64 research outputs found

    Hematpoese: a importância para a homeostase

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A hematopoese conceitua-se como o processo de regulação e produção contínua de células do sangue. Esse ciclo garante que o número de células especializadas seja reposto, além de auxiliar na homeostase em meio a situações que exijam do organismo uma produção acentuada, como processos infecciosos. OBJETIVO: realizar uma revisão bibliográfica a respeito da importância do processo hematopoetico. MÉTODO: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática através da base de dados Scielo, CSH Perspectives, além de livros como Guyton, Moore, Lorenzi, Zago, e Junqueira usando-se as palavras-chave: hematopoese, hematopoese e homeostase, Células hematopoéticas, medula óssea. Foram selecionados materiais publicados entre 2001 e 2021.  A hematopoese trata-se de uma atividade fundamental para a homeostase do organismo, onde conceitos básicos desse sistema foram definidos biologicamente. Mas ao mesmo tempo, muitas disputas na pesquisa da hematopoiese ilustram nossa compreensão ainda limitada revelando a relevância de se estudar a temática. CONCLUSÃO: Diante do exposto, tem-se que a hematopoese, é vital desde a vida intrauterina, ocorrendo em diferentes sítios conforme as fases do desenvolvimento. Para que esse sistema tenha funcionamento pleno necessita-se da ação de fatores que induzam a proliferação, diferenciação e crescimento das células ainda imaturas. Portanto, é indubitável que sem esse processo seria inviável manter o equilíbrio do organismo, principalmente em quadros como infecções, sangramentos, hipóxia e anemias, que exigem uma adaptação da hematopoese. Não obstante, também está sendo pautado o desenvolvimento de terapias que tem a capacidade de revolucionar tratamentos, a exemplo da utilização de CTH’s na anemia falciforme. Por conseguinte, apesar da evidente importância da hematopoese, ainda são escassos os estudos atualizados e aprofundados a respeito do tema, demandando uma maior atenção da comunidade científica


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      Surgical wound infection is a significant complication in patients undergoing pediatric cardiac surgery, which can compromise the postoperative recovery process and increase morbidity. Several risk factors are associated with this condition, including patient characteristics, type of surgical procedure, hospital environment, and postoperative care practices. Understanding these factors is crucial to developing effective prevention strategies and optimizing clinical outcomes in this vulnerable population. Objective: To analyze and synthesize the available evidence on the risk factors for surgical wound infection in patients undergoing pediatric cardiac surgery. The aim is to identify patterns and gaps in the literature, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the elements that influence the occurrence of this specific complication. Methodology: The review was conducted following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. The PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases were consulted to identify studies published in the last 10 years, using the descriptors "pediatric heart surgery", "operative wound infection", "risk factors", "children" and "prevention ". Three inclusion criteria were established, considering original studies that addressed risk factors in pediatric cardiac surgery, while three exclusion criteria were applied to filter articles that did not meet the specific objectives of the review. Results: Results revealed a variety of risk factors, including patient age, length of surgery, presence of comorbidities, and infection control practices. The review highlighted the importance of specific preventive strategies for the pediatric population undergoing cardiac procedures. Conclusion: This systematic review provides a comprehensive overview of risk factors for surgical wound infection in pediatric cardiac surgery, emphasizing the need for personalized prevention approaches. The conclusions highlight the importance of targeting preventive interventions, adapting them to the unique characteristics of this population, aiming to improve clinical results and reduce the incidence of postoperative infections.  Surgical wound infection is a significant complication in patients undergoing pediatric cardiac surgery, which can compromise the postoperative recovery process and increase morbidity. Several risk factors are associated with this condition, including patient characteristics, type of surgical procedure, hospital environment, and postoperative care practices. Understanding these factors is crucial to developing effective prevention strategies and optimizing clinical outcomes in this vulnerable population. Objective: To analyze and synthesize the available evidence on the risk factors for surgical wound infection in patients undergoing pediatric cardiac surgery. The aim is to identify patterns and gaps in the literature, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the elements that influence the occurrence of this specific complication. Methodology: The review was conducted following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. The PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases were consulted to identify studies published in the last 10 years, using the descriptors "pediatric heart surgery", "operative wound infection", "risk factors", "children" and "prevention ". Three inclusion criteria were established, considering original studies that addressed risk factors in pediatric cardiac surgery, while three exclusion criteria were applied to filter articles that did not meet the specific objectives of the review. Results: Results revealed a variety of risk factors, including patient age, length of surgery, presence of comorbidities, and infection control practices. The review highlighted the importance of specific preventive strategies for the pediatric population undergoing cardiac procedures. Conclusion: This systematic review provides a comprehensive overview of risk factors for surgical wound infection in pediatric cardiac surgery, emphasizing the need for personalized prevention approaches. The conclusions highlight the importance of targeting preventive interventions, adapting them to the unique characteristics of this population, aiming to improve clinical results and reduce the incidence of postoperative infections

