2,408 research outputs found


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    There are many problems in nature whose solutions are obtained through mathematical concepts. One of the most common mathematical concepts is a mathematical concept that is classified under initial value problems, such as a system of linear ordinary differential equations equipped with initial values. One tool that can solve the initial value problem is the Sawi transformation. This article describes the study of the initial value problem as a system of linear ordinary differential equations and its solution using the Sawi transformation. In addition, as part of applying the resulting theory, 2 (two) case examples are given (a first-order chemical reaction system with three certain chemicals and a mass-spring system with forced motion) to be solved using the Sawi transformation. So that problem solving can be interpreted and easily understood, in the 2 (two) case studies discussed and focused on the concentration of the chemical reactants, simulations were carried out for several different initial values and reaction rate constants. Compared to other methods (Laplace transform), the results obtained from using the Sawi transformation for the cases discussed show that the analytical solutions for the selected initial values have similar solutions

    Penyelesaian Sistem Persamaan Fully Fuzzy Non Linear Menggunakan Metode Newton Raphson Ganda

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    Terdapat banyak permasalahan dunia nyata yang diupayakan penyelesaiannya menggunakan sistem persamaan yang melibatkan himpunan bilangan fuzzy. Sistem persamaan fuzzy non linear dikembangkan menjadi sistem persamaan fully fuzzy nonlinear dengan mengimplementasikan operasi aritmatika bilangan fuzzy. Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penyelesaian sistem persamaan fully fuzzy non linear yang melibatkan bilangan segitiga fuzzy dengan menggunakan alat bantu komputasi (algoritma dan pemrograman) dengan melibatkan metode Newton Raphson Ganda. Teknis mendapatkan solusi menggunakan metode ini dapat dicapai dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan transformasi sistem persamaan fuzzy ke dalam sistem persamaan nonlinear dengan bilangan tegas menggunakan operasi aritmatika bilangan fuzzy segitiga. Komputasi penentuan solusi didasari pada sebuah algoritma yang implementasinya ke dalam program Matlab. Algoritma dan program Matlab yang dibuat memperlihatkan bahwa Newton Raphson Ganda dapat menyelesaikan sistem persamaan fully fuzzy non linear dengan efesien dalam waktu dan akurat dalam nilai hampiran solusi


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    The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 has caused severe problems in Indonesia. The Covid-19 virus epidemic can be modeled using the Susceptible, Infected, and Recovered (SIR) model. This modeling aims to look at the dynamics of Covid-19 to predict when disease-free and endemic disease occurs and to find the basic reproduction number ( ) for policy making in suppressing the spread of Covid-19. In this article, we describe and solve a research result on the SIR model with an assumption. The assumption in the model is that there is vaccination for the population. There are live stages of research conducted. The first is creating the SIR model and determining the equilibrium points on disease-free and disease-endemic. The Second is getting the basic reproduction number. The third is determining the stability around the equilibrium points using the Routh-Hurwitz criteria. Fourth, create a diagram for the subpopulations state at a specific time using Wolfram Mathematica software. As an implementation of the model created, COVID-19 data at the Batanghari Community Health Center Inpatient UPTD was used. Finally, determine the model error percentage with MAPE. The SIR Covid-19 model was made using eight parameters, namely , which are all positive. The results showed that the disease-free and disease-endemic equilibrium points were locally asymptotically stable after being analyzed using the Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria. The model trial using data from UPTD Puskesmas Batanghari obtained a stable condition for up to 100 months with a MAPE of 2.8%. From this study, obtained an . This means that if you want to reduce the rate of spread, then reduce the number of people who are easily infected ( ) and reduce contacts ( ), and increase the healing rate ( )

    Modified Lorenz Curve and Its Computation

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    The Lorenz curve is generally used to find out the inequality of income distribution. Mathematically a standard form of the Lorenz curve can be modified with the aim of simplicity of its symmetric analysis and calculation of the Gini coefficient that usually accompanies it. One way to modify the shape of the Lorenz curve without losing its characteristics but is simple in the analysis of geometric shapes is through a transformation (rotation). To be efficient and effective in computing and analyzing a Lorenz curve it is necessary to consider using computer software. In this article, in addition to describing the development of the concept of using transformations (rotations) of the standard Lorenz curve in an easy-to-do form, the symmetric analysis is also described by computational techniques using Mathematica® software. From the results of the application of the development of the concept of the Lorenz curve which is carried out on a data gives a simpler picture of the computational process with relatively similar computational results

