1,682 research outputs found
Cross-border e-commerce package deliveries between Northern Finland and Russia
Abstract. The Russian e-commerce market has been growing rapidly during the past years and this growth has only accelerated since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Russia is Europe’s largest internet market and thus presents opportunities for companies which hope to grow their e-commerce sales. Russian consumers trust and value Finnish brands and products and are likely to purchase them using cross-border e-commerce, especially now that the border is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though Finnish companies have successfully incorporated e-commerce into their businesses with their domestic customers, only a very small percentage of them practice cross-border e-commerce. This is why it is important to recognize the barriers companies face regarding the Russian e-commerce market and the cross-border e-commerce package deliveries.
The purpose of the thesis is to overcome the barriers by finding ways to develop cross-border e-commerce package delivery between Northern Finland and Russia. The regions of Northern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu and the Republic of Karelia were chosen to be the main focus of the study as they all neighbor the Finnish-Russian border and each other. In order to identify possible ways to develop the delivery process between the regions, the knowledge that the companies have about the Russian e-commerce market, and the barriers they face regarding the market and the cross-border e-commerce package deliveries of the market need to be identified first.
The research follows an abductive process where the existing literature is studied first, and the empirical analysis is done based on the formed theoretical framework. The research is conducted as a qualitative multiple-case study and the empirical data is gathered via four semi-structured interviews with company representatives. The interviewees consist of company representatives from the Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu regions who practice cross-border e-commerce to Russia and a logistics service provider specializing in cross-border e-commerce package deliveries to Russia.
Based on the data, companies in the regions do not recognize the opportunities of the Russian e-commerce market very strongly. The majority of companies do not see Russia as a strategically important country despite its great growth potential. The main barriers that companies face regarding the e-commerce market in Russia are lack of knowledge and language barrier. As for the issues in the cross-border e-commerce package delivery to Russia, the unclear procedure regarding returns and exchanges of delivered products and issues with overly strict customs procedures were discovered. The cross-border e-commerce package delivery between the regions can be developed by sharing information about the Russian e-commerce market and practicalities relating to it, making the delivery process as customer friendly as possible, and creating a more flexible customs protocol
Ylläpitävätkö kunnostetut ja rakennetut kosteikot vesilintukantoja?
Tiivistelmä. Monet Pohjois-Eurooppalaiset vesilintupopulaatiot ovat taantuneet ja kärsivät pesimäkosteikkojen laadun heikkenemisestä. Pesimäympäristöjä heikentävät vesistöjen rehevöityminen, umpeenkasvu ja vieraspedot. Vesilintukantojen hoidossa vaaditaan nopeita ja mittavia toimenpiteitä epäsuotuisten kantojen kehityksen kääntämiseksi. Erityisesti tälle olisi tarvetta Suomessa, joka on yksi keskisimmistä sorsien pesimäalueista Euroopassa. Kosteikkojen kunnostus ja ihmisen rakentamat kosteikot ovat suojelu- ja hoitokeinoja, joilla mahdollisesti voidaan helpottaa vesilintujen ahdinkoa. Monet rakennetut kosteikot eivät kuitenkaan ole sorsien elinympäristöinä luonnollisten kaltaisia. Mutta on myös osoituksia, että joissakin rakennetuissa kosteikoissa voi vesilintuja esiintyä luonnollisia kosteikkoja paremmin. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vesilintulaskentojen perusteella, kuinka hyvin eri puolille Suomen sisämaata rakennetut ja kunnostetut kosteikot ylläpitivät vesilintukantoja niiden pesintäkaudella. Tutkimuksessa myös selvitettiin kosteikkojen ominaispiirteiden merkitystä vesilintujen esiintyvyyteen. Näiden lisäksi tarkasteltiin kosteikkojen toimenpiteiden taloudellista kannattavuutta riistanhoitokeinoina. Tulokset osoittivat, että rakennetut ja kunnostetut kosteikot ylläpitivät vesilintukantoja erittäin hyvin. Toimenpiteet lisäsivät kosteikkojen monimuotoisuutta, minkä seurauksena vesilintuyhteisöjen diversiteetit ja vesilintujen määrät kasvoivat. Kosteikkojen ominaisuuksista sen monimuotoisuudella, pinta-alalla ja sijainnilla oli erityisesti merkitystä pesintäkauden alun vesilintuyhteisöihin. Erityisesti kosteikon toimenpiteet sekä pinta-ala kasvattivat pesintäkauden alun lajimääriä. Toimenpiteet lisäsivät myös pesintäkauden alun parimääriä. Poikueyhteisöihin ainoastaan kosteikon monimuotoisuudella oli merkityksensä. Tämä osoittaa kosteikon monimuotoisuuden keskeistä merkitystä poikasille. Monimuotoisuus lisää vaihtelevia ruokailuympäristöjä ja suojaa, jotka ovat poikasille tärkeitä. Kosteikon rakentamistavalla oli hieman merkitystä pesintäkauden alun vesilintuyhteisöihin, mutta mikään rantamistapa noussut kovin selkeästi esille. Poikueyhteisöihin sillä ei ollut merkitystä. Tutkimuksen perusteella kosteikkoja kannattaisi riistanhoidollisesti kunnostaa ja rakentaa. Ne ylläpitivät vesilintukantoja erinomaisesti ja kustannukset olivat kohtuulliset. Suurin osa kosteikoista toteutettiin patoamalla, joka on edullisin toteutustapa. Kosteikkojen rakennuksessa ja kunnostuksessa tulisi yhteensovittaa monia seikkoja. Huomioimista vaativat eri lajien väliset interaktiot, maisematekijät, paikalliset kosteikkoverkostot ja niiden kytkeytyneisyys. Erityisesti huomio tulisi kohdistaa vieraspetoihin, jotta ei menetettäisi vesilintukantojen hoitoon kohdennettuja panostuksia
Mitä populaatiota verotetaan? Vesilintusaaliin alkuperän eri arviointimetodit
Tiivistelmä. Monet vesilintupopulaatiot Euroopassa ovat viime aikoina taantuneet. Niiden suosimissa kosteikko elinympäristöissä on tapahtunut huomattavia muutoksia. Noin puolet alkuperäisistä maailman kosteikoista ovat ihmisen toiminnoista johtuen kadonneet ja jäljellä olevia uhkaa muun muassa rehevöityminen. Vesistöjen laadun heikkeneminen heijastuu etenkin elinympäristön käytöltään vaateliaiden vesilintulajien populaatioiden laskevaan trendiin. Ilmaston muutos on vaikuttanut lintujen levinneisyyteen ja vuodenkierron liikkeisiin. Tulevaisuudessa muutokset tulevat voimistumaan ja nopeutumaan. Vanhat suojelualueet menettävät merkitystänsä. Myös vesilintujen metsästyksen painopiste tulee muuttumaan lintujen levinneisyyksien muuttuessa ja verotuksen voimakkuudessa voi tapahtua muutoksia eri maiden välillä. Vesilintujen metsästys on suosittua Euroopassa ja metsästys on monin paikoin nojautunut perinteisiin. Vesilintujen metsästyksessä, hoidossa ja suojelussa on kuitenkin huomattavia puutteita. Metsästys verotuksen voimakkuutta ei monipaikoin tunneta. Seurantaohjelmia tulee kehittää ja maiden välistä yhteistyötä tulee lisätä. Muuttolintuina vesilintuja tulisi hoitaa kaikille maille yhtenäisenä luonnonvarana. Kutakin osapopulaatiota tulisi hoitaa erillisinä yksikköinä. Populaatioiden yksilöiden alkuperä ja koko populaation vuoden kierron elinympäristöt tulisi selvittää, tehokkaan suojelun ja hoidon mahdollistamiseksi. Metsästysverotus suhteuttaa osapopulaatioiden osalta kestäväksi. Selvittää kunkin maan osalta minkä verran mitäkin populaatioita niissä verotetaan ja sen mukaan kiintiöidä verotus kunkin maan osalta kestäväksi. Vesilintujen kestävä metsästys tulisi perustua sopeutuvan luonnonvarojen käytön ja hoidon periaatteen mukaan, jossa vesilintukantoja ei vaaranneta. Vesilintujen rengastusta on perinteisesti käytetty lintujen liikkeiden ja alkuperän tutkimiseen. Se on kuitenkin verrattain työläs ja hidas menetelmä. Kuitenkin se parantaa yhdessä muiden seurantamenetelmien kanssa tarkkuutta. Käyttöä tulisi siten jatkaa ja edistää myös tulevaisuudessa. Yhdessä uusien menetelmien, kuten alkuaineiden vakaiden isotooppimenetelmien kanssa on suhteellisen vaivattomasti ja nopeasti voitu märittää vesilintusaaliin alkuperä. Sillä voidaan selvittää missä sen vuoden poikanen on syntynyt ja kasvattanut sulkansa tai aikuinen lintu pitänyt sulkasatoansa. Menetelmä antaa täten viiteitä myös aikuisten lintujen sulkasadon aikaiseen monitahoiseen liikehdintään. Menetelmä vastaa tarpeeseen, jolla päästään suhteellisen nopeasti käsiksi lintujen liikkeiden ja niiden muutosten tutkimiseen. Monen vesilintupopulaation riittävälle suojelulle, hoidolle, kuin myös metsästyksen kestävälle mitoitukselle on nopea tarve Euroopassa
On the optimality of gluing over scales
We show that for every , there exist -point metric spaces
(X,d) where every "scale" admits a Euclidean embedding with distortion at most
, but the whole space requires distortion at least . This shows that the scale-gluing lemma [Lee, SODA 2005] is tight,
and disproves a conjecture stated there. This matching upper bound was known to
be tight at both endpoints, i.e. when and , but nowhere in between.
