496 research outputs found

    Chinese international students in Australia: an insight into their help and information seeking manners

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    Understanding the waysthatinternational students seek information and help in the host country is essential forimprovingacademic, social, cultural,and welfare support for this student cohort. However,there is a dearth of literature that documentshowinternational studentsin the vocational education and training (VET) sector do so. This paper aims to fill thisgap. Based on in-depth interviews with 30 Chinese international students undertaking diploma and associate degree programsin Australia,this research shows thatthe ways in which Chinese international students seek help prior to their departure and after their arrival at the host country, largely dependson the nature of the issuesthey confront. The data also reveals that students’use of education agents is not limited to the pre-departure stage,asisindicated in theexisting literature, but throughout their journey in the host country. Notably,the role of agents has become increasingly important in Chinese international students’ decision-making processesduring their transition from diploma to associate degree and higher education programs

    Biodegradation of phenol by Pseudomonas pictorum on immobilized with chitin

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    Biodegradation of phenol using Pseudomonas pictorum (ATCC 23328) a potential biodegradant of phenol was investigated under different operating conditions. Chitin was chosen as a support material and then partially characterized physically and chemically. The pH of the solution was varied over a range of 7 – 9. The maximum adsorption and degradation capacity of bacteria immobilized with chitin at 30oC when the phenol concentration was 0.200 mg/L is at pH 7.0. The results showed that the equilibrium data for all phenol-degradation sorbent systems fitted the Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson model best. Kinetic modeling of phenol degradation was done using the pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order rate expression. The biodegradation data generally fit the intraparticle diffusion rate equation from which biodegradation rate constant, diffusion rate constant were determined

    Validation of handheld fundus camera with mydriasis for retinal imaging of diabetic retinopathy screening in China: a prospective comparison study.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the clinical validity of using a handheld fundus camera to detect diabetic retinopathy (DR) in China. DESIGN AND SETTINGS: Prospective comparison study of the handheld fundus camera with a standard validated instrument in detection of DR in hospital and a community screening clinic in Guangdong Province, China. PARTICIPANTS: Participants aged 18 years and over with diabetes who were able to provide informed consent and agreed to attend the dilated eye examination with handheld tests and a standard desktop camera. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcome was the proportion of those with referable DR (R2 and above) identified by the handheld fundus camera (the index test) compared with the standard camera. Secondary outcome was the comparison of proportion of gradable images obtained from each test. RESULTS: In this study, we examined 304 people (608 eyes) with each of the two cameras under mydriasis. The handheld camera detected 119 eyes (19.5%) with some level of DR, 81 (13.3%) of them were referable, while the standard camera detected 132 eyes (21.7%) with some level of DR and 83 (13.7%) were referable. It seems that the standard camera found more eyes with referable DR, although McNemar's test detected no significant difference between the two cameras.Of the 608 eyes with images obtained by desktop camera, 598 (98.4%) images were of sufficient quality for grading, 12 (1.9%) images were not gradable. By the handheld camera, 590 (97.0%) were gradable and 20 (3.2%) images were not gradable.The two cameras reached high agreement on diagnosis of retinopathy and maculopathy at all the levels of retinopathy. CONCLUSION: Although it could not take the place of standard desktop camera on clinic fundus examination, the handheld fundus camera showed promising role on preliminary DR screening at primary level in China. To ensure quality images, mydriasis is required

    Muscle Expression of Mutant Androgen Receptor Accounts for Systemic and Motor Neuron Disease Phenotypes in Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy

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    SummaryX-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is characterized by adult-onset muscle weakness and lower motor neuron degeneration. SBMA is caused by CAG-polyglutamine (polyQ) repeat expansions in the androgen receptor (AR) gene. Pathological findings include motor neuron loss, with polyQ-AR accumulation in intranuclear inclusions. SBMA patients exhibit myopathic features, suggesting a role for muscle in disease pathogenesis. To determine the contribution of muscle, we developed a BAC mouse model featuring a floxed first exon to permit cell-type-specific excision of human AR121Q. BAC fxAR121 mice develop systemic and neuromuscular phenotypes, including shortened survival. After validating termination of AR121 expression and full rescue with ubiquitous Cre, we crossed BAC fxAR121 mice with Human Skeletal Actin-Cre mice. Muscle-specific excision prevented weight loss, motor phenotypes, muscle pathology, and motor neuronopathy and dramatically extended survival. Our results reveal a crucial role for muscle expression of polyQ-AR in SBMA and suggest muscle-directed therapies as effective treatments