    Importance des interfaces spatiales et temporelles entre les bovins et les glossines dans la transmission de la trypanosomose animale en Afrique de l'Ouest

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    Lors d'une étude globale du risque trypanosomien menée dans la zone agropastorale de Sidéradougou (Burkina Faso), des troupeaux sentinelles issus de deux systèmes d'élevage différents ont été suivis durant deux ans. L'incidence trypanosomienne mensuelle a été mesurée et interprétée en fonction des parcours des troupeaux, de leur pratique d'abreuvement et de leur contact avec les glossines ripicoles (Glossina tachinoides et G. palpalis gambiensis). A Nakaka, village d'éleveurs Peuls, la transmission en saison sèche est assurée aux points d'abreuvement pérennes dans la galerie forestière. En saison des pluies, les glossines ripicoles se dispersent dans les savanes et infectent les animaux jusque dans les villages. A Péfrou, ensemble de campements d'agriculteurs Bobo, les troupeaux sont composés essentiellement de boeufs de traction. Les animaux issus des campements localisés à proximité du cours d'eau s'abreuvent dans les points d'eau des formations riveraines et sont infectés toute l'année. L'incidence est plus élevée en hivernage et en début de saison sèche, période où les glossines sont les plus nombreuses. A l'opposé, les troupeaux des campements éloignés du réseau hydrographique (3 km) sont abreuvés au puits et ne fréquentent pas les biotopes des glossines. Dans ce paysage essentiellement agricole, les glossines ne se dispersent pas, même en saison humide. L'incidence dans les troupeaux est quasiment nulle. Ces résultats montrent l'importance des interfaces spatiales et temporelles entre les bovins et les glossines dans l'épidémiologie des trypanosomoses en Afrique de l'ouest. (Résumé d'auteur

    Enquête parasitologique et sérologique (Elisa-indirect) sur les trypanosomoses des bovins dans la zone de Sidéradougou, Burkina Faso

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    Une enquête parasitologique et sérologique sur les trypanosomoses des bovins a été réalisée dans le secteur nord de la zone de Sidéradougou (Burkina Faso), en novembre et décembre 1997. Partant d'un recensement terrestre exhaustif, un millier de bovins ont été examinés sur la base d'un échantillonnage stratifié aléatoire. L'âge et la race des animaux, la nature et la date du dernier traitement trypanocide ont été enregistrés. Les examens parasitologiques ont été effectués par la méthode du "buffy coat", la mesure de l'hématocrite a été recueillie et les tests Elisa-indirect ont été réalisés dans trois systèmes différents, avec sensibilisation des plaques par les antigènes solubles de Trypanosoma vivax, T. brucei ou T. congolense (type savane). La technique parasitologique a fourni 5,3 p. cent d'échantillons positifs, dominés par l'espèce T. congolense. Les examens sérologiques ont indiqué une séroprévalence de 81,7 p. cent (± 2,4 p. cent) les trois tests confondus et, sur la base des résultats chez les animaux âgés d'un an, une incidence annuelle moyenne de 52 p. cent (± 11p. cent). L'étude du score maximum de positivité aux trois tests a permis d'estimer les séroprévalences par espèce à 79 p. cent pour T. vivax, 3 p. cent pour T. brucei, et 28 p. cent pour T. congolense. L'analyse des données sérologiques et parasitologiques, selon la date du dernier traitement trypanocide indiqué par l'éleveur, montre que ces traitements ont peu d'effet sur le taux de portage des anticorps et des parasites, ce dernier est présumé assez proche de la séroprévalence observée. La méthode du "buffy coat" est insuffisamment sensible pour mesurer la prévalence des infections dans ce type de situation enzootique, mais, associée à la valeur de l'hématocrite, elle a permis d'estimer l'importance des cas de trypanosomose maladie à environ 15 p. cent. Les trypanosomoses bovines demeurent une préoccupation majeure de l'élevage dans la zone agropastorale de Sidéradougou. elles sévissent de manière enzootique avec une prédominance nette des infections par T. vivax, une prévalence et un impact clinique élevés de T. congolense. Les données générées par cette enquête seront intégrées dans un système d'information géographique (Sig) mis en place dans la zone pour l'évaluation du risque trypanosomien. (Résumé d'auteur

    Identifikasi Koeksistensi Arsitektural pada Rumah Tradisional Walaka dan Bangunan DPRD di Kota Baubau

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    Coexistence in architecture was considered as the process of cooperation between two or more different architectural styles and synergized each others. The Old Buton society consists of Kaomu, Walaka, Maradika, and Batua. The social stratification system in Buton society was reflected in its dwelling. In the architectural context, various attempts to rediscover the identity in each of his work were very pronounced, with varying results. The study was aimed to identified coexistence between Walaka’s house and parliament building using a comparative causal approach. The results  concluded that the coexistence between the Walaka’s houses and parliament building could be found in the form of philosophical, meanings, symbols, function on the modified floor plan, view, and sections.The coexistence between the house of Walaka’s with govermental position and parliament building could not be found between under the Walaka’s house and the parliament building foundation, tangkebala sasambiri and overstek console at parliament building and the Walaka’s box-shaped pabate and the overstek console from parliament building. The philosophical coexistence was also not founded between wide large and latticed windows at Walaka’s house with ones at parliament building, the Walaka’s bosu bosu and the overstek console without ornament at parliament building, as well as the Walaka’s double-decker roof and the parliament’s double-decker roof

    Computational Mathematics: Solving Dual Fully Fuzzy Nonlinear Matrix Equations Numerically using Broyden’s Method

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    Fuzzy numbers have many applications in various mathematical models in both linear and nonlinear forms. In the form of a nonlinear system, fuzzy nonlinear equations can be constructed in the form of matrix equations. Unfortunately, the matrix equations used to solve the problem of dual fully fuzzy nonlinear systems are still relatively few found in the publication of research results. This article attempts to solve a dual fully fuzzy nonlinear equation system involving triangular fuzzy numbers using Broyden’s method. This article provides the pseudocode algorithm and the implementation of the algorithm into the MATLAB program for the iteration process to be carried out quickly and easily. The performance of the given algorithm is the fastest in finding system solutions and provides a minimum error value

    Dimensi Metrik Hasil Operasi Tertentu pada Graf Petersen Diperumum

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    Misalkan  graf terhubung dan , , jarak titik  dan  yang  dinotasikan dengan  adalah panjang lintasan terpendek dari kedua titik tersebut. Misalkan  representasi titik  terhadap  adalah urutan   −vektor,   . Himpunan  disebut himpunan pembeda,  jika  untuk setiap dua titik berbeda , . Kardinalitas minimum dari himpunan pembeda  disebut dimensi metrik dari  dinotasikan dengan . Pada penelitian ini dibahas tentang dimensi metrik dari hasil operasi tertentu pada graf Petersen diperumum

    Low pathogenic avian influenza virus infection retards colon microbiota diversification in two different chicken lines

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    Background: A commensal microbiota regulates and is in turn regulated by viruses during host infection which can influence virus infectivity. In this study, analysis of colon microbiota population changes following a low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (AIV) of the H9N2 subtype infection of two different chicken breeds was conducted. Methods: Colon samples were taken from control and infected groups at various timepoints post infection. 16S rRNA sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq platform was performed on the samples and the data mapped to operational taxonomic units of bacterial using a QIIME based pipeline. Microbial community structure was then analysed in each sample by number of observed species and phylogenetic diversity of the population. Results: We found reduced microbiota alpha diversity in the acute period of AIV infection (day 2–3) in both Rhode Island Red and VALO chicken lines. From day 4 post infection a gradual increase in diversity of the colon microbiota was observed, but the diversity did not reach the same level as in uninfected chickens by day 10 post infection, suggesting that AIV infection retards the natural accumulation of colon microbiota diversity, which may further influence chicken health following recovery from infection. Beta diversity analysis indicated a bacterial species diversity difference between the chicken lines during and following acute influenza infection but at phylum and bacterial order level the colon microbiota dysbiosis was similar in the two different chicken breeds. Conclusion: Our data suggest that H9N2 influenza A virus impacts the chicken colon microbiota in a predictable way that could be targeted via intervention to protect or mitigate disease
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