More specifically, we exhibit -point spaces with doubling constant
requiring Euclidean distortion ,
which also shows that the technique of "measured descent" [Krauthgamer, et.
al., Geometric and Functional Analysis] is optimal. We extend this to obtain a
similar tight result for spaces with .Comment: minor revision
Integration of remote-sensing based metrics and econometric models to assess the socio-economic contributions of carbon sequestration in unmanaged tropical dry forests
Carbon sequestration by forests is one of the vital ecosystem services regulating the global climate. Equally important are the socio-economic co-benefits of carbon sequestration, given their implications for designing policies focused on conservation or restoration of tropical forests. Much debate has been around how to account for, and maximize, the co-benefits of carbon sequestration. Prior research suggests that a better understanding of the spatial relationship between carbon sequestration potential and forest types and dynamics - as a function of geographical context and time - is needed to better estimate their socio-economic benefits. Hence, this paper uses the Tropical Dry Forests of Central and South America to propose a new approach to quantify carbon sequestration of this biome, and its efficiency, using time series of the Terra-MODIS satellite. Our estimations of carbon sequestration are then coupled with a benefit transfer approach to infer carbon sequestration's monetary cost. Results reveal that these tropical forests sequester an annual average of 22.3 ± 3.3 tCO2 ha-1 yr-1 or in total, 1.16 GtCO2. The associated social cost of carbon, calculated using three econometric models, ranges from USD 489 ha-1 yr-1 to USD 2828 ha-1 yr-1. These results can open new perspectives regarding the benefits of carbon sequestration against the costs of the negative impacts of climate change for national welfare accounts, their relevance for environmental policy-making, and the implementation or monitoring of carbon-based incentive programs (e.g., WAVES)
Cluster Multi-spacecraft Determination of AKR Angular Beaming
Simultaneous observations of AKR emission using the four-spacecraft Cluster
array were used to make the first direct measurements of the angular beaming
patterns of individual bursts. By comparing the spacecraft locations and AKR
burst locations, the angular beaming pattern was found to be narrowly confined
to a plane containing the magnetic field vector at the source and tangent to a
circle of constant latitude. Most rays paths are confined within 15 deg of this
tangent plane, consistent with numerical simulations of AKR k-vector
orientation at maximum growth rate. The emission is also strongly directed
upward in the tangent plane, which we interpret as refraction of the rays as
they leave the auroral cavity. The narrow beaming pattern implies that an
observer located above the polar cap can detect AKR emission only from a small
fraction of the auroral oval at a given location. This has important
consequences for interpreting AKR visibility at a given location. It also helps
re-interpret previously published Cluster VLBI studies of AKR source locations,
which are now seen to be only a subset of all possible source locations. These
observations are inconsistent with either filled or hollow cone beaming models.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Geophys. Res. Letters (accepted
Efficiently searching through large tACS parameter spaces using closed-loop Bayesian optimization
Background: Selecting optimal stimulation parameters from numerous possibilities is a major obstacle
for assessing the efficacy of non-invasive brain stimulation.
Objective: We demonstrate that Bayesian optimization can rapidly search through large parameter
spaces and identify subject-level stimulation parameters in real-time.
Methods: To validate the method, Bayesian optimization was employed using participants’ binary
judgements about the intensity of phosphenes elicited through tACS.
