207 research outputs found

    Rethinking the Lives, Experiences and Behaviors of Hmong Women in Regard to their Ability to Achieve Empowerment and Agency and Finding Happiness.

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    This article consists of a book review of Claiming Place: On the Agency of Hmong Women, a scholarly work focused on both the historical and contemporary experiences of Hmong women as well as Hmong LGBTQ

    Langue et scolarisation dans une communauté asiatique en France : les Hmong

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    Une communauté Hmong, originaire du Laos, est installée en France depuis une quinzaine d’années. L’enquête porte sur un échantillon de cette communauté habitant dans la ZUP de Nîmes. Elle étudie les particularités de la scolarisation des enfants Hmong, notamment le modèle éducatif, les modalités de l’accès à l’écrit et les représentations du savoir.A Hmong ethnic group originating from Laos, is established in France for some fifteen years now. This investigation bears upon a population sampling of members of that group living in the community social housing project (ZUP) of Mmes. This investigation bears upon what is spec ally different in the instructing of Hmong children, notably their society’s educational model, its ways and means of acceding to the written word and its representation of knowledge

    Multiple ITS Copies Reveal Extensive Hybridization within Rheum (Polygonaceae), a Genus That Has Undergone Rapid Radiation

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    During adaptive radiation events, characters can arise multiple times due to parallel evolution, but transfer of traits through hybridization provides an alternative explanation for the same character appearing in apparently non-sister lineages. The signature of hybridization can be detected in incongruence between phylogenies derived from different markers, or from the presence of two divergent versions of a nuclear marker such as ITS within one individual.In this study, we cloned and sequenced ITS regions for 30 species of the genus Rheum, and compared them with a cpDNA phylogeny. Seven species contained two divergent copies of ITS that resolved in different clades from one another in each case, indicating hybridization events too recent for concerted evolution to have homogenised the ITS sequences. Hybridization was also indicated in at least two further species via incongruence in their position between ITS and cpDNA phylogenies. None of the ITS sequences present in these nine species matched those detected in any other species, which provides tentative evidence against recent introgression as an explanation. Rheum globulosum, previously indicated by cpDNA to represent an independent origin of decumbent habit, is indicated by ITS to be part of clade of decumbent species, which acquired cpDNA of another clade via hybridization. However decumbent and glasshouse morphology are confirmed to have arisen three and two times, respectively.These findings suggested that hybridization among QTP species of Rheum has been extensive, and that a role of hybridization in diversification of Rheum requires investigation

    Label-free chemically specific imaging in planta with stimulated Raman scattering microscopy.

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    The growing world population puts ever-increasing demands on the agricultural and agrochemical industries to increase agricultural yields. This can only be achieved by investing in fundamental plant and agrochemical research and in the development of improved analytical tools to support research in these areas. There is currently a lack of analytical tools that provide noninvasive structural and chemical analysis of plant tissues at the cellular scale. Imaging techniques such as coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy provide label-free chemically specific image contrast based on vibrational spectroscopy. Over the past decade, these techniques have been shown to offer clear advantages for a vast range of biomedical research applications. The intrinsic vibrational contrast provides label-free quantitative functional analysis, it does not suffer from photobleaching, and it allows near real-time imaging in 3D with submicrometer spatial resolution. However, due to the susceptibility of current detection schemes to optical absorption and fluorescence from pigments (such as chlorophyll), the plant science and agrochemical research communities have not been able to benefit from these techniques and their application in plant research has remained virtually unexplored. In this paper, we explore the effect of chlorophyll fluorescence and absorption in CARS and SRS microscopy. We show that with the latter it is possible to use phase-sensitive detection to separate the vibrational signal from the (electronic) absorption processes. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of SRS for a range of in planta applications by presenting in situ chemical analysis of plant cell wall components, epicuticular waxes, and the deposition of agrochemical formulations onto the leaf surface

    Clinical and Virological Factors Influencing the Performance of a NS1 Antigen-Capture Assay and Potential Use as a Marker of Dengue Disease Severity

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    Dengue is the most prevalent arthropod-borne disease in tropical regions. The clinical manifestation may vary from asymptomatic to potentially fatal dengue shock syndrome. Early laboratory confirmation of dengue diagnosis is essential since many symptoms are not specific. Dengue non-structural protein 1 (NS1) may be used in simple antigen-capture ELISA for early detection of dengue virus infection. Our result demonstrated that the Platelia NS1 antigen detection kit had a quite low overall sensitivity. However, sensitivity rises significantly when used in combination with MAC-ELISA. When taking into account the various forms of dengue infection, the NS1 antigen detection was found relatively high in patients sampled during the first 3 days of fever onset, in patients with primary infection, DENV-1 infection, with high level of viremia and in mild form of dengue fever. In asymptomatically infected individuals, RT-PCR assay has proved to be more sensitive than NS1 antigen detection. Moreover, the NS1 antigen level correlated significantly with high viremia and low level of NS1 antigen was associated with more severe disease

    Regulation of Progranulin Expression in Human Microglia and Proteolysis of Progranulin by Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 (MMP-12)

