2,364 research outputs found

    Predictor-corrector procedures for analysis of laminated plates using standard Mindlin finite element models

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    This paper introduces predictor-corrector methods for finite element analysis of laminated composite plates. The predictor stress, strain and deflection are directly computed from Mindlin finite element models without using shear correction factors. The corrector transverse shear stress is determined from the homogeneous stress equilibrium condition and the predictor in-plane stress by least-square fit. Shear correction factor for each element is estimated as the ratio of the transverse shear energies computed by the predictor transverse shear strain and the corrector transverse shear stress. The corrector deflection is calculated by incorporating the shear correction factor. First-, second- and third-order Mindlin nine-node plate elements are employed for testing the proposed procedure. Its accuracy is demonstrated by a large number of examples. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.postprin

    Halving warming with idealized solar geoengineering moderates key climate hazards

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    Solar geoengineering (SG) has the potential to restore average surface temperatures by increasing planetary albedo1,2,3,4, but this could reduce precipitation5,6,7. Thus, although SG might reduce globally aggregated risks, it may increase climate risks for some regions8,9,10. Here, using the high-resolution forecast-oriented low ocean resolution (HiFLOR) model—which resolves tropical cyclones and has an improved representation of present-day precipitation extremes11,12—alongside 12 models from the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP), we analyse the fraction of locations that see their local climate change exacerbated or moderated by SG. Rather than restoring temperatures, we assume that SG is applied to halve the warming produced by doubling CO_{2} (half-SG). In HiFLOR, half-SG offsets most of the CO_{2}-induced increase of simulated tropical cyclone intensity. Moreover, neither temperature, water availability, extreme temperature nor extreme precipitation are exacerbated under half-SG when averaged over any Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Extremes (SREX) region. Indeed, for both extreme precipitation and water availability, less than 0.4% of the ice-free land surface sees exacerbation. Thus, while concerns about the inequality of solar geoengineering impacts are appropriate, the quantitative extent of inequality may be overstated13

    Statistical study of conductance properties in one-dimensional quantum wires focusing on the 0.7 anomaly

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    The properties of conductance in one-dimensional (1D) quantum wires are statistically investigated using an array of 256 lithographically-identical split gates, fabricated on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. All the split gates are measured during a single cooldown under the same conditions. Electron many-body effects give rise to an anomalous feature in the conductance of a one-dimensional quantum wire, known as the `0.7 structure' (or `0.7 anomaly'). To handle the large data set, a method of automatically estimating the conductance value of the 0.7 structure is developed. Large differences are observed in the strength and value of the 0.7 structure [from 0.630.63 to 0.84×(2e2/h)0.84\times (2e^2/h)], despite the constant temperature and identical device design. Variations in the 1D potential profile are quantified by estimating the curvature of the barrier in the direction of electron transport, following a saddle-point model. The 0.7 structure appears to be highly sensitive to the specific confining potential within individual devices.This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final version is published by ACS in Physical Review B and can be found here: http://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.045426

    Dependence of the 0.7 anomaly on the curvature of the potential barrier in quantum wires

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    . Ninety-eight one-dimensional channels defined using split gates fabricated on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure are measured during one cooldown at 1.4 K. The devices are arranged in an array on a single chip and are individually addressed using a multiplexing technique. The anomalous conductance feature known as the "0.7 structure" is studied using statistical techniques. The ensemble of data shows that the 0.7 anomaly becomes more pronounced and occurs at lower values as the curvature of the potential barrier in the transport direction decreases. This corresponds to an increase in the effective length of the device. The 0.7 anomaly is not strongly influenced by other properties of the conductance related to density. The curvature of the potential barrier appears to be the primary factor governing the shape of the 0.7 structure at a given T and B.his work was supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Grant No. EP/I014268/1

    All-electric all-semiconductor spin field-effect transistors.

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    The spin field-effect transistor envisioned by Datta and Das opens a gateway to spin information processing. Although the coherent manipulation of electron spins in semiconductors is now possible, the realization of a functional spin field-effect transistor for information processing has yet to be achieved, owing to several fundamental challenges such as the low spin-injection efficiency due to resistance mismatch, spin relaxation and the spread of spin precession angles. Alternative spin transistor designs have therefore been proposed, but these differ from the field-effect transistor concept and require the use of optical or magnetic elements, which pose difficulties for incorporation into integrated circuits. Here, we present an all-electric and all-semiconductor spin field-effect transistor in which these obstacles are overcome by using two quantum point contacts as spin injectors and detectors. Distinct engineering architectures of spin-orbit coupling are exploited for the quantum point contacts and the central semiconductor channel to achieve complete control of the electron spins (spin injection, manipulation and detection) in a purely electrical manner. Such a device is compatible with large-scale integration and holds promise for future spintronic devices for information processing.We thank C.-W. Chang, C.-C. Cheng, M. Fletcher, S. N. Holmes, C.-T. Liang, S.-T. Lo and J. R. Petta for discussion and/or technical assistance on device fabrication and measurements. This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), the Headquarters of University Advancement at the National Cheng Kung University, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK).This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v10/n1/full/nnano.2014.296.htm