Results: We demonstrate the efficiency of Bayesian optimization in identifying parameters that maximize phosphene intensity in a short timeframe (5 min for >190 possibilities). Our results replicate
frequency-dependent effects across three montages and show phase-dependent effects of phosphene
perception. Computational modelling explains that these phase effects result from constructive/
destructive interference of the current reaching the retinas. Simulation analyses demonstrate the
method's versatility for complex response functions, even when accounting for noisy observations.
Conclusion: Alongside subjective ratings, this method can be used to optimize tACS parameters based on
behavioral and neural measures and has the potential to be used for tailoring stimulation protocols to
Identification and classification of the formation of intermediate ions measured in boreal forest
International audienceWe have measured the size distributions of air ions (0.42?7.5 nm in diameter) with the Balanced Scanning Mobility Analyzer in boreal forest, in Southern Finland since spring 2003. The size range covers the size range of cluster ions (approximately 0.42?1.6 nm) and naturally charged nanometre aerosol particles (1.6?7.5 nm) or intermediate air ions. Based on the measurements from April 2003 to March 2006 we studied the characteristics of charged aerosol particle formation by classifying each day either as a particle formation event, undefined or non-event day. The principal of the classification, as well as the statistical description of the charged aerosol particle formation events are given. We found in total 270 (26% of the analysed days) and 226 (22% of the analysed days) particle formation days for negative and positive intermediate ions, respectively. For negatively charged particles we classified 411 (40% of the analysed days) undefined and 348 (34% of the analysed days) non-event days whereas for positively charged particles 343 (33% of the analysed days) undefined and 460 (45% of the analysed days) non-event days. The results were compared with the ordinary classification based on the Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS) measurements carried out at the same place. The above-presented values differed slightly from that found from the DMPS data, with a lower particle diameter of 3 nm. In addition, we have found the rain-induced intermediate ion bursts frequently. The rain effect was detected on 163 days by means of negative ions and on 105 days by positive ones. Another interesting phenomenon among the charged aerosol particles was the appearance and existence of intermediate ions during the snowfall. We observed this phenomenon 24 times with negatively charged particles and 21 times with positively charged ones during winter months (October?April). These intermediate air ions were seen during the snowfall and may be caused by ice crystals, although the origin of these intermediate ions is unclear at the moment
Positron unveiling high mobility graphene stack interfaces in Li-ion cathodes
Carbon-based coatings in Li-ion battery cathodes improve electron conductivity and enable rapid charging. However, the mechanism is not well understood. Here, we address this question by using positrons as non-destructive probes to investigate nano-interfaces within cathodes. We calculate the positron annihilation lifetime in a graphene stack LiCoO2 heterojunction using an ab initio method with a non-local density approximation to accurately describe the electron-positron correlation. This ideal heterostructure represents the standard carbon-based coating performed on cathode nanoparticles to improve the conduction properties of the cathode. We characterize the interface between LiCoO2 and graphene as a p-type Schottky junction and find positron surface states. The intensity of the lifetime component for these positron surface states serves as a descriptor for positive ion ultra-fast mobility. Consequently, optimizing the carbon layer by enhancing this intensity and by analogizing Li-ion adatoms on graphene layers with positrons at surfaces can improve the design of fast-charging channels.Carbon layers in Li-ion battery cathodes are important for fast charging but the underlying mechanism is still not well understood. Here, ab initio calculations of the positron annihilation lifetime in graphene stack LiCoO2 heterojunction gives insights into ultra-fast ion mobility
Particle concentration and flux dynamics in the atmospheric boundary layer as the indicator of formation mechanism
We carried out column model simulations to study particle fluxes and deposition and to evaluate different particle formation mechanisms at a boreal forest site in Finland. We show that kinetic nucleation of sulphuric acid cannot be responsible for new particle formation alone as the simulated vertical profile of particle number concentration does not correspond to observations. Instead organic induced nucleation leads to good agreement confirming the relevance of the aerosol formation mechanism including organic compounds emitted by the biosphere. <br><br> The simulation of aerosol concentration within the atmospheric boundary layer during nucleation event days shows a highly dynamical picture, where particle formation is coupled with chemistry and turbulent transport. We have demonstrated the suitability of our turbulent mixing scheme in reproducing the most important characteristics of particle dynamics within the boundary layer. Deposition and particle flux simulations show that deposition affects noticeably only the smallest particles in the lowest part of the atmospheric boundary layer
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