71 research outputs found

    Causes of morphological discontinuities in soils of Depressão Central, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

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    Morphological, particularly textural, discontinuities between horizons increase soil erodibility in Depressão Central, Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil). Characterization of such discontinuities would help to understand landscape evolution and to model near-surface hydrology. The objective of this research was to explore the relationship between morphological discontinuity and deposition of transported materials during pedogenesis. Transported material was meant to be mineral particles found in the soil profile, transported probably by water or gravity, that were not present neither in the parent material nor derived from it. Five soils of this region (two Alfisols, two Ultisols and one Mollisol) were sampled and morphological, sand grain size statistics, chemical and mineralogical analyses were used to search for evidences of deposition of transported materials. Two soils had abrupt textural change but no evidence of deposition of transported materials, two soils had less contrasting morphology and some characteristics that are possibly related to deposition, and one soil had no morphological discontinuity, but had deposition of material enriched in magnetite-maghemite in the sand fraction of the A horizon. Therefore, there were no relationship between morphological discontinuity and deposition of transported materials for these profiles in the Depressão Central.Contrastes morfológicos entre horizontes, e particularmente os contrastes texturais, aumentam a erodibilidade do solo na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil). A caracterização destes contrastes contribui para a compreensão da evolução da paisagem e para a modelagem da hidrologia de superfície. Cinco solos desta região foram amostrados e a morfologia, distribuição do tamanho de grãos da fração areia, análises químicas e mineralógicas foram usadas para tentativamente relacionar o contraste textural e morfológico com materiais transportados durante a pedogênese. Por materiais transportados entendem-se as partículas minerais presentes no perfil do solo, transportadas provavelmente por água ou gravidade, e que não estavam presentes nem no material de origem e nem foram derivadas deste. Dois solos apresentaram mudança textural abrupta sem evidências de deposição, dois solos apresentaram menor contraste morfológico e evidências que sustentam a possibilidade de deposição e um solo não apresentou contraste morfológico, porém as características indicam deposição de material rico em magnetita-maghemita na fração areia do horizonte A. Portanto, não foi encontrada relação entre descontinuidades morfológicas e deposição de materiais transportados, na Depressão Central

    A 3‐Year Sample of Almost 1,600 Elves Recorded Above South - America by the Pierre Auger Cosmic‐Ray Observatory

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    A Targeted Search for Point Sources of EeV Photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Simultaneous measurements of air showers with the fluorescence and surface detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory allow a sensitive search for EeV photon point sources. Several Galactic and extragalactic candidate objects are grouped in classes to reduce the statistical penalty of many trials from that of a blind search and are analyzed for a significant excess above the background expectation. The presented search does not find any evidence for photon emission at candidate sources, and combined p-values for every class are reported. Particle and energy flux upper limits are given for selected candidate sources. These limits significantly constrain predictions of EeV proton emission models from non-transient Galactic and nearby extragalactic sources, as illustrated for the particular case of the Galactic center region