    The effects of litter size on emotional reactivity in BALB/c mice

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    Análise microbiana dos cones de guta-percha na clínica dentária Egas Moniz

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizObjetivos: O propósito da investigação é avaliar a possibilidade de contaminação microbiana de cones de guta-percha retirados de uma caixa nova e em caixas em utilização, na clínica Dentária do Instituto Universitário Superior Egas Moniz (IUEM), verificando-se a possibilidade de existência de contaminação dos cones com Enterococcus faecalis após a manipulação dos referidos cones. Materiais e Métodos: Inicialmente foram utilizadas 10 caixas de cones de guta-percha intactas de onde foram extraídos aleatoriamente 3 cones de cada uma delas perfazendo um total de 30 cones. As mesmas caixas foram colocadas em utilização, por um período de 30 dias. Após os 30 dias, as caixas selecionadas inicialmente foram recolhidas e retirados mais 30 cones para posterior análise. Foram, ainda, recolhidos mais 03 cones de uma outra caixa de guta-percha utilizada para reposição de cones, procedimento realizado como protocolo habitual de reposição de guta-percha em caixas que se encontre vazia, na clínica dentária do IUEM. No total foram recolhidos 63 cones de guta-percha retirados de 11 caixas. Resultado: Na investigação das 63 amostras dos cones de guta-percha, observou-se que apenas 3%, isto é, 02 amostras, demonstraram crescimento de micro-organismos, uma em cada fase. No entanto, de acordo com o resultado do teste de catalase, constatou-se que não eram Enterococcus faecalis. Conclusões: A possibilidade da contaminação microbiana de cones de guta-percha, retirados de caixas novas intactas e em cones provenientes de caixas em utilização é muito reduzida. Foi demonstrado que 97% da amostra apresentou estar isento de crescimento de micro-organismo. Dos 3% das amostras que apresentaram crescimento bacteriano retiradas das caixas, o número de colónias encontrado foi inferior quando comparado com o das caixas novas, constatou-se que não eram Enterococcus faecalis. Foi possível concluir existir eficácia no protocolo de prevenção da contaminação cruzada em utilização atual na Clínica do IUEM.Objectives: The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the possibility of microbial contamination of gutta-percha cones removed from a new box and in boxes in use, at the Dental Clinic of the Instituto Universitário Superior Egas Moniz (IUEM), checking the possibility of contamination. of cones with Enterococcus faecalis after manipulation of said cones. Materials and methods Initially, 10 boxes of intact gutta-percha cones were used, from which 3 cones were randomly extracted from each one of them, making a total of 30 cones. The same boxes were put into use for a period of 30 days. After 30 days, the initially selected boxes were collected and removed another 30 cones for further analysis. Another 03 cones were collected from another gutta-percha box used to replace cones, a procedure performed as the usual protocol for replacing gutta-percha in empty boxes, in use at the IUEM dental clinic. In total, 63 gutta-percha cones were collected from 11 boxes Result: In the investigation of 63 samples of gutta-percha cones, it was observed that only 3%, that is, 02 samples, showed growth of microorganisms, one in each phase. However, according to the result of the catalase test, it was found that they were not Enterococcus faecalis. Conclusion: The possibility of microbial contamination of gutta-percha cones taken from new intact boxes and in cones from boxes in use is very small. It was shown that 97% of the sample was free from microorganism growth. Of the 3% of the samples that showed bacterial growth removed from the boxes, the number of colonies found was lower when compared to the new ones, it was found that they were not Enterococcus faecalis. It was possible to conclude that the cross-contamination prevention protocol currently used at the IUEM Clinic is effective

    Foundations of developmental psychology

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    A self-feeding system for pre-weanling mice.

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