75 research outputs found

    Making Hooliganism on a Mass Scale

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Comment fabriquer de la dĂ©linquance Ă  grande Ă©chelle : la campagne de lutte contre les petits dĂ©lits en Union soviĂ©tique entre 1956 et 1964 En 1956, la RĂ©publique russe (RSFSR) dĂ©cida d’endiguer la vague montante de criminalitĂ© en prononçant non pas un petit nombre de peines lourdes, mais plutĂŽt un grand nombre de peines lĂ©gĂšres. Avec le dĂ©cret de 1956 contre les petits dĂ©linquants, l’État crĂ©a une forme attĂ©nuĂ©e de criminalitĂ© et des peines peu sĂ©vĂšres afin de combattre les agissements les moins graves de cette catĂ©gorie multiforme de criminels. En abaissant le seuil de dĂ©finition de la dĂ©linquance, le dĂ©cret transforma les comportements limites en dĂ©lits passibles d’emprisonnement et des millions de citoyens, dont la conduite serait auparavant passĂ©e inaperçue, en petits malfaiteurs. Il les exposa au pouvoir d’une police qui agissait souvent de façon arbitraire et incontrĂŽlĂ©e et les entraĂźna dans un processus d’incarcĂ©ration dĂ©gradant. Ce dĂ©cret nous montre que 1956 ne fut pas qu’une annĂ©e de rĂ©forme politique libĂ©rale. Ce fut aussi une pĂ©riode de rĂ©pression accrue, de coercition et d’intolĂ©rance brutale de la part de l’État envers un nombre croissant d’individus qui, jusque-lĂ , Ă©taient restĂ©s en dehors de son pouvoir.AbstractIn 1956, the Russian Republic (RSFSR) decided to crack down on its rising hooligan problem not by giving a small number of people heavy prison sentences, but by giving a large number of people light ones. With the passage of the 1956 RSFSR petty hooligan decree, the state created a less serious form of hooliganism and a less serious form of hooligan punishment in order to combat this multivalent criminal category’s most minor and mundane manifestations. The petty hooligan decree, by watering down the definition of hooliganism, transformed the commonplace borderline behaviors of the everyday into imprisoning offenses. By defining deviance downward, it made millions of ordinary citizens, whose behaviors would earlier have escaped punishment, into hooligans ; exposed them to police power that was often arbitrary and unregulated ; and dragged them through a degrading detention process. The petty hooligan decree shows us that 1956 was more than a year of liberalizing political reform. It was also a time of increased prosecution, coercive refashioning and aggressive state intolerance towards an expanding array of outsider identities

    Visible light reduces C. elegans longevity.

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    The transparent nematode Caenorhabditis elegans can sense UV and blue-violet light to alter behavior. Because high-dose UV and blue-violet light are not a common feature outside of the laboratory setting, we asked what role, if any, could low-intensity visible light play in C. elegans physiology and longevity. Here, we show that C. elegans lifespan is inversely correlated to the time worms were exposed to visible light. While circadian control, lite-1 and tax-2 do not contribute to the lifespan reduction, we demonstrate that visible light creates photooxidative stress along with a general unfolded-protein response that decreases the lifespan. Finally, we find that long-lived mutants are more resistant to light stress, as well as wild-type worms supplemented pharmacologically with antioxidants. This study reveals that transparent nematodes are sensitive to visible light radiation and highlights the need to standardize methods for controlling the unrecognized biased effect of light during lifespan studies in laboratory conditions

    Transfer of memory retrieval cues attenuates the context specificity of latent inhibition

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    Previous studies have demonstrated that the transfer of retrieval cues for original acquisition memories, old \u27reactivated‘ memories, and extinction memories attenuated the context shift effect. This study examined whether latent inhibition (CS preexposure) cues would also transfer, thus alleviating the context specificity. Rats preexposed to a particular context were immediately exposed to a different, novel context. When these rats were trained and tested in the shifted context following preexposure/exposure they showed the latent inhibition effect, i.e., retarded learning in the context that differed from preexposure. That the rats treated the shifted context as the preexposure context demonstrates that the preexposure retrieval cues transferred. These results are consistent with other findings that a novel context can serve as retrieval cues for an event learned in a different setting

    Evaluation of the Safety and Immunogenicity of the RTS,S/AS01E Malaria Candidate Vaccine When Integrated in the Expanded Program of Immunization