    Similarity solutions for unsteady shear-stress-driven flow of Newtonian and power-law fluids : slender rivulets and dry patches

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    Unsteady flow of a thin film of a Newtonian fluid or a non-Newtonian power-law fluid with power-law index N driven by a constant shear stress applied at the free surface, on a plane inclined at an angle α to the horizontal, is considered. Unsteady similarity solutions representing flow of slender rivulets and flow around slender dry patches are obtained. Specifically, solutions are obtained for converging sessile rivulets (0 < α < π/2) and converging dry patches in a pendent film (π/2 < α < π), as well as for diverging pendent rivulets and diverging dry patches in a sessile film. These solutions predict that at any time t, the rivulet and dry patch widen or narrow according to |x|3/2, and the film thickens or thins according to |x|, where x denotes distance down the plane, and that at any station x, the rivulet and dry patch widen or narrow like |t|−1, and the film thickens or thins like |t|−1, independent of N

    Nanoquartz in Late Permian C1 coal and the high incidence of female lung cancer in the Pearl River Origin area: a retrospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Pearl River Origin area, Qujing District of Yunnan Province, has one of the highest female lung cancer mortality rates in China. Smoking was excluded as a cause of the lung cancer excess because almost all women were non-smokers. Crystalline silica embedded in the soot emissions from coal combustion was found to be associated with the lung cancer risk in a geographical correlation study. Lung cancer rates tend to be higher in places where the Late Permian C1 coal is produced. Therefore, we have hypothesized the two processes: C1 coal combustion --> nanoquartz in ambient air --> lung cancer excess in non-smoking women.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We propose to conduct a retrospective cohort study to test the hypothesis above. We will search historical records and compile an inventory of the coal mines in operation during 1930–2009. To estimate the study subjects' retrospective exposure, we will reconstruct the historical exposure scenario by burning the coal samples, collected from operating or deserted coal mines by coal geologists, in a traditional firepit of an old house. Indoor air particulate samples will be collected for nanoquartz and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) analyses. Bulk quartz content will be quantified by X-ray diffraction analysis. Size distribution of quartz will be examined by electron microscopes and by centrifugation techniques. Lifetime cumulative exposure to nanoquartz will be estimated for each subject. Using the epidemiology data, we will examine whether the use of C1 coal and the cumulative exposure to nanoquartz are associated with an elevated risk of lung cancer.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The high incidence rate of lung cancer in Xuan Wei, one of the counties in the current study area, was once attributed to high indoor air concentrations of PAHs. The research results have been cited for qualitative and quantitative cancer risk assessment of PAHs by the World Health Organization and other agencies. If nanoquartz is found to be the main underlying cause of the lung cancer epidemic in the study area, cancer potency estimates for PAHs by the international agencies based on the lung cancer data in this study setting should then be updated.</p

    Menthol cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence

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    Since tobacco use is driven by dependence on nicotine, the primary addictive substance in tobacco, much research has focused on nicotine dependence. Less well understood, however, is the role that menthol plays in nicotine dependence. This review seeks to examine what role, if any, menthol plays in nicotine addiction in adults and youth. Based on research examining several indicators of heaviness of nicotine addiction, including time to first cigarette upon waking, night waking to smoke, as well as some other indications of dependence, it is suggested that menthol cigarette smokers are more heavily dependent on nicotine. Although other indicators of nicotine dependence, including number of cigarettes per day and the Fagerstrom Test of Nicotine Dependence, failed to consistently differentiate menthol and non-menthol smokers, these indicators are thought to be less robust than time to first cigarette. Therefore, though limited, the existing literature suggests that menthol smokers may be more dependence on nicotine

    Female Resistance to Invading Males Increases Infanticide in Langurs

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    BACKGROUND: Infanticide by adult male occurs in many mammalian species under natural conditions, and it is often assumed to be a goal-directed action and explained predominately by sexual selection. Motivation of this behavior in mammals is limitedly involved. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used long-term reproductive records and direct observation in captivity and in the field of two snub-nosed langur species on the basis of individual identification to investigate how infanticide happened and to be avoided in nonhuman primates. Our observations suggested that infanticide by invading males might be more accidental than goal-directed. The invading male seemed to monopolize all the females including lactating mothers during takeovers. Multiparous mothers who accepted the invading male shortly after takeovers avoided infanticide in most cases. Our results conjectured primiparous mothers would decrease infanticidal possibility if they sexually accepted the invading male during or immediately after takeovers. In the studied langur species, voluntary abortion or mating with the invading male was evidently adopted by females to limit or avoid infanticide by takeover males. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: The objective of the invading male was to monopolize all adult females after his takeover. It appeared that the mother's resistance to accepting the new male as a mating partner was the primary incentive for infanticide. Motivation analysis might be helpful to further understand why infanticide occurs in primate species