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    Background: The essential role of progranulin (PGRN) as a neurotrophic factor has been demonstrated by the discovery that haploinsufficiency due to GRN gene mutations causes frontotemporal lobar dementia. In addition to neurons, microglia in vivo express PGRN, but little is known about the regulation of PGRN expression by microglia. Goal: In the current study, we examined the regulation of expression and function of PGRN, its proteolytic enzyme macrophage elastase (MMP-12), as well as the inhibitor of PGRN proteolysis, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), in human CNS cells. Methods: Cultures of primary human microglia and astrocytes were stimulated with the TLR ligands (LPS or poly IC), Th1 cytokines (IL-1/IFNc), or Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-13). Results were analyzed by Q-PCR, immunoblotting or ELISA. The roles of MMP-12 and SLPI in PGRN cleavage were also examined. Results: Unstimulated microglia produced nanogram levels of PGRN, and PGRN release from microglia was suppressed by the TLR ligands or IL-1/IFNc, but increased by IL-4 or IL-13. Unexpectedly, while astrocytes stimulated with proinflammatory factors released large amounts of SLPI, none were detected in microglial cultures. We also identified MMP-12 as a PGRN proteolytic enzyme, and SLPI as an inhibitor of MMP-12-induced PGRN proteolysis. Experiments employing PGRN siRNA demonstrated that microglial PGRN was involved in the cytokine and chemokine production following TLR3/4 activation

    Induction of Bcl-2 Expression by Hepatitis B Virus Pre-S2 Mutant Large Surface Protein Resistance to 5-Fluorouracil Treatment in Huh-7 Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies worldwide with poor prognosis due to resistance to conventional chemotherapy and limited efficacy of radiotherapy. Our previous studies have indicated that expression of Hepatitis B virus pre-S2 large mutant surface antigen (HBV pre-S2Δ) is associated with a significant risk of developing HCC. However, the relationship between HBV pre-S2Δ protein and the resistance of chemotherapeutic drug treatment is still unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we show that the expression of HBV pre-S2Δ mutant surface protein in Huh-7 cell significantly promoted cell growth and colony formation. Furthermore, HBV pre-S2Δ protein increased both mRNA (2.7±0.5-fold vs. vehicle, p=0.05) and protein (3.2±0.3-fold vs. vehicle, p=0.01) levels of Bcl-2 in Huh-7 cells. HBV pre-S2Δ protein also enhances Bcl-2 family, Bcl-xL and Mcl-1, expression in Huh-7 cells. Meanwhile, induction of NF-κB p65, ERK, and Akt phosphorylation, and GRP78 expression, an unfolded protein response chaperone, were observed in HBV pre-S2Δ and HBV pre-S-expressing cells. Induction of Bcl-2 expression by HBV pre-S2Δ protein resulted in resistance to 5-fluorouracil treatment in colony formation, caspase-3 assay, and cell apoptosis, and can enhance cell death by co-incubation with Bcl-2 inhibitor. Similarly, transgenic mice showed higher expression of Bcl-2 in liver tissue expressing HBV pre-S2Δ large surface protein in vivo. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our result demonstrates that HBV pre-S2Δ increased Bcl-2 expression which plays an important role in resistance to 5-fluorouracil-caused cell death. Therefore, these data provide an important chemotherapeutic strategy in HBV pre-S2Δ-associated tumor

    The G1613A Mutation in the HBV Genome Affects HBeAg Expression and Viral Replication through Altered Core Promoter Activity

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    Infection of hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes acute and chronic hepatitis and is closely associated with the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Previously, we demonstrated that the G1613A mutation in the HBV negative regulatory element (NRE) is a hotspot mutation in HCC patients. In this study, we further investigated the functional consequences of this mutation in the context of the full length HBV genome and its replication. We showed that the G1613A mutation significantly suppresses the secretion of e antigen (HBeAg) and enhances the synthesis of viral DNA, which is in consistence to our clinical result that the G1613A mutation associates with high viral load in chronic HBV carriers. To further investigate the molecular mechanism of the mutation, we performed the electrophoretic mobility shift assay with the recombinant RFX1 protein, a trans-activator that was shown to interact with the NRE of HBV. Intriguingly, RFX1 binds to the G1613A mutant with higher affinity than the wild-type sequence, indicating that the mutation possesses the trans-activating effect to the core promoter via NRE. The trans-activating effect was further validated by the enhancement of the core promoter activity after overexpression of RFX1 in liver cell line. In summary, our results suggest the functional consequences of the hotspot G1613A mutation found in HBV. We also provide a possible molecular mechanism of this hotspot mutation to the increased viral load of HBV carriers, which increases the risk to HCC

    Pseudoneoplastic lesions of the testis and paratesticular structures

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    Pseudotumors or tumor-like proliferations (non-neoplastic masses) and benign mimickers (non-neoplastic cellular proliferations) are rare in the testis and paratesticular structures. Clinically, these lesions (cysts, ectopic tissues, and vascular, inflammatory, or hyperplastic lesions) are of great interest for the reason that, because of the topography, they may be relevant as differential diagnoses. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the pseudoneoplasic entities arising in the testis and paratesticular structures; emphasis is placed on how the practicing pathologist may distinguish benign mimickers and pseudotumors from true neoplasia. These lesions can be classified as macroscopic or microscopic mimickers of neoplasia