    Childhood Incident Asthma and Traffic-Related Air Pollution at Home and School

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    Background: Traffic-related air pollution has been associated with adverse cardiorespiratory effects, including increased asthma prevalence. However, there has been little study of effects of traffic exposure at school on new-onset asthma. Objectives: We evaluated the relationship of new-onset asthma with traffic-related pollution near homes and schools. Methods: Parent-reported physician diagnosis of new-onset asthma (n = 120) was identified during 3 years of follow-up of a cohort of 2,497 kindergarten and first-grade children who were asthma- and wheezing-free at study entry into the Southern California Children's Health Study. We assessed traffic-related pollution exposure based on a line source dispersion model of traffic volume, distance from home and school, and local meteorology. Regional ambient ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter were measured continuously at one central site monitor in each of 13 study communities. Hazard ratios (HRs) for new-onset asthma were scaled to the range of ambient central site pollutants and to the residential interquartile range for each traffic exposure metric. Results: Asthma risk increased with modeled traffic-related pollution exposure from roadways near homes [HR 1.51; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.25-1.82] and near schools (HR 1.45; 95% CI, 1.06-1.98). Ambient NO2 measured at a central site in each community was also associated with increased risk (HR 2.18; 95% CI, 1.18-4.01). In models with both NO2 and modeled traffic exposures, there were independent associations of asthma with traffic-related pollution at school and home, whereas the estimate for NO2 was attenuated (HR 1.37; 95% CI, 0.69-2.71). Conclusions: Traffic-related pollution exposure at school and homes may both contribute to the development of asthma. Editor's SummaryTraffic-related air pollution has been associated with adverse cardiorespiratory effects, including increased asthma prevalence. McConnell et al. (p. 1021) evaluated the relationship of new-onset asthma with traffic-related pollution near homes and schools. Parent-reported physician diagnosis of new-onset asthma was identified during 3 years of follow-up of a cohort of kindergarten and first-grade children who were asthma- and wheezing-free at study entry into the Southern California Children's Health Study. Traffic-related pollution exposure was assessed based on a line source dispersion model of traffic volume, distance from home and school, and local meteorology. Regional ambient ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter were measured continuously at one central site monitor in each of 13 study communities. The authors report an increase in asthma risk with modeled traffic-related pollution exposure from roadways near homes and schools. Ambient NO2 was also associated with increased risk. Models that included both NO2 and modeled traffic exposures suggested independent associations of asthma with traffic-related pollution at school and at home, whereas the estimate for NO2 was attenuated. The authors conclude that traffic-related pollution exposure at school and home may both contribute to the development of asthma

    miR-198 Inhibits HIV-1 Gene Expression and Replication in Monocytes and Its Mechanism of Action Appears To Involve Repression of Cyclin T1

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    Cyclin T1 is a regulatory subunit of a general RNA polymerase II elongation factor known as P-TEFb. Cyclin T1 is also required for Tat transactivation of HIV-1 LTR-directed gene expression. Translation of Cyclin T1 mRNA has been shown to be repressed in human monocytes, and this repression is relieved when cells differentiate to macrophages. We identified miR-198 as a microRNA (miRNA) that is strongly down-regulated when monocytes are induced to differentiate. Ectopic expression of miR-198 in tissue culture cells reduced Cyclin T1 protein expression, and plasmid reporter assays verified miR-198 target sequences in the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of Cyclin T1 mRNA. Cyclin T1 protein levels increased when an inhibitor of miR-198 was transfected into primary monocytes, and overexpression of miR-198 in primary monocytes repressed the normal up-regulation of Cyclin T1 during differentiation. Expression of an HIV-1 proviral plasmid and HIV-1 replication were repressed in a monocytic cell line upon overexpression of miR-198. Our data indicate that miR-198 functions to restrict HIV-1 replication in monocytes, and its mechanism of action appears to involve repression of Cyclin T1 expression

    Risk factors for severe hand foot mouth disease in Singapore: a case control study

