6 research outputs found

    Control of feed intake in ruminants continuous rumen infusion studies (Project 802)

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    Since the requirement of animals for net energy for maintenance (NEm) is influenced largely by weight of the animal, feed efficiency and animal performance improve rapidly as feed intake surpasses maintenance requirements. Once that constant “overhead” is satisfied, remaining nutrients are available for growth and production. The object of the study reported here was to see if ruminants are capable of digesting and metabolizing nutrient intakes in excess of what they normally consume. Fistulated sheet were the experimental animals. The basal diet is shown in Table 3. The ingredients were suspended in water, filtered through cheesecloth, held in suspension by continuous agitation, and continuously metered with a peristaltic infusion pump into the rumen, (through the rumen fistula). Continuous infusion was to remove the effect of “meal” eating and to establish constant conditions in the rumen. Animals were adapted to an all-concentrate ration before being switched to the liquid diet

    A new approach to Polioencephalomalacia (PEM)

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    Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) is a disorder of the ruminant central nervous system characterized by sudden onset and rapid death. At autopsy, the brain may be swollen and cerebral cortex degenerated. Early symptoms may include disorientation and muscular in coordination. Affected animals may push against fences or other objects with their heads. More commonly, they are found dead or in a coma. If central nervous system damage is not excessive, animals with early symptoms respond to massive injections of thiamine, but may not recover coordination

    Suplementação da Silagem de Sorgo com Diferentes Fontes de Proteína para Bovinos de Corte Supplementation of Sorghum Silage with Different Sources of Protein for Beef Cattle

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    Farelo de soja (FS), farinha de penas (FPH) e farelo de soja tratado (FST) com 0,17% de formaldeído foram utilizados como suplementos à silagem de sorgo para avaliar os seus efeitos sobre o consumo, o desempenho e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes em bovinos machos. O tratamento do farelo de soja com formaldeído não diferiu do farelo de soja não tratado para todos os ítens estudados. Por outro lado, a farinha de penas apresentou menores coeficientes de digestibilidade para a MS, MO, PB, FDN e FDA (63,0; 64,9; 61,80; 56,4; e 50,9% versus 65,1; 67,0; 66,8; 58,5; e 53,6% do FS e 66,7; 68,7; 67,2; 61,9; e 57,5% do FST, respectivamente), além de propiciar menor consumo de energia metabolizável por unidade de tamanho metabólico (214 kcal/UTM para a FPH, 234 kcal/UTM para o FS e de 240 kcal/UTM para o FST). Mesmo com estas diferenças nos parâmetros acima mencionados, não foi possível detectar diferenças para o ganho de peso dos animais, de 1,5; 1,6 e 1,7 kg/dia para FPH, FS e FST, respectivamente.<br>Soybean meal (SBM), feather meal (FTM) and treated soybean meal (TSBM) with 0.17% of formaldehyde were used as supplement of sorghum silage to evaluate the effect on intake, performance and nutrient digestibilities with young bulls. Treatment of soybean meal with formaldehyde did not differ from soybean not treated, for all studied parameters. Feather meal supplement presented lower digestibility coefficients for DM, OM, CP, NDF and ADF (63.0, 65.5, 61.8, 56.4, and 50.9%, versus 65.1, 67.0, 66.8, 58.5, and 53.6% for soybean meal and 66.7, 68.7, 67.2, 61.9 and 57.5% for treated soybean meal, respectively). It also showed lower metabolizable energy intake by unit of metabolic weight (214 kcal/MW for FTM, 234 kcal/MW for SBM and 240 kcal/MW for TSBM). Even if differences were observed for all parameters, it was not possible to detect differences in live weight gain (1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 kg/d for FTM, SBM and TSBM)

    Desenvolvimento pós-desmame, escores visuais ao sobreano e características de carcaça de novilhas desmamadas aos 100 ou 180 dias de idade Post-weaning growth, visual scores at yearling age and carcass traits of heifers weaned at 100 or 180 days of age

