing their three-year master programme in medicine. The Framework thus helps to guarantee to society at large and to patients in particular that medical graduates who are starting out as practitioners have attained a certain professional level. This level is the aggregate of the physicians’ target profile, physicians’ (sub-) competencies to be achieved and the list of issues relating to illness and health. In addition, the Framework also defines the profile of the bachelor and the learning outcomes of the bachelor programme in medicine

    The 2009 framework for undergraduate medical education in the Netherlands

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    The 2009 Framework defines the joint Dutch national learning outcomes to be attained by medical students after completing their three-year master programme in medicine. The Framework thus helps to guarantee to society at large and to patients in particular that medical graduates who are starting out as practitioners have attained a certain professional level. This level is the aggregate of the physicians’ target profile, physicians’ (sub-) competencies to be achieved and the list of issues relating to illness and health. In addition, the Framework also defines the profile of the bachelor and the learning outcomes of the bachelor programme in medicine
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