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    Background. The RTS,S/AS01E malaria candidate vaccine is being developed for immunization of African infants through the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI). Methods. This phase 2, randomized, open, controlled trial conducted in Ghana, Tanzania, and Gabon evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of RTS,S/AS01E when coadministered with EPI vaccines. Five hundred eleven infants were randomized to receive RTS,S/AS01E at 0, 1, and 2 months (in 3 doses with diphtheria, tetanus, and wholecell pertussis conjugate [DTPw]; hepatitis B [HepB]; Haemophilus influenzae type b [Hib]; and oral polio vaccine [OPV]), RTS,S/AS01E at 0, 1, and 7 months (2 doses with DTPwHepB/Hib+OPV and 1 dose with measles and yellow fever), or EPI vaccines only. Results. The occurrences of serious adverse events were balanced across groups; none were vaccine-related. One child from the control group died. Mild to moderate fever and diaper dermatitis occurred more frequently in the RTS,S/AS01E coadministration groups. RTS,S/AS01E generated high anti-circumsporozoite protein and anti- hepatitis B surface antigen antibody levels. Regarding EPI vaccine responses upon coadministration when considering both immunization schedules, despite a tendency toward lower geometric mean titers to some EPI antigens, predefined noninferiority criteria were met for all EPI antigens except for polio 3 when EPI vaccines were given with RTS,S/AS01E at 0, 1, and 2 months. However, when antibody levels at screening were taken into account, the rates of response to polio 3 antigens were comparable between groups. Conclusion. RTS,S/AS01E integrated in the EPI showed a favorable safety and immunogenicity evaluation. Trial registration. ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00436007. GlaxoSmithKline study ID number: 106369 (Malaria-050

    A computational genomics pipeline for prokaryotic sequencing projects

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    Motivation: New sequencing technologies have accelerated research on prokaryotic genomes and have made genome sequencing operations outside major genome sequencing centers routine. However, no off-the-shelf solution exists for the combined assembly, gene prediction, genome annotation and data presentation necessary to interpret sequencing data. The resulting requirement to invest significant resources into custom informatics support for genome sequencing projects remains a major impediment to the accessibility of high-throughput sequence data

    Feasibility and utility of positive psychology exercises for suicidal inpatients

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    ObjectiveThe objective was to assess the feasibility and acceptability of nine positive psychology exercises delivered to patients hospitalized for suicidal thoughts or behaviors, and to secondarily explore the relative impact of the exercises.MethodParticipants admitted to a psychiatric unit for suicidal ideation or behavior completed daily positive psychology exercises while hospitalized. Likert-scale ratings of efficacy (optimism, hopelessness, perceived utility) and ease of completion were consolidated and compared across exercises using mixed models accounting for age, missing data and exercise order. Overall effects of exercise on efficacy and ease were also examined using mixed models.ResultsFifty-two (85.3%) of 61 participants completed at least one exercise, and 189/213 (88.7%) assigned exercises were completed. There were overall effects of exercise on efficacy (χ(2)=19.39; P=.013) but not ease of completion (χ(2)=11.64; P=.17), accounting for age, order and skipped exercises. Effect (Cohen's d) of exercise on both optimism and hopelessness was moderate for the majority of exercises. Exercises related to gratitude and personal strengths ranked highest. Both gratitude exercises had efficacy scores that were significantly (P=.001) greater than the lowest-ranked exercise (forgiveness).ConclusionIn this exploratory project, positive psychology exercises delivered to suicidal inpatients were feasible and associated with short-term gains in clinically relevant outcomes

    RNF8 ubiquitylation of XRN2 facilitates R-loop resolution and restrains genomic instability in BRCA1 mutant cells

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    Breast cancer linked with BRCA1/2 mutations commonly recur and resist current therapies, including PARP inhibitors. Given the lack of effective targeted therapies for BRCA1-mutant cancers, we sought to identify novel targets to selectively kill these cancers. Here, we report that loss of RNF8 significantly protects Brca1-mutant mice against mammary tumorigenesis. RNF8 deficiency in human BRCA1-mutant breast cancer cells was found to promote R-loop accumulation and replication fork instability, leading to increased DNA damage, senescence, and synthetic lethality. Mechanistically, RNF8 interacts with XRN2, which is crucial for transcription termination and R-loop resolution. We report that RNF8 ubiquitylates XRN2 to facilitate its recruitment to R-loop-prone genomic loci and that RNF8 deficiency in BRCA1-mutant breast cancer cells decreases XRN2 occupancy at R-loop-prone sites, thereby promoting R-loop accumulation, transcription-replication collisions, excessive genomic instability, and cancer cell death. Collectively, our work identifies a synthetic lethal interaction between RNF8 and BRCA1, which is mediated by a pathological accumulation of R-loops

    Ageing in relation to skeletal muscle dysfunction: redox homoeostasis to regulation of gene expression

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