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    O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do desmame aos 100 (DP) ou 180 (DC) dias de idade no desenvolvimento de fêmeas Braford até os 18 meses. As bezerras do DP foram suplementadas diariamente por 63 dias a 1% do peso vivo com ração comercial contendo 18% de proteína bruta e 74% de nutrientes digestíveis totais. Avaliou-se o ganho médio diário do nascimento aos 205 dias (G205), deste aos 365 dias (G365) e do último aos 550 dias (G550). Tomou-se o peso vivo ajustado aos 205 (P205), 365 (P365) e 550 dias de idade (P550). Ao sobreano, os escores visuais de conformação (C), precocidade (P) e musculatura (M) foram avaliados e a área de olho de lombo (AOL) e a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS), medidas pela técnica de ultra-som. O G205 e o P205 foram significativamente inferiores para as novilhas do DP (0,752 kg/dia; 187,0 kg) em relação às novilhas do DC (0,885 kg/dia; 214,1 kg). Entretanto, as novilhas do DP tiveram G365 significativamente superiores (0,231 kg/dia) às novilhas do DC (0,112 kg/dia), ocasionando P365 semelhantes entre tratamentos (DP = 223,9 kg; DC = 231,9 kg). O G550 não diferiu entre tratamentos, sendo 0,525 kg/dia para as novilhas do DP e 0,513 kg/dia para as novilhas do DC. Conseqüentemente, o P550 também não sofreu influência da idade de desmame (DP = 320,6 kg; DC = 326,3 kg). Os escores visuais de C, P e M não foram influenciados pela idade de desmame, sendo as médias para as novilhas do DP de 4,0; 4,1 e 3,6 para C, P e M e para as do DC de 4,2; 4,1 e 3,9, respectivamente. A idade de desmame também não influenciou a AOL (DP = 41,4 cm²; DC = 43,3 cm²) e a EGS (DP = 2,5 mm; DC = 2,7 mm). Os resultados indicam que novilhas desmamadas aos 100 dias de idade são mais leves ao desmame, porém, com nível nutricional adequado, alcançam aos 12 e 18 meses pesos vivos semelhantes às desmamadas aos seis meses de idade.<br>This work was conducted with the aim to evaluate the influence of weaning age at 100 (EW) or 180 (CW) days old on the growth of Braford heifers until approximately 18 months old. The calves of EW were daily supplemented during 63 days, at quantity of 1% of their live weight, with a comercial ration with 18% of crude protein and 74% of total digestible nutrients. Average daily gain from birth to 205 days (G205), from this one until 365 days (G365) and from the last one until 550 days (G550) were evaluated. Live weight adjusted at 205 days (W205), at 365 days (W365) and at 550 days old (W550) were recorded. At yearling age, the visual scores of conformation (C), precocity (P) and musculature (M) were evaluated and the rib eye area (REA) and the subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) were measured by ultrasound technique. G205 and the W205 were significantly lower for EW heifers (0.752 kg/day; 187.0 kg) than CW heifers (0.885 kg/day; 214.1 kg). However, EW heifers had G365 significantly higher (0.231 kg/day) than the CW heifers (0.112 kg/day) and, consequently, both were similar at W365 (EW= 223.9 kg; CW= 231.9 kg). The G550 did not differ among treatments, being 0.525 kg/day for the EW heifers and 0.513 kg/day for the CW heifers. Consequently, W550 was not affected by weaning age (EW= 320.6 kg; CW= 326.3 kg). The visual scores of C, P and M were not affected by the weaning age, and the means for the EW heifers were of 4.0; 4.1 and 3.6 and for the CW heifers of 4.2; 4.1 and 3.9, respectively. Weaning age also did not affect REA (EW= 41.4 cm²; CW= 43.3 cm²) and the SFT (EW= 2.5 mm; CW= 2.7 mm). The results showed that heifers weaned at 100 days of age are lighter at weaning however, with an adequate post weaning nutritional level, they get at 18 months similar live weights to that ones weaned at six months of age