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    BACKGROUND: Hand foot mouth disease (HFMD) is a common childhood infection that can potentially lead to serious complications. The aim of this study is to identify risk factors of acquiring severe HFMD in our population. METHODS: We performed a case control study using patients admitted to our hospital from August 2004 to July 2014. Cases were patients with severe HFMD disease while controls were age-matched patients obtained from the same year, in a 2:1 ratio. Data comprising demographic characteristics, clinical symptoms and signs, and lab findings were collected. Conditional univariable logistic regression was performed to determine risk factors for severe disease. RESULTS: A total of 24 cases of severe HFMD were identified and matched with 48 controls. Seventeen (70.8 %) cases had central nervous system complications. Seven (29.2 %) had cardiovascular complications without evidence of myocarditis. One patient died of encephalitis. The overall mortality of severe disease is 4 %. Evidence of hypoperfusion, seizure, altered mentation, meningeal irritation, tachycardia, tachypnea, raised absolute neutrophil count and EV-A71 (Enterovirus A71) positivity were significantly associated with a severe course of HFMD. CONCLUSION: In managing children with HFMD, physicians should consider these factors to help identify patients at risk for severe disease

    Prevalence and service assessment of cataract in Tibetan areas of Sichuan Province, China: population-based study.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence of visual impairment (VI) and blindness (BL) due to cataract and cataract surgical outcomes in remote dispersed and high-altitude Tibetan areas of China. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional study was conducted among people aged 50 and above in Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Kandze (TAPK), China, in 2017. The Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness protocol was followed. PARTICIPANTS: Of 5000 eligible participants, 4764 were examined (response rate 95.3%). PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Cataract VI was defined as lens opacity at visual acuity (VA) levels of <3/60 (Blindness (BL)), ≥3/60 and <6/60 (severe visual impairment (SVI)), ≥6/60 and <6/18 (moderate visual impairment (MVI)), ≥6/18 and <6/12 (early visual impairment (EVI)). RESULTS: The estimated prevalence of cataract BL was 0.61% (95% CI 0.42 to 0.87). With best corrected VA, the estimated prevalence of SVI from cataract was 0.86% (95% CI 0.63 to 1.17); MVI was 2.39% (95% CI 2.00 to 2.87) and EVI was 5.21% (95% CI 4.61 to 5.87). Women in TAPK had a significantly higher prevalence of cataract BL (0.82%, 95% CI 0.54 to 2.15) than men (0.34%, 95% CI 0.16 to 0.70). Women had lower cataract surgical coverage (CSC) by eyes (60.8%, 95% CI 55.5 to 65.8) compared with men (70.1%; 95% CI 63.7 to 75.7). The prevalence of cataract BL was higher among Tibetan (2.28%; 95% CI 1.98 to 2.62) than Han Chinese (1.01%%; 95% CI 0.54% to 1.87%). Overall CSC by person with BL (by better eye) was 82.0% (95% CI 75.2 to 87.6). Among cataract-operated participants, 71.2% had VA equal to or better than 6/18. CONCLUSIONS: The study detected a low prevalence of VI and BL due to cataract with high CSC in the study area compared with many other places in China. Further actions should be taken to improve cataract surgical outcome

    In-training assessment using direct observation of single-patient encounters: a literature review

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    We reviewed the literature on instruments for work-based assessment in single clinical encounters, such as the mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX), and examined differences between these instruments in characteristics and feasibility, reliability, validity and educational effect. A PubMed search of the literature published before 8 January 2009 yielded 39 articles dealing with 18 different assessment instruments. One researcher extracted data on the characteristics of the instruments and two researchers extracted data on feasibility, reliability, validity and educational effect. Instruments are predominantly formative. Feasibility is generally deemed good and assessor training occurs sparsely but is considered crucial for successful implementation. Acceptable reliability can be achieved with 10 encounters. The validity of many instruments is not investigated, but the validity of the mini-CEX and the ‘clinical evaluation exercise’ is supported by strong and significant correlations with other valid assessment instruments. The evidence from the few studies on educational effects is not very convincing. The reports on clinical assessment instruments for single work-based encounters are generally positive, but supporting evidence is sparse. Feasibility of instruments seems to be good and reliability requires a minimum of 10 encounters, but no clear conclusions emerge on other aspects. Studies on assessor and learner training and studies examining effects beyond ‘happiness data’ are badly needed