5,546 research outputs found

    A Two-Phase Mass Flow Rate Model for Nitrous Oxide Based on Void Fraction

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    In the field of space propulsion, self pressurized technology is an example of innovation capable of improving system performances through reduction of volumes and other optimizations. Potential applications are widespread and not limited to the propulsion panorama: from on-orbit maneuvering to in-orbit servicing, from refueling of satellites at the end of life to in situ resource exploitation for missions headed towards remote objects of the solar system. However, important drawbacks have been reported for these systems: modeling of fluids and thermal phenomena is complex, thus preventing accurate performance predictions. As a result, no comprehensive and accurate model capable of describing the dynamics of a self-pressurizing propellant tank has been developed so far. In this context, this paper proposes a two-phase mass flow rate model based on void fraction. N2O has been selected due to its use as a green and self-pressurized propellant for in-space propulsive applications. The aim of this paper is to describe the current mass flow rate models present in the literature for this fluid and compare the new model with the one proposed by Dyer. A model validation is also offered, and a test campaign is mentioned. Finally, preliminary results are shown and discussed: results are then compared with the ones obtained through the Dyer model, in order to retrieve a comprehensive comparison among the two simulation frameworks. Comments on the results are added, showing the improvements as well as the limitations of the proposed framework

    DYRK1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A)

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    Review on DYRK1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Impact of the JET ITER-like wall on H-mode plasma fueling

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    JET ITER-like wall (ILW) experiments show that the edge density evolution is strongly linked with the poloidal distribution of the ionization source. The fueling profile in the JET-ILW is more delocalized as compared to JET-C (JET with carbon-based plasma-facing components PFCs). Compared to JET-C the H-mode pedestal fueling cycle is dynamically influenced by a combination of plasma–wall interaction features, in particular: (1) edgelocalized modes (ELMs) induced energetic particles are kinetically reflected on W divertor PFCs leading to distributed refueling away from the divertor depending on the divertor plasma configuration, (2) delayed molecular re-emission and outgassing of particles being trapped in W PFCs (bulk-W at the high field side and W-coated CFCs at the low field side) with different fuel content and (3) outgassing from Be co-deposits located on top of the highfield side baffle region shortly after the ELM. In view of the results of a set of well diagnosed series of JET-ILW type-I ELMy H-mode discharges with good statistics, the aforementioned effects are discussed in view of H-mode pedestal fueling capacity. The ongoing modelling activities with the focus on coupled core-edge plasma simulations and plasma–wall interaction are described and discussed also in view of possible code improvements required.EURATOM 63305

    Effect of PFC Recycling Conditions on JET Pedestal Density

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    There is experimental evidence that the pedestal dynamics in type-I ELMy H-mode discharges is significantly affected by a change in the recycling conditions at the tungsten plasma-facing components (W-PFCs) after an ELM event. The integrated code JINTRAC has been employed to assess the impact of recycling conditions during type-I ELMs in JET ITER-like wall H-mode discharges. By employing a heuristic approach, a model to mimic the physical processes leading to formation and release (i.e. outgassing) of finite near-surface fuel reservoirs in W-PFCs has been implemented into the EDGE2D-EIRENE plasma-wall interaction code being part of JINTRAC. As main result it is shown, that a delay in the density pedestal build-up after an ELM event can be provoked by reduced recycling induced by depleted W-PFC particle near-surface reservoirs. However the pedestal temperature evolution is barely affected by the change in recycling parameters suggesting that the presented model is incomplete.EURATOM 63305

    Cooling Strategies for Greenhouses in Summer: Control of Fogging by Pulse Width Modulation

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    The possibilities for improving the control of greenhouse fogging systems, were studied by comparing several combinations of ventilation cooling techniques, shade screening and low-pressure fogging. The study was divided into three parts: experiments, modelling and simulations. In the first part of the paper, ten combinations of five cooling techniques were tested during the summers of 2002 and 2003 in a 132m2 greenhouse with a steel structure and a single-layer methacrylate cover located in Madrid, Spain. An analysis of variance of the climatic parameters was carried out to determine which combinations produced significant differences in inside temperature or relative humidity. Comparing the values for the inside to outside temperature difference, the combination of a shade screen and above-screen fogging achieved a difference in temperature almost the same as that for under-screen fogging, but the relative humidity was significantly lower. In the second part of the study a dynamic model was developed (2002) and validated (2003). The mean absolute error obtained for inside temperature was similar in the fit and the validation and it was less than 1.5 1C in both cases. The model was used to simulate the inside air temperature for a fog system working without shading, and above and under a shade screen. Control algorithms were developed for reducing system water consumption. In the three cases a simple on/off control with a fixed fogging cycle was compared with a pulse width modulation (PWM) strategy, in which the duration of the fogging pulse was increased as a function of inside temperature. The strategies with PWM applied to the fog system were able to reduce water consumption by 8–15% with respect to the strategies with a fixed fogging cycle

    An RNA Polymerase III General Transcription Factor Engages in Cell Type-Specific Chromatin Looping

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    Transcription factors (TFs) bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner and are generally cell type-specific factors and/or developmental master regulators. In contrast, general TFs (GTFs) are part of very large protein complexes and serve for RNA polymerases’ recruitment to promoter sequences, generally in a cell type-independent manner. Whereas, several TFs have been proven to serve as anchors for the 3D genome organization, the role of GTFs in genome architecture have not been carefully explored. Here, we used ChIP-seq and Hi-C data to depict the role of TFIIIC, one of the RNA polymerase III GTFs, in 3D genome organization. We find that TFIIIC genome occupancy mainly occurs at specific regions, which largely correspond to Alu elements; other characteristic classes of repetitive elements (REs) such as MIR, FLAM-C and ALR/alpha are also found depending on the cell’s developmental origin. The analysis also shows that TFIIIC-enriched regions are involved in cell type-specific DNA looping, which does not depend on colocalization with the master architectural protein CTCF. This work extends previous knowledge on the role of TFIIIC as a bona fide genome organizer whose action participates in cell type-dependent 3D genome looping via